

Jul 25th, 2019
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  1. #!/sbin/mksh
  2. #Question
  3. #Who is this for?
  4. #### XTERM related ########
  5. icontitile(){  echo -e "\e]1;$*\a\c" ; }   # change icon name
  6. windowtitle(){ echo -e "\e]2;$*\a\c" ; }   # change window title
  8. xproperty(){   echo -e "\e]3;$*\a\c" ; } # set X prop=value #prop to delete
  9. xcolor(){      echo -e "\e]4;$1;$2\a\c" ; }  
  10. xxcolor(){     echo -e "\e]5;$1;$2\a\c" ; }
  13. G0(){ echo -e "\017\c" ; }  # SI CTRL-O switch to standard character set
  14. G1(){ echo -e "\016\c" ; }  # SO CTRL-N switch to alternate character set
  15. G2SS(){ echo -e "\eN\c" ; } # SS2 Single Shift Select of G2 character set
  16. G3SS(){ echo -e "\eO\c" ; } # SS3 Single Shift Select of G3 character set
  17. CHARSET(){
  18. case "${1:-default}${2}" in
  19. default) echo -e '\e%@\c' ;; # Select default character set  ISO 8859-1
  20. utf8)    echo -e '\e%G\c' ;; # Select UTF-8 character set (ISO 2022)
  21. G0|G0ascii)  echo -e '\e(B\c' ;; # USASCII
  22. G0line)      echo -e '\e(0\c' ;; # DEC Special Character and Line Drawing Set
  23. G0soft)      echo -e '\e( @\c' ;; # use soft set
  24. G0?)         echo -e "\e(${2}\c"  ;; # Designate G0 Character Set
  25. G1|G1ascii)  echo -e '\e)B\c' ;; # USASCII
  26. G1line)      echo -e '\e)0\c' ;; # line drawing
  27. G1soft)      echo -e '\e) @\c' ;; # use soft set
  28. G1?)         echo -e "\e)${2}\c"  ;; # Designate G1 Character Set
  29. G2|G2ascii)  echo -e '\e\*B\c' ;;
  30. G2line)      echo -e '\e*0\c' ;;
  31. G2soft)      echo -e '\e* @\c' ;; # use soft set
  32. G2?)         echo -e "\e*${2}\c"  ;; # Designate G2 Character Set
  33. G3|G3ascii)  echo -e '\e+B\c' ;;
  34. G3line)      echo -e '\e+0\c' ;;
  35. G3soft)      echo -e '\e+ @\c' ;; # use soft set
  36. G3?)         echo -e "\e\+${2}\c"  ;; # Designate G3 Character Set
  37. vt100)       echo -e '\e[?2h\c' ;; # set USASCII for G0-G3 and vt100 mode ???
  38. esac
  39. }
  40. #echo 531
  41. CR(){ echo -e "\015\c" ; }   # carriage return
  42. LF(){ echo -e "\012\c" ; }   # line need or new line
  43. TABSET(){
  44. #TABSET col 10 20 30 ...
  45. #TABSET clear_all
  46. #TABSET cleartab 20 25 30 ...
