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- local admins = {95112612}
- local mods = {26668495, 49415940, 62426538, 8921455, 86609039, 38547000}
- local bae = {90069931, 70136511, 68949175, 55080976, 44893448, 31743327, 71931773, 29043630, 73824896, 83845511, 88993196, 45386364, 47506742, 67334235, 63763759, 60072384, 53649173, 65071036}
- local lol = 0
- local version = "1.6"
- local emotesEnabled = true
- local bs = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("banService")
- local rs = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("rewardService")
- local xps = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("xpService")
- local savedChat = script.Chat:clone()
- local particles = script.Particles:clone()
- script.Chat:remove()
- local debris=game:GetService("Debris")
- function fire(targetPart,heat,size,clr1,clr2)
- local"Fire")
- newFire.Heat=heat
- newFire.Size=size
- newFire.Color=clr1
- newFire.SecondaryColor=clr2
- newFire.Parent=targetPart
- return newFire
- end
- function makeFab(player)
- local hairs={13476917,13745548,14815761,65941351}
- local hats={53039427,1032641,41453145,51244458,1031418,53040003,69434580,10770304}
- if player ~= nil then
- if player.Character ~= nil then
- if player.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- local targetCharacter = player.Character
- local targetTorso = player.Character.Torso
- local sound ="Sound")
- sound.Parent = targetTorso
- sound.SoundId = ""
- sound.Volume = 1
- sound:Play()
- debris:AddItem(sound,5)
- local fire1=fire(targetTorso,10,15,,1/3,1),,2/3,1))
- local fire2=fire(targetTorso,0,20,,1,1),,2/3,1))
- local fire3=fire(targetTorso,-10,15,,1/3,1),,2/3,1))
- debris:AddItem(fire1,5)
- debris:AddItem(fire2,5)
- debris:AddItem(fire3,5)
- wait(1)
- if targetCharacter and targetTorso then
- for i,v in ipairs(targetCharacter:GetChildren()) do
- if v and (v.className=="CharacterMesh" or v.className=="") then
- v:remove()
- end
- end
- for i,v in ipairs(targetTorso:GetChildren()) do
- if v and (v.className=="Decal") then
- v:remove()
- end
- end
- do
- local"CharacterMesh")
- torsoMesh.Name="Princess Torso"
- torsoMesh.BodyPart="Torso"
- torsoMesh.BaseTextureId=0
- torsoMesh.MeshId=54069300
- torsoMesh.OverlayTextureId=54069610
- torsoMesh.Parent=targetCharacter
- local"CharacterMesh")
- leftArmMesh.Name="Princess Left Arm"
- leftArmMesh.BodyPart="LeftArm"
- leftArmMesh.BaseTextureId=0
- leftArmMesh.MeshId=54069504
- leftArmMesh.OverlayTextureId=54069610
- leftArmMesh.Parent=targetCharacter
- local"CharacterMesh")
- rightArmMesh.Name="Princess Right Arm"
- rightArmMesh.BodyPart="RightArm"
- rightArmMesh.BaseTextureId=0
- rightArmMesh.MeshId=54069400
- rightArmMesh.OverlayTextureId=54069610
- rightArmMesh.Parent=targetCharacter
- local"CharacterMesh")
- leftLegMesh.Name="Princess Left Leg"
- leftLegMesh.BodyPart="LeftLeg"
- leftLegMesh.BaseTextureId=0
- leftLegMesh.MeshId=-1
- leftLegMesh.OverlayTextureId=54069610
- leftLegMesh.Parent=targetCharacter
- local"CharacterMesh")
- rightLegMesh.Name="Princess Right Leg"
- rightLegMesh.BodyPart="RightLeg"
- rightLegMesh.BaseTextureId=0
- rightLegMesh.MeshId=-1
- rightLegMesh.OverlayTextureId=54069610
- rightLegMesh.Parent=targetCharacter
- local hair=game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(hairs[math.random(1,#hairs)]):GetChildren()[1]
- hair.Parent=targetCharacter
- local hat=game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(hats[math.random(1,#hats)]):GetChildren()[1]
- hat.Parent=targetCharacter
- end
- end
- wait(1.5)
- if fire1 and fire2 and fire3 then
- fire1.Enabled=false
- fire2.Enabled=false
- fire3.Enabled=false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function makeReaper(player)
- if player ~= nil then
- if player.Character ~= nil then
- if player.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- if player:findFirstChild("PlayerGui") ~= nil then
- if player.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("GUI") ~= nil then
- if player.PlayerGui.GUI:findFirstChild("Reaper") ~= nil then
- player.PlayerGui.GUI:findFirstChild("Reaper").Visible = true
- end
- end
- end
- local p = player.Character:GetChildren()
- for i = 1, #p do
- if p[i] ~= nil then
- if p[i].Parent ~= nil then
- if p[i].className == "Part" then
- p[i].BrickColor ="Really black")
- p[i].Transparency = 0
- end
- if p[i].className == "Hat" or p[i].className == "Shirt" or p[i].className == "Pants" or p[i].className == "CharacterMesh" then
- p[i].Parent = nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- game.ServerStorage.Tools.ReaperHat:clone().Parent = player.Character
- game.ServerStorage.Tools.ReaperCape:clone().Parent = player.Character
- if player.Character:findFirstChild("Body Colors") ~= nil then
- player.Character:findFirstChild("Body Colors").Parent = nil
- game.ServerStorage.Tools.ReaperColors:clone().Parent = player.Character
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function checkAdmin(player)
- for i = 1, #admins do
- if admins[i] == player.userId then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function checkMod(player)
- for i = 1, #mods do
- if mods[i] == player.userId then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function checkBae(player)
