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- ; NSIS Script for OFP Aspect Ratio pack v2.06
- ;------Header---------------
- !include "MUI2.nsh"
- !include "TextFunc.nsh"
- !include "WordFunc.nsh"
- !include "nsDialogs.nsh"
- !include "winmessages.nsh"
- !include "logiclib.nsh"
- !include "nsArray.nsh"
- SetCompressor /solid lzma
- ShowInstDetails show
- RequestExecutionLevel admin
- ;BrandingText "NSIS script by Faguss ("
- InstallDir $INSTDIR
- ;InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint" "MAIN"
- ;------Strings--------------
- VIAddVersionKey "ProductName" "OFP Aspect Ratio Installer"
- VIAddVersionKey "Comments" "Update screen format for the Operation Flashpoint: Resistance 1.96 and ArmA: Cold War Assault 1.99"
- VIAddVersionKey "CompanyName" ""
- VIAddVersionKey "LegalTrademarks" "Public Domain"
- VIAddVersionKey "LegalCopyright" "Public Domain"
- VIAddVersionKey "FileDescription" "Install OFP Aspect Ratio package"
- VIAddVersionKey "FileVersion" ""
- VIProductVersion ""
- ;------Variables------------
- Var finishpagetext
- Var parameters
- Var runtext
- Var exename
- Var cfgName
- Var dialog
- Var hwnd
- Var radio1
- Var radio2
- Var radio3
- Var radio4
- Var radio5
- Var radio6
- Var FoundUserInfo
- Var ModifiedHPP
- Var key
- Var value
- Var dest
- Var ECPRedux
- Var Obsolete
- Var HasBackup
- ;------Customize------------
- Name "OFP Aspect Ratio"
- OutFile "ofp_aspect_ratio.exe"
- !define MUI_ICON "img\orange-install.ico"
- !define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "img\Installer_Welcome.bmp"
- !define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TITLE "OFP Aspect Ratio v2.06"
- !define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "This will update screen format for the$\n$\n$\tOperation Flashpoint: Resistance 1.96$\n$\tArmA: Cold War Assault 1.99$\n$\n$\nFwatch 1.16 included."
- !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "img\Installer_Header.bmp"
- !define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_TEXT_TOP "Make sure this path leads to the game directory.$\n$\nGame must have been run at least once.$\n$\nInstaller will replace resource.cpp and revert config.cpp (from the older version)"
- !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN $exename
- !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_TEXT $runtext
- !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK "On-line readme"
- !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_TEXT $finishpagetext
- !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT "Create Desktop Shortcut"
- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
- Page Custom AspectSelection
- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
- ;------Functions------------
- ; This reads CWA reg key if OFP is not present
- Function .onInit
- StrCpy $AR_STRING ""
- StrCpy $cfgName "flashpoint.cfg"
- ${If} $INSTDIR == ""
- ReadRegStr $INSTDIR HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Steam App 65790" "InstallLocation"
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $INSTDIR == ""
- ReadRegStr $INSTDIR HKLM "SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ColdWarAssault" "MAIN"
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $INSTDIR == ""
- ReadRegStr $INSTDIR HKLM "Software\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint" "MAIN"
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $INSTDIR == ""
- StrCpy $INSTDIR "D:\Games\Operation Flashpoint"
- ${EndIf}
- FunctionEnd
- ; This creates a shortcut