  47. case "${1}" in
  48.   col)
  49.       shift
  50.       for COL in $@
  51.       do
  52.         CURSOR column $COL
  53.         echo -e '\eH\c' # Horizontal Tab Set ## HTS
  54.       done;;
  55.   clear_all)
  56.      echo -e '\e[3g\c' ;;  # TBC clear all tabs (works)
  57.   clear_tab)
  58.       shift
  59.       for COL in $@
  60.       do
  61.         CURSOR column $COL
  62.         echo -e '\e[0g\c'  # TBC clear tab at current column
  63.       done ;;
  64.   *)      echo -e '\eH\c' ;; # Horizontal Tab Set ## HTS
  65. esac
  66. }
  67. SS2(){ echo -e '\eN\c' ; }   # Single Shift for one G2 character
  68. SS3(){ echo -e '\eO\c' ; }   # Single Shift for one G3 character
  69. DOUBLEHEIGHTLINETOP(){ echo -e "\e#3\c" ; }  #DECDHL  top half
  70. DOUBLEHEIGHTLINEBOT(){ echo -e "\e#4\c" ; }  #DECDHL  bottom half
  72. echo -n "$1"
  73. echo -e "\e#3"
  74. echo -n "${2:-$1}"   # bottom, default 2same, but allow experimentation
  75. echo -e "\e#4"
