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- using System;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using Aspose.Html;
- using Aspose.Html.Dom.Canvas;
- using Aspose.Html.Drawing;
- using Aspose.Html.Rendering;
- using Aspose.Html.Rendering.Pdf;
- using Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Face;
- using Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Face.Contract;
- namespace Canvas
- {
- class Program
- {
- private const string ImageFilePath = "";
- private const string OutputFile = @"C:\aspose\pdf\output01.pdf";
- private static void Main()
- {
- ConvertCanvastoPdf();
- //ConvertCanvastoPdf2();
- CanvasToPdfDemo();
- }
- private static void ConvertCanvastoPdf()
- {
- const string content = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A Simple Canvas Example</title><style>body{background: #aabbcc;}" +
- "#canvas{margin: 10px;padding: 10px;background: #ffffff;border: 3px groove #aabbcc;}</style></head>" +
- "<body>" +
- "<canvas id='canvas' width='320' height='240'> Canvas not supported</canvas>" +
- "<script>" +
- "var canvas=document.getElementById('canvas');" +
- "var context=canvas.getContext('2d');" +
- "context.font='20pt Arial';context.fillStyle='navy';context.strokeStyle='blue';" +
- "context.fillText('Hello Canvas', 30, 30);" +
- "context.strokeText('Hello Canvas', 30, 30);" +
- "</script>" +
- "</body></html>";
- var document = new HTMLDocument(content, string.Empty);
- GeneratePdfDoc(document, OutputFile);
- }
- private static void CanvasToPdfDemo()
- {
- var document = CreateHtmlTemplate();
- var faces = MakeAnalysisRequest(ImageFilePath).Result;
- GenerateReport(document, faces);
- GeneratePdfDoc(document, OutputFile);
- }
- private static void GenerateReport(HTMLDocument document, Face[] faces)
- {
- const int canvasWidth = 640;
- const int canvasHeight = 480;
- var colors = new[] {
- "Red", "Cyan", "Orange", "Green", "Blue", "Purple", "Black", "Aqua", "Olive", "Navy", "Teal",
- "Maroon", "Gray", "Beige", "MediumSlateBlue", "Aquamarine", "LightSalmon", "Gold", "LightSeaGreen",
- "Violet", "Chartreuse", "LightSalmon", "MediumSlateBlue"
- };
- var imageObj = (HTMLImageElement)document.CreateElement("img");
- imageObj.Src = ImageFilePath;
- var canvas = (HTMLCanvasElement)document.GetElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];
- canvas.Width = canvasWidth;
- canvas.Height = canvasHeight;
- var context = (ICanvasRenderingContext2D)canvas.GetContext("2d");
- context.ClearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
- context.DrawImage(imageObj, 0, 0);
- context.BeginPath();
- context.LineWidth = 2.0;
- for (var i = 0; i < faces.Length; i++)
- {
- context.StrokeStyle = colors[i % 24];
- context.StrokeRect(
- faces[i].FaceRectangle.Left,
- faces[i].FaceRectangle.Top,
- faces[i].FaceRectangle.Width,
- faces[i].FaceRectangle.Height);
- context.Stroke();
- var paragraph = (HTMLParagraphElement)document.CreateElement("p");
- paragraph.TextContent = $"{colors[i]} - {faces[i].FaceAttributes.Age}, {faces[i].FaceAttributes.Gender}";
- document.DocumentElement.LastElementChild.AppendChild(paragraph);
- }
- }
- private static void GeneratePdfDoc(HTMLDocument document, string outputfile)
- {
- var options = new PdfRenderingOptions();
- options.PageSetup.AnyPage.Margin.Top = Unit.FromMillimeters(20);
- options.PageSetup.AnyPage.Margin.Bottom = Unit.FromMillimeters(20);
- options.PageSetup.AnyPage.Margin.Left = Unit.FromMillimeters(20);
- options.PageSetup.AnyPage.Margin.Right = Unit.FromMillimeters(20);
- Console.WriteLine("Render PDF file started...");
- var device = new PdfDevice(options, outputfile);
- var renderer = new HtmlRenderer();
- renderer.Render(device, document);
- Console.WriteLine("Render PDF file finished.");
- }
- private static HTMLDocument CreateHtmlTemplate()
- {
- var document = new HTMLDocument();
- document.AppendChild(document.CreateDocumentType("html", "", "", ""));
- document.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("lang", "en");
- document.Title = "Face detection report";
- var head = document.GetElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- var metaCharSet = (HTMLMetaElement)document.CreateElement("meta");
- metaCharSet.SetAttribute("charset", "utf-8");
- var metaViewPort = (HTMLMetaElement)document.CreateElement("meta");
- metaViewPort.Name = "viewport";
- metaViewPort.Content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1";
- head.AppendChild(metaCharSet);
- head.AppendChild(metaViewPort);
- var header1 = (HTMLHeadingElement)document.CreateElement("h1");
- header1.TextContent = "Detection report";
- document.DocumentElement.LastElementChild.AppendChild(header1);
- var canvas = (HTMLCanvasElement)document.CreateElement("canvas");
- canvas.Style.CSSText = "border: 1px solid black";
- document.DocumentElement.LastElementChild.AppendChild(canvas);
- return document;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets the analysis of the specified image by using the Face REST API.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="imageFilePath">The image file.</param>
- private static async Task<Face[]> MakeAnalysisRequest(string imageFilePath)
- {
- const string subscriptionKey = "<key>";
- const string uriBase = "";
- var faceServiceClient = new FaceServiceClient(subscriptionKey, uriBase);
- return await faceServiceClient.DetectAsync(imageFilePath, false, true,
- new[] { FaceAttributeType.Gender, FaceAttributeType.Age });
- }
- }
- }
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