
Go to town (#rsbot_help.rizon.log)

May 15th, 2011
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  1. 04[19:41] <+p00ntang> nick1
  2. 04[19:41] <+p00ntang> nick1
  3. 04[19:41] <+p00ntang> nick1
  4. [19:41] <+p00ntang> nick
  5. 04[19:41] <+p00ntang> nick1
  6. 04[19:41] <+p00ntang> nick1
  7. 02[19:43] * +ITSOVER9000 ( Quit (Quit: ITSOVER9000)
  8. 01[19:43] <~nick1> ya?
  9. [19:43] <+p00ntang> ok good ur here
  10. [19:43] <+p00ntang> imma share my report via google docs
  11. 01[19:44] <~nick1> k
  12. 01[19:45] <~nick1> lol
  13. 01[19:46] <~nick1> radioactive and the wiki war begins.
  14. 01[19:46] <~nick1> radioactive this is my new one
  15. [19:46] <+p00ntang> garsh darnit conversion analy screws my ppts
  16. 01[19:47] <~nick1> p00ntang just send me the ppt
  17. 01[19:47] <~nick1> Powerbot   Edit  
  18. 01[19:47] <~nick1> Redirected from Rsbuddy
  19. 01[19:47] <~nick1> Because of the fact that powerbot is better
  20. [19:49] <+p00ntang> sent
  21. [19:49] <+p00ntang> mister bloom
  22. 01[19:49] <~nick1> dude
  23. [19:50] <+p00ntang> ?
  24. 01[19:50] <~nick1> your chase koronkowski ??
  25. [19:50] <+p00ntang> internet name
  26. 01[19:50] <~nick1> no man i know you!
  27. [19:50] <+p00ntang> cool story bro
  28. [19:51] <+p00ntang> my name is john galt
  29. 01[19:51] <~nick1> john galt or chase kornkowski??
  30. [19:51] <+p00ntang> john galt, and your name is?
  31. [19:52] <+p00ntang> adam bloom, no?
  32. 01[19:52] <~nick1> p00ntang
  33. [19:52] <+p00ntang> ?
  34. 01[19:52] <~nick1>
  35. 01[19:53] <~nick1> thats you right?
  36. [19:53] <+p00ntang>  wow looks like some1 has nothing better to do with their time
  37. 03[19:54] * phatninja55|AFK is now known as phatninja55
  38. [19:54] <%phatninja55> 14[4Back14]2 I am Back. I was away for: 14(6Reason:4 show then a graduation party14).6 Gone for: 7hrs 49mins 25secs
  39. 04[19:54] <+p00ntang> can u just check the paper? nick1
  40. 04[19:54] <%phatninja55> hey nick1
  41. 01[19:54] <~nick1> why is first slide empty?
  42. [19:55] <+p00ntang> cuz its just a title page i will fill in
  43. [19:55] <%phatninja55> herro!!!!!!!
  44. [19:56] <+p00ntang> also, wat a clever trick how did you do that? i need to play that on my  friends some time
  45. 01[19:56] <~nick1> do you need accents or no?
  46. 01[19:56] <~nick1> ya lol i thought it was funny
  47. 01[19:56] <~nick1> you just make a page that says
  48. 01[19:56] <~nick1> #redirect [[Gay]]
  49. [19:56] 12[4#Phatninja5512] 12<~phatninja55> 4>>>10 .auser 4nick110 10 4<<<
  50. [19:56] <+p00ntang> yes i need accents,
  51. [19:57] <+p00ntang> you hackers can do some awesome stuff
  52. [19:57] 12[4#Phatninja5512] 12<~phatninja55> 4>>>10 .k 4nick110 rejoin for new rank 4<<<
  53. 01[19:57] <~nick1> lol im not a hacker
  54. [19:57] 12[4#Phatninja5512] 12<~dugg> 4>>>10 10¤WB 04(4nick11004) 10WB¤ 04- YOU HAVE PROTECTED STATS :D 4<<<
  55. 01[19:57] <~nick1> k well slide 2 you used tu without an accent
  56. 04[19:57] <&radioactive> nick1 take a look now
  57. [19:57] <%phatninja55> radioactive wanna join my chan?