  76. SINGLEWIDTHLINE; # cleanup
  77. }
  78. SINGLEWIDTHLINE(){ echo -en "\e#5" ; }      #DECSWL
  79. DOUBLEWIDTHLINE(){ echo -en "\e#6" ; }      #DECDWL
  80. SCREENTEST(){      echo -en "\e#8" ; }  #DECALN screen alignmnet test
  81. NORMAL(){ echo -e '\e[0m\c' ; }   # character attributes
  82. BOLD(){ echo -e '\e[1m\c' ; }  
  83. UNDERLINE(){ echo -e '\e[4m\c' ; }
  84. BLINK(){ echo -e '\e[5m\c' ; }
  85. INVERSE(){ echo -e '\e[7m\c' ; }
  86. INVISIBLE(){ echo -e '\e[8m\c' ; }
  87. UNDERLINENOT(){ echo -e '\e[24m\c' ; }
  88. BLINKNOT(){ echo -e '\e[25m\c' ; }
  89. INVERSENOT(){ echo -e '\e[27m\c' ; }
  90. INVISIBLENOT(){ echo -e '\e[28m\c' ; }
  91. BLACK(){   echo -e '\e[30m\c' ; }
  92. RED(){     echo -e '\e[31m\c' ; }
  93. GREEN(){   echo -e '\e[32m\c' ; }
  94. YELLOW(){  echo -e '\e[33m\c' ; }
  95. BLUE(){    echo -e '\e[34m\c' ; }
  96. MAGENTA(){ echo -e '\e[35m\c' ; }
  97. CYAN(){    echo -e '\e[36m\c' ; }
  98. WHITE(){   echo -e '\e[37m\c' ; }
  99. COLORFG(){   echo -e "\e[38;5;${1:-0}m\c" ; } # 88/256 color support
  100. COLORBG(){   echo -e "\e[48;5;${1:-0}m\c" ; } # 88/256 color support
  101. ORIGINAL(){ echo -e '\e[39m\c' ; }
  102. BGBLACK(){  echo -e '\e[40m\c' ; }
  103. BGRED(){    echo -e '\e[41m\c' ; }
  104. BGGREEN(){  echo -e '\e[42m\c' ; }
  105. BGYELLOW(){ echo -e '\e[43m\c' ; }
  106. BGBLUE(){   echo -e '\e[44m\c' ; }
  107. BGMAGENTA(){ echo -e '\e[45m\c' ; }
  108. BGCYAN(){   echo -e '\e[46m\c' ; }
  109. BGWHITE(){  echo -e '\e[47m\c' ; }
  110. BGORIGINAL(){ echo -e '\e[49m\c' ; }
  111. HIBLACK(){   echo -e '\e[90m\c' ; }
  112. HIRED(){     echo -e '\e[91m\c' ; }
  113. HIGREEN(){   echo -e '\e[92m\c' ; }
  114. HIYELLOW(){  echo -e '\e[93m\c' ; }
  115. HIBLUE(){    echo -e '\e[94m\c' ; }
  116. HIMAGENTA(){ echo -e '\e[95m\c' ; }
  117. HICYAN(){    echo -e '\e[96m\c' ; }
  118. HIWHITE(){   echo -e '\e[97m\c' ; }
  119. BGHIBLACK(){  echo -e '\e[100m\c' ; }
  120. BGHIRED(){    echo -e '\e[101m\c' ; }
  121. BGHIGREEN(){  echo -e '\e[102m\c' ; }
  122. BGHIYELLOW(){ echo -e '\e[103m\c' ; }
  123. BGHIBLUE(){   echo -e '\e[104m\c' ; }
  124. BGHIMAGENTA(){ echo -e '\e[105m\c' ; }
  125. BGHICYAN(){   echo -e '\e[106m\c' ; }
  126. BGHIWHITE(){  echo -e '\e[107m\c' ; }
  128. REVVID(){ echo -e '\e[?5h\c' ; } # reverse video (set private mode)
  129. NORMVID(){ echo -e '\e[?5l\c' ; }  # normal video (reset private mode)
  130. ALTSCREEN(){ echo -e '\e[?47h\c' ; }    # alternate screen buffer
  131. NORMSCREEN(){ echo -e '\e[?47l\c' ; } # use normal screen buffer
  132. ALTSCREENSC(){ echo -e '\e[?1049h\c' ; } # save cursor+alternate screen buffer
  134. KEYPADAPP(){       echo -e '\e=\c' ; }    #Are these usable?
  135. KEYPADNORMAL(){    echo -e '\e>\c' ; }    #don't seem so # maybe I needed strict-vt set
  137. SCREENMEMLOCK(){   echo -e '\el\c' ; } #characters above cursor are locked in
  138. SCREENMEMUNLOCK(){ echo -e '\em\c' ; } ##in place, clear screen undoes also.
  139. FULLRESET(){ echo -e '\ec\c' ; }
  140. SOFTRESET(){ echo -e '\e[!p\c' ; }
  141. REFRESH(){ echo -e '\e[7t\c' ; }     # refresh xterm window
  142. MOVEWINDOW(){ echo -e "\e[3;${1:-0};${2:-0}t\c" ; } #move window to x,y pixels
  143. RESIZEWINDOW(){ echo -e "\e[4;${1:-620};${2:-900}t\c" ; } #resize height,width
  144. RESIZETERM(){ echo -e "\e[8;${2:-0};${1:-0}t\c" ; } #resize characters x,y
  146. RESTOREWINDOW(){ echo -e "\e[9;0t\c" ; }  
  147. MAXWINDOW(){     echo -e "\e[9;1t\c" ; }
  148. FULLSCREEN(){ echo -e "\e[10;1t\c" ; }
  149. UNDOFULLSCREEN(){ echo -e "\e[10;0t\c" ; }
  150. #MAXWINDOW(){ MOVEWINDOW; RESIZE ; } #what was I thinkinghere?onDARWINthisis an x11util