- if bae == player.userId then
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function matchPlayer(str)
- local result = nil
- local players = game.Players:GetPlayers()
- for i = 1,#players do
- if (string.find(string.lower(players[i].Name), string.lower(str)) == 1) then
- if (result ~= nil) then return nil end
- result = players[i]
- end
- end
- return result
- end
- function onPlayerJoin(player)
- repeat wait() until player.Character ~= nil
- player.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 20
- player.HealthDisplayDistance = 1000
- player.NameDisplayDistance = 1000
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has entered the server.", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- local m ="BoolValue")
- m.Name = "Muted"
- m.Parent = player
- m.Value = false
- local m ="IntValue")
- m.Name = "Chance"
- m.Parent = player
- m.Value = 1
- player.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
- if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == "/version" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- _G.sendMessage("Version: " .. version, player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "/help" or string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "/cmds" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkBae(player) then
- _G.sendMessage("Commands: /version /mute /unmute /kick /kill /reaper /play /c /reward10000 /reward25000 /reward50000", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- elseif checkMod(player) then
- _G.sendMessage("Commands: /version /mute /unmute /kick /kill /reaper /play", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "/mute" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = matchPlayer(string.sub(msg, 7))
- if findPlayer ~= nil then
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has muted [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "]", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- findPlayer.Muted.Value = true
- else
- _G.sendMessage("Player: [" .. string.sub(msg, 7) .. "] not found.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "/unmute" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = matchPlayer(string.sub(msg, 9))
- if findPlayer ~= nil then
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has unmuted [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "]", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- findPlayer.Muted.Value = false
- else
- _G.sendMessage("Player: [" .. string.sub(msg, 7) .. "] not found.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "/kick" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = matchPlayer(string.sub(msg, 7))
- if findPlayer ~= nil then
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has kicked [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "]", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- findPlayer:remove()
- else
- _G.sendMessage("Player: [" .. string.sub(msg, 7) .. "] not found.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == "/ban" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = string.sub(msg, 6)
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has banned [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "]", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- bs:SetAsync(tostring(findPlayer), true)
- if game.Players:findFirstChild(tostring(findPlayer)) ~= nil then
- game.Players:findFirstChild(tostring(findPlayer)):remove()
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 0))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "/unban" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = string.sub(msg, 8)
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has pardoned [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "]", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 0))
- bs:SetAsync(tostring(findPlayer), false)
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 0))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == "/fus" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = matchPlayer(string.sub(msg, 6))
- if findPlayer ~= nil then
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has turned [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "] into the dragonborn!", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- game.ServerStorage.Tools.FUS:clone().Parent = findPlayer.Backpack
- else
- _G.sendMessage("Player: [" .. string.sub(msg, 6) .. "] not found.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 3) == "/tp" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = matchPlayer(string.sub(msg, 5))
- if findPlayer ~= nil then
- --_G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has turned [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "] into the dragonborn!", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- if player.Character ~= nil and findPlayer.Character ~= nil then
- if player.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil and findPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- player.Character.Torso.CFrame = findPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame +, 5, 0)
- end
- end
- else