  58. 01[19:57] <~nick1> other than that slide 2 loks good
  59. [19:57] <&radioactive> ?
  60. 01[19:58] <~nick1> slide 3 you used gustar with another conjugated verb
  61. 01[19:58] <~nick1> so you should change those to the infinitive
  62. [19:59] <+p00ntang> ok
  63. [19:59] 12[4#Phatninja5512] 12<~phatninja55> 4>>>10 4nick110 im using vhost now so u can join with any nick and still get ur rank 4<<<
  64. [20:00] 12[4#Phatninja5512] 12<@radioactive> 4>>>10 -dugg- 4nick110=level 10 4<<<
  65. 01[20:01] <~nick1> ok
  66. 01[20:01] <~nick1> Me gusta escribir cuetos porque la clase de englais.
  67. 01[20:01] <~nick1> that is just wrong lol
  68. 01[20:01] <~nick1> what are you trying to say what is cuetos?
  69. 05[20:02] -dugg- [TDuece]
  70. 05[20:02] -dugg- level=10
  71. 05[20:02] -dugg- [Claire`Redfield]
  72. [20:03] <+p00ntang> escribir cuentos- to write stories
  73. 01[20:03] <~nick1> ahh well throw an n in there
  74. [20:03] <+p00ntang> for english class
  75. [20:03] 12[4#Phatninja5512] 12<~phatninja55> 4>>>10 4nick110 what do u mean? 4<<<
  76. 01[20:03] <~nick1> so you are saying i like to write stories because the class of english.
  77. [20:03] <+p00ntang> i mean for english class
  78. [20:04] <+p00ntang> FOR english class
  79. 01[20:04] <~nick1> for is por que
  80. 01[20:04] <~nick1> not porque
  81. 01[20:04] <~nick1> :)
  82. 01[20:04] <~nick1> Yo juego futbol 4pra mi amigos durante sabado y domingo en la tarde.
  83. [20:04] <+p00ntang> o, woops
  84. 01[20:04] <~nick1> translates to
  85. [20:04] <%phatninja55> somthing about friends...
  86. 01[20:04] <~nick1> i play soccer for mi friends on saturday and sunday in the afternoon
  87. 01[20:05] <~nick1> you play soccer for the?
  88. 01[20:05] <~nick1> them*
  89. 01[20:05] <~nick1> what are you trying to say there?
  90. [20:05] <+p00ntang> i play WITh them
  91. 01[20:05] <~nick1> with is con
  92. [20:05] <+p00ntang> o
  93. 01[20:05] <~nick1> Tengo que repito los instrucciones.
  94. 01[20:05] <~nick1> translates to...
  95. 01[20:05] <~nick1> I have to i repeat the instructions.
  96. 01[20:05] <~nick1> what are you trying to say there?
  97. [20:06] <+p00ntang> i have to repeat the instructions (inser for the whole class)
  98. 01[20:07] <~nick1> Tengo que repitir
  99. 01[20:07] <~nick1> you only want one conjugated verb
  100. [20:07] <+p00ntang> yea....
  101. [20:07] <+p00ntang> i kno i fail
  102. [20:07] <+p00ntang> but its also the teachers fault
  103. 01[20:07] <~nick1> some of your examples could be better if you are actually conjugating the verb that you have as the example
  104. [20:08] <+p00ntang> ella es muy loco!
  105. 01[20:08] <~nick1> meaning dont conjugate tengo, instead just use repitir
  106. 01[20:08] <~nick1> lol
  107. 01[20:08] <~nick1> yo tambien
  108. [20:08] <+p00ntang> also check the conjugation charts in case i screwed up there as well
  109. [20:09] <+p00ntang> oh also at our high school orientation, the spanish teacher apologized to us bcuz our teachers sux and taught us nothing we nneeded to know for next year
  110. 04[20:10] <%phatninja55> nick1 did u look at the paste bin link?
  111. 01[20:12] <~nick1> phatninja55 link me?