  153. INSERTCHAR(){ echo -e "\e[${1}@\c" ; } # ICH insert Blank characters
  154. INSERTLINE(){ echo -e "\e[${1}L\c" ; } # insert $1 lines #IL
  155. DELETELINE(){ echo -e "\e[${1}M\c" ; } # delete $1 lines #DL
  156. DELETECHAR(){ echo -e "\e[${1}P\c" ; } # delete $1 characters #DCH
  157. SCROLLUP(){   echo -e "\e[${1}S\c" ; } # scroll up $1 lines   #SU
  158. SCROLLDOWN(){ echo -e "\e[${1}T\c" ; } # scroll down $2 lines #SD ?useless?
  159. REPEAT(){ echo -e "\e[${1}b\c" ; } #REP repeat graphicchar ?useless?
  160. SCROLLZONE(){ echo -e "\e[${1};${2}r\c" ; } #DECSTBM  set scrolling region
  161. LEDSET(){   # load LEDS #DECLL
  162. case "${1:-clear}$2" in
  163. clear|default)         echo -e '\e[0q\c' ;;   # clear all
  164. numlock|num)           echo -e '\e[1q\c' ;;   # light Num Lock
  165. capslock|caps)          echo -e '\e[2q\c' ;;
  166. scrolllock|scroll)     echo -e '\e[3q\c' ;;
  167. num*off)           echo -e '\e[21q\c' ;;   # extinguish Num Lock
  168. caps*off)          echo -e '\e[22q\c' ;;
  169. scr*off)           echo -e '\e[23q\c' ;;
  170. esac
  171. }
  172. #echo 663
  173. MODE(){
  174. for M in $@
  175. do
  176. case "${M}" in
  177. insert)  echo -en '\e[4h'  ;;  # insert mode  #IRM
  178. replace) echo -en '\e[4l'  ;;  # replace mode #IRM
  179. noecho)  echo -en '\e[12h' ;;  # no echo      #SRM
  180. echo)    echo -en '\e[12l' ;;  # local cho    #SRM
  181. cr)      echo -en '\e[20l' ;;  # cr only      #LNM
  182. crlf)    echo -en '\e[20h' ;;  # send crlf    #LNM
  183. 132)     echo -en '\e[?3h' ;;  # 132 column mode #DECCOLM
  184. 80)      echo -en '\e[?3l' ;;  # 80  column mode #DECCOLM
  185. allow)   echo -en '\e[?40h' ;; # allow 80/132 switch
  186. allowoff)   echo -en '\e[?40l' ;; # don't allow 80/132 switch
  187. jump|fast)   echo -en '\e[?4l' ;; # Jump/fast  scroll mode #DECSCLM
  188. smooth|slow) echo -en '\e[?4h' ;; # smooth/slow scroll mode #DECSCLM
  189. origin)      echo -en '\e[?6h' ;; #DECOM lines are rel scroll zone
  190. originoff)   echo -en '\e[?6l' ;; #DECOM back to normal
  191. wrap)      echo -en '\e[?7h' ;; #DECAWM
  192. wrapoff)   echo -en '\e[?7l' ;; #DECAWM
  193. repeat)      echo -en '\e[?8h' ;; #DECARM auto repeat 0.5 seconds
  194. repeatoff)   echo -en '\e[?8l' ;; #DECARM
  195. esac
  196. done
  197. }
  198. CURSOR(){
  199. case "$1" in
  200. save)     echo -e '\e7\c'     ;; # save cursor   # DECSC
  201. restore)  echo -e '\e8\c'     ;; # restore cursor# DECRC
  202. show)     echo -e '\e[25?h\c' ;; # show cursor # DECTCEM
  203. hide)     echo -e '\e[25?l\c' ;; # hide cursor # DECTCEM
  204. report)                       #### Report Cursor Position CPR
  205.        INVISIBLE;echo -e '\e[6n\c'; read -rn 16 -t 1.5;INVISIBLENOT  
  206.        CURSOR backward "${#REPLY}";CURSOR backward;  # cleanup
  207.        if [[ "${REPLY:1:1}" != "[" || 'R' != "${REPLY: -1:1}" ]] then
  208.            xterm_info[6]=CURROW
  209.            xterm_info[7]=CURCOL
  210.        else
  211.            REPLY="${REPLY#*\[}"
  212.            REPLY="${REPLY%R}"
  213.            xterm_info[6]="${REPLY%;*}"
  214.            xterm_info[7]="${REPLY#*;}"
  215.       fi ;;
  216. style)  case "${2:-blink}${3:-block}" in       # set cursor style DECSCUSR
  217.         blinkblock)      echo -en '\e[1 q' ;;  # blinking block
  218.         steadyblock)     echo -en '\e[2 q' ;;  # steady block
  219.         blinkunderline)  echo -en '\e[3 q' ;;  # blinking underline
  220.         steadyunderline) echo -en '\e[4 q' ;;  # steady underline
  221.         *)               echo -en '\e[0 q' ;;
  222.         esac ;;
  223. up)       echo -en "\e[${2}A" ;; # CUU cursor up   #$2 times
  224. down)     echo -en "\e[${2}B" ;; # CUD cursor down   #$2="" ==null==default==1
  225. forward)  echo -en "\e[${2}C" ;; # CUF cursor forward  
  226. backward) echo -en "\e[${2}D" ;; # CUB cursor backward  
  227. nextline) echo -en "\e[${2}E" ;; # CNL cursor next line ?
  228. prevline) echo -en "\e[${2}F" ;; # CPL cursor preceding line ?
  229. column)   echo -en "\e[${2}G" ;; # CHA move cursor to absolute column position
  230. backtab)  echo -en "\e[${2}Z" ;;  #CBT Backward to tabstop
  231. nexttab)  echo -en "\e[${2}I" ;;  #CHT Forward $2 tab stops
  232. ind)   echo -e '\eD\c' ;;   # Index
  233. rnd)   echo -e '\eM\c' ;;   # Reverse Index
  234. nel)  echo  -e '\eE\c' ;;   # Next Line
  235. altcol)  echo -en "\e[${2}\0140"  ;; # Char position absolute HPA ???