- Function finishpageaction
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\"
- StrCpy $9 "Fwatch.lnk"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\flashpoint.cfg 0 +2
- StrCpy $9 "Fwatch OFP.lnk"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\ColdWarAssault.cfg 0 +2
- StrCpy $9 "Fwatch CWA.lnk"
- IfFileExists "$DESKTOP\$9" +2 0
- CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\$9" "$INSTDIR\$exename" "$parameters"
- FunctionEnd
- ; Install directory must have configuration file
- Function .onVerifyInstDir
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\flashpoint.cfg +4 0
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\ColdWarAssault.cfg +2 0
- Abort
- StrCpy $cfgName "ColdWarAssault.cfg"
- FunctionEnd
- ; Detect aspect ratio automatically or provide manual seleciton
- Function AspectSelection
- ; Read resolution from the configuration file
- ${ConfigRead} "$INSTDIR\$cfgName" "Resolution_W" $R0
- ${ConfigRead} "$INSTDIR\$cfgName" "Resolution_H" $R1
- ; Get rid of extra characters so it's only a number
- ${StrFilter} "$R0" "1" "" "" $R0
- ${StrFilter} "$R1" "1" "" "" $R1
- ; Divide width by height
- FloatOp::Autor $0
- FloatOp::D $R0 $R1 $0
- ; Assign aspect ratio based on the result
- StrCmp $0 "1.33333" 0 +3
- StrCpy $AR_STRING "4_3"
- StrCpy $AR_STRING2 "4:3"
- StrCmp $0 "1.25" 0 +3
- StrCpy $AR_STRING "5_4"
- StrCpy $AR_STRING2 "5:4"
- StrCmp $0 "1.6" 0 +3
- StrCpy $AR_STRING "16_10"
- StrCpy $AR_STRING2 "16:10"
- StrCmp $0 "1.77778" 0 +3
- StrCpy $AR_STRING "16_9"
- StrCpy $AR_STRING2 "16:9"
- StrCmp $0 "1.66667" 0 +3
- StrCpy $AR_STRING "15_9"
- StrCpy $AR_STRING2 "15:9"
- StrCmp $0 "2.37037" 0 +3
- StrCpy $AR_STRING "21_9"
- StrCpy $AR_STRING2 "21:9"
- ; If nothing was assigned then continue; otherwise skip the rest of the page
- StrCmp $AR_STRING "" selection message
- ; Create dialog with radio buttons
- selection:
- nsDialogs::Create 1018
- Pop $dialog
- ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 2% 10% 40% 6% "4:3"
- Pop $radio1
- ${NSD_AddStyle} $radio1 ${WS_GROUP}
- ${NSD_OnClick} $radio1 RadioChange
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio1 ${BST_CHECKED}
- ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 2% 20% 40% 6% "5:4"
- Pop $radio2
- ${NSD_AddStyle} $radio2 ${WS_GROUP}
- ${NSD_OnClick} $radio2 RadioChange
- ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 2% 30% 40% 6% "16:10"
- Pop $radio3
- ${NSD_AddStyle} $radio3 ${WS_GROUP}
- ${NSD_OnClick} $radio3 RadioChange
- ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 2% 40% 40% 6% "16:9"
- Pop $radio4
- ${NSD_AddStyle} $radio4 ${WS_GROUP}
- ${NSD_OnClick} $radio4 RadioChange
- ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 2% 50% 40% 6% "15:9"
- Pop $radio5
- ${NSD_AddStyle} $radio5 ${WS_GROUP}
- ${NSD_OnClick} $radio5 RadioChange
- ${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 2% 60% 40% 6% "21:9"
- Pop $radio6
- ${NSD_AddStyle} $radio6 ${WS_GROUP}
- ${NSD_OnClick} $radio6 RadioChange
- ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 100% 20% "Select your screen's aspect ratio:"
- Pop $hwnd
- nsDialogs::Show
- Goto end
- message:
- nsDialogs::Create 1018
- Pop $dialog
- ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 100% 20% "Aspect ratio was set to $AR_STRING2"
- Pop $hwnd
- nsDialogs::Show
- end:
- FunctionEnd
- ; Handle user clicks on the dialog page
- Function RadioChange
- Pop $1
- ${If} $1 == $radio1
- StrCpy $AR_STRING "4_3"