- _G.sendMessage("Player: [" .. string.sub(msg, 5) .. "] not found.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "/knife" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = matchPlayer(string.sub(msg, 8))
- if findPlayer ~= nil then
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has given [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "] a knife!", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- game.ServerStorage.Tools.Knife:clone().Parent = findPlayer.Backpack
- else
- _G.sendMessage("Player: [" .. string.sub(msg, 8) .. "] not found.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == "/gun" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = matchPlayer(string.sub(msg, 6))
- if findPlayer ~= nil then
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has given [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "] a gun!", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- game.ServerStorage.Tools.Gun:clone().Parent = findPlayer.Backpack
- else
- _G.sendMessage("Player: [" .. string.sub(msg, 6) .. "] not found.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == "/fastgun" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = matchPlayer(string.sub(msg, 10))
- if findPlayer ~= nil then
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has given [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "] a fast gun!", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- game.ServerStorage.Tools["Fast Gun"]:clone().Parent = findPlayer.Backpack
- else
- _G.sendMessage("Player: [" .. string.sub(msg, 10) .. "] not found.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "/image" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = string.sub(msg, 8)
- _G.sendMessage("Now displaying image: " .. string.sub(msg, 8), player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- local p = game.Players:GetChildren()
- for i = 1, #p do
- if p[i].PlayerGui.GUI:findFirstChild("IMAGE") then p[i].PlayerGui.GUI:findFirstChild("IMAGE"):Destroy() end
- if findPlayer == " " or findPlayer == "" or findPlayer == nil then
- else
- local imageLabel ="ImageLabel")
- imageLabel.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
- imageLabel.Size =, 0, 0, 600)
- imageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://" .. (tonumber(string.sub(msg, 8)) - 1)
- imageLabel.Parent = p[i].PlayerGui.GUI
- imageLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- imageLabel.Name = "IMAGE"
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- while imageLabel ~= nil do
- wait()
- imageLabel.Rotation = imageLabel.Rotation + 2
- end
- end))
- end
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "/play" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- _G.sendMessage("Now playing: " .. string.sub(msg, 7), player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- if workspace:findFirstChild("Music") then
- workspace:findFirstChild("Music"):Stop()
- wait()
- if workspace:findFirstChild("Music") then
- workspace:findFirstChild("Music"):Destroy()
- end
- end
- if string.sub(msg, 7) ~= " " and string.sub(msg, 7) ~= "" and string.sub(msg, 7) ~= nil then
- local song ="Sound")
- song.Parent = workspace
- song.SoundId = "" .. string.sub(msg, 7)
- song.Volume = 1
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkBae(player) then
- song.Looped = true
- else
- song.Looped = false
- game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(song, 122)
- end
- song.Name = "Music"
- song:Play()
- wait()
- if song then
- song:Play()
- end
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "/kill" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = matchPlayer(string.sub(msg, 7))
- if findPlayer ~= nil then
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has slain [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "]", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- findPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
- else
- _G.sendMessage("Player: [" .. string.sub(msg, 7) .. "] not found.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "/gear" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = player
- if findPlayer ~= nil then
- --_G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has slain [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "]", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- --findPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
- local x = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(string.sub(msg, 7)) x.Parent = game.Workspace x:makeJoints() local xx = x:GetChildren() xx[1].Parent = player.Backpack wait(0.1) x.Parent = nil
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "/reaper" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = matchPlayer(string.sub(msg, 9))
- if findPlayer ~= nil then
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has transformed [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "] into the Reaper!", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- makeReaper(findPlayer)
- else
- _G.sendMessage("Player: [" .. string.sub(msg, 9) .. "] not found.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == "/explode" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = matchPlayer(string.sub(msg, 10))
- if findPlayer ~= nil then
