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- #include "Game.h"
- #include "Enemy.h"
- void Game::checkMenu()
- {
- int choice = menu.getFlag();
- if (choice == 3)
- {
- gameWorking = true;
- }
- if (choice == 1)
- this->window->close();
- }
- void Game::changeMusic()
- {
- if (this->music.getStatus() == SoundSource::Status::Paused ||
- this->music.getStatus() == SoundSource::Status::Stopped)
- this->;
- else
- this->music.pause();
- }
- void Game::initTextures()
- {
- if (!this->end_texture.loadFromFile("Textures/end_2.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load player`s frame texture";
- this->end_spr.setTexture(this->end_texture);
- this->end_spr.setScale(1.f, 1.f);
- }
- void Game::initVariables()
- {
- this->endGame = false;
- menuRunning = true;
- this->soundCooldownMax = 10.f;
- this->soundCooldown = soundCooldownMax;
- }
- void Game::initWindow()
- {
- this->videomode = sf::VideoMode(1920, 1080);
- this->window = new sf::RenderWindow(this->videomode, "Drug_race", sf::Style::Close | sf::Style::Titlebar |sf::Style::Fullscreen);
- this->window->setFramerateLimit(144);
- this->window->setVerticalSyncEnabled(true);
- }
- void Game::initEnemies()
- {
- this->spawnTimerMax = 30.f;
- this->spawnTimer = 0;
- }
- void Game::initSounds()
- {
- if (!(this->music.openFromFile("Sounds/snoop.ogg")))
- std::cout << "Failed to load a main music";
- this->music.setVolume(50);
- this->music.setLoop(true);
- // this->;
- if (!(this->contact_buff.loadFromFile("Sounds/contact.wav")))
- std::cout << "Failed to load contact sound";
- this->contact_sound.setBuffer(contact_buff);
- this->contact_sound.setVolume(100);
- if (!(this->buffer_crash.loadFromFile("Sounds/crash_1.ogg")))
- std::cout << "Failed to load crash sound";
- this->crash_sound.setBuffer(buffer_crash);
- this->crash_sound.setVolume(100);
- }
- void Game::updateEnemies(int speed, int posY)
- {
- this->spawnTimer += 0.1f;
- if (this->spawnTimer > this->spawnTimerMax)
- {
- this->enemies.push_back(new Enemy(2500, 450 + (rand() % 4) * 110, this->player.getSpeed(), rand() % 3 + 1));
- this->spawnTimer = 0.f;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < this->enemies.size(); ++i)
- {
- this->enemies[i]->update(speed, posY);
- //Remove enemy at the buttom
- if ((this->enemies[i]->getBounds().left < -10000) || (this->enemies[i]->getBounds().left > 5000))
- {
- this->enemies.erase(this->enemies.begin() + i);
- }
- }
- }
- void Game::run()
- {
- while (this->window->isOpen())
- {
- this->render();
- this->update();
- }
- }
- const bool Game::getEndGame() const
- {
- return this->endGame;
- }
- void Game::mute()
- {
- this->player.mute();
- this->music.pause();
- }
- Game::Game()
- {
- initSounds();
- initTextures();
- initVariables();
- initWindow();
- initEnemies();
- initCoins();
- }
- Game::~Game()
- {
- delete this->window;
- }
- void Game::pollEvents()
- {
- while (this->window->pollEvent(this->sfmlEvent)) {
- switch (this->sfmlEvent.type)
- {
- case sf::Event::Closed:
- this->window->close();
- break;
- case sf::Event::KeyPressed:
- if (this->sfmlEvent.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape)
- this->window->close();
- if (this->sfmlEvent.key.code == sf::Keyboard::F)
- this->changeMusic();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void Game::updatePlayer()
- {
- this->player.update(this->window);
- }
- sf::RenderWindow* Game::getWindow()
- {
- return this->window;
- }
- void Game::renderGame()
- {
- this->land.render(this->window);
- for (auto* coin : this->coins)
- {
- coin->render(this->window);
- }
- for (auto* enemy : this->enemies)
- {
- if (enemy->getLine() == 0)
- enemy->render(this->window);
- }
- for (auto* enemy : this->enemies)
- {
- if (enemy->getLine() == 1)
- enemy->render(this->window);
- }
- for (auto* enemy : this->enemies)
