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- # Konfiguracja by Kvcper
- savebackconfig: true
- configversion:
- notify: true
- created: 670
- saved: 670
- logging:
- active: true
- debug: false
- backend:
- console:
- active: true
- prefix: '[KvcperCheat] '
- file:
- active: true
- prefix: ''
- filename: nocheatplus.log
- ingamechat:
- active: true
- prefix: '&8[&9ยป&8] '
- subscriptions: false
- data:
- expiration:
- active: false
- duration: 60
- history: false
- consistencychecks:
- active: true
- interval: 10
- maxtime: 2
- suppresswarnings: false
- protection:
- plugins:
- hide:
- active: true
- nopermission:
- message: '&cI''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrators if you believe that this is in error.'
- commands:
- - plugins
- - version
- - icanhasbukkit
- unknowncommand:
- message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
- commands: []
- commands:
- consoleonly:
- active: false
- message: '&cI''m sorry, but this command can''t be executed in chat. Use the console instead!'
- commands:
- - op
- - deop
- clients:
- motd:
- active: true
- allowall: false
- checks:
- blockbreak:
- direction:
- active: true
- actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:5:if cancel
- fastbreak:
- active: true
- strict: true
- delay: 90
- intervalsurvival: 100
- grace: 2000
- actions: cancel vl>0 log:fastbreak:3:5:cif cancel
- frequency:
- active: true
- intervalcreative: 95
- intervalsurvival: 45
- shortterm:
- ticks: 5
- limit: 7
- actions: cancel vl>5 log:bbfrequency:3:5:if cancel vl>60 log:bbfrequency:0:5:cif cancel cmd:kickfrequency
- noswing:
- active: true
- actions: cancel vl>10 log:noswing:0:5:if cancel
- reach:
- active: true
- actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:2:if cancel
- wrongblock:
- active: true
- level: 10
- actions: cancel vl>10 log:bwrong:0:5:if cancel vl>30 log:bwrong:0:5:cif cancel cmd:kickwb
- blockinteract:
- direction:
- active: true
- actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:3:if cancel
- reach:
- active: true
- actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:2:if cancel
- speed:
- active: true
- interval: 2000
- limit: 60
- actions: cancel vl>200 log:bspeed:0:2:if cancel vl>1000 cancel log:bspeed:0:2:icf cmd:kickbspeed
- visible:
- active: true
- actions: cancel vl>100 log:bvisible:0:10:if cancel
- blockplace:
- against:
- active: true
- actions: cancel
- autosign:
- active: true
- actions: cancel vl>10 log:bautosign:0:3:if cancel
- direction:
- active: true
- actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:3:if cancel
- fastplace:
- active: true
- limit: 22
- shortterm:
- ticks: 10
- limit: 6
- actions: cancel vl>100 log:fastplace:3:5:cif cancel
- reach:
- active: true
- actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:2:if cancel
- noswing:
- active: true
- actions: cancel vl>10 log:noswing:0:5:if cancel
- speed:
- active: true
- interval: 45
- actions: cancel vl>150 log:bpspeed:3:5:if cancel vl>1000 log:bpspeed:3:5:cif cancel
- chat:
- color:
- active: true
- actions: log:color:0:1:if cancel
- commands:
- active: true
- exclusions: []
- handleaschat:
- - me
- level: 10
- shortterm:
- ticks: 18
- level: 3
- actions: log:commands:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickcommands vl>20 log:commands:0:5:cf cancel cmd:tempkick1
- captcha:
- active: false
- characters: abcdefghjkmnpqrtuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKMNPQRTUVWXYZ2346789
- length: 6
- question: '&cPlease type ''&6[captcha]&c'' to continue sending messages/commands.'
- success: '&aOK, it sounds like you''re not a spambot.'