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " exploded [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "]", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- if findPlayer.Character ~= nil then
- if findPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- local e ="Explosion")
- e.BlastPressure = 1000
- e.BlastRadius = 10
- e.Parent = findPlayer.Character.Torso
- e.Position = findPlayer.Character.Torso.Position
- end
- end
- else
- _G.sendMessage("Player: [" .. string.sub(msg, 10) .. "] not found.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == "/fab" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = matchPlayer(string.sub(msg, 6))
- if findPlayer ~= nil then
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has turned [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "] into a pretty pink princess!", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- makeFab(findPlayer)
- else
- _G.sendMessage("Player: [" .. string.sub(msg, 6) .. "] not found.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "/effect" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = string.sub(msg, 9)
- if player.Character:findFirstChild("WeaponObject") ~= nil then
- local par = particles:Clone()
- par.Parent = player.Character:findFirstChild("WeaponObject")
- par.Texture = "" .. findPlayer
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "/bigwep" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) then
- --local findPlayer = string.sub(msg, 9)
- if player.Character:findFirstChild("WeaponObject") ~= nil then
- player.Character:findFirstChild("WeaponObject").Mesh.Scale =,5,5)
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 2) == "/c" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = matchPlayer(string.sub(msg, 4))
- if findPlayer ~= nil then
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " gave [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "] 5000 credits", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- local d = game.ServerStorage.PlayerDataService:findFirstChild(findPlayer.DataString.Value)
- if d then
- d.RealCredits.Value = d.RealCredits.Value + 5000
- d.Credits.Value = d.Credits.Value + 5000
- end
- else
- _G.sendMessage("Player: [" .. string.sub(msg, 7) .. "] not found.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 12) == "/reward25000" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = string.sub(msg, 14)
- _G.sendMessage("You rewarded [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "] 25000 credits", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- rs:SetAsync(findPlayer, 25000)
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 12) == "/reward50000" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = string.sub(msg, 14)
- _G.sendMessage("You rewarded [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "] 50000 credits", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- rs:SetAsync(findPlayer, 50000)
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 13) == "/reward100000" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = string.sub(msg, 15)
- _G.sendMessage("You rewarded [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "] 100000 credits", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- rs:SetAsync(findPlayer, 100000)
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 13) == "/reward300000" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = string.sub(msg, 15)
- _G.sendMessage("You rewarded [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "] 300000 credits", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- rs:SetAsync(findPlayer, 300000)
- else
- --_G.sendMessage("No permissions to use commands.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 3) == "/xp" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkBae(player) then
- local findPlayer = string.sub(msg, 15)
- _G.sendMessage("You set [" .. tostring(findPlayer) .. "]'s rank to " .. tonumber(string.sub(msg, 5, 13))/1000, player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- xps:SetAsync(findPlayer, tonumber(string.sub(msg, 5, 13)))
- else
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 15) == "/disable radios" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkBae(player) or checkMod(player) then
- _G.sendMessage("Radios have been disabled for this round.", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- local p = game.Players:GetChildren()
- for i = 1, #p do
- if p[i] ~= nil then
- if p[i].Character ~= nil then
- if p[i].Character:findFirstChild("TwistedRadio") ~= nil then
- p[i].Character:findFirstChild("TwistedRadio"):Destroy()
- if p[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- if p[i].Character.Torso:findFirstChild("Music") ~= nil then
- p[i].Character.Torso:findFirstChild("Music"):Stop()
- wait()
- if p[i].Character.Torso:findFirstChild("Music") ~= nil then
- p[i].Character.Torso:findFirstChild("Music"):Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 14) == "/toggle emotes" then
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkBae(player) or checkMod(player) then
- if emotesEnabled then
- emotesEnabled = false
- _G.sendMessage("Emotes disabled", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- else
- emotesEnabled = true
- _G.sendMessage("Emotes enabled", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- end
