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- local Vector2 = {}
- local argAssert = "'%s' must be a %s"
- local floor = math.floor
- local function assertType(value, label, expectedType)
- assert(type(value) == expectedType, argAssert:format(label, expectedType))
- end
- local function assertVector2(v2)
- if type(v2) == "number" then
- v2 =, v2)
- end
- assertType(v2, "input", "table")
- assert(getmetatable(v2) == Vector2, argAssert:format("input", "Vector2"))
- return v2
- end
- function, y)
- local x = x or 0
- assertType(x, 'x', "number")
- local y = y or 0
- assertType(y, 'y', "number")
- local v2 = {}
- v2.X = x
- v2.Y = y
- return setmetatable(v2, Vector2)
- end
- function Vector2:__index(k)
- if k == "Magnitude" then
- return math.sqrt(self.X ^ 2 + self.Y ^ 2)
- elseif k == "Unit" then
- return self / self.Magnitude
- elseif k:sub(1, 2) ~= "__" then
- return rawget(self, k)
- end
- end
- function Vector2:__newindex(k,v)
- error("Vector2 is read-only")
- end
- function Vector2:__tostring()
- return self.X .. ", " .. self.Y
- end
- function Vector2:__add(other)
- self = assertVector2(self)
- other = assertVector2(other)
- return + other.X, self.Y + other.Y)
- end
- function Vector2:__sub(other)
- self = assertVector2(self)
- other = assertVector2(other)
- return - other.X, self.Y - other.Y)
- end
- function Vector2:__mul(other)
- self = assertVector2(self)
- other = assertVector2(other)
- return * other.X, self.Y * other.Y)
- end
- function Vector2:__div(other)
- self = assertVector2(self)
- other = assertVector2(other)
- return / other.X, self.Y / other.Y)
- end
- function Vector2:__eq(other)
- self = assertVector2(self)
- other = assertVector2(other)
- return self.X == other.X and self.Y == other.Y
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local Maze =
- {
- Width = 119;
- Height = 19;
- Wall = utf8.char(0x2588);
- Open = ' ';
- Directions =
- {
- ['←'] =, 0);
- ['→'] = 1, 0);
- ['↑'] = 0, -1);
- ['↓'] = 0, 1);
- }
- }
- function Maze:Generate(seed)
- self.Grid = {}
- self.Width = (math.floor(self.Width / 2) * 2) + 1
- self.Height = (math.floor(self.Height / 2) * 2) + 1
- for y = 1, self.Height do
- self.Grid[y] = {}
- for x = 1, self.Width do
- self.Grid[y][x] = self.Wall
- end
- end
- if seed then
- math.randomseed(seed)
- end
- local function visit(from, to)
- local x, y = to.X, to.Y
- if x >= 1 and x <= self.Width then
- if y >= 1 and y <= self.Height then
- if self.Grid[y][x] == self.Wall then
- local mid = (from + to) / 2
- self.Grid[mid.Y][mid.X] = self.Open
- self.Grid[y][x] = self.Open
- local dirs = {}
- for _, dir in pairs(self.Directions) do
- table.insert(dirs, dir * 2)
- end
- while #dirs > 0 do
- local index = math.random(1, #dirs)
- local dir = table.remove(dirs, index)
- visit(to, to + dir)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local start =, 2)
- visit(start, start)
- end
- function Maze:Solve()
- local startPos =, 2)
- self.Grid[startPos.Y][startPos.X] = 'S'
- local endPos =, self.Height - 1)
- self.Grid[endPos.Y][endPos.X] = 'E'
- local visited = {}
- local path = {}
- local g = 0
- for x = 1, self.Width do
- visited[x] = {}
- for y = 1, self.Height do
- visited[x][y] = (self.Grid[y][x] == self.Wall)
- end
- end
- local function aStar(pos)
- visited[pos.X][pos.Y] = true
- if pos == endPos then
- return true
- end
- while true do
- local lowestF, bestId = math.huge
- for id, dir in pairs(self.Directions) do
- local new = pos + dir
- if new.X >= 1 and new.X <= self.Width then
- if new.Y >= 1 and new.Y <= self.Height then
- if not visited[new.X][new.Y] then
- local h = (endPos - new).Magnitude
- local f = g + h
- if f < lowestF then
- lowestF = f
- bestId = id
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if bestId then
- local bestDir = self.Directions[bestId]
- g = g + bestDir.Magnitude
- table.insert(path, bestId)
- local found = aStar(pos + bestDir)
- if found then
- return true
- else
- g = g - 1
- table.remove(path)
- end
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- aStar(startPos, startPos)
- local prev = startPos
- for i, nodeId in ipairs(path) do
- if nodeId ~= startPos then
- local node = prev + self.Directions[nodeId]
- if node ~= endPos then
- local nextId = path[i + 1]
- self.Grid[node.Y][node.X] = nextId
- prev = node
- end
- end
- end
- return path
- end
- function Maze:Render()
- for y = 1, self.Height do
- local row = ""
- for x = 1, self.Width do
- row = row .. self.Grid[y][x]
- end
- print(row)
- end
- end
- Maze:Generate()
- Maze:Solve()
- Maze:Render()
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