- tries: 3
- actions: cancel cmd:kickcaptcha vl>4 log:captcha:2:5:cf cancel cmd:kickcaptcha
- text:
- active: true
- frequency:
- normal:
- minimum: 0.0
- factor: 0.9
- weight: 6
- level: 160
- actions: cancel cmd:tellchatnormal vl>7 log:chatnormal:0:5:f cancel cmd:tellchatnormal vl>20 log:chatnormal:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchatnormal vl>40 log:chatnormal:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchat5
- shortterm:
- minimum: 2.0
- factor: 0.7
- weight: 3.0
- level: 20.0
- actions: log:chatfast:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchatfast vl>20 log:chatfast:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchat1 vl>40 log:chatfast:0:5:cf cancel cmd:kickchat5
- message:
- lettercount: 1.0
- partition: 1.0
- uppercase: 1.0
- afterjoin: 1.5
- nomoving: 1.5
- repeatviolation: 1.0
- repeatglobal: 1.0
- repeatself: 1.5
- words:
- lengthav: 1.0
- lengthmsg: 1.0
- noletter: 0.0
- global:
- active: true
- weight: 1.0
- words:
- active: false
- prefixes:
- active: false
- similarity:
- active: false
- player:
- active: true
- words:
- active: false
- prefixes:
- active: false
- similarity:
- active: false
- warning:
- active: true
- level: 67
- message: '&7> &cPlease slow down chat, you might get kicked for spam.'
- timeout: 10
- relog:
- active: true
- timeout: 5000
- warning:
- message: '&cYou relogged really fast! If you keep doing that, you''re going to be banned.'
- number: 1
- timeout: 60000
- kickmessage: Poczekaj chwile...
- actions: log:relog:0:10:cf cancel vl>20 log:relog:0:10:cf cancel cmd:tempkick5
- logins:
- active: true
- startupdelay: 600
- perworldcount: false
- seconds: 10
- limit: 10
- kickmessage: Duzo osob sie loguje poczekaj...
- combined:
- bedleave:
- active: true
- actions: cancel log:bedleave:0:5:if cmd:kickbedleave
- enderpearl:
- active: true
- preventclickblock: true
- improbable:
- active: true
- level: 300
- actions: cancel log:improbable:2:8:if
- invulnerable:
- active: true
- triggers:
- always: false
- falldistance: true
- initialticks:
- join: -1
- ignore:
- - FALL
- modifiers:
- all: 0
- munchhausen:
- active: false
- actions: cancel vl>100 cancel log:munchhausen:0:60:if
- yawrate:
- rate: 380
- penalty:
- factor: 1.0
- minimum: 250
- maximum: 2000
- improbable: true
- fight:
- canceldead: true
- toolchangepenalty: 500
- yawrate:
- active: true
- angle:
- active: true
- threshold: 50
- actions: cancel vl>100 log:angle:3:5:f cancel vl>250 log:angle:0:5:cif cancel
- critical:
- active: true
- falldistance: 0.06251
- velocity: 0.1
- actions: cancel vl>50 log:critical:0:5:cif cancel
- direction:
- active: true
- strict: false
- penalty: 500
- actions: cancel vl>5 log:fdirection:3:5:f cancel vl>20 log:fdirection:0:5:if cancel vl>50 log:fdirection:0:5:cif cancel
- fastheal:
- active: true
- interval: 4000
- buffer: 1000
- actions: cancel vl>10 cancel log:fastheal:0:10:i vl>30 cancel log:fastheal:0:10:if
- godmode:
- active: true
- minage: 1100
- maxage: 5000
- actions: log:godmode:2:5:if cancel vl>60 log:godmode:2:5:icf cancel
- knockback:
- active: true
- interval: 50
- actions: cancel vl>50 log:knockback:0:5:cif cancel
- noswing:
- active: true
- actions: cancel vl>10 log:noswing:0:5:if cancel
- reach:
- active: true
- survivaldistance: 4.4
- penalty: 500
- reduce: true
- reducedistance: 0.9
- reducestep: 0.15
- actions: cancel vl>10 log:freach:2:5:if cancel
- selfhit:
- active: true
- actions: log:fselfhit:0:5:if cancel vl>10 log:fselfhit:0:5:icf cancel cmd:kickselfhit
