
Bootstrapper Script

Aug 26th, 2019
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  1. // Config
  2. String pname = "Ur program name";
  3. String dlink = "";
  4. string title = @"
  5. __ __ ___
  6. | \/ |_ _ | _ \_ _ ___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
  7. | |\/| | || | | _/ '_/ _ \/ _` | '_/ _` | ' \
  8. |_| |_|\_, | |_| |_| \___/\__, |_| \__,_|_|_|_|Template by 00Fx64
  9. |__/ |___/
  10. ";
  11. // ---------- Do not touch here if you do not know ----------
  12. Console.Title = pname + " Bootstrapper";
  13. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
  14. Console.WriteLine("Enter your name and press Enter");
  15. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
  16. var name = Console.ReadLine();
  17. Console.Clear();
  18. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan;
  19. Console.WriteLine($"Hello {name}! Welcome to");
  20. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
  21. Console.WriteLine(title);
  22. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  23. Console.WriteLine("Downloading new Files...");
  24. WebClient wc = new WebClient();
  25. String key = wc.DownloadString(dlink);
  26. String path = @"Files\" + pname + ".exe"; //Change this to the type of file you are downloading e.g. .rar or .dll or .lua etc.
  27. System.Net.WebClient Dow = new WebClient();
  28. String patch = (@"Files");
  29. Directory.CreateDirectory(patch);
  30. Dow.DownloadFile(key, path);
  31. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  32. Console.WriteLine(pname + " Downloaded | Updated!");
  33. Console.WriteLine($"Now open " + patch + " and Run " + pname + ".exe"); //Change this to the type of file you are downloading e.g. .rar or .dll or .lua etc.
  34. Console.ReadKey();
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