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio2 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio3 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio4 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio5 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio6 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $1 == $radio2
- StrCpy $AR_STRING "5_4"
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio1 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio3 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio4 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio5 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio6 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $1 == $radio3
- StrCpy $AR_STRING "16_10"
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio1 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio2 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio4 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio5 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio6 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $1 == $radio4
- StrCpy $AR_STRING "16_9"
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio1 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio2 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio3 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio5 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio6 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $1 == $radio5
- StrCpy $AR_STRING "15_9"
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio1 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio2 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio3 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio4 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio6 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $1 == $radio6
- StrCpy $AR_STRING "21_9"
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio1 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio2 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio3 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio4 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${NSD_SetState} $radio5 ${BST_UNCHECKED}
- ${EndIf}
- FunctionEnd
- ; Modify entries in userinfo.cfg based on selected ratio
- Function ChangeUserInfo
- ; Default values (4:3)
- StrCpy $R1 "0.75"
- StrCpy $R2 "1"
- StrCpy $R3 "0"
- StrCpy $R4 "0"
- StrCpy $R5 "1"
- StrCpy $R6 "1"
- ; Change values if different ratio
- ${If} $AR_STRING == "5_4"
- StrCpy $R1 "0.8"
- StrCpy $R2 "1"
- StrCpy $R3 "0"
- StrCpy $R4 "0.03125"
- StrCpy $R5 "1"
- StrCpy $R6 "0.96875"
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $AR_STRING == "16_10"
- StrCpy $R1 "0.75"
- StrCpy $R2 "1.2"
- StrCpy $R3 "0.083333"
- StrCpy $R4 "0"
- StrCpy $R5 "0.916667"
- StrCpy $R6 "1"
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $AR_STRING == "16_9"
- StrCpy $R1 "0.75"
- StrCpy $R2 "1.333333"
- StrCpy $R3 "0.125"
- StrCpy $R4 "0"
- StrCpy $R5 "0.875"
- StrCpy $R6 "1"
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $AR_STRING == "15_9"
- StrCpy $R1 "0.75"
- StrCpy $R2 "1.25"
- StrCpy $R3 "0.1"
- StrCpy $R4 "0"
- StrCpy $R5 "0.9"
- StrCpy $R6 "1"
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $AR_STRING == "21_9"
- StrCpy $R1 "0.75"
- StrCpy $R2 "1.777778"
- StrCpy $R3 "0.21875"
- StrCpy $R4 "0"
- StrCpy $R5 "0.78125"
- StrCpy $R6 "1"
- ${EndIf}
- ; Write settings
- ${ConfigWrite} $INSTDIR\Users\$1\userinfo.cfg "fovTop" "=$R1;" $2
- ${ConfigWrite} $INSTDIR\Users\$1\userinfo.cfg "fovLeft" "=$R2;" $3