- {
- if (enemy->getLine() == 2)
- enemy->render(this->window);
- }
- for (auto* enemy : this->enemies)
- {
- if (enemy->getLine() == 3)
- enemy->render(this->window);
- }
- this->player.render(this->window);
- if (this->endGame == true)
- this->window->draw(this->end_spr);
- }
- void Game::render()
- {
- this->window->clear();
- if (this->menu.getFlag() != 3)
- this->menu.render(this->window);
- else
- this->renderGame();
- this->window->display();
- }
- void Game::crash(int i)
- {
- if (this->player.getShape().getGlobalBounds().left > this->enemies[i]->getBounds().left) {
- this->enemies[i]->crash();
- }
- this->player.crash();
- this->;
- if (this->player.getHp() < 1)
- {
- this->endGame = true;
- }
- }
- void Game::updateSoundCooldown()
- {
- soundCooldown += 0.5f;
- }
- void Game::initCoins()
- {
- this->coinTimerMax = 8.f;
- this->coinTimer = 0;
- }
- void Game::updateCoins(int speed, int posY)
- {
- this->coinTimer += 0.1f;
- if (this->coinTimer > this->coinTimerMax && coins.size() < 5)
- {
- int choice = rand() % 100 + 1;
- int type = 1;
- if (choice > 80 && choice < 90)
- type = 2;
- else if (choice > 89)
- type = 3;
- this->coins.push_back(new Coin(2000, 450 + (rand() % 4) * 110, this->player.getSpeed(), type));
- this->coinTimer = 0.f;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < this->coins.size(); ++i)
- {
- this->coins[i]->update(speed, posY);
- //Remove enemy at the buttom
- if (this->coins[i]->getBounds().left < -400)
- {
- this->coins.erase(this->coins.begin() + i);
- }
- }
- }
- void Game::updateCollision()
- {
- int speed;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < this->enemies.size(); i++)
- {
- if (abs( this->player.getShape().getGlobalBounds().top - this->enemies[i]->getBounds().top) < 20 &&
- abs(this->player.getShape().getGlobalBounds().left - this->enemies[i]->getBounds().left) < 440)
- {
- this->crash(i);
- }
- for (size_t j = 0; j < this->enemies.size(); j++)
- {
- if (i != j)
- {
- if (abs(this->enemies[i]->getBounds().top - this->enemies[j]->getBounds().top) < 20 &&
- abs(this->enemies[i]->getBounds().left - this->enemies[j]->getBounds().left) < 440)
- {
- if (this->enemies[i]->getBounds().left > 0 && this->enemies[i]->getBounds().left < 1920)
- if (this->enemies[i]->getSpeed() > this->enemies[j]->getSpeed())
- {
- int speed = this->enemies[i]->getSpeed();
- this->enemies[i]->changeSpeed(this->enemies[j]->getSpeed());
- this->enemies[j]->changeSpeed(speed);
- this->enemies[j]->boost();
- }
- else
- {
- int speed = this->enemies[j]->getSpeed();
- this->enemies[j]->changeSpeed(this->enemies[i]->getSpeed());
- this->enemies[i]->changeSpeed(speed);
- this->enemies[i]->boost();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < this->coins.size(); i++)
- {
- if (abs(this->player.getShape().getGlobalBounds().top - this->coins[i]->getBounds().top) < 20 &&
- abs(this->player.getShape().getGlobalBounds().left - this->coins[i]->getBounds().left) < 440)
- {
- switch (coins[i]->getType())
- {
- case 1:
- this->player.getCoin();
- break;
- case 2:
- this->player.getNitro();
- break;
- case 3:
- this->player.changeLine();
- break;
- }
- coins.erase(coins.begin() + i);
- }
- }
- //Check the collision
- }
- void Game::updateGame()
- {
- if (!this->endGame)
- {
- this->updateSoundCooldown();
- this->updatePlayer();
- this->updateCoins(player.getSpeed(), land.getPos().y);
- this->land.update(-this->player.getSpeed(), 0, player.getLine());
- this->updateEnemies(player.getSpeed(), land.getPos().y);
- this->updateCollision();
- }
- else {
- this->mute();
- }
- }
- void Game::updateMenu()
- {
-, window);
- }
- void Game::update()
- {
- this->pollEvents();
- checkMenu();
- if (!gameWorking)
- this->updateMenu();
- else
- this->updateGame();
- }
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