
Gas Station Sim Script

Jul 28th, 2022
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  1. Join the discord for more scripts! -
  3. local function press(a)
  4. game:GetService("VirtualInputManager"):SendKeyEvent(true, tostring(a), false, game)
  5. end
  7. local function cleanWindows()
  8. for _, v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").Windows:GetChildren() do
  9. if v.ClassName == "Part" then
  10. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.CFrame
  11. task.wait(0.1)
  12. press("E")
  13. task.wait(2)
  14. end
  15. end
  16. end
  18. local function autoScan()
  19. for _, v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").Checkouts:GetDescendants() do
  20. if v.ClassName == "Model" and v.Parent.Name == "Items" then
  21. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.PrimaryPart.CFrame
  22. task.wait(0.1)
  23. press("E")
  24. task.wait(2)
  25. end
  26. end
  27. end
  29. local function refuel()
  30. for _, v in next, game:GetService("Workspace"):GetChildren() do
  31. if string.match(v.Name, "Car") and v.ClassName == "Model" then
  32. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.PrimaryPart.CFrame
  33. if v.Lid.Refuel then
  34. press("E")
  35. task.wait(2)
  36. elseif v.Lid.Finish then
  37. press("E")
  38. task.wait(2)
  39. end
  40. end
  41. end
  42. end
  44. local function cleanFloor()
  45. for _, v in next, game:GetService("Workspace"):GetDescendants() do
  46. if v.Name == "Clean" and v.Parent.Name == "Spot" then
  47. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.Parent.CFrame
  48. task.wait(0.1)
  49. press("E")
  50. task.wait(2)
  51. end
  52. end
  53. end
  55. local title = "Soggyware | " .. game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name
  57. local OrionLib = loadstring(game:HttpGet(("")))()
  59. OrionLib:MakeNotification(
  60. {
  61. Name = "Soggyware",
  62. Content = "Welcome " .. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name .. " the hub is loading now!",
  63. Image = "rbxassetid://7072718307",
  64. Time = 4
  65. }
  66. )
  68. local Window = OrionLib:MakeWindow({Name = title, HidePremium = false, SaveConfig = true, ConfigFolder = "Soggyware"})
  70. local Tab =
  71. Window:MakeTab(
  72. {
  73. Name = "Main",
  74. Icon = "rbxassetid://7072717697",
  75. PremiumOnly = false
  76. }
  77. )
  79. local labelMoney = Tab:AddLabel("Money: 0 | Bank Money: 0 | Bills: 0")
  81. task.spawn(
  82. function()
  83. while true do
  84. local plrMoneyGUI = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.Stats.Money.Money.Text
  85. local bankGUI = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.Stats.Bank.Bank.Text
  86. local billsGUI = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameUI.Stats.Bills.Bills.Text
  87. labelMoney:Set(
  88. tostring("Money: " .. plrMoneyGUI .. " | Bank Money: " .. bankGUI .. " | Bills: " .. billsGUI)
  89. )
  90. task.wait(0.5)
  91. end
  92. end
  93. )
  95. Tab:AddToggle(
  96. {
  97. Name = "Clean Windows",
  98. Default = false,
  99. Save = true,
  100. Flag = "cleanWindows",
  101. Callback = function(val)
  102. getgenv().windowsToggle = val
  104. while windowsToggle do
  105. if windowsToggle == true then
  106. cleanWindows()
  107. task.wait(2)
  108. elseif windowsToggle == false then
  109. break
  110. end
  111. end
  112. end
  113. }
  114. )
  116. Tab:AddToggle(
  117. {
  118. Name = "Clean Floor",
  119. Default = false,
  120. Save = true,
  121. Flag = "cleanFloor",
  122. Callback = function(val)
  123. getgenv().floorToggle = val
  125. while floorToggle do
  126. task.wait()
  127. if floorToggle == true then
  128. cleanFloor()
  129. elseif floorToggle == false then
  130. break
  131. end
  132. end
  133. end
  134. }
  135. )
  137. Tab:AddToggle(
  138. {
  139. Name = "Scan Checkout Items",
  140. Default = false,
  141. Save = true,
  142. Flag = "scanItems",
  143. Callback = function(val)
  144. getgenv().scanToggle = val
  146. while scanToggle do
  147. task.wait()
  148. if scanToggle == true then
  149. autoScan()
  150. elseif scanToggle == false then
  151. break
  152. end
  153. end
  154. end
  155. }
  156. )
  158. Tab:AddToggle(
  159. {
  160. Name = "Refuel Cars",
  161. Default = false,
  162. Save = true,
  163. Flag = "refuelCars",