  112. [20:12] <%phatninja55>
  113. 01[20:12] <~nick1> p00ntang like on contar yo should conjugate contar not poder
  114. 01[20:12] <~nick1> phatninja55 in a minute
  115. 01[20:12] <~nick1> Senora Carroll estas loco.
  116. 01[20:12] <~nick1> lol
  117. 01[20:13] <~nick1> p00ntang accents for estar
  118. 01[20:13] <~nick1> Yo voy ir al cine en la tarde  en viernes
  119. 01[20:13] <~nick1> translates to...
  120. 01[20:13] <~nick1> I go to go to the movie theater in the afternoon on friday.
  121. [20:13] <+p00ntang> ok how do you put those in on a keybord
  122. 01[20:13] <~nick1> you only need ir there once lol
  123. 01[20:13] <~nick1> accents?
  124. [20:14] <+p00ntang> si
  125. 01[20:14] <~nick1> alt characters wanta list?
  126. 01[20:14] <~nick1>
  127. [20:14] <+p00ntang> cool\
  128. 01[20:15] <~nick1> oh hey dont use soy a la playa that was a bad example i gave you, you would want to use estar for that cuz its like saying im at school, you could say like Soy un doctor.
  129. [20:15] <+p00ntang> also our teacher is snra pennissi not snra carroll
  130. [20:15] <+p00ntang> her last name is fun to make fun of
  131. 01[20:15] <~nick1> 4Mi juego futbol durante la primavera y otono << i think you want 4yo
  132. [20:15] <+p00ntang> ya...
  133. 01[20:15] <~nick1> same with the perder sentence
  134. [20:16] <+p00ntang> also the longer the example you give, the better
  135. 01[20:16] <~nick1> okay and the example you gave with conocer doesnt work that well
  136. 06[20:16] * &radioactive slaps phatninja55 around a bit with a large trout
  137. 01[20:16] <~nick1> conocer and saber both mean to know, but they have differences like ser and estar
  138. [20:16] <+p00ntang> y?
  139. 01[20:17] <~nick1> conocer is like to know... [[person, place, thing]]
  140. 01[20:17] <~nick1> saber is like to know... [[information, numbers, etc.]]
  141. 01[20:17] <~nick1> so you could say like i know george washington (conocer)
  142. 01[20:17] <~nick1> or i know about world war two (saber)
  143. [20:17] <+p00ntang> spanish can get pretty homo sometimes....
  144. 01[20:17] <~nick1> dude
  145. 01[20:17] <~nick1> yesterday
  146. 01[20:17] <~nick1> i was at this party but i left at 1130
  147. 01[20:17] <~nick1> but i was supposed to be home at 12
  148. 01[20:18] <~nick1> but i got lost
  149. 01[20:18] <~nick1> like REALLY lost
  150. 01[20:18] <~nick1> so it was 1215 and i was lost and i stopped at mcdonalds
  151. 01[20:18] <~nick1> and the people there only spoke spanish
  152. 01[20:18] <~nick1> so i got directions in spanish
  153. 01[20:18] <~nick1> i was like "damn, im awesome"
  154. 01[20:18] <~nick1> cool story right?
  155. [20:18] <+p00ntang> see now thats cool
  156. [20:19] <+p00ntang> half the people dropped the class after they learned how to say mow my lawn, apparently that was their primary reason for joining
  157. 03[20:19] * ITSOVER9000 ( has joined #rsbot_help
  158. 03[20:19] * gangstah sets mode: +v ITSOVER9000
  159. [20:20] <&radioactive> lol
  160. 01[20:20] <~nick1> i took spanish so i could say "one hamburger and a small fry please"
  161. [20:21] <+p00ntang> haha
  162. [20:23] <+p00ntang> un hamburguesa y papas fritas pequeno por favor
  163. [20:23] <+p00ntang> right?
