

Sep 17th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. -- Function to draw the title bar with the red "X"
  2. local function drawTitleBar()
  3. local width, _ = term.getSize()
  4. term.setBackgroundColor(
  5. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  6. term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
  7. term.write("Doggy OS Browser")
  9. term.setCursorPos(width, 1)
  10. term.write("X")
  11. term.setBackgroundColor(
  12. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  13. end
  15. -- Function to check if a mouse click is on the red "X" in the title bar
  16. local function isCloseButtonClicked(x, y)
  17. local width, _ = term.getSize()
  18. return x == width and y == 1
  19. end
  21. -- Function to wait for a mouse click event
  22. local function waitForClick()
  23. while true do
  24. local event, button, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  25. if isCloseButtonClicked(x, y) then
  26. return true
  27. end
  28. end
  29. end
  31. -- Function to display an error message and wait
  32. local function displayError(message)
  33. term.clear()
  34. drawTitleBar()
  35. print("Error: " .. message)
  36. print("Press any key to return to the main menu.")
  37. os.pullEvent("key") -- Wait for any key press
  38. end
  40. -- Function to get URL from user
  41. local function getURL()
  42. term.clear()
  43. drawTitleBar()
  44. print("Enter URL:")
  45. return read()
  46. end
  48. -- Function to get Webserver ID from user
  49. local function getWebserverID()
  50. term.clear()
  51. drawTitleBar()
  52. print("Enter Webserver ID:")
  53. return tonumber(read())
  54. end
  56. -- Automatically find and open the first available modem
  57. local function openModem()
  58. local sides = {"top", "bottom", "left", "right", "front", "back"}
  59. for _, side in ipairs(sides) do
  60. if peripheral.isPresent(side) and peripheral.getType(side) == "modem" then
  62. return side
  63. end
  64. end
  65. displayError("No modem found.")
  66. return nil
  67. end
  69. -- Load DNS Provider ID from file
  70. local function loadDNSProviderID()
  71. local filePath = "DNS-Provider.txt"
  72. if not fs.exists(filePath) then
  73. displayError("DNS-Provider.txt not found.")
  74. return nil
  75. end
  76. local file =, "r")
  77. local id = file.readAll()
  78. file.close()
  79. return tonumber(id)
  80. end
  82. -- Save DNS Provider ID to file
  83. local function saveDNSProviderID(id)
  84. local filePath = "DNS-Provider.txt"
  85. local file =, "w")
  86. file.write(id)
  87. file.close()
  88. print("DNS Provider ID updated.")
  89. end
  91. -- Connect to DNS and get IP address
  92. local function connectToDNS(url, dnsID)
  93. local modemSide = openModem()
  94. if not modemSide then return nil end
  96. term.clear()
  97. drawTitleBar()
  98. print("Connecting to DNS...")
  100. rednet.send(dnsID, url)
  101. local timer = os.startTimer(5)
  102. while true do
  103. local event, p1, p2 = os.pullEvent()
  104. if event == "rednet_message" and p1 == dnsID then
  105. rednet.close(modemSide)
  106. return p2
  107. elseif event == "timer" and p1 == timer then
  108. rednet.close(modemSide)
  109. displayError("DNS Timeout.")
  110. return nil
  111. elseif event == "mouse_click" and isCloseButtonClicked(p1, p2) then
  112. rednet.close(modemSide)
  113. return nil
  114. end
  115. end
  116. end
  118. -- Connect to webserver and get website code
  119. local function connectToWebserver(ip)
  120. local modemSide = openModem()
  121. if not modemSide then return nil end
  123. term.clear()
  124. drawTitleBar()
  125. print("Connecting to Webserver...")
  127. rednet.send(tonumber(ip), "GET")
  128. local timer = os.startTimer(5)
  129. while true do
  130. local event, p1, p2 = os.pullEvent()
  131. if event == "rednet_message" and p1 == tonumber(ip) then
  132. rednet.close(modemSide)
  133. return p2
  134. elseif event == "timer" and p1 == timer then
  135. rednet.close(modemSide)
  136. displayError("Connection timed out.")
