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- import Data.List as List
- makePairs :: [Int] -> [(Int, [Int])]
- makePairs [] = []
- makePairs l = map (\x -> (x, filter (/= x) l)) l
- mapFst :: (a -> b) -> [(a, c)] -> [(b, c)]
- mapFst _ [] = []
- mapFst f ((x, y): xs) = (f x, y): (mapFst f xs)
- mapSnd :: (a -> b) -> [(c, a)] -> [(c, b)]
- mapSnd _ [] = []
- mapSnd f ((x, y): xs) = (x, f y): (mapSnd f xs)
- flatMap :: (a -> b -> b) -> [(a, [b])] -> [b]
- flatMap _ [] = []
- flatMap f (x: xs) = (map (f $ fst x) (snd x)) ++ flatMap f xs
- genPermutationHelper :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
- genPermutationHelper [] = [[]]
- genPermutationHelper s = applied where
- pairs = makePairs s
- unapplied = mapSnd genPermutationHelper pairs
- applied = flatMap (\x l -> x:l) unapplied
- genPermutations :: Int -> [[Int]]
- genPermutations n = genPermutationHelper [1..n]
- showList' :: (Show a) => [a] -> String
- showList' [] = ""
- showList' l = concat $ List.intersperse " " (map show l)
- main = do
- s <- getLine
- let n = read s :: Int
- let permutations = genPermutations n
- print $ length permutations
- sequence_ $ map (putStrLn . showList') permutations
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