  164. Callback = function(val)
  165. getgenv().refuelToggle = val
  167. while refuelToggle do
  168. task.wait()
  169. if refuelToggle == true then
  170. refuel()
  171. elseif refuelToggle == false then
  172. break
  173. end
  174. end
  175. end
  176. }
  177. )
  179. Tab:AddButton(
  180. {
  181. Name = "Become Manager",
  182. Callback = function()
  183. end
  184. }
  185. )
  187. Tab:AddButton(
  188. {
  189. Name = "Fix Character",
  190. Callback = function()
  191. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame +,5,0)
  192. end
  193. }
  194. )
  197. local Tab =
  198. Window:MakeTab(
  199. {
  200. Name = "Items",
  201. Icon = "rbxassetid://7072715646",
  202. PremiumOnly = false
  203. }
  204. )
  206. local items = {
  207. "Water", "Canned Soda", "Milk", "Generic Soda", "Bubble Gum", "Candy Bar", "Generic Cookies",
  208. "Chips", "Bread Bun", "Hotdog", "Instant Noodles", "Cheese", "Whole Bread", "Hamburger", "Instant Meal",
  209. }
  211. local selectedFood
  213. local types = {
  214. "Station",
  215. "Client"
  216. }
  218. local selectedType
  220. Tab:AddDropdown(
  221. {
  222. Name = "Select Money Type",
  223. Default = "nil",
  224. Save = true,
  225. Flag = "type",
  226. Options = types,
  227. Callback = function(x)
  228. selectedType = x
  229. end
  230. }
  231. )
  233. Tab:AddDropdown(
  234. {
  235. Name = "Select Food",
  236. Default = "nil",
  237. Save = true,
  238. Flag = "food",
  239. Options = items,
  240. Callback = function(x)
  241. selectedFood = x
  242. end
  243. }
  244. )
  246. Tab:AddButton(
  247. {
  248. Name = "Buy Food",
  249. Callback = function()
  250. local args = {
  251. [1] = "BuyItem",
  252. [2] = "Generic Foods",
  253. [3] = selectedFood,
  254. [4] = selectedType
  255. }
  256. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remote:FireServer(unpack(args))
  257. end
  258. }
  259. )
  261. Tab:AddButton(
  262. {
  263. Name = "Grab a Blox Bull",
  264. Callback = function()
  265. local args = {
  266. [1] = "BuyBloxBull",
  267. [2] = workspace.Vendor_BloxBull_1
  268. }
  269. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remote:FireServer(unpack(args))
  270. end
  271. }
  272. )
  274. local Tab =
  275. Window:MakeTab(
  276. {
  277. Name = "Misc",
  278. Icon = "rbxassetid://7072716017",
  279. PremiumOnly = false
  280. }
  281. )
  283. Tab:AddButton(
  284. {
  285. Name = "Remove Textures",
  286. Callback = function()
  287. for _, v in next, workspace:GetDescendants() do
  288. if v.ClassName == "Decal" then
  289. v:Destroy()
  290. end
  291. end
  292. end
  293. }
  294. )
  296. Tab:AddButton(
  297. {
  298. Name = "Headless",
  299. Callback = function()
  300. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Transparency = 1
  301. end
  302. }
  303. )
  305. local Tab =
  306. Window:MakeTab(
  307. {
  308. Name = "Teleport",
  309. Icon = "rbxassetid://7072718266",
  310. PremiumOnly = false
  311. }
  312. )
  314. local plrs = {}
  315. local selectedPlr
  317. for _, v in next, game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers() do
  318. if v.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
  319. table.insert(plrs, v.Name)
  320. end
  321. end
  323. Tab:AddDropdown(
  324. {
  325. Name = "Select Player",
  326. Default = "nil",
  327. Save = true,
  328. Flag = "players",
  329. Options = plrs,
  330. Callback = function(x)
  331. selectedPlr = x
  332. end
  333. }
  334. )
  336. Tab:AddButton(
  337. {
  338. Name = "Teleport To Player",
  339. Callback = function()
  340. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =
  341. game.Players[selectedPlr].Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  342. end
  343. }
  344. )
  346. local Tab =
  347. Window:MakeTab(
  348. {
  349. Name = "Player",
  350. Icon = "rbxassetid://7072724538",
  351. PremiumOnly = false
  352. }
  353. )
  355. Tab:AddSlider(
  356. {
  357. Name = "Walkspeed",
  358. Min = 16,
  359. Max = 500,
  360. Default = 16,
  361. Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
  362. Increment = 1,
  363. ValueName = "",
  364. Callback = function(x)
  365. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = x
  366. end
  367. }
  368. )
  370. Tab:AddSlider(
  371. {