- speed:
- active: true
- limit: 15
- actions: log:fspeed:0:5:if cancel
- shortterm:
- ticks: 7
- limit: 6
- inventory:
- drop:
- active: true
- limit: 100
- timeframe: 20
- actions: log:drop:0:1:cif cancel cmd:dropkick:0:1
- fastclick:
- active: true
- sparecreative: true
- tweaks1_5: true
- limit:
- shortterm: 4
- normal: 15
- actions: cancel vl>50 log:fastclick:3:5:cif cancel
- instantbow:
- active: true
- strict: true
- delay: 130
- actions: cancel vl>15 log:instantbow:2:5:if cancel
- instanteat:
- active: true
- actions: log:instanteat:2:5:if cancel
- fastconsume:
- active: true
- duration: 0.7
- whitelist: false
- items: []
- actions: log:fastconsume:2:5:if cancel
- items:
- active: true
- open:
- active: true
- close: true
- cancelother: true
- moving:
- creativefly:
- active: true
- ignoreallowflight: false
- ignorecreative: false
- horizontalspeed: 100
- maxheight: 128
- verticalspeed: 100
- actions: log:flyshort:3:5:f cancel vl>100 log:flyshort:0:5:if cancel vl>400 log:flylong:0:5:cif cancel
- morepackets:
- active: true
- actions: cancel vl>10 log:morepackets:0:2:if cancel vl>100 log:morepackets:0:2:if cancel cmd:kickpackets
- morepacketsvehicle:
- active: true
- actions: cancel vl>10 log:morepackets:0:2:if cancel
- nofall:
- active: true
- dealdamage: true
- resetonviolation: false
- resetonteleport: false
- resetonvehicle: true
- anticriticals: true
- actions: log:nofall:0:5:if cancel vl>30 log:nofall:0:5:icf cancel
- passable:
- active: true
- raytracing:
- active: true
- blockchangeonly: true
- vcliponly: false
- actions: cancel vl>10 log:passable:0:5:if cancel vl>50 log:passable:0:5:icf cancel
- survivalfly:
- active: true
- extended:
- vertical-accounting: true
- falldamage: true
- actions: log:flyshort:3:10:f cancel vl>100 log:flyshort:0:10:if cancel vl>400 log:flylong:0:5:cif cancel vl>1500 log:flylong:0:5:cif cancel cmd:kickfly
- hover:
- active: true
- step: 5
- ticks: 85
- loginticks: 0
- falldamage: true
- sfviolation: 500
- vehicles:
- preventdestroyown: true
- enforcelocation: true
- velocity:
- graceticks: 20
- activationcounter: 80
- activationticks: 140
- strictinvalidation: true
- tempkickillegal: true
- loadchunks:
- join: true
- sprintinggrace: 2.0
- assumesprint: true
- speedgrace: 4.0
- enforcelocation: true
- strings:
- angle: '[player] failed [check]: tried to hit multiple entities at the same time. VL [violations].'
- ban: ban [player]
- ban-ip: ban-ip [ip]
- bautosign: '[player] failed [check]: failed autosign with [tags]. VL [violations].'
- bbfrequency: '[player] failed [check]: tried to break too many blocks within time frame. VL [violations].'
- bdirection: '[player] failed [check]: tried to interact with a block out of their line of sight. VL [violations].'
- bedleave: '[player] failed [check]: sends bed leave packets (was not in bed). VL [violations].'
- bpspeed: '[player] failed [check]: tried to throw projectiles too quickly. VL [violations].'
- breach: '[player] failed [check]: exceeds block-interact distance ([reachdistance]). VL [violations].'
- bspeed: '[player] failed [check]: interacts too fast. VL [violations].'
- bvisible: '[player] failed [check]: interacts with a block out of sight. VL [violations].'
- bwrong: '[player] failed [check]: broke another block than clicked. VL [violations].'
- captcha: '[player] failed captcha repeatedly. VL [violations].'
- color: '[player] failed [check]: sent colored chat message. VL [violations].'
