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- --PowergraphMulti is made by Stekeblad 11/2017
- ------------- Configuration part ------------------
- -- Seconds between checking stored energy
- -- and updating monitors (default: 5)
- local updateInterval = 5
- -- Simple mode tries to scan for compatible storages and
- -- wrap the first found one and the first found monitor
- -- For more advanced configuration, set this to false and
- -- and fill the dataTable below (example follows)
- -- Default: true
- local simpleMode = true
- local dataTable = {
- }
- -- help for how to fill dataTable:
- --[[ add a comma at the end of all lines except the
- last one in all tables.
- "[required]" in front of a line means you need to
- have it or the program won't work, rows with
- "[optional]" are optional and can be left out.
- The following information can be added:
- [required] monitor = the side or network name
- of a monitor connected to the computer.
- [required] energy = the energy storage witch
- content should be displayed on the
- monitor defined above.
- [optional] text = a word or sentence that will
- be displayed at the bottom line on the
- monitor.
- [optional] blitColor = Will be ignored if its
- not a advanced monitor, specifies the
- color of the graph, see following link
- for help:
- allowed values are 0-9 and a-f,
- defaults to 5 (green)
- [optional] textSize = Sets how large the text is and
- how thick the graph line is.
- Needs to be between 0.5 and 5 and is in
- steps of 0.5. eg 0.5, 1, 1.5 ... 4.5, 5
- Default is 1. (5 is very large text)
- local Example = {
- {
- monitor = "monitor_1", <-- comma
- energy = "tile_blockcapacitorbank_name_0", <--comma
- text = "ME Backup", <-- comma
- blitColor = "5" <-- no comma, last line for this monitor-battery pair
- },{ <-- comma between braces, there are more monitor-battery pairs
- monitor = "top", <-- comma
- energy = "back", <-- comma
- textSize = 0.5 <-- no comma, last line in this pair
- } <-- no comma, this was last pair
- } <-- closing the example table, no comma
- ]] -- (ignore this two brackets, they indicate
- -- the end of this long multi-line comment)
- ------------- End of configuration part --------------------
- -- Dont change anything below this line
- -- if you not know what you are doing!
- if simpleMode then
- = {}
- -- Scan after a monitor and wrap the first one found
- -- If no monitor is found, error and exit
- local mon = peripheral.find("monitor")
- if not mon then
- error("Could not automaticly find a monitor, connect one with a wired modem or place one touching the computer")
- else
- = mon
- end
- -- Scan for energy storage, first EnderIO
- local ene = peripheral.find("tile_blockcapacitorbank_name") -- basic, normal and vibrant
- -- If not found, scan for thermal expansion cells
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("tile_thermalexpansion_cell_basic_name")
- end
- -- ImmersiveEngineering
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("IE:lvCapacitor")
- end
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("IE:mvCapacitor")
- end
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("IE:hvCapacitor")
- end
- -- Draconic Evolution
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("draconic_rf_storage")
- end
- -- Industrial Craft 2
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("batbox")
- end
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("mfe")
- end
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("mfsu")
- end
- -- Mekanism
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("Basic Energy Cube")
- end
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("Advanced Energy Cube")
- end
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("Elite Energy Cube")
- end
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("Ultimate Energy Cube")
- end
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("Induction Matrix")
- end
- -- Big Reactors
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("BigReactors-Reactor")
- end
- if not ene then
- ene = peripheral.find("BigReactors-Turbine")
- end
- -- plethora (peripheral)
- if not ene then
- local periphs = peripheral.getNames()
- for _, v in pairs(periphs) do
- local periph = peripheral.wrap(v)
- if (periph.getMetadata and periph.getMetadata().energy
- and periph.getMetadata().energy.capacity
- and periph.getMetadata().energy.stored) then
- ene = periph
- break
- end
- end
- end
- -- End of scanning attempts
- if ene then
- = ene
- else
- print("Could not automaticly find a energy storage, check the connection or try adding it in the program code in dataTable and disable simpleMode")
- print("Connected peritherals: ")
- local periphs = peripheral.getNames()
- for _, v in pairs(periphs) do
- print(v)
- end
- error("Fix the above and try again")
- end
- end
- local emptyDataTable = true
- -- checks information in dataTable and sets variables
- -- that will be used later
- for rowNumber, row in pairs(dataTable) do
- emptyDataTable = false
- local monTest
- if type(row.monitor) == "table" then monTest = row.monitor -- true if on simpleMode
- else monTest = peripheral.wrap(row.monitor) end
- -- Monitor stuff
- if (monTest == nil) then
- error("\nCould not wrap monitor on row " .. rowNumber)
- end
- row.monitor = monTest
- local test = row.monitor.isColor()
- if (test == nil) then
- error("\n\"monitor\" on row " .. rowNumber .. " is not a monitor")
- end
- row.monIsColor = test
- if row.textSize then
- local size = row.textSize*2
- if size < 1 or size > 10 or size ~= math.floor(size) then
- if row.monIsColor then term.setTextColor(colors.yellow) end