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 3) == "/e " and player ~= nil and player.Character ~= nil then
- _G.sendMessage("Performing emote...", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- if checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player) or (game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(player, 280891134) and emotesEnabled) then --if game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(player, 182499700) then
- local t = player.Character:FindFirstChild'Ani'
- local h = player.Character:FindFirstChild'Humanoid'
- if t ~= nil and h ~= nil then
- local tt = h:LoadAnimation(t)
- tt:Stop()
- wait()
- if t ~= nil then
- t.Parent = nil
- end
- end
- if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == "/e twerk" then
- local a ="Animation",player.Character)
- a.Name = "Ani"
- a.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://277485142"
- local h = player.Character:FindFirstChild'Humanoid'
- local t = h:LoadAnimation(a)
- t:Play()
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 11) == "/e superman" then
- local a ="Animation",player.Character)
- a.Name = "Ani"
- a.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://277929891"
- local h = player.Character:FindFirstChild'Humanoid'
- local t = h:LoadAnimation(a)
- t:Play()
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "/e fist" then
- local a ="Animation",player.Character)
- a.Name = "Ani"
- a.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://280872840"
- local h = player.Character:FindFirstChild'Humanoid'
- local t = h:LoadAnimation(a)
- t:Play()
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == "/e shuffle" then
- local a ="Animation",player.Character)
- a.Name = "Ani"
- a.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://277955949"
- local h = player.Character:FindFirstChild'Humanoid'
- local t = h:LoadAnimation(a)
- t:Play()
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "/e wdf" and (checkAdmin(player) or checkMod(player) or checkBae(player)) then
- local a ="Animation",player.Character)
- a.Name = "Ani"
- a.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://277597389"
- local h = player.Character:FindFirstChild'Humanoid'
- local t = h:LoadAnimation(a)
- t:Play()
- elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == "/e twist" then
- local a ="Animation",player.Character)
- a.Name = "Ani"
- a.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://280865087"
- local h = player.Character:FindFirstChild'Humanoid'
- local t = h:LoadAnimation(a)
- t:Play()
- end
- end
- else
- local cMute = player:findFirstChild("Muted")
- if cMute ~= nil then
- if cMute.Value == false then
- if checkAdmin(player) then
- _G.sendMessage(msg, player, "Global",, 255/255, 0))
- else
- if checkBae(player) then
- _G.sendMessage(msg, player, "Global",, 111/255, 207/255))
- else
- if checkMod(player) or player.userId == lol then
- _G.sendMessage(msg, player, "Global",, 204/255, 255/255))
- else
- if game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(player, 182499700) or player.Name == "XxgalexywolfxX" then
- _G.sendMessage(msg, player, "Global",, 53/255, 56/255))
- elseif game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(player, 177131975) or player.Name == "alberta12" or player.Name == "DarkEtherz" then
- _G.sendMessage(msg, player, "Global",, 214/255, 69/255))
- else
- _G.sendMessage(msg, player, "Global",, 255/255, 255/255))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- _G.sendMessage("You have been muted.", player, "Local",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- _G["sendMessage"] = function(msg, sender, type, color)
- if type == "Global" then
- if sender == "Console" then
- local p = game.Players:GetChildren()
- for i = 1, #p do
- if p[i].Character then
- local gui = p[i].PlayerGui:findFirstChild("GUI")
- if gui ~= nil then
- local chats = gui.Chats:GetChildren()
- for x = 1, #chats do
- chats[x].Position = chats[x].Position +, 0, 0, -15)
- if chats[x].Position.Y.Offset <= -15 then
- chats[x]:remove()
- end
- end
- local newChat = savedChat:clone()
- newChat.Parent = gui.Chats
- if sender == "Console" then
- newChat.Text = "[CONSOLE]:"
- else
- newChat.Text = sender.Name .. ":"
- if game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(sender, 298766936) or sender.Name == "XxgalexywolfxX" then
- newChat.Text = "[MVP] ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- elseif game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(sender, 298766143) or sender.Name == "alberta12" or sender.Name == "DarkEtherz" then
- newChat.Text = "[VIP] ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- end
- if checkAdmin(sender) then
- newChat.Text = "[Owner] ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- elseif checkMod(sender) or sender.userId == lol then
- newChat.Text = "[Mod] ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- elseif checkBae(sender) then
- newChat.Text = "$Pro$ ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- end
- end
- newChat.TextColor3 = color
- newChat.Text = newChat.Text .. " " .. msg
- if string.len(msg) >= 300 then
- newChat.Text = sender.Name .. ":" .. " Message too long."