- commands: '[player] failed [check]: issued too many commands. VL [violations].'
- combspeed: '[player] failed [check]: performs different actions at very high speed. VL [violations].'
- critical: '[player] failed [check]: tried to do a critical hit but wasn''t technically jumping [tags]. VL [violations].'
- drop: '[player] failed [check]: tried to drop more items than allowed. VL [violations].'
- dropkick: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Za szybko wyrzuca itemy.
- fastbreak: '[player] failed [check]: tried to break blocks ([blockid]) faster than possible. VL [violations].'
- fastclick: '[player] failed [check]: tried to move items in their inventory too quickly. VL [violations].'
- fastconsume: '[player] failed [check]: consumes [food] [tags] too fast. VL [violations].'
- fastheal: '[player] failed [check]: regenerates health faster than usual. VL [violations].'
- fastplace: '[player] failed [check]: tried to place too many blocks. VL [violations].'
- fdirection: '[player] failed [check]: tried to hit an entity out of line of sight. VL [violations].'
- flyshort: '[player] failed [check]: tried to move unexpectedly. VL [violations].'
- flylong: '[player] failed [check]: tried to move from [locationfrom] to [locationto] over a distance of [distance] block(s). VL [violations].'
- freach: '[player] failed [check]: tried to attack entity out of reach. VL [violations].'
- fselfhit: '[player] failed [check]: tried to self-hit. VL [violations].'
- fspeed: '[player] failed [check]: tried to attack with too high a frequency. VL [violations].'
- chatnormal: '[player] failed [check]: potentially annoying chat. VL [violations].'
- godmode: '[player] failed [check]: avoided taking damage or lagging. VL [violations].'
- improbable: '[player] failed [check]: meets the improbable more than expected. VL [violations].'
- instantbow: '[player] failed [check]: fires bow too fast. VL [violations].'
- instanteat: '[player] failed [check]: eats food [food] too fast. VL [violations].'
- kick: kick [player]
- kickbedleave: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Go find a bed!
- kickbspeed: ncp kick [player] You interacted too fast!
- kickcaptcha: ncp kick [player] Enter the captcha!
- kickchat1: ncp tempkick [player] 1 You're still not allowed to spam!
- kickchat5: ncp tempkick [player] 5 You're not intended to spam!
- kickchatfast: ncp kick [player] You're not allowed to spam in chat!
- kickchatnormal: ncp kick [player] Too many chat messages, take a break.
- kickfly: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Kicked for flying (or related)
- kickcommands: ncp tempkick [player] 1 You're not allowed to spam commands!
- kickfrequency: ncp kick [player] You did something too fast!
- kickgod: ncp kick [player] God mode?
- kickpackets: ncp delay ncp kick [player] Duzy ping...
- kickselfhit: ncp kick [player] You tried to hit yourself!
- kickwb: ncp kick [player] Block breaking out of sync!
- knockback: '[player] failed [check]: tried to do a knockback but wasn''t technically sprinting. VL [violations].'
- morepackets: '[player] failed [check]: sent [packets] more packet(s) than expected. VL [violations].'
- munchhausen: '[player] failed [check]: almost made it off the pit. VL [violations].'
- nofall: '[player] failed [check]: tried to avoid fall damage. VL [violations].'
- chatfast: '[player] failed [check]: acted like spamming (IP: [ip]). VL [violations].'
- noswing: '[player] failed [check]: didn''t swing arm. VL [violations].'
- passable: '[player] failed [check]: moved into a block ([blockid]). VL [violations].'
- relog: '[player] failed [check]: relogs too fast. VL [violations].'
- tellchatnormal: 'ncp tell [player] &cNCP: &eToo many messages, slow down...'
- tempkick1: ncp tempkick [player] 1 Wait a minute!
- tempkick5: ncp tempkick [player] 5 You have five minutes to think about it!
- compatibility:
- managelisteners: false
- bukkitapionly: false
- blocks:
- ignorepassable:
- allowinstantbreak: []
- overrideflags:
- snow: default
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