

Mar 8th, 2021
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  1. # version
  2. # Betaflight / STM32F7X2 (S7X2) 4.3.0 Feb 25 2021 / 13:23:20 (bc4372588) MSP API: 1.44
  3. # config: manufacturer_id: IFRC, board_name: IFLIGHT_F722_TWING, version: bc19b7dc, date: 2020-04-01T04:37:12Z
  5. # start the command batch
  6. batch start
  8. board_name IFLIGHT_F722_TWING
  9. manufacturer_id IFRC
  11. # name: iFlight SL5
  13. # feature
  14. feature -SOFTSERIAL
  15. feature -OSD
  16. feature GPS
  17. feature TELEMETRY
  18. feature LED_STRIP
  19. feature ESC_SENSOR
  21. # serial
  22. serial 0 64 115200 57600 0 115200
  23. serial 1 0 115200 57600 0 115200
  24. serial 3 2 115200 57600 0 115200
  25. serial 4 1024 115200 57600 0 115200
  27. # mixer
  28. mixer CUSTOM
  29. mmix 0 1.000 -1.000 0.843 -1.000
  30. mmix 1 1.000 -1.000 -0.843 1.000
  31. mmix 2 1.000 1.000 0.843 1.000
  32. mmix 3 1.000 1.000 -0.843 -1.000
  34. # beacon
  35. beacon RX_LOST
  36. beacon RX_SET
  38. # led
  39. led 0 0,0:S:G:12
  40. led 1 1,0:S:AW:0
  41. led 2 2,0:S:AW:0
  42. led 3 3,0:S:AW:12
  43. led 4 12,0:N:C:6
  44. led 5 13,0:N:C:6
  45. led 6 14,0:N:C:6
  46. led 7 15,0:N:C:6
  48. # mode_color
  49. mode_color 6 0 3
  50. mode_color 6 1 12
  51. mode_color 6 7 12
  53. # aux
  54. aux 0 0 0 900 1300 0 0
  55. aux 1 1 2 1700 2100 0 0
  56. aux 2 2 2 1300 1700 0 0
  57. aux 3 5 3 1700 2100 0 0
  58. aux 4 13 1 1700 2100 0 0
  59. aux 5 31 3 900 1300 0 0
  61. # master
  62. set dyn_notch_width_percent = 0
  63. set dyn_notch_q = 250
  64. set acc_trim_pitch = 8
  65. set acc_trim_roll = 1
  66. set acc_calibration = 38,-41,-2,1
  67. set align_mag = CW270FLIP
  68. set mag_align_pitch = 1800
  69. set mag_align_yaw = 2700
  70. set min_check = 1000
  71. set max_check = 2000
  72. set rssi_scale = 200
  73. set serialrx_provider = FPORT
  74. set serialrx_inverted = ON
  75. set serialrx_halfduplex = ON
  76. set blackbox_sample_rate = 1/16
  77. set dshot_idle_value = 450
  78. set dshot_bidir = ON
  79. set small_angle = 180
  80. set gps_provider = UBLOX
  81. set gps_sbas_mode = EGNOS
  82. set gps_auto_baud = ON
  83. set gps_ublox_use_galileo = ON
  84. set yaw_deadband = 5
  85. set gyro_2_align_yaw = 900
  86. set name = iFlight SL5
  88. profile 0
  90. # profile 0
  91. set anti_gravity_gain = 5000
  92. set feedforward_transition = 20
  93. set iterm_rotation = ON
  94. set throttle_boost = 10
  95. set p_pitch = 60
  96. set i_pitch = 107
  97. set d_pitch = 50
  98. set f_pitch = 113
  99. set p_roll = 55
  100. set i_roll = 101
  101. set d_roll = 46
  102. set f_roll = 107
  103. set p_yaw = 59
  104. set i_yaw = 107
  105. set f_yaw = 107
  106. set level_limit = 75
  107. set d_min_roll = 30
  108. set d_min_pitch = 33
  109. set ff_interpolate_sp = AVERAGED_2
  110. set ff_smooth_factor = 25
  111. set dyn_idle_min_rpm = 21
  112. set simplified_pids_mode = RPY
  113. set simplified_master_multiplier = 120
  114. set simplified_pd_gain = 110
  116. rateprofile 0
  118. # rateprofile 0
  119. set rates_type = ACTUAL
  120. set roll_rc_rate = 16
  121. set pitch_rc_rate = 16
  122. set yaw_rc_rate = 16
  123. set roll_expo = 50
  124. set pitch_expo = 50
  125. set yaw_expo = 45
  126. set roll_srate = 80
  127. set yaw_srate = 55
  129. # end the command batch
  130. batch end
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