  137. return nil
  138. elseif event == "mouse_click" and isCloseButtonClicked(p1, p2) then
  139. rednet.close(modemSide)
  140. return nil
  141. end
  142. end
  143. end
  145. -- Execute website code and render it
  146. local function runWebsite(code)
  147. local func, err = load(code, "website", "t", _ENV)
  148. if func then
  149. term.clear()
  150. drawTitleBar()
  151. func() -- Run the website code
  152. -- Continuously check for user interaction (mouse clicks) to close the browser
  153. while not waitForClick() do
  154. -- Keep checking for click events to close the browser
  155. end
  156. term.clear()
  157. else
  158. displayError("Error loading website: " .. err)
  159. end
  160. end
  162. -- Main menu function
  163. local function mainMenu()
  164. term.clear()
  165. drawTitleBar()
  166. print("Select an option:")
  167. print("1. Enter URL")
  168. print("2. Enter Webserver ID directly")
  169. print("3. Edit DNS Provider ID")
  170. print("4. Exit")
  171. local choice = tonumber(read())
  173. if choice == 1 then
  174. -- Enter URL
  175. while true do
  176. local url = getURL()
  177. if url == nil then
  178. break
  179. end
  181. local dnsID = loadDNSProviderID()
  182. if not dnsID then
  183. displayError("Failed to load DNS Provider ID.")
  184. return
  185. end
  187. local ip = connectToDNS(url, dnsID)
  188. if ip == "404_NOT_FOUND" then
  189. displayError("Error 404: Webpage cannot be found!")
  190. return
  191. elseif ip == "ERROR 403: Your IP address has been blocked from this DNS Network" then
  192. displayError("ERROR 403: Your IP address has been blocked from this DNS Network")
  193. return
  194. elseif not ip then
  195. displayError("Failed to connect to DNS.")
  196. return
  197. end
  199. local code = connectToWebserver(ip)
  200. if not code then
  201. displayError("Failed to connect to Webserver.")
  202. return
  203. end
  205. -- Write code to file and then delete it
  206. local tempFile = "received_code.lua"
  207. local tempFileHandle =, "w")
  208. tempFileHandle.write(code)
  209. tempFileHandle.close()
  211. -- Immediately delete the file after writing
  212. local success, err = pcall(function() fs.delete(tempFile) end)
  213. if success then
  214. print("Temporary file deleted successfully.")
  215. else
  216. displayError("Error deleting temporary file: " .. err)
  217. end
  219. runWebsite(code)
  220. -- After running the website, return to the main menu
  221. term.clear()
  222. drawTitleBar()
  223. print("Returning to main menu...")
  224. os.sleep(2) -- Pause to allow the user to see the message
  225. break
  226. end
  227. elseif choice == 2 then
  228. -- Enter Webserver ID directly
  229. term.clear()
  230. drawTitleBar()
  231. print("WARNING: Connecting directly with Webserver ID bypasses DNS malware scans and may be dangerous.")
  232. print("Proceed with caution. Enter Webserver ID directly:")
  234. while true do
  235. local id = getWebserverID()
  236. if not id then
  237. displayError("Invalid Webserver ID.")
  238. return
  239. end
  241. local code = connectToWebserver(id)
  242. if not code then
  243. displayError("Failed to connect to Webserver.")
  244. return
  245. end
  247. runWebsite(code)
  248. -- After running the website, return to the main menu
  249. term.clear()
  250. drawTitleBar()
  251. print("Returning to main menu...")
  252. os.sleep(2) -- Pause to allow the user to see the message
  253. break
  254. end
  255. elseif choice == 3 then
  256. -- Edit DNS Provider ID
  257. term.clear()
  258. drawTitleBar()
  259. print("Current DNS Provider ID: " .. (loadDNSProviderID() or "Not set"))
  260. print("Enter new DNS Provider ID:")
  261. local newID = tonumber(read())
  262. if newID then
  263. saveDNSProviderID(newID)
  264. else
  265. displayError("Invalid DNS Provider ID.")
  266. end
  267. elseif choice == 4 then
  268. print("Exiting...")
  269. return true -- Indicate exit
  270. else
  271. displayError("Invalid option. Please select 1, 2, 3, or 4.")
  272. end
  274. return false -- Continue showing menu
  275. end
  277. -- Main execution loop
  278. while true do
  279. local exit = mainMenu()
  280. if exit then
  281. break -- Exit the loop if the user chose to exit
  282. end
  283. end
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