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- --------------------------------------------------
- --UTILS--
- local function TableMerge(...)
- local result = {}
- for n,t in ipairs(arg) do
- for obj,val in pairs(t) do
- result[obj] = val
- end
- end
- return result
- end
- --------------------------------------------------
- local Element = {}
- Element.__index = Element
- function NewElement(name, text, x1, y1, x2, y2, txtColor, bgrColor, hidden, enabled, align)
- local elem = {
- name=name,
- x1=x1, y1=y1,
- x2=x2, y2=y2,
- enabled=enabled,
- _enabled=true,
- pressed=false,
- hidden=hidden,
- txtColor=txtColor,
- txtColorPressed=txtColor,
- txtColorDisabled=txtColor,
- bgrColor=bgrColor,
- bgrColorPressed=bgrColor,
- bgrColorDisabled=bgrColor,
- text=text,
- align=align,
- parent=nil,
- disableDefaultDraw=false,
- --onClick=nil,
- --onBeforeDraw=nil,
- --onAfterDraw=nil,
- }
- setmetatable(elem, Element)
- return elem
- end
- function Element:Disable()
- self.enabled = false
- end
- function Element:Enable()
- self.enabled = self._enabled
- end
- function Element:Hide()
- self.hidden = true
- if self.parent and self.parent.parent and self.parent.parent.scrollable then
- self.parent.parent:UpdateScrolling()
- end
- end
- function Element:Show()
- self.hidden = false
- if self.parent and self.parent.parent and self.parent.parent.scrollable then
- self.parent.parent:UpdateScrolling()
- end
- end
- function Element:Move(dx, dy)
- self.x1 = self.x1 + dx
- self.x2 = self.x2 + dx
- self.y1 = self.y1 + dy
- self.y2 = self.y2 + dy
- end
- function Element:IsValidPoint(x, y, shallow)
- if x<self.x1 or x>self.x2 or y<self.y1 or y>self.y2 then
- return false
- end
- if not shallow and self.parent then
- return self.parent:IsValidPoint(x, y, false)
- end
- return true
- end
- function Element:Draw(m)
- if self.hidden then
- return
- end
- if self.onBeforeDraw then
- self.onBeforeDraw(m)
- end
- if not self.enabled then
- if self.bgrColorDisabled then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors[self.bgrColorDisabled])
- end
- if self.txtColorDisabled then
- m.setTextColor(colors[self.txtColorDisabled])
- end
- elseif self.pressed then
- if self.bgrColorPressed then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors[self.bgrColorPressed])
- end
- if self.txtColorPressed then
- m.setTextColor(colors[self.txtColorPressed])
- end
- else
- if self.bgrColor then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors[self.bgrColor])
- end
- if self.txtColor then
- m.setTextColor(colors[self.txtColor])
- end
- end
- local text = tostring(self.text)
- if not self.disableDefaultDraw then
- local i = 1
- if self.align=="middle" or self.align=="center" then
- i = math.ceil(#text/2 - ((self.x2-self.x1+1)*(self.y2-self.y1+1))/2 + 1)
- elseif self.align=="right" then
- i = 1 + #text - (self.x2-self.x1+1)*(self.y2-self.y1+1)
- end
- for y=self.y1, self.y2 do
- for x=self.x1, self.x2 do
- if self:IsValidPoint(x, y, false) then
- m.setCursorPos(x,y)
- local ch=" "
- if i>=1 and i<=#text then
- ch = text:sub(i, i)
- end
- m.write(ch)
- end
- i=i+1
- end
- end
- end
- if self.onAfterDraw then
- self.onAfterDraw(m)
- end
- end
- function Element:Click(m, x, y, event, shallow)
- if self.enabled and not self.hidden and self:IsValidPoint(x, y, shallow) then
- if self.onClick then
- local result = self.onClick(m, x, y, event)
- if result == nil then
- result = true
- end
- return true, {[self] = result}
- else
- return true, {[self] = true}
- end
- else
- return false, {}
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------------
- --GROUPS--
- local Group = {}
- Group.__index = Group
- function NewGroup(name, hidden, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- local group = {
- name=name,
- hidden=hidden,
- scrollable=false,
- x1=x1, y1=y1,
- x2=x2, y2=y2,
- groups={},
- elements={},
- parent=nil,
- --onBeforeDraw=nil,
- --onAfterDraw=nil,
- }
- setmetatable(group, Group)
- return group
- end
- function Group:AddElement(elem)
- if self.elements[] then
- error("Element '""' already exists in this group!")