- ${ConfigWrite} $INSTDIR\Users\$1\userinfo.cfg "uiTopLeftX" "=$R3;" $4
- ${ConfigWrite} $INSTDIR\Users\$1\userinfo.cfg "uiTopLeftY" "=$R4;" $5
- ${ConfigWrite} $INSTDIR\Users\$1\userinfo.cfg "uiBottomRightX" "=$R5;" $6
- ${ConfigWrite} $INSTDIR\Users\$1\userinfo.cfg "uiBottomRightY" "=$R6;" $7
- ; Display results
- DetailPrint "User $1:"
- DetailPrint " fovTop: $2"
- DetailPrint " fovLeft: $3"
- DetailPrint " uiTopLeftX: $4"
- DetailPrint " uiTopLeftY: $5"
- DetailPrint " uiBottomRightX: $6"
- DetailPrint " uiBottomRightY: $7"
- StrCpy $FoundUserInfo "true"
- FunctionEnd
- ; Change macro definition in Aspect_Ratio.hpp
- Function AspectRatioHPP
- ${If} $ModifiedHPP == "false"
- ${WordFind} $R9 "#define aspect_ratio_" "E+1{" $R0
- IfErrors notfound found
- found:
- StrCpy $R9 "#define aspect_ratio_$AR_STRING$\r$\n"
- StrCpy $ModifiedHPP "true"
- notfound:
- ${EndIf}
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
- ; Identify ECP version (original or redux)
- Function ECPReduxSearch
- ${If} $ECPRedux == "false"
- ${WordFind} $R9 "whitegold" "E+1{" $R0
- IfErrors notfound found
- found:
- StrCpy $ECPRedux "true"
- notfound:
- ${EndIf}
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
- ; Identify config.cpp
- Function ConfigCheck
- ${If} $Obsolete == "false"
- ${WordFind} $R9 "Faguss" "E+1{" $R0
- IfErrors notfound found
- found:
- StrCpy $Obsolete "true"
- notfound:
- ${EndIf}
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
- ;------Sections------------
- Section
- ; Default values for string variables
- StrCpy $finishpagetext ""
- StrCpy $parameters " -nosplash"
- StrCpy $runtext "Launch game with the Fwatch"
- StrCpy $exename "fwatch.exe"
- ; Display select aspect ratio
- DetailPrint "Ratio set to $AR_STRING"
- ; Check if "users" directory exists
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\Users 0 +2
- Goto users
- MessageBox MB_OK "Couldn't find $\"Users$\" directory"
- DetailPrint "Installer needs Users\<name>\userinfo.cfg so it can adjust FOV settings"
- Abort
- ; Check all the sub-folders in the "users" directory
- ; Change configuration files
- users:
- StrCpy $FoundUserInfo "false"
- FindFirst $0 $1 $INSTDIR\Users\*
- loop:
- StrCmp $1 "" done
- StrCmp $1 "." findnext
- StrCmp $1 ".." findnext
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\Users\$1\userinfo.cfg 0 findnext
- Call ChangeUserInfo
- findnext:
- FindNext $0 $1
- Goto loop
- done:
- FindClose $0
- ; If no configuration file was changed
- ${If} $FoundUserInfo == "false"
- MessageBox MB_OK "Couldn't find $\"userinfo.cfg$\" file"
- DetailPrint "Installer needs Users\<name>\userinfo.cfg so it can adjust FOV settings"
- Abort
- ${EndIf}
- ; Copy config file
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\"
- File "Aspect_Ratio.hpp"
- ; Change aspect ratio settings in the config file
- StrCpy $ModifiedHPP "false"
- ${LineFind} $INSTDIR\Aspect_Ratio.hpp "" "1:-1" AspectRatioHPP
- ; Create list of mods
- nsArray::Split modfolders @airwolf|@ECP|@ffsx85|@ffsx2007|@GRAA|@JF|@MCM-SLX|@OFrP_Mod|@wgl5|@WW2_MP|@ww4mod25|bin|finmod|Res|x_vte|ffur2006|TuPaS_War |
- ; Replace configs and resources in the modfolders
- ${ForEachIn} modfolders $key $value
- StrCpy $dest $value
- ; Before making backup for ECP determine if it's original or redux
- ${If} $value == "@ECP"
- StrCpy $ECPRedux "false"
- ${LineFind} $INSTDIR\@ECP\Bin\Config.cpp "/NUL" "1:100" ECPReduxSearch
- ${EndIf}
- ; Exception for CWA 1.99
- ${If} $value == "bin"
- StrCmp "$cfgName" "ColdWarAssault.cfg" 0 Skip
- StrCpy $dest "."