  236. altline) echo -en "\e[${2}d"      ;; # Line Position Absolute VPA ???
  237. altpos)  echo -en "\e[${2};${3}f" ;; # Horizontal&Vertical Position HVP ???
  238. help)    echo "#CURSOR rise then run" ;;
  239. *)       echo -en "\e[${1};${2}H" ;; # CUP cursor position # default 1,1
  240. esac
  241. }
  242. #echo 731
  243. SELECTCAN(){  echo -e "\e[1\042q" ; }     #DECSCA set char. protect attribute
  244. SELECTCANNOT(){  echo -e "\e[0\042q" ; }  #DECSED DECSEL can erase
  245. ERASE(){
  246. #echo "${1:-line}_${2}"
  247. case "${1:-line}_${2}"  in
  248.     line_right)  echo -e '\e[0K\c' ;; # EL erase in line # right
  249.     line_left)   echo -e '\e[1K\c' ;; # EL erase in line # left
  250.     line_)       echo -e '\e[2K\c' ;; # EL erase in line # all
  251.     display_below)    echo -e '\e[0J\c' ;; # ED Erase in Display # below
  252.     display_above)    echo -e '\e[1J\c' ;; # ED Erase in Display # above
  253.     display_|screen_) echo -e '\e[2J\c' ;; # ED Erase in Display # all
  254.     display_saved)    echo -e '\e[3J\c' ;; # erase saved lines useless??
  255.     selective_below)    echo -e '\e[?0J\c' ;; # selective erase display
  256.     selective_above)    echo -e '\e[?1J\c' ;; # DECSED
  257.     selective_screen)   echo -e '\e[?2J\c' ;; # seems useless
  258.     selective_lineleft)  echo -e '\e[?0K\c' ;; # selective erase line
  259.     selective_lineright) echo -e '\e[?1K\c' ;; # DECSEL
  260.     selective_lineall)   echo -e '\e[?2K\c' ;; # seems useless
  261.     selective_rect) #DECSERA ERASE
  262.         shift 2  
  263.         echo -e "\e[${1};${2};${3};${4}\${\c" ;; # top left bottom right
  264.     rect_*)   # useless in
  265.         shift  #   # DECERA Erase Rectangular Area
  266.         echo -e "\e[${1};${2};${3};${4}\$z\c" ;; # top left bottom right
  267.     char_*)
  268.         echo -e "\e[${2}X\c" ;;    # erase $2 characters backward ECH ?useless?
  270.     screen_)  #add another way to clear screen, maybe w/o home?
  271.         CURSOR save;
  272.         echo -e "\e[H\e[J\c" # H or J etc by themselves doesn't do it.
  273.         CURSOR retore;
  274.         ;;
  275.     esac
  276. }
  277. #echo 767
  279. Paint(){  # what I always wanted from ERASE
  280. # paint a rectangle on the screen , taking the current postion
  281. # as one corner.  then dx dy optionalcolor optionalcharacter flags
  282. # procedure will determine length, and height, and whether...
  283. # And, how to interpret dx dy, to create an appropriate corner.
  284. XTERMINFO clear #insert self gratifying remark here.
  285. # now get cursor position
  286. local integer cornerx
  287. local integer cornery
  288. CURSOR report
  289. cornerx=${xterm_info[6]}
  290. cornery=${xterm_info[7]}
  291. #now, paint this square right now with an X
  292. # since it will be needed to painted, regardlessly
  293. #PaintASqaure
  294. CURSOR save
  295. echo -e "A\c" #pedantically, we do CURSOR backward # but we don't need to
  296. CURSOR restore
  297. # now see if that works.
  298. # ok.  opposing corner , then paint that
  299. local integer ox
  300. local integer oy
  301. # we should see if it works. but 1st presume it works
  302. let ox=cornerx+$1
  303. let oy=cornery+$2
  304. CURSOR $ox $oy
  305. echo -e "B\c"
  306. CURSOR backward
  307. # fixme: use the shorter corner
  308. # finish me! dan
  309. }
  311. wow(){  # and now fg !
