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- type ide = string;;
- type expr =
- | Eint of int
- | Ebool of bool
- | Sum of expr * expr
- | Den of ide
- | Mult of expr * expr
- | Diff of expr * expr
- | Div of expr * expr
- | And of expr * expr
- | Or of expr * expr
- | Equals of expr * expr
- | Let of ide * expr * expr
- | Fun of ide * expr
- | Rec of ide * expr
- | Apply of expr * expr
- | Nameden of ide
- | Name of expr
- | Ifthenelse of expr * expr * expr;;
- let typecheck (t, e) = match t with
- (* | "eval" -> (match e with
- | Int _ -> true
- | Bool _ -> true
- | Funval (_, _) -> true
- | Nameval (_, _) -> true
- | Unbound -> true
- | _ -> false)
- | _ -> failwith("you fucking dumb. HA-HA");; *)
- | "eval" -> true
- | _ -> false;;
- module type ENV =
- sig
- type 't env
- exception WrongBindlist
- val emptyenv : 't -> 't env
- val applyenv : 't env * ide -> 't
- val bind : 't env * ide * 't -> 't env
- val bindlist : 't env * (ide list) * ('t list) -> 't env
- val envtostr : 't env -> string
- end
- module Listenv:ENV =
- struct
- type 't env = (ide * 't) list
- exception WrongBindlist
- let emptyenv(x) = [("", x)]
- let rec applyenv(r, i) = match r with
- | [(_, e)] -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "unbound value %s" i)
- | (i1, e) :: rl -> if i = i1 then e else applyenv(rl, i)
- | _ -> failwith ("wrong env")
- let bind(r, i, e) = (i, e) :: r
- let rec bindlist(r, il, el) = match (il, el) with
- | ([], []) -> r
- | (i::il1, e::el1) -> let r1 = bind(r, i, e) in bindlist(r1, il1, el1)
- | _ -> raise WrongBindlist
- let rec envtostr r = (match r with
- | [(_, e)] -> "\n"
- | (i1, e1) :: rl -> Printf.sprintf "%s -> %s" (i1) (envtostr rl)
- | _ -> failwith ("wrong env"))
- end
- type eval =
- | Int of int
- | Bool of bool
- | Funval of efun
- | Nameval of expr * eval Listenv.env
- | Unbound
- and efun = expr * eval Listenv.env;;
- let rec exprtostr e = (match e with
- | Eint n -> Printf.sprintf "Eint %d" n
- | Ebool b -> if b = true then "Bool true" else "Bool false"
- | Sum(a, b) -> Printf.sprintf "Sum(%s, %s)" (exprtostr a) (exprtostr b)
- | Den x -> Printf.sprintf "Den(%s)" x
- | Mult(a, b) -> Printf.sprintf "Mult(%s, %s)" (exprtostr a) (exprtostr b)
- | Diff(a, b) -> Printf.sprintf "Diff(%s, %s)" (exprtostr a) (exprtostr b)
- | Div(a, b) -> Printf.sprintf "Div(%s, %s)" (exprtostr a) (exprtostr b)
- | And(a, b) -> Printf.sprintf "And(%s, %s)" (exprtostr a) (exprtostr b)
- | Or(a, b) -> Printf.sprintf "Or(%s, %s)" (exprtostr a) (exprtostr b)
- | Equals(a, b) -> Printf.sprintf "Equals(%s, %s)" (exprtostr a) (exprtostr b)
- | Let(i, e1, e2) -> Printf.sprintf "Let(%s, %s, %s)" i (exprtostr e1) (exprtostr e2)
- | Fun(i, e) -> Printf.sprintf "Fun(%s, %s)" i (exprtostr e)
- | Rec(i, e) -> Printf.sprintf "Rec(%s, %s)" i (exprtostr e)
- | Apply(e1, e2) -> Printf.sprintf "Apply(%s, %s)" (exprtostr e1) (exprtostr e2)
- | Nameden i -> Printf.sprintf "Nameden(%s)" i
- | Name e -> Printf.sprintf "Name(%s)" (exprtostr e)
- | Ifthenelse (cond, e1, e2) -> Printf.sprintf "Ifthenelse(%s, %s, %s)" (exprtostr cond) (exprtostr e1) (exprtostr e2))
- and evaltostr e = (match e with
- | Int n -> Printf.sprintf "Int %d" n
- | Bool b -> if b = true then "Bool true" else "Bool false"
- | Funval(e, r) -> Printf.sprintf "Funval(%s, %s)" (exprtostr e) (Listenv.envtostr r)
- | Nameval(e, r) -> Printf.sprintf "Nameval(%s, %s)" (exprtostr e) (Listenv.envtostr r)
- | Unbound -> "Unbound");;
- let mult = function (x, y) ->
- match (x, y) with
- | (Int(a), Int(b)) -> Int(a * b)
- | _ -> failwith ("wrong type");;
- let sum = function (x, y) ->
- match (x, y) with
- | (Int(a), Int(b)) -> Int(a + b)
- | _ -> failwith ("wrong type");;
- let diff = function (x, y) ->
- match (x, y) with
- | (Int(a), Int(b)) -> Int(a - b)
- | _ -> failwith ("wrong type");;
- let div = function (x, y) ->
- match (x, y) with
- | (Int(a), Int(b)) -> Int(a / b)
- | _ -> failwith ("wrong type");;
- let band = function (x, y) ->
- match (x, y) with
- | (Bool(true), Bool(true)) -> Bool(true)
- | (Bool(_), Bool(_)) -> Bool(false)
- | _ -> failwith ("wrong type");;
- let bor = function (x, y) ->
- match (x, y) with
- | (Bool(false), Bool(false)) -> Bool(false)
- | (Bool(_), Bool(_)) -> Bool(true)
- | _ -> failwith ("wrong type");;
- let rec sem (e, r) =
- match e with
- | Eint(x) -> Int(x)
- | Ebool(x) -> Bool(x)
- | Den(x) -> Listenv.applyenv(r, x)
- | Sum(x, y) -> sum(sem(x, r), sem(y, r))
- | Mult(x, y) -> mult(sem(x, r), sem(y, r))
- | Diff(x, y) -> diff(sem(x, r), sem(y, r))
- | Div(x, y) -> div(sem(x, r), sem(y, r))
- | And(x, y) -> band(sem(x, r), sem(y, r))
- | Or(x, y) -> bor(sem(x, r), sem(y, r))
- | Equals(x, y) -> (match (sem(x, r), sem(y, r)) with
- | Int(a), Int(b) -> if a = b then Bool(true) else Bool(false)
- | _ -> failwith ("Wrong type"))
- | Let(i, e1, e2) -> let r1 = Listenv.bind(r, i, sem(e1, r)) in (Printf.printf "%s" (Listenv.envtostr r1); sem(e2, r1);)
- | Fun(x, y) -> Funval(e, r)
- | Apply(x, y) -> (match sem(x, r) with
- | Funval(Fun(a, b), r1) -> let r2 = Listenv.bind(r1, a, sem(y, r)) in (Printf.printf "%s" (Listenv.envtostr r2); sem(b, r2);)
- | x -> Printf.printf "%s" (evaltostr x); failwith("Not a function!"))
- | Name(x) -> Nameval(x, r)
- | Nameden(x) -> (match sem(Den x, r) with
- | Nameval(e1, r1) -> sem(e1, r1)
- | _ -> failwith ("Expected by-name parameter"))
- | Ifthenelse(cond, x, y) -> match sem(cond, r) with
- | Bool(true) -> sem(x, r)
- | Bool(false) -> sem(y, r)
- | _ -> failwith ("Ifthenelse: wrong condition!");;
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