- ${EndIf}
- ; Make resource backup if it doesn't exist
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\$dest\bin\_resource_backup.cpp +2 0
- Rename $INSTDIR\$dest\bin\resource.cpp $INSTDIR\$dest\bin\_resource_backup.cpp
- ; Revert to the config backup if it exists
- StrCpy $HasBackup "false"
- StrCpy $Obsolete "false"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\$dest\bin\_config_backup.cpp 0 +2
- StrCpy $HasBackup "true"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\$dest\bin\config.bin 0 +2
- StrCpy $HasBackup "true"
- ${LineFind} $INSTDIR\$dest\Bin\Config.cpp "/NUL" "1:100" ConfigCheck
- ${If} $Obsolete == "true"
- ${AndIf} $HasBackup == "true"
- DetailPrint "---- Reverting $INSTDIR\$dest\bin\config.cpp"
- Rename $INSTDIR\$dest\bin\config.cpp $INSTDIR\$dest\bin\_config_obsolete.cpp
- Rename $INSTDIR\$dest\bin\_config_backup.cpp $INSTDIR\$dest\bin\config.cpp
- ${EndIf}
- Skip:
- ${Next}
- ; Copy files
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\@airwolf 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\@airwolf\bin\"
- File "@airwolf\Resource.cpp"
- ; Copy files for the correct ECP version
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\@ECP 0 skipECP
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\@ECP\bin\"
- ${If} $ECPRedux == "false"
- DetailPrint "Detected original ECP"
- File "@ECP\Resource.cpp"
- ${Else}
- DetailPrint "Detected ECP Redux"
- File "@ECPR\Resource.cpp"
- ${EndIf}
- skipECP:
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\@ffsx85 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\@ffsx85\bin\"
- File "@ffsx85\Resource.cpp"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\@ffsx2007 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\@ffsx2007\bin\"
- File "@ffsx2007\Resource.cpp"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\@GRAA 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\@GRAA\bin\"
- File "@GRAA\Resource.cpp"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\@JF 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\@JF\bin\"
- File "@JF\Resource.cpp"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\@MCM-SLX 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\@MCM-SLX\bin\"
- File "@MCM-SLX\Resource.cpp"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\@OFrP_Mod 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\@OFrP_Mod\bin\"
- File "@OFrP_Mod\Resource.cpp"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\@wgl5 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\@wgl5\bin\"
- File "@wgl5\Resource.cpp"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\@WW2_MP 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\@WW2_MP\bin\"
- File "@WW2_MP\Resource.cpp"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\@ww4mod25 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\@ww4mod25\bin\"
- File "@ww4mod25\Resource.cpp"
- ; CWA
- ${If} "$cfgName" == "ColdWarAssault.cfg"
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin\"
- File "bin\Resource.cpp"
- ${EndIf}
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\finmod 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\finmod\bin\"
- File "finmod\Resource.cpp"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\Res 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Res\bin\"
- File "Res\Resource.cpp"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\x_vte 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\x_vte\bin\"
- File "x_vte\Resource.cpp"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\ffur2006 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\ffur2006\bin\"
- File "ffur2006\Resource.cpp"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\TuPaS_War 0 +3
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\TuPaS_War\bin\"
- File "TuPaS_War\Resource.cpp"
- ; Install Fwatch if it's missing or if it's old version ===========
- DetailPrint " "
- DetailPrint "==== Installing Fwatch ==== "
- SetOverwrite ifnewer
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\"
- File /r "data\*"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\flashpoint.cfg 0 +2
- File "fwatch.exe"
- IfFileExists $INSTDIR\ColdWarAssault.cfg 0 +3
- File "fwatchCWA.exe"
- StrCpy $exename "fwatchCWA.exe"
- ; Check game executable ===========================================
- ; Check if this is Steam version
- ${WordFind} $INSTDIR "SteamApps\common" "E+1{" $R0
- IfErrors notfound found
- found:
- StrCpy $parameters "$parameters -steam"
- StrCpy $runtext "Launch game with Steam"
- GoTo allDone
- notfound:
- IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\flashpointresistance.exe" allDone 0
- IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\ofp.exe" allDone 0
- IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\flashpointbeta.exe" allDone 0
- IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\operationflashpoint.exe" allDone 0
- IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\operationflashpointbeta.exe" allDone 0
- IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\ColdWarAssault.exe" allDone 0
- StrCpy $parameters "$parameters -nolaunch "
- StrCpy $runtext "Launch Fwatch"
- StrCpy $finishpagetext "$finishpagetext$\n$\nYou will have to start the game manually."
- allDone:
- ;if empty string then change it to 'all done'
- StrCmp $finishpagetext "" +1 +2
- StrCpy $finishpagetext "All Done"
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\"
- SectionEnd
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