Gamebuster v1.0.0

May 23rd, 2015
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  1. on spawn of chicken:
  2. chance of 30%:
  3. cancel the event
  4. spawn 1 bat at event-location
  5. wait 1 tick
  6. disguise spawned bat as "Chicken"
  7. set spawned bat's name to "Pigeon"
  8. add spawned bat to {pigeons::*}
  9. set spawned bat's automatic despawn state to false
  10. while spawned bat is alive:
  11. wait 5 seconds
  12. drop 1 light gray dye named "Bird Shift" at spawned bat's location
  14. on rightclick:
  15. if player's held item is light gray dye:
  16. if player's held item's name is "Bird Shift":
  17. if {pigeon.%player%} is not true:
  18. disguise player as "Chicken"
  19. allow fly for player
  20. message "<light green>You ate bird shift... You are now a pigeon! Fly away!"
  21. remove 1 light gray dye named "Bird Shift" from player's inventory
  22. set {pigeon.%player%} to true
  23. while player is alive:
  24. wait 5 seconds
  25. drop 1 light gray dye named "Bird Shift" at player's location
  27. on death of player:
  28. set {pigeon.%victim%} to false
  30. on join:
  31. loop {pigeons::*}:
  32. disguise loop-value as "Chicken"
  33. loop players:
  34. if {pigeon.%loop-player%} is true:
  35. disguise loop-player as "Chicken"
  37. on load:
  38. kill all bats
  39. clear {pigeons::*}
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