  164. [20:23] <+p00ntang> or did i fuk up the grammar on that one too
  165. 01[20:24] <~nick1> thats right
  166. [20:24] 12[4#Phatninja5512] 12<~phatninja55> 4>>>10 4nick110 ^^^ what radioactive said 4<<<
  167. [20:24] <+p00ntang> :D
  168. [20:26] <%phatninja55> look in #phatninja55
  169. [20:27] <&radioactive> .access list
  170. [20:27] <%phatninja55> .access list
  171. [20:27] <%phatninja55> it would be awsome if i could make it like the access list
  172. 01[20:29] <~nick1> .access list
  173. 05[20:29] -gangstah- Access list for #rsbot_help:
  174. 05[20:29] -gangstah-   Num   Lev  Nick
  175. 05[20:29] -gangstah-     1  9001  Nick1
  176. 05[20:29] -gangstah-     2  9000  Activeradio
  177. 05[20:29] -gangstah-     3     5  MafBot
  178. 05[20:29] -gangstah-     4     5  Purefocus
  179. 05[20:29] -gangstah-     5    10  EatMyCheese
  180. 05[20:29] -gangstah-     6     4  MooMoo
  181. 05[20:29] -gangstah-     7    10  Hiphop03199
  182. 05[20:29] -gangstah-     8    10  Icez
  183. 05[20:29] -gangstah-     9     4  th3_n4m3les5
  184. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    10     4  Tryptamine
  185. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    11     4  skriptkiddy
  186. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    12     4  Sponsir
  187. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    13     4  Glowz
  188. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    14     4  thousandfold
  189. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    15     5  Popm4n
  190. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    16     4  SS4_Gohan
  191. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    17     4  ytuio9`
  192. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    18     4  NEXBot
  193. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    19     4  Ephexx
  194. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    20     3  Doritos
  195. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    21     4  RSFiend
  196. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    22     4  }
  197. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    23     4  ScriptHelp
  198. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    24     4  Beckii
  199. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    25     4  {trees}
  200. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    26     4  Ricky123
  201. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    27     4  Tduece
  202. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    28     4  Nutrigrain
  203. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    29     5  Janca
  204. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    30     4  phatninja55
  205. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    31     5  Yahoo
  206. 05[20:29] -gangstah-    32     4  Lucian151
  207. 05[20:29] -gangstah- End of access list.
  208. 01[20:29] <~nick1> you could do that easily
  209. 04[20:29] <+p00ntang> nick1 have u finished?
  210. 01[20:30] <~nick1> ya p00ntang i told you the stuff as i got to it
  211. [20:30] 12[4#jacoboG12] 12<&ITSOVER9000> 4>>>10 .access add 4nick110 9998 4<<<
  212. 01[20:30] <~nick1> and conocer was the last slide
  213. 02[20:31] * +ITSOVER9000 ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  214. [20:32] <+p00ntang> i also have some modismos wourld you mind checking em?
  215. 01[20:33] <~nick1> nope
  216. 01[20:33] <~nick1> email?
  217. 01[20:33] <~nick1> im gonna be right back after pizza
  218. [20:34] <+p00ntang> sure tysm
  219. [20:35] 12[4#jtryba12]10 Url: - Title:    private void typeOfFishToFishItemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {        if(locationToFi - 12By4 T-Dub|DlolPics 10on12 Rizon
  220. [20:35] <&radioactive> ] -gangstah-    23     4  ScriptHelp
  221. [20:36] <&radioactive> I thought he TV hacked?
  222. [20:38] <+p00ntang> !stats zezima
  223. [20:38] 12[4#homework12] 12<&radioactive> 4>>>10 4nick110 4<<<
  224. [20:39] <+p00ntang> !ge disk of returning
  225. [20:39] <+p00ntang> :(
  226. [20:43] 12[4#homework12] 12<&radioactive> 4>>>10 4nick110 4<<<
  227. 03[20:45] * ITSOVER9000 ( has joined #rsbot_help
  228. 03[20:45] * gangstah sets mode: +v ITSOVER9000
  229. 03[20:50] * radioactive is now known as activeradio
  230. 02[21:04] * +ITSOVER9000 ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  231. [21:06] 12[4#dueces-clan12]10 Url: - Title: Rizon Chat Network 12By4 TDuece 10on12 Rizon
  232. 03[21:16] * jacoboG ( has joined #rsbot_help
  233. 03[21:16] * gangstah sets mode: +v jacoboG
  234. 03[21:21] * ITSOVER9000 ( has joined #rsbot_help
  235. 03[21:21] * gangstah sets mode: +v ITSOVER9000
  236. 03[21:22] * LimitServ sets mode: +l 22
  237. 05[21:23] -EatMyCheese- lol?
