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- /*
- Correctness: 36/36 tests passed
- Memory: 4/4 tests passed
- Timing: 26/27 tests passed
- Aggregate score: 99.26%
- ********************************************************************************
- * TIMING (substituting reference SAP)
- ********************************************************************************
- Timing WordNet
- *-----------------------------------------------------------
- Running 11 total tests.
- Test 2: count number of SAP operations when constructing a WordNet object
- and calling distance() and sap() three times each
- * calls to constructor = 1
- * calls to length() = 6
- * calls to ancestor() = 12
- - minimum required = 3
- - maximum allowed = 6
- ==> FAILED
- */
- import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Bag;
- import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Digraph;
- import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.In;
- import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.ST;
- import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut;
- import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Topological;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Arrays;
- import java.util.Collections;
- import java.util.List;
- public class WordNet {
- private final ST<Integer, Bag<String>> st1; // Dictionary ids to all the words of a synset noun
- private final ST<String, Bag<Integer>> st2; // Dictionary nouns to all its hypernyms
- private final SAP sap;
- // constructor takes the name of the two input files
- public WordNet(String synsets, String hypernyms) {
- // read and save the synsets file
- In in1 = new In(synsets);
- String[] linesSynsets = in1.readAllLines();
- // number of synsets
- int n = linesSynsets.length;
- st2 = new ST<>();
- st1 = new ST<>();
- String[] synsetsLineArray;
- for (String line : linesSynsets) { // for each read line
- synsetsLineArray = line.split(",");
- for (String word : synsetsLineArray[1].split(" ")) { // for each noun in1 a given synset
- int id = Integer.parseInt(synsetsLineArray[0]);
- // build first symbol table
- if (!st1.contains(id)) {
- st1.put(id, new Bag<>());
- }
- Bag<String> bag1 = st1.get(id);
- bag1.add(word);
- //build second symbol table
- if (!st2.contains(word)) {
- st2.put(word, new Bag<>());
- }
- Bag<Integer> bag2 = st2.get(word);
- bag2.add(id);
- }
- }
- // build of Digraph
- Digraph wnDigraph = new Digraph(n);
- // read and save the hypernyms file
- List<String> hypernymLine; // hypernymsLineArray list as we do not know how many there are
- In in2 = new In(hypernyms);
- String[] lines2 = in2.readAllLines();
- int roots = 0; // the number of roots of the graph
- for (String line : lines2) {
- hypernymLine = Arrays.asList(line.split(","));
- for (int h = 1; h < hypernymLine.size(); h++) {
- int v = Integer.parseInt(hypernymLine.get(0));
- int w = Integer.parseInt(hypernymLine.get(h));
- // build the digraph
- wnDigraph.addEdge(v, w);
- }
- }
- // rooted?
- for (int v : st1) {
- if (wnDigraph.outdegree(v) == 0) {
- roots += 1;
- }
- }
- Topological topological = new Topological(wnDigraph);
- // is this graph a DAG?
- if (!topological.hasOrder() || roots > 1) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- }
- sap = new SAP(wnDigraph);
- }
- // returns all WordNet nouns
- public Iterable<String> nouns() {
- ArrayList<String> nouns = new ArrayList<>();
- for (String noun : st2) {
- nouns.add(noun);
- }
- return nouns;
- }
- // is the word a WordNet noun?
- public boolean isNoun(String word) {
- try {
- return null != st2.get(word);
- } catch (NullPointerException e) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- }
- }
- // distance between nounA and nounB (defined below)
- public int distance(String nounA, String nounB) {
- return findDistanceAncestor(nounA, nounB)[0];
- }
- // a synset (second field of synsets.txt) that is the common ancestor of nounA and nounB
- // in a shortest ancestral path (defined below)
- public String sap(String nounA, String nounB) {
- int idAncestor = findDistanceAncestor(nounA, nounB)[1];
- String res = " ";
- ArrayList<String> resArray = new ArrayList<>();
- for (String s : st1.get(idAncestor)) {
- resArray.add(s);
- }
- Collections.reverse(resArray);
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- for (String s : resArray) {
- sb.append(s);
- sb.append(" ");
- }
- res = sb.toString();
- return res;
- }
- private int[] findDistanceAncestor(String nounA, String nounB) {
- ArrayList<Integer> idsNounA = new ArrayList<>();
- ArrayList<Integer> idsNounB = new ArrayList<>();
- Bag<Integer> idsNounABag;
- Bag<Integer> idsNounBBag;
- int[] res = new int[2];
- res[0] = -1;
- res[1] = -1;
- if (isNoun(nounA) && isNoun(nounB)) {
- idsNounABag = st2.get(nounA);
- idsNounBBag = st2.get(nounB);
- for (Integer id : idsNounABag) {
- idsNounA.add(id);
- }
- for (Integer id : idsNounBBag) {
- idsNounB.add(id);
- }
- res[0] = sap.length(idsNounA, idsNounB);
- res[1] = sap.ancestor(idsNounA, idsNounB);
- return res;
- } else throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- }
- // do unit testing of this class
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- // read the files
- WordNet wordNet = new WordNet(args[0], args[1]);
- //StdOut.println(" All the wordNet nouns are : " + wordNet.nouns());
- String nounA = "n"; // Black_Plague, black_marlin
- String nounB = "b";
- //String nounC = "0,'hood,(slang)";
- //StdOut.println("noun : " + nounA + " is " + wordNet.isNoun(nounA));
- // StdOut.println("noun : " + nounB + " is " + wordNet.isNoun(nounB));
- //StdOut.print("WordNet contains " + word1 + " is " + wordNet.isNoun(word1));
- //StdOut.print("distance between " + nounA + " and " + nounB + " is " + wordNet.distance(nounA, nounB) + "\n");
- StdOut.print("a shortest common ancestor between :" + nounA + " and : " + nounB + " is " +, nounB) + "\n");
- }
- }
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