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- # Define: nodejs::npm
- #
- # Parameters:
- #
- # Actions:
- #
- # Requires:
- #
- # Usage:
- #
- define nodejs::npm (
- $ensure = present,
- $version = undef,
- $source = undef,
- $install_opt = undef,
- $remove_opt = undef
- ) {
- include nodejs
- $npm = split($name, ':')
- $npm_dir = $npm[0]
- $npm_pkg = $npm[1]
- if $source {
- $install_pkg = $source
- } elsif $version {
- $install_pkg = "${npm_pkg}@${version}"
- } else {
- $install_pkg = $npm_pkg
- }
- if $version {
- $validate = "${npm_dir}/node_modules/${npm_pkg}:${npm_pkg}@${version}"
- } else {
- $validate = "${npm_dir}/node_modules/${npm_pkg}"
- }
- if $ensure == present {
- exec { "npm_install_${name}":
- command => "npm install ${install_opt} ${install_pkg}",
- unless => "npm list -p -l | grep '${validate}'",
- cwd => $npm_dir,
- path => $::path,
- require => Class['nodejs'],
- }
- # Conditionally require npm_proxy only if resource exists.
- Exec<| title=='npm_proxy' |> -> Exec["npm_install_${name}"]
- } else {
- exec { "npm_remove_${name}":
- command => "npm remove ${npm_pkg}",
- onlyif => "npm list -p -l | grep '${validate}'",
- cwd => $npm_dir,
- path => $::path,
- require => Class['nodejs'],
- }
- }
- }
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