  238. [21:25] 12[4#help12]10 Url: - Title: vHost Policy 12By4 blake 10on12 Rizon
  239. 03[21:26] * %phatninja55 ( has left #rsbot_help
  240. 03[21:27] * phatninja55 ( has joined #rsbot_help
  241. 03[21:27] * gangstah sets mode: +v phatninja55
  242. 03[21:27] * gangstah sets mode: +h phatninja55
  243. 03[21:30] * +jacoboG ( has left #rsbot_help
  244. 02[21:41] * +dugg ( Quit
  245. 03[21:41] * dugg ( has joined #rsbot_help
  246. 03[21:41] * gangstah sets mode: +v dugg
  247. 03[21:41] * gangstah sets mode: +h dugg
  248. 02[21:42] * %dugg ( Quit
  249. 03[21:42] * dugg ( has joined #rsbot_help
  250. 03[21:42] * gangstah sets mode: +v dugg
  251. 03[21:43] * gangstah sets mode: +h dugg
  252. [22:10] 12[4#dueces-clan12] 1,0You0,4Tube 10Title:4 ZAssault 10Views:4 10 10User:4 TehZombieAssault 12From4 TehBeastHax 10on12 Rizon
  253. 02[22:10] * +ITSOVER9000 ( Quit (Quit: ITSOVER9000)
  254. 03[22:10] * phatninja55 is now known as phatninja55|AFK
  255. [22:10] <%phatninja55|AFK> 14[4Away14]2 I am away 14(6Reason:4 none14).2 Left at 14(4 21:10:49 14).
  256. 03[22:11] * LimitServ sets mode: +l 20
  257. [22:23] 12[4#RSTrade12] 12<XbOx360Ba> 4>>>10 4nick110 4<<<
  258. 03[22:29] * phatninja55|AFK is now known as phatninja55
  259. [22:35] 12[4#homework12] 12<&activeradio> 4>>>10 4nick110 seeya 4<<<
  260. 03[22:36] * MajinGoku ( has joined #rsbot_help
  261. 03[22:36] * gangstah sets mode: +v MajinGoku
  262. 03[22:41] * phatninja55 is now known as jacobg
  263. 03[22:41] * gangstah sets mode: -h jacobg
  264. 03[22:41] * jacobg is now known as phatninja55
  265. 03[22:41] * gangstah sets mode: +h phatninja55
  266. 03[22:41] * phatninja55 is now known as jacobg
  267. 03[22:42] * gangstah sets mode: -h jacobg
  268. 03[22:43] * jacobg is now known as jacobog
  269. 03[22:43] * jacobog is now known as jacoboG
  270. 03[22:44] * p00ntang is now known as n1ckI
  271. 03[22:45] * jacoboG is now known as phatninja55
  272. 03[22:45] * gangstah sets mode: +h phatninja55
  273. 03[22:46] * phatninja55 is now known as jacoboG
  274. 03[22:46] * gangstah sets mode: -h jacoboG
  275. 03[22:47] * jacoboG is now known as phatninja55
  276. 03[22:47] * gangstah sets mode: +h phatninja55
  277. 02[22:50] * +St34lthx (St34lthx@St34lthx.St34lthx.St34lthx.St34lthx.St34lthx) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  278. 03[22:50] * phatninja55 is now known as jacoboG
  279. 03[22:51] * gangstah sets mode: -h jacoboG
  280. 03[22:53] * n1ckI is now known as nick1_should_not_take_this_lon
  281. 03[22:54] * nick1_should_not_take_this_lon is now known as nick1eatyourpizzafaster
  282. 02[22:55] * +nick1eatyourpizzafaster (~webchat@4A3C20DD.7D5E2AE9.6C5B97DB.IP) Quit (Quit: Rizon webchat:
  283. [22:55] 12[4#dueces-clan12] 12<%Goldeneye007> 4>>>10 * n1ckI is now known as 4nick110_should_not_take_this_lon 4<<<
  284. [22:55] 12[4#dueces-clan12] 12<%Goldeneye007> 4>>>10 * 4nick110_should_not_take_this_lon is now known as 4nick110eatyourpizzafaster 4<<<
  285. 03[23:00] * jacoboG is now known as phatninja55
  286. 03[23:00] * gangstah sets mode: +h phatninja55
  287. 02[23:01] * +MajinGoku ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  288. 03[23:02] * LimitServ sets mode: +l 18
  289. 03[23:09] * senorloco ( has joined #rsbot_help
  290. 03[23:09] * gangstah sets mode: +v senorloco
  291. 03[23:10] * senorloco is now known as p00ntang
  292. 03[23:10] * jacoboG ( has joined #rsbot_help
  293. 03[23:10] * gangstah sets mode: +v jacoboG
  294. 03[23:11] * LimitServ sets mode: +l 20
  295. 01[23:18] <~nick1> spanish suks.ppt
  296. 01[23:18] <~nick1> phatninja55
  297. 01[23:18] <~nick1> p00ntang *
  298. [23:18] <+p00ntang> yus
  299. [23:18] <+p00ntang> thank geezus ur back
  300. 01[23:18] <~nick1> do i needa check this again?