  312. for X in ../* ;
  313. do
  314.   print ''
  316. done
  317. }
  319. ICONIFIED(){ # true  if iconified  
  320. INVISIBLE;echo -e '\e[11t\c'; read -rn 4 -t 1.5;INVISIBLENOT
  321. CURSOR backward "${#REPLY}";CURSOR backward;  # cleanup
  322. #echo "${REPLY:2:1}"
  323. #echo "${#REPLY}"
  324. (( "${REPLY:2:1}" == "2" ))
  325. }
  326. OSXTERMINAL(){ # true  if running inside
  327. INVISIBLE;echo -e '\e[7n\c'; read -rn 20 -t 1.5;INVISIBLENOT
  328. if [[ "" == "$REPLY" ]] then
  329.    (( 1 == 0 ))
  330. fi
  331. CURSOR backward "${#REPLY}";CURSOR backward;  # cleanup
  332. [[ "$REPLY" == "Mac OS X Terminal" ]]
  333. }
  335. typeset -ai xterm_info  # an array of integers
  336. XTERMINFO()
  337. {
  338.  case "${1}" in
  339.  clear|init)
  340.      xterm_info[0]=XPOS
  341.      xterm_info[1]=YPOS
  342.      xterm_info[2]=XSIZE
  343.      xterm_info[3]=YSIZE
  344.      xterm_info[4]=TERMID
  345.      xterm_info[5]=DEVATTR
  346.      xterm_info[6]=CURROW
  347.      xterm_info[7]=CURCOL
  348.      xterm_info[8]=ROWS
  349.      xterm_info[9]=COLS
  350.  ;;
  351.  dump|print)
  352.      print "XPOS    ${xterm_info[0]}"
  353.      print "YPOS    ${xterm_info[1]}"
  354.      print "XSIZE   ${xterm_info[2]}"
  355.      print "YSIZE   ${xterm_info[3]}"
  356.      print "TERMID  ${xterm_info[4]}"
  357.      print "DEVATTR ${xterm_info[5]}"
  358.      print "CURROW  ${xterm_info[6]}"
  359.      print "CURCOL  ${xterm_info[7]}"
  360.      print "ROWS    ${xterm_info[8]}"
  361.      print "COLS    ${xterm_info[9]}"
  362.  ;;
  363.  [xX])      print ${xterm_info[0]} ;;
  364.  [yY])      print ${xterm_info[1]} ;;
  365.  [xX]size)  print ${xterm_info[2]} ;;
  366.  [yY]size)  print ${xterm_info[3]} ;;
  367.  *)         print ${xterm_info[@]} ;;
  368.  esac
  369. }
  370. WINDOWPOS(){ # get xterm window position ( in pixels )
  371. INVISIBLE;echo -e '\e[13t\c'; read -rn 16 -t 1.5;INVISIBLENOT
  372. CURSOR backward "${#REPLY}";CURSOR backward;  # cleanup
  373. #echo "${#REPLY}"
  374. #echo "${REPLY:1:3}" |vis
  375. #[[ "${REPLY:1:3}" == "[3;" && 't' == "${REPLY: -1:1}" ]] && echo fine
  376. if [[ "${REPLY:1:3}" != "[3;" || 't' != "${REPLY: -1:1}" ]]
  377. then
  378.    echo -e "\nnot fine"
  379.    return    # return false produced error when X="$(WINDOWPOS)"
  380. fi  
  381. #echo "${REPLY:4:(( ${#REPLY} - 5 ))}"  
  382. REPLY="${REPLY:4:(( ${#REPLY} - 5 ))}" # after this REPLY is 81;48 etc
  383. xterm_info[0]="${REPLY%;*}"            
  384. xterm_info[1]="${REPLY#*;}"      
  385. }
  386. WINDOWSIZE(){ # get xterm window size (in pixels)
  387. INVISIBLE;echo -e '\e[14t\c'; read -rn 16 -t 1.5;INVISIBLENOT
  388. CURSOR backward "${#REPLY}";CURSOR backward;  # cleanup
  389. if [[ "${REPLY:1:3}" != "[4;" || 't' != "${REPLY: -1:1}" ]]
  390. then
  391.    return  
  392. fi  
  393. REPLY="${REPLY:4:(( ${#REPLY} - 5 ))}"