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- if sender.Character ~= nil then
- if sender.Character:findFirstChild("Role") then
- local p = game.Players:GetChildren()
- for i = 1, #p do
- if p[i].Character then
- local gui = p[i].PlayerGui:findFirstChild("GUI")
- if gui ~= nil then
- local chats = gui.Chats:GetChildren()
- for x = 1, #chats do
- chats[x].Position = chats[x].Position +, 0, 0, -15)
- if chats[x].Position.Y.Offset <= -15 then
- chats[x]:remove()
- end
- end
- local newChat = savedChat:clone()
- newChat.Parent = gui.Chats
- if sender == "Console" then
- newChat.Text = "[CONSOLE]:"
- else
- newChat.Text = sender.Name .. ":"
- if game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(sender, 298766936) or sender.Name == "XxgalexywolfxX" then
- newChat.Text = "[MVP] ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- elseif game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(sender, 298766143) or sender.Name == "alberta12" or sender.Name == "DarkEtherz" then
- newChat.Text = "[VIP] ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- end
- if checkAdmin(sender) then
- newChat.Text = "[Owner] ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- elseif checkMod(sender) or sender.userId == lol then
- newChat.Text = "[Mod] ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- elseif checkBae(sender) then
- newChat.Text = "$Pro$ ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- end
- end
- newChat.TextColor3 = color
- newChat.Text = newChat.Text .. " " .. msg
- if string.len(msg) >= 300 then
- newChat.Text = sender.Name .. ":" .. " Message too long."
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- local p = game.Players:GetChildren()
- for i = 1, #p do
- if p[i].Character then
- local gui = p[i].PlayerGui:findFirstChild("GUI")
- local r = p[i].Character:findFirstChild("Role")
- if gui ~= nil and r == nil then
- local chats = gui.Chats:GetChildren()
- for x = 1, #chats do
- chats[x].Position = chats[x].Position +, 0, 0, -15)
- if chats[x].Position.Y.Offset <= -15 then
- chats[x]:remove()
- end
- end
- local newChat = savedChat:clone()
- newChat.Parent = gui.Chats
- if sender == "Console" then
- newChat.Text = "[CONSOLE]:"
- else
- newChat.Text = sender.Name .. ":"
- if game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(sender, 298766936) then
- newChat.Text = "[MVP] ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- elseif game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(sender, 298766143) or sender.Name == "alberta12" or sender.Name == "DarkEtherz" then
- newChat.Text = "[VIP] ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- end
- if checkAdmin(sender) then
- newChat.Text = "[Owner] ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- elseif checkMod(sender) or sender.userId == lol then
- newChat.Text = "[Mod] ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- elseif checkBae(sender) then
- newChat.Text = "$Pro$ ".. sender.Name .. ":"
- end
- end
- newChat.TextColor3 = color
- newChat.Text = newChat.Text .. " " .. msg
- if string.len(msg) >= 300 then
- newChat.Text = sender.Name .. ":" .. " Message too long."
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif type == "Local" then
- local p = sender
- local gui = p.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("GUI")
- if gui ~= nil then
- local chats = gui.Chats:GetChildren()
- for x = 1, #chats do
- chats[x].Position = chats[x].Position +, 0, 0, -15)
- if chats[x].Position.Y.Offset <= -15 then
- chats[x]:remove()
- end
- end
- end
- local newChat = savedChat:clone()
- newChat.Parent = gui.Chats
- newChat.Text = "[CONSOLE]:"
- newChat.TextColor3 = color
- newChat.Text = newChat.Text .. " " .. msg
- end
- end
- function onPlayerLeave(player)
- _G.sendMessage(player.Name .. " has left the server.", "Console", "Global",, 255/255, 127/255))
- end
- game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(onPlayerJoin)
- game.Players.ChildRemoved:connect(onPlayerLeave)
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