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- #!/usr/local/bin/gst -q
- Character extend [
- , chr [ ^self asString, chr asString ]
- ]
- SequenceableCollection extend [
- " Returns collection of results from calling binBlock for each link pair "
- chain: binBlock [
- | res |
- res := self copyEmptyForCollect.
- self fold: [:curr :next | res add: (binBlock value: curr value: next). next].
- ^res
- ]
- ]
- Object subclass: Polymer [
- | start rules |
- Polymer class >> new: start withRules: lines [
- ^super new init: start rules: lines
- ]
- init: str rules: lines [
- start := str asOrderedCollection.
- rules := Dictionary from: (lines collect: [ :line |
- | parts |
- parts := line tokenize: ' -> '.
- parts first -> parts second first
- ]).
- ^self.
- ]
- elementsAfter: steps [
- | pairs elements |
- pairs := Bag from: (start chain: [:a :b | a,b]).
- " Track number of each adjacent pair across the steps "
- steps timesRepeat: [
- | new_pairs |
- new_pairs := Bag new.
- pairs contents keysAndValuesDo: [ :pair :num |
- | insert |
- insert := rules at: pair.
- new_pairs add: (pair first, insert) withOccurrences: num.
- new_pairs add: (insert, pair second) withOccurrences: num.
- ].
- pairs := new_pairs.
- ].
- " Convert pairs into counts of each element "
- elements := Bag from: {start first. start last}.
- pairs contents keysAndValuesDo: [ :pair :num |
- pair do: [ :el | elements add: el withOccurrences: num ]
- ].
- " each element counted twice (once from each side) so /2 "
- ^elements sortedByCount collect: [:a | (a key / 2) -> a value].
- ]
- ]
- "
- | Mainline
- "
- input := stdin lines contents.
- poly := Polymer new: input first withRules: (input allButFirst: 2).
- { 1 -> 10. 2 -> 40 } do: [ :part |
- elem := poly elementsAfter: part value.
- ('Part %1: %2' % {part key. elem first key - elem last key}) displayNl.
- ].
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