
Script Journey 2

Apr 24th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. --Script Journey 2--
  2. 1. Revamp VR System (Make it better than ftdh2..yeah you could always improve...like you SAID!)
  3. 2 Revamp Idol Bighead scripting
  4. 3. Revamp Chat server system messages
  5. 4. Revamp Tags (Make them connect to the FTBH fangroup so we don't have to manually edit the script every time for new supports/devs.)
  6. 5. Script time travel machine to make it go to each location. (Discuss with me when you do this)
  7. 6. Revamp Target Bighead scripting
  8. 7. Make a castle painting be able to be jumped in like in mario 64
  9. 8. Add a new tab in the shop for a twitter codes system (Make codes have limited copies and an option to make them have unlimited copies)
  10. 9. Remake Admin/Bigtuber/Owner/developer/VR Bighead launchers (like egg hunt 2018)
  11. 10. Make an admin panel for developers/owners. It would have fly, speed, tp player, gear me, god, ban, teleport to subworlds (Like the one in old ftdh3 but better, and also make it so they can't ban owners/developers)
  13. 12. Make the chaos emeralds have special stages (blue spheres)
  14. 13. Add leaderboard for hard bigheads in checklist
  15. 14. Add a text/gui where it shows the name of music playing in a area
  16. 15. Make certain areas disable gamepass walkspeed
  17. 16. Script sonic physics in green hill zone
  18. 17. Make a keypad system (unlike the old free modeled one I used..)
  19. 18. Sideways coin fix
  20. 19. Grass fix (if actually broken)
  21. 20. Render distance for quality modes
  22. 21. Faberge bighead scripting
  23. 22. Script ghost feature (limits and barriers too)
  24. 23. Add an option to turn on a counter of how many normal bigheads you own above ur head
  25. 24. Transition screen when you die/reset (Like the one in stars align)
  26. 25. Add fun gears into VIP and GOLDEN VIP (Hyperbike, dance potion, decoy deploy..you choose)
  27. 26. Replace keyboards in block corp
  28. 27. Script pyramid entrance puzzle (Discuss with me when you do this)
  29. 28. Script rocket house puzzle/planet teleportation (Discuss with me when you do this)
  30. 29. Make a new teleport system like bany tried but failed (unlike the old free modeled one I used..)
  31. 30. Make the dialog system have like a quest system incorporated into it
  32. 31. Make dialog GUI have an icon of the NPC
  33. 32. Fishing Mechanic (You can fish and catch stuff in the ocean and oasis and a also a chance to catch some fish bigheads and sell stuff at one of the npcs..)
  34. 33. Add fog to regions
  35. 34. Make Dialog system easier to use for lego and others
  36. 35. Add Dominus Glacies pet into FTDH2
  37. 36. Revamp tornado bighead scripting, dust devil bighead scripting, tumbleweed bighead scripting
  38. 37. Add a door opening/closing feature (will probably use in city/grasslands mostly)
  39. 38. Add β€œAre you sure you want to tp to this subrealm/place?” gui if player touches a place teleporter
  40. 39. Make avalanche in snowlands
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