  301. 04[23:19] <%phatninja55> nick1!!!!!
  302. 04[23:19] <%phatninja55> nick1!!!!!!
  303. 04[23:19] <%phatninja55> nick1
  304. 04[23:19] <%phatninja55> nick1
  305. 04[23:19] <%phatninja55> nick1
  306. 01[23:19] <~nick1> hi
  307. 04[23:19] <%phatninja55> nick1
  308. 04[23:19] <%phatninja55> nick1
  309. 04[23:19] <%phatninja55> nick1
  310. 01[23:19] <~nick1> hi
  311. [23:19] <%phatninja55> when can i have new rank?
  312. [23:20] <+p00ntang> the idioms are spanish sux.ppt
  313. [23:20] <+p00ntang> the regular is spanish project  complete
  314. [23:20] <+p00ntang> also if u could fix the errors and send bak thatd be nice
  315. 01[23:20] <~nick1> Loro viejo no apprende a hablar. << whats that?
  316. [23:21] <%phatninja55> .op
  317. [23:21] <+p00ntang> mytranslation is the phrase under neath it
  318. [23:21] <%phatninja55> .access add phatninja55 8
  319. [23:21] <%phatninja55> .access del phatninja55
  320. [23:21] <%phatninja55> aww
  321. [23:21] <%phatninja55> lo
  322. [23:21] <%phatninja55> l
  323. 01[23:22] <~nick1> @google spanish idioms
  324. [23:22] <+RuneScript> *** [ 7GOOGLE ]: Top google result for "7spanish idioms":
  325. [23:22] 12[4#rsbot_help12]10 Url: - Title: Spanish Idiom Dictionary | Language Realm 12By4 RuneScript 10on12 Rizon
  326. 04[23:22] <%phatninja55> nick1 i used the same brand of condom as b4 and my eyes are all puffy and i cant breath again
  327. 03[23:22] * MafBot (MafBot@Mafia.Bot) has joined #rsbot_help
  328. 03[23:22] * gangstah sets mode: +o MafBot
  329. 04[23:22] <@MafBot> 10The legendary 04MafBot 10has been invited by 12nick110, and I have kindly enough accepted.
  330. 01[23:22] <~nick1> @google spanish idioms
  331. [23:22] <+RuneScript> *** [ 7GOOGLE ]: Top google result for "7spanish idioms":
  332. [23:22] <@MafBot> 12G04o08o14g09l04e 04a dictionary of Spanish idioms with English translations and explanations. 10
  333. [23:22] <@MafBot> 12G04o08o14g09l04e 04Amusing Spanish Idioms 10
  334. [23:22] 12[4#rsbot_help12]10 Url: - Title: Spanish Idiom Dictionary | Language Realm 12By4 RuneScript 10on12 Rizon
  335. 01[23:22] <~nick1> try those?
  336. 04[23:23] <%phatninja55> nick1 did u see what i said????