- end
- elem.parent = self
- self.elements[] = elem
- if self.parent and self.parent.scrollable then
- self.parent:UpdateScrolling()
- end
- end
- function Group:AddGroup(group)
- if self.groups[] then
- error("Group '""' already exists in this group!")
- end
- group.parent = self
- self.groups[] = group
- if self.parent and self.parent.scrollable then
- self.parent:UpdateScrolling()
- end
- end
- function Group:Disable()
- for name,elem in pairs(self.elements) do
- elem:Disable()
- end
- for name,group in pairs(self.groups) do
- group:Disable()
- end
- end
- function Group:Enable()
- for name,elem in pairs(self.elements) do
- elem:Enable()
- end
- for name,group in pairs(self.groups) do
- group:Enable()
- end
- end
- function Group:Hide()
- self.hidden = true
- for name,elem in pairs(self.elements) do
- elem:Hide()
- end
- for name,group in pairs(self.groups) do
- group:Hide()
- end
- if self.parent and self.parent.parent and self.parent.parent.scrollable then
- self.parent.parent:UpdateScrolling()
- end
- end
- function Group:Show()
- self.hidden = false
- for name,elem in pairs(self.elements) do
- elem:Show()
- end
- for name,group in pairs(self.groups) do
- group:Show()
- end
- if self.parent and self.parent.parent and self.parent.parent.scrollable then
- self.parent.parent:UpdateScrolling()
- end
- end
- function Group:UpdateScrolling(m)
- if not self.scrollable then
- error("Group is not scrollable!")
- end
- local content = self.groups["_content"]
- local minX = math.huge
- local minY = math.huge
- local maxX = -math.huge
- local maxY = -math.huge
- for name,elem in pairs(content.elements) do
- if not elem.hidden then
- minX = math.min(minX, elem.x1)
- minY = math.min(minY, elem.y1)
- maxX = math.max(maxX, elem.x2)
- maxY = math.max(maxY, elem.y2)
- end
- end
- for name,group in pairs(content.groups) do
- if not group.hidden then
- minX = math.min(minX, elem.x1)
- minY = math.min(minY, elem.y1)
- maxX = math.max(maxX, elem.x2)
- maxY = math.max(maxY, elem.y2)
- end
- end
- if self.scrollable == "horizontal" or self.scrollable == "both" then
- if minX < content.x1 then
- self.elements.scrollLeft.enabled = true
- self.elements.scrollLeft._enabled = true
- else
- self.elements.scrollLeft.enabled = false
- self.elements.scrollLeft._enabled = false
- end
- if maxX > content.x2 then
- self.elements.scrollRight.enabled = true
- self.elements.scrollRight._enabled = true
- else
- self.elements.scrollRight.enabled = false
- self.elements.scrollRight._enabled = false
- end
- end
- if self.scrollable == "vertical" or self.scrollable == "both" then
- if minY < content.y1 then
- self.elements.scrollUp.enabled = true
- self.elements.scrollUp._enabled = true
- else
- self.elements.scrollUp.enabled = false
- self.elements.scrollUp._enabled = false
- end
- if maxY > content.y2 then
- self.elements.scrollDown.enabled = true
- self.elements.scrollDown._enabled = true
- else
- self.elements.scrollDown.enabled = false
- self.elements.scrollDown._enabled = false
- end
- end
- if m then
- self:Draw(m)
- end
- end
- function Group:MakeScrollable(H, V, txtColor, bgrColor, txtColorDisabled, bgrColorDisabled)
- if self.scrollable then
- error("Group already has scrolling!")