  372. Name = "Jump Power",
  373. Min = 50,
  374. Max = 500,
  375. Default = 50,
  376. Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
  377. Increment = 1,
  378. ValueName = "",
  379. Callback = function(x)
  380. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = x
  381. end
  382. }
  383. )
  385. Tab:AddSlider(
  386. {
  387. Name = "FOV",
  388. Min = 70,
  389. Max = 120,
  390. Default = 70,
  391. Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
  392. Increment = 1,
  393. ValueName = "",
  394. Callback = function(x)
  395. game:GetService("Workspace").Camera.FieldOfView = x
  396. end
  397. }
  398. )
  400. local Tab =
  401. Window:MakeTab(
  402. {
  403. Name = "Settings",
  404. Icon = "rbxassetid://7072721682",
  405. PremiumOnly = false
  406. }
  407. )
  409. Tab:AddButton(
  410. {
  411. Name = "Join Discord Server",
  412. Callback = function()
  413. local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
  414. if toClipboard then
  415. toClipboard("")
  416. else
  417. end
  418. local req =
  419. syn and syn.request or http and http.request or http_request or fluxus and fluxus.request or
  420. getgenv().request or
  421. request
  422. if req then
  423. req(
  424. {
  425. Url = "",
  426. Method = "POST",
  427. Headers = {
  428. ["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
  429. Origin = ""
  430. },
  431. Body = http:JSONEncode(
  432. {
  433. cmd = "INVITE_BROWSER",
  434. nonce = http:GenerateGUID(false),
  435. args = {code = "soggy"}
  436. }
  437. )
  438. }
  439. )
  440. end
  441. end
  442. }
  443. )
  445. Tab:AddButton(
  446. {
  447. Name = "Anti-AFK",
  448. Callback = function()
  449. local Players = game:GetService("Players")
  450. local GC = getconnections or get_signal_cons
  451. if GC then
  452. for i, v in pairs(GC(Players.LocalPlayer.Idled)) do
  453. if v["Disable"] then
  454. v["Disable"](v)
  455. elseif v["Disconnect"] then
  456. v["Disconnect"](v)
  457. else
  458. print("")
  459. end
  460. end
  461. elseif not GC then
  462. OrionLib:MakeNotification(
  463. {
  464. Name = "Soggyware | Error",
  465. Content = "Your executor does not support getconnections " .. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name,
  466. Image = "rbxassetid://7072980286",
  467. Time = 4
  468. }
  469. )
  470. end
  471. end
  472. }
  473. )
  475. Tab:AddButton(
  476. {
  477. Name = "Destroy UI",
  478. Callback = function()
  479. OrionLib:Destroy()
  480. end
  481. }
  482. )
  484. Tab:AddTextbox(
  485. {
  486. Name = "Load Config",
  487. Default = "",
  488. TextDisappear = true,
  489. Callback = function(x)
  490. print(x)
  491. end
  492. }
  493. )
  495. Tab:AddLabel("Need Support?")
  496. Tab:AddLabel("Made By: Sunken")
  498. local Tab =
  499. Window:MakeTab(
  500. {
  501. Name = "Premium",
  502. Icon = "rbxassetid://7072717958",
  503. PremiumOnly = false
  504. }
  505. )
  507. Tab:AddButton(
  508. {
  509. Name = "Get Key",
  510. Callback = function()
  511. setclipboard("")
  512. OrionLib:MakeNotification(
  513. {
  514. Name = "Soggyware | Key System",
  515. Content = "Copied Link To Clipboard " .. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name,
  516. Image = "rbxassetid://7072717958",
  517. Time = 4
  518. }
  519. )
  520. end
  521. }
  522. )
  524. Tab:AddTextbox(
  525. {
  526. Name = "Key",
  527. Default = "",
  528. TextDisappear = true,
  529. Callback = function(x)
  530. if x == "8442e63b-974e-a691-a97b-80dca2e67210" then
  531. OrionLib:MakeNotification(
  532. {
  533. Name = "Premium | Key System",
  534. Content = "Correct Key, assigning premium now " .. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name,
  535. Image = "rbxassetid://7072717958",
  536. Time = 4
  537. }
  538. )
  539. Premium = true
  540. elseif x ~= "8442e63b-974e-a691-a97b-80dca2e67210" or x == "" then
  541. OrionLib:MakeNotification(
  542. {
  543. Name = "Premium | Key System",
  544. Content = "Wrong Key " .. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name,
  545. Image = "rbxassetid://7072717958",
  546. Time = 4
  547. }
  548. )
  549. end
  550. end
  551. }
  552. )
  554. Tab:AddLabel("Premium unlocks extra features!")
  556. OrionLib:Init()
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