  337. [23:23] <+p00ntang> erm just check grammar thats all.
  338. [23:23] <+p00ntang> altho can you go back to original and check for enyays?
  339. [23:24] <+p00ntang> and fix them me mabeza es muy sleepy-o
  340. 04[23:24] <%phatninja55> <%phatninja55> nick1 i used the same brand of condom as b4 and my eyes are all puffy and i cant breath again
  341. [23:24] <%phatninja55> ^ lol
  342. 01[23:24] <~nick1> uhh...?
  343. 01[23:24] <~nick1> phatninja55 wtf
  344. 01[23:24] <~nick1> lol
  345. 01[23:24] <~nick1> p00ntang did you change the ones i told you about
  346. [23:24] <%phatninja55> u told me to call 911 last time lol
  347. [23:24] <+p00ntang> erm they got deleted cuz of phats constant floding
  348. [23:25] <%phatninja55> ?
  349. [23:25] <%phatninja55> the links?
  350. [23:25] <%phatninja55> 10
  351. 01[23:25] <~nick1> err no i mean from before
  352. -
  353. 01[23:25] p00ntang is *
  354. 01[23:25] p00ntang on +#rsbot_help #spanish #rsbot
  355. 01[23:25] p00ntang using * Where are you?
  356. 01[23:25] p00ntang End of /WHOIS list.
  357. -
  358. [23:25] <+p00ntang> yea i didnt finish them cuz i left for a sec cuz i needed mtn dew
  359. [23:26] <%phatninja55> .op phatninja55 now!
  360. [23:26] <+p00ntang> partially done yes tho
  361. 03[23:26] * p00ntang is now known as whythefuckdoesnick1takesolongt
  362. [23:26] <%phatninja55> * phatninja55: you're not channel operator
  363. 03[23:27] * whythefuckdoesnick1takesolongt is now known as nick1eatstodamslowloljk
  364. 04[23:27] <+nick1eatstodamslowloljk> nick1 can u relook at it
  365. 01[23:28] <~nick1> dude, i was eating but then i also was helping my friend with homework and then iwas watching a moive and then i was playing on my ipod
  366. [23:28] <+nick1eatstodamslowloljk> haha notice the loljk
  367. 03[23:28] * nick1 sets mode: +o phatninja55
  368. 03[23:28] * gangstah sets mode: -o phatninja55
  369. [23:28] <%phatninja55> what!!!
  370. [23:28] <%phatninja55> .op
  371. 03[23:28] * nick1 sets mode: +o phatninja55
  372. 03[23:28] * gangstah sets mode: -o phatninja55
  373. 01[23:28] <~nick1> dangit
  374. 01[23:29] <~nick1> doesnt work
  375. [23:29] <%phatninja55> .stay op
  376. 04[23:29] <%phatninja55> nick1 just type .op phatninja55
  377. [23:29] <%phatninja55> .halfop nick1eatstodamslowloljk
  378. 01[23:29] <~nick1> .op phatninja55
  379. 03[23:29] * gangstah sets mode: +o phatninja55
  380. 03[23:29] * gangstah sets mode: -o phatninja55
  381. 05[23:29] -gangstah:#rsbot_help- OP command used for phatninja55 by nick1
  382. [23:29] <%phatninja55> ...
  383. 01[23:29] <~nick1> .halfop nick1
  384. 03[23:29] * gangstah sets mode: +h nick1
  385. 01[23:29] <~nick1> .halfop nick1eatstodamslowloljk
  386. 03[23:29] * gangstah sets mode: +h nick1eatstodamslowloljk
  387. 03[23:29] * gangstah sets mode: -h nick1eatstodamslowloljk
  388. 04[23:29] <%phatninja55> -gangstah:#rsbot_help- OP command used for phatninja55 by nick1
  389. [23:30] <%phatninja55> .op
  390. [23:30] <%phatninja55> .access add phatninja55 8
  391. [23:31] <+nick1eatstodamslowloljk> nick can u plz find the errors again it like midnight and im really tired
  392. 01[23:31] <~nick1> same nick1eatstodamslowloljk
  393. 01[23:31] <~nick1> why do i have to do it twice?
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