
Blizzard meets the doomsayer

Nov 12th, 2012
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  1. * Now talking in #blizzard
  2. * Topic is 'Blizzard Entertainment || || World of Warcraft || || Employment Opportunities ||'
  3. * Set by Cairenn!~Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn on Fri Nov 05 16:29:38
  4. <> Do you really want to know how Error 37 happened?
  5. <> Error 0xD 37
  6. <> ("LEET")
  7. <> 1337
  8. <> thanks for playing
  9. <> Now that you bleeped up and can't undo changing the end boss in d3 from Baphomet to Lucifer to Diablo in Inferno...
  10. <> ...and completely bleeping up the plot of Baphomet being the end boss, with an SS to unlock Lucifer rising from his iron maiden casket of death...
  11. <> I have to wonder, has all the devs for Blizzard become retarded?
  12. <> pandas
  13. <> bleeep... it was supposed to be playable burning legion
  14. <> seriously, you have messed up everything even SC2
  15. <> SC2 is the same game as SC1, just no unit limiters and some newer units
  16. <> terran was supposed to have soldiers be a non-renewable resource
  17. <> while simultaneously being op
  18. <> do you even know the sheer amount of damage terran weaponry are capable of?
  19. <> atomic, hydrogen, neutron, gamma bombs etc
  20. <> and that is what we already have as-of 2012
  21. <> It is as-if you just gave up and made crappier games
  22. <> Blizzard is supposed to be the creator of the finest franchise in the world.
  23. <> now you gone and bleeped up everything
  24. <> and you still haven't re-released Orcs and Humans which was SUPPOSED to be Orcs vs. Humans
  25. <> despite it being able to be released on virtual console due to existing in SNES form.
  26. <> this whole past two years you have dropped the ball bent down to pick it up drop it again and boot it under a truck
  27. <> and no, nobody wants the original with enhanced gfx and sound, they want the authentic original warcraft game
  28. <> btw who ever programmed mouse polling vs map drift didn't know what they were doing
  29. <> same with the timing of the palette rotation
  30. <> you guys prolly didn't realize msdos4 only polls timecode 8 times a second
  31. <> Now I drop you the Athene's Unholy Graal of timecode
  32. <> SystemTime_As_FileTime() or whatever the function is
  33. <> it is accurate to nanosecond
  34. <> just delay the wait that the poll does
  35. <> Diablo does not belong in the Inferno time line
  36. <> Baphomet and Lucifer do
  37. <> And yes, it was me that did the Blizzard Tech Ladder leap to control Lucifer as playable
  38. <> ..using a thrustmaster shockhammer gamepad wired as player 2
  39. <> and yes, i did indeed sneak in all that ultimate only one copy of gear that Athene had.
  40. <> I am a cybernetic gun runner of sorts
  41. <> At one point I granted freewill to all the monsters and terrain and structures themselves just to bleep with Athene's head
  42. <> lost woods style
  43. <> Athene is the God of games.. I am the God of game.
  44. <> Now you see why I gave Athene a Gauntlet so bogus, it is a game he simply cannot win.
  45. <> You do realize you are going to take a massive legal hit when people with pandas aren't allowed in arenas?
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