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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #
- # This program takes a VMWare USB log, and parses the
- # data sent by a specific endpoint
- #
- #
- #
- '''
- Useful one liners:
- grep -B 6 "42 ad 00 4a" ~/navigo/vmware_omnikey_navigo_successauth.log | sed -e '/Up/d' -e '/Down/d' -e 's/^.*USBIO: //' -e 's/^[0-9]\{3\}: //' -e 's/\(.\)\{17\}$//g' | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/--/\n/g' | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | sort
- grep -A 6 "00 4a 00" ~/navigo/vmware_omnikey_navigo_successauth.log | sed -e 's/^.*USBIO: //' -e /2013/d -e 's/^[0-9]\{3\}: //' -e 's/\(.\)\{17\}$//g' | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/--/\n/g'
- '''
- import re;
- import sys;
- import getopt;
- def parseLine(line,responseList):
- #print line
- matchObj = re.match(r'.*\d{3}: ((?:(?:[0-9a-f]{2}) ){1,}).{1,}', line, re.M);
- if matchObj:
- bytes = str(" ");
- for byte in bytes:
- if byte != "":
- responseList.append(byte);
- def printVar(master):
- count = 0;
- strCount = 0;
- for responseList in master:
- print "respStr_%04d\t= [\t"%(strCount),;
- for i in responseList[:-1]:
- if count == 7:
- print "0x%s,"%i;
- print "\t\t\t",
- count = 0;
- else:
- print "0x%s, "%(i),;
- count += 1;
- print "0x%s"%responseList[-1];
- print "\n\t\t\t];\n";
- count=0;
- strCount += 1;
- def printLine(master):
- for responseList in master:
- for i in responseList[:-1]:
- print " %s"%i,;
- print " %s"%responseList[-1];
- def findDups(master):
- checked = [];
- for e in master:
- if e not in checked:
- checked.append(e);
- return checked;
- def usage():
- print "\nSet the following settings within the .vmx file associated with your VM:"
- print " \t#";
- print " \t# START USB Debugging Options";
- print " \t# as per";
- print " \t#";
- print " \t.encoding = \"windows-1252\"";
- print " \t";
- print " \tmonitor = \"debug\"";
- print " \tusb.analyzer.enable = TRUE";
- print " \tusb.analyzer.maxLine = 8192";
- print " \tmouse.vusb.enable = FALSE";
- print " \t";
- print " \t#";
- print " \t# END USB Debugging Options";
- print " \t#";
- print " \t#";
- print "\nUsage:"
- print "\t-f [file]\t VMWare Log File (USBIO)";
- print "\t-e [EP ADDR]\t Endpoint 1 (Host - Implies USBIO Down - No work)";
- print "\t-p [EP ADDR]\t Endpoint 2 (Device)";
- print "\t-i \t Output python importable variables";
- print "\t-s \t Output hex strings";
- print "\t-r \t Remove duplicates";
- print "Example:"
- print "\t" + sys.argv[0] + " 84 vmware.log";
- print "\n";
- sys.exit(-1);
- '''
- main
- '''
- endPoint1 = endPoint2 = output = remDups = 0;
- vmLogFile = None;
- print "VMWare USBIO Log Parser"
- print "Creates importable Python strings"
- print "by"
- print "------------------------------------------"
- try:
- opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hf:e:p:rsi", []);
- except getopt.GetoptError:
- usage(sys.argv[0]);
- for o,a in opts:
- if o == "-h":
- usage();
- if o == "-f":
- vmLogFile = a;
- if o == "-e":
- endPoint1 = a;
- if o == "-p":
- endPoint2 = a;
- if o == "-i":
- output = 0; # Python Output
- if o == "-s":
- output = 1; # Hex output
- if o == "-r":
- remDups = 1;
- if vmLogFile == None or ( endPoint2 == 0 and endPoint1 == 0):
- usage();
- numLinesAfter = 0;
- #strCount = 0;
- getState = 0;
- #ep1RespList = []; # Usually the host
- #ep2RespList = []; # Usually the device
- epRespList = [];
- responseListMaster = [];
- responseListFinal = [];
- epSearchStr=None;
- if endPoint1 != 0:
- print "[+] Search for Endpoint1 [" + endPoint1 + "] within " + vmLogFile;
- ep1SearchStr = "USBIO: Down.*endpt="+endPoint1+".* datalen=([0-9]{1,}) .*";
- epSearchStr = ep1SearchStr;
- elif endPoint2 != 0:
- print "[+] Search for Endpoint2 [" + endPoint2 + "] within " + vmLogFile;
- ep2SearchStr = "USBIO: Up.*endpt="+endPoint2+".* datalen=([0-9]{1,}) .*";
- epSearchStr = ep2SearchStr;
- inputFile = open(vmLogFile, 'r');
- for line in inputFile:
- if numLinesAfter == 0:
- matchObj =''+epSearchStr+'', line, re.M);
- if matchObj:
- packetLen = int(;
- if packetLen%16 == 0:
- numLinesAfter = packetLen/16;
- else:
- numLinesAfter = (packetLen/16)+1;
- elif numLinesAfter > 0:
- parseLine(line,epRespList);
- numLinesAfter -= 1;
- if numLinesAfter == 0:
- responseListMaster.append(epRespList[:]);
- epRespList[:] = []; # Clears
- inputFile.close();
- if remDups:
- responseListFinal = findDups(responseListMaster);
- else:
- responseListFinal = responseListMaster;
- if output == 0:
- printVar(responseListFinal);
- elif output == 1:
- printLine(responseListFinal);
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