- end
- if not H and not V then
- error("No scrolling was specified")
- end
- if H and V then
- self.scrollable = "both"
- elseif H then
- self.scrollable = "horizontal"
- else
- self.scrollable = "vertical"
- end
- if not H then
- H = {size=0, step=0, iconLeft="", iconRight="", fake=true}
- end
- if not V then
- V = {size=0, step=0, iconUp="", iconDown="", fake=true}
- end
- local content = NewGroup("_content", self.hidden, self.x1+H.size, self.y1+V.size, self.x2-H.size, self.y2-V.size)
- for name,elem in pairs(self.elements) do
- content:AddElement(elem)
- end
- for name,group in pairs(self.groups) do
- content:AddGroup(group)
- end
- self.elements = {}
- self.groups = {}
- self:AddGroup(content)
- content:MoveContent(H.size, V.size)
- if not H.fake then
- local scrollLeft = NewElement("scrollLeft", H.iconLeft, self.x1, self.y1, self.x1+H.size-1, self.y2, txtColor, bgrColor, self.hidden, false, "center")
- local scrollRight = NewElement("scrollRight", H.iconRight, self.x2-H.size+1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2, txtColor, bgrColor, self.hidden, false, "center")
- if txtColorDisabled then
- scrollLeft.txtColorDisabled = txtColorDisabled
- scrollRight.txtColorDisabled = txtColorDisabled
- end
- if bgrColorDisabled then
- scrollLeft.bgrColorDisabled = bgrColorDisabled
- scrollRight.bgrColorDisabled = bgrColorDisabled
- end
- scrollLeft._enabled = false
- scrollRight._enabled = false
- scrollLeft.scrollStep = H.step
- scrollRight.scrollStep = -H.step
- scrollLeft.onClick = function(m, x, y, event)
- content:MoveContent(scrollLeft.scrollStep, 0)
- self:UpdateScrolling(m)
- end
- scrollRight.onClick = function(m, x, y, event)
- content:MoveContent(scrollRight.scrollStep, 0)
- self:UpdateScrolling(m)
- end
- self:AddElement(scrollLeft)
- self:AddElement(scrollRight)
- end
- if not V.fake then
- local scrollUp = NewElement("scrollUp", V.iconUp, self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y1+V.size-1, txtColor, bgrColor, self.hidden, false, "center")
- local scrollDown = NewElement("scrollDown", V.iconDown, self.x1, self.y2, self.x2, self.y2-V.size+1, txtColor, bgrColor, self.hidden, false, "center")
- if txtColorDisabled then
- scrollUp.txtColorDisabled = txtColorDisabled
- scrollDown.txtColorDisabled = txtColorDisabled
- end
- if bgrColorDisabled then
- scrollUp.bgrColorDisabled = bgrColorDisabled
- scrollDown.bgrColorDisabled = bgrColorDisabled
- end
- scrollUp._enabled = false
- scrollDown._enabled = false
- scrollUp.scrollStep = V.step
- scrollDown.scrollStep = -V.step
- scrollUp.onClick = function(m, x, y, event)
- content:MoveContent(0, scrollUp.scrollStep)
- self:UpdateScrolling(m)
- end
- scrollDown.onClick = function(m, x, y, event)
- content:MoveContent(0, scrollDown.scrollStep)
- self:UpdateScrolling(m)
- end
- self:AddElement(scrollUp)
- self:AddElement(scrollDown)
- end
- self:UpdateScrolling()
- end
- function Group:ApplyElemProperty(prop, val, recursive)
- for name,elem in pairs(self.elements) do
- elem[prop] = val
- end
- if recursive then
- for name,group in pairs(self.groups) do
- group:ApplyElemProperty(prop, val, true)
- end
- end
- end
- function Group:Move(dx, dy)
- self.x1 = self.x1 + dx
- self.x2 = self.x2 + dx
- self.y1 = self.y1 + dy
- self.y2 = self.y2 + dy
- self:MoveContent(dx, dy)
- end
- function Group:MoveContent(dx, dy)
- for name,elem in pairs(self.elements) do
- elem:Move(dx, dy)
- end
- for name,group in pairs(self.groups) do
- group:Move(dx, dy)
- end
- end
- function Group:Click(m, x, y, event, shallow)
- if not self.hidden and self:IsValidPoint(x, y, shallow) then
- local result = {}
- local success = false
- for name,elem in pairs(self.elements) do
- local s, r = elem:Click(m, x, y, event, true)
- result = TableMerge(result, r)
- success = s or success
- end
- for name,group in pairs(self.groups) do
- local s, r = group:Click(m, x, y, event, true)
- result = TableMerge(result, r)
- success = s or success
- end
- return success, result
- else
- return false, {}
- end
- end
- function Group:IsValidPoint(x, y, shallow)
- if x<self.x1 or x>self.x2 or y<self.y1 or y>self.y2 then
- return false
- end
- if not shallow and self.parent then
- return self.parent:IsValidPoint(x, y, false)
- end
- return true
- end
- function Group:Draw(m)
- if self.hidden then
- return
- end
- if self.onBeforeDraw then
- self.onBeforeDraw(m)
- end
- for name,group in pairs(self.groups) do
- group:Draw(m)
- end
- for name,elem in pairs(self.elements) do
- elem:Draw(m)
- end
- if self.onAfterDraw then
- self.onAfterDraw(m)
- end
- end
- function Group:GetMidX()
- return (self.x1+self.x2)/2
- end
- function Group:GetMidY()
- return (self.y1+self.y2)/2
- end
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