

Aug 9th, 2019
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  1. Aufgeblähte Lepraratte:4EIL:021316M:01181FS:ZR0:N:Strategy added by Mordred#1140\nI was having some trouble with two other strategies on this fight. Yes, they succeeded in bringing down the Bloated Leper Rat; however, both times the first two pets died, necessitating bringing in the third pet, who, of course, died when the Bloated Leper Rat died.\n\nSo, running out of options, I came up with this tried and true, if somewhat overused cheese method. It worked and both Ikky and Unborn Val'kyr survived.\n\nRunde 1: Start with Ungeborene Val'kyr. Use Fluch der Verdammnis.\nRunde 2: Heimsuchung\nAktiviere Ikky\nRunde 3: Schwarze Klaue\nRunde 4: Schar\n
  2. Cockroach:4EHJ:222415R:111B8L:111A15I:N:vs Cockroach – any Zandalari pet with Black Claw / Hunting Party (+ appropriate pets for the backline enemies).
  3. Lebendiger Schlick:4EO6:2119HO:ZR7:ZR8:N:Strategy added by Bruski#1762\nThis strat is good for battlers who may have lots of level 25s, but not necessarily the ones required by other strats. TDScript provided for easy repeatability. \n\nPlease give this a like if you used this strat, and comment with any problems or suggestions!\n\nPrio 1: Säureglibber if Tauchen available in 2 turns or less\nPrio 2: Tauchen on CD\nPrio 3: Absorbieren otherwise\nAfter Rostschnecke dies, switch to Any Beast against Cockroach, or Any Elemental against mechs to finish them off.  By the time Rostschnecke dies at least one of the two extra pets should be very weakened.\n
  4. Leper Rat:4EHG:222328:211BAD:12261OD:N:vs Leper Rat – any Rabbit with Dodge / Stampede / Flurry (+ appropriate pets for backline enemies).
  5. Living Napalm:4EO7:122BBV:12198E:2225DP:N:vs LIVING NAPALM (elemental + 2 backline pets) \nEternal Strider: Pump, Water Jet, Pump (Napalm dies) \nUse Cleansing Rain to counter Blizzard if needed; the backline pets shouldn't be a problem.
  6. Living Permafrost:4EO5:2226NA:2124225:22291M1:N:vs LIVING PERMAFROST (elemental + 2 backline pets) \nSame Emperor Crab as above – Whirlpool, Healing Wave, Surge, Surge \nSwap out the crab after Permafrost dies, which will remove the DOTs from Blistering Cold, then bring in the rest of your team for the backline pets.
  7. Prototype Annoy-O-Tron:4EIH:112C93:2214HD:122A1BB:N:- Sunflower: Sunlight (AOT shields), Photosynthesis \n- Swap in Nether Faerie Dragon \n- pass one turn (to take extra damage) \n- Life Exchange\n- Swap back to Sunflower (AOT shields), Photosynthesis \n- Sunlight, Lash, Lash\n- Photosynthesis\n\nFrom here, solo the rest of the fight with Lash, refresh Photosynthesis when AOT shields, and don't let Sunlight expire.
  8. Pulverizer Bot Mk 6001:4EI4:11181FS:222413R:1117G7:N:- Stampede\n- Blitzschlagschild\n- Donnerblitz\n- Komplett verschluckt
  9. Türsteuerkonsole:4FFK:221CN7:2116FD:10071SE:N:Strategy added by Zeitlos#1455\nFrom the Wowhead guide, copied here for convenience!\n\nGuide (\n\nRunde 1: Panzerschild\nRunde 2: Tauchen\nRunde 3: Absorbieren\nRunde 4: Absorbieren\nRunde 5: Panzerschild\nRunde 6: Absorbieren\nRunde 7: Tauchen\nRunde 8: Absorbieren\nRunde 9: Panzerschild\nRunde 10: Absorbieren\nRunde 11: Absorbieren\nRunde 12: Tauchen if possible - first snail dies\nBring in your second snail\nRunde 1: Säureglibber\nRunde 2: Absorbieren\nRunde 3: Absorbieren\nRunde 4: Absorbieren\nRunde 5: Säureglibber\nRunde 6-7: Tauchen - Freeze Ray Prototype should die here\nRunde 8: Säureglibber\nRunde 9: Absorbieren\nRunde 10: Absorbieren\nRunde 11: Säureglibber - Snail dies\nBring in final pet\nRunde 1: Wasserjet\nRunde 2: Wasserjet\n
  10. Wachroboschreiter von Gnomeregan:4EIK:1126143:ZR7:ZR7:N:Strategy added by Threewolves\nHigh heels were invented by a woman who had been kissed on the forehead.\n\nRunde 1: Sandsturm\nRunde 2: Bodenbruch\nRunde 3: Zerquetschen\nRunde 4+: Use Sandstorm then Rupture whenever available. Otherwise, Crush. Clean up with remaining pets if needed.\n
  11. Wachtiger von Gnomeregan:4EIJ:12231T8:ZR7:ZR7:N:Strategy added by Threewolves\nAs long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it.\n\nRunde 1+: Prioritize Entangling Roots then Leech Seed whenever available. Otherwise, Lash. Clean up with remaining pets if needed.\n
  12. Wachwolf von Gnomeregan:4EII:22241FD:ZR7:ZR8:N:Strategy added by jtrezzo#1973\nTip: You can put in some level 1 pets (or just your pets from previous fight) to check if you have roaches, rats, or mechs, forfeit, then adjust with a combination of elemental, beast, or critter depending on what the observed backups are. \n\nRunde 1: Aufwärmen\nRunde 2: Kauterisieren\nRunde 3: Flammenwerfer\nRunde 4: Flammenwerfer\nGuard Wolf should die, if not you might need one more Flamethrower.\n\nDepending on backup pet type, swap in your beast for roaches, critter for rats, or if a mech continue with Blazing Cindercrawler. Cauterize when available and Heat Up when not already active, otherwise Flamethrower.\n\n
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