  394. xterm_info[2]="${REPLY%;*}"            
  395. xterm_info[3]="${REPLY#*;}"      
  396. }
  397. TERMSIZE(){ # get xterm size of text area window size (in characters)
  398. INVISIBLE;echo -e '\e[18t\c'; read -rn 16 -t 1.5;INVISIBLENOT
  399. CURSOR backward "${#REPLY}";CURSOR backward;  # cleanup
  400. if [[ "${REPLY:1:3}" != "[8;" || 't' != "${REPLY: -1:1}" ]]
  401. then
  402.    return  
  403. fi  
  404. REPLY="${REPLY:4:(( ${#REPLY} - 5 ))}"
  405. xterm_info[8]="${REPLY%;*}"            
  406. xterm_info[9]="${REPLY#*;}"      
  407. }
  409. INVISIBLE;echo -e '\eZ\c'; read -rn 16 -t 1.5;INVISIBLENOT
  410. CURSOR backward "${#REPLY}";CURSOR backward;  # cleanup
  411. if [[ "${REPLY:3:4}" == "1;2c" ]] then
  412.     xterm_info[4]=1     # string for at least
  413. else
  414.     xterm_info[4]=TERMID
  415. fi
  416. }
  417. DECDEVATTR(){
  418. INVISIBLE;echo -e '\e[0c\c'; read -rn 16 -t 1.5;INVISIBLENOT
  419. CURSOR backward "${#REPLY}";CURSOR backward;  # cleanup
  420. #SEND DEVICE Attributes (PRIMARY DA) ... depends on decTerminalID resource
  421. REPLY="${REPLY#*\[}"
  422. if [ "${REPLY}" == "" ] ; then
  423.     xterm_info[5]=DEVATTR
  424. elif [ "${REPLY}"     == "?1;2c" ] ; then
  425.     xterm_info[5]=1          # VT100 with ADVANCED Video Option
  426. elif [ "${REPLY}"     == "?1;0c" ] ; then
  427.     xterm_info[5]=2          # VT101 with NO Options
  428. elif [ "${REPLY}"     == "?6c" ] ; then
  429.     xterm_info[5]=3          # VT102
  430. elif [ "${REPLY:0:4}" == "?60;" ] ; then
  431.     xterm_info[5]=4       # VT220
  432.     REPLY="{$REPLY:4}"    # remaining parameters in REPLY
  433. else
  434.     xterm_info[5]=DEVATTR
  435. fi
  436. }
  438. ENQUIRE(){
  439. INVISIBLE;echo -e '\05'; read -rn 16 -t 1.5;INVISIBLENOT
  440. CURSOR backward "${#REPLY}";CURSOR backward;  # cleanup
  441. #REPLY is now answerbackString..if there is one.
  442. }
  443. DECREQTERM(){  # request terminal parameters #DECREQTPARM
  444. INVISIBLE;echo -en '\e[1x'; read -rn 30 -t 0.8 ;INVISIBLENOT
  445. CURSOR backward "${#REPLY}";CURSOR backward;  # cleanup
  446. if [[ "$REPLY" == "" ]] then
  447.   return
  448. elif [[ "${REPLY:1:3}" != "[3;" || 't' != "${REPLY: -1:1}x" ]] then
  449.     REPLY="${REPLY%x}"
  450.     REPLY="${REPLY#*3;}" #REPLY is now paramaters
  451.     echo "$REPLY" |vis
  452. fi
  453. }
  454. #Answer
  455. #SomeoneTheyNeverPaidWell
  456. #Changethat
  457. #Answer
  458. #my401k
  459. #my401k: no tax dependent so guess we dont need to do this lol
  464. SCREENTEST;sleep 1.2; ERASE screen
  465. (( rows = $(stty -a|sed -n '1{s/^.* baud; //;s/ rows.*columns;$//;p;}') / 2 ))
  466. sleep 2.5
  467. #MEH
  469. CURSOR down
  471. print Alien
  472. CURSOR down
  474. CURSOR down
  476. print prize
  477. CURSOR down
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