- print("\nInvalid textSize for monitor on row " .. rowNumber .. ". Needs to be beween 0.5 and 5 and a multiple of 0.5")
- print("Using monitor default 1")
- if row.monIsColor then term.setTextColor(colors.white) end
- else
- row.monitor.setTextScale(row.textSize)
- end
- end
- if (row.text ~= nil) then row.hasText = 1
- else row.hasText = 0 end
- row.x, row.y = row.monitor.getSize()
- row.Y = 100/(row.y - 1 - row.hasText)
- row.pointsArray = {}
- row.indexPointer = 1
- for i = 1, row.x do
- row.pointsArray[i] = row.y - row.hasText --looks like 0% in the beginning
- end
- if not row.blitColor then row.blitColor = "5"
- else
- local bc = row.blitColor
- if not (bc == "0" or bc == "1" or bc == "2" or bc == "3"
- or bc == "4" or bc == "5" or bc == "6" or bc == "7"
- or bc == "8" or bc == "9" or bc == "a" or bc == "b"
- or bc == "c" or bc == "d" or bc == "e" or bc == "f") then
- if row.monIsColor then term.setTextColor(colors.yellow) end
- print("\nInvalid blitColor for monitor on row " .. rowNumber .. ". Needs to be in quotation marks and between 0-9 or a-f")
- print("Defaulting to green (5)")
- if row.monIsColor then term.setTextColor(colors.white) end
- row.blitColor = "5"
- end
- end
- if row.x < 27 then row.hideStekeblad = true -- do not print "Stekeblad's Powergraph" if it
- else row.hideStekeblad = false end -- does not fit on the monitor
- if ((row.hasText == 1) and (row.x < string.len(row.text))) then
- if row.monIsColor then term.setTextColor(colors.yellow) end
- print("\nDefined text for monitor on row " .. rowNumber .. " does not fit on screen")
- if row.monIsColor then term.setTextColor(colors.white) end
- end
- -- Battery stuff
- local eneTest
- if type( == "table" then eneTest =
- else eneTest = peripheral.wrap( end
- if (eneTest == nil) then
- error("\nCould not wrap energy storage on row " .. rowNumber)
- else
- = eneTest
- -- check if IC2 energy storage and if so add support for it
- if ( and then
- =
- =
- -- check if mekanism energy storage and if so add support for it
- elseif ( and then
- =
- =
- -- check if bigreactors reactor (can store 10 million)
- elseif ( and then
- = function() return 10000000 end
- -- check for bigreactors turbine (can store 1 million)
- elseif ( and then
- = function() return 1000000 end
- -- plethora (peripheral)
- elseif ( then
- local blockMeta =
- if ( and and then
- = function() return end
- = function() return end
- end
- -- If the energy storage is not compatible
- elseif not ( and then
- error("\n\"energy\" on row " .. rowNumber .. " is not a energy storage or does not support the required functions")
- end
- row.maxEnergy =
- end
- end
- -- Check if dataTable is empty and tell user to add something
- if emptyDataTable then
- if term.isColor then term.setTextColor( end
- print("\nNo monitors and energy storages added, press enter to open file for editing....")
- if term.isColor then term.setTextColor(colors.white) end
- read()
-"edit " .. shell.getRunningProgram())
- return -1
- end
- print("\nSuccessfully wrapped all monitors and energy storages as peripherals")
- -- Prints one pixel of the graph in choosen color, or white if non-advanced
- function blitPoint(row)
- if row.monIsColor then
- row.monitor.blit(row.blitColor, row.blitColor, row.blitColor) -- (advanced monitor)
- else
- row.monitor.blit("0", "0", "0") -- Write a white 0 on a white background (normal monitor)
- end
- end
- -- Prints the "text"-value for the storage centered at the bottom, if defined
- function printBottomText(row)
- if row.hasText == 1 then
- local strLen = string.len(row.text)
- row.monitor.setCursorPos((row.x-strLen+1)/2, row.y)
- row.monitor.write(row.text)
- end
- end
- -- Prints "Stekeblad's Powergraph" centered at the top of the monitor, if their is enough space
- function printMadeBy(row)
- if row.hideStekeblad == false then
- local startX = math.floor(row.x/2-13)
- row.monitor.setCursorPos(startX, 1)
- row.monitor.write("Stekeblad's Powergraph")
- end
- end
- -- Print how many percent of the storage is full
- function printPercentFull(row)
- row.monitor.setCursorPos(row.x-4, 1)
- row.monitor.write(row.filledPercent .. "%")
- end
- local all = {} -- Creates a table for functions that will operate on all monitor-battery pairs
- -- Read from storage and find the y-value of this point
- all.getNewData = function ()
- for rowNumber, row in pairs(dataTable) do
- local stored =
- if stored == nil then
- error("\n Failed to read stored energy from storage on row " .. rowNumber)
- end
- row.filledPercent = math.floor((stored/row.maxEnergy)*100)
- local pointY = math.floor(row.filledPercent/row.Y)
- if pointY == row.y - 1 - row.hasText then pointY = pointY-1 end
- row.pointsArray[row.indexPointer] = row.y - pointY - row.hasText--Else is 100% bottom of screen and top is 0%
- row.indexPointer = (row.indexPointer % row.x) + 1
- end
- end
- -- Refreshes what you see on the monitors
- all.updateView = function ()
- for rowNumber, row in pairs(dataTable) do
- local ptr = row.indexPointer
- local Xi = 1
- row.monitor.clear()
- printPercentFull(row)
- printMadeBy(row)
- if row.hasText then printBottomText(row) end
- row.monitor.setCursorPos(Xi, row.pointsArray[ptr])
- blitPoint(row) -- blit one character, based on if its a advanced or normal monitor
- Xi = (Xi % row.x) + 1
- ptr = (ptr % row.x) + 1
- while (ptr ~= row.indexPointer) do
- row.monitor.setCursorPos(Xi, row.pointsArray[ptr])
- blitPoint(row)
- Xi = (Xi % row.x) + 1
- ptr = (ptr % row.x) + 1
- end
- end
- end
- --Main program loop
- while true do
- all.getNewData()
- all.updateView()
- sleep(updateInterval)
- end
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