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- ?using System.Linq;
- using Turbo.Plugins.Default;
- namespace Turbo.Plugins.RuneB
- {
- public class ArchonWizPlugin : BasePlugin, IInGameTopPainter, ICustomizer
- {
- public bool ShowWarnings { get; set; }
- public bool ShowInTown { get; set; }
- public bool ShowZeiCircle { get; set; }
- public bool ShowRashaElements { get; set; }
- public bool ShowArchonCD { get; set; }
- public bool ShowArchonRemain { get; set; }
- public bool AlwaysShowElements { get; set; }
- public bool AlwaysShowZei { get; set; }
- public float WarningYPos { get; set; }
- public float WarningYPosIncr { get; set; }
- public float ArchonCDandRemainYPos { get; set; }
- public float RashaIndicatorsYpos { get; set; }
- public GroundCircleDecorator ZeiRanceIndicator { get; set; }
- public TopLabelDecorator ArchonCDLabel { get; set; }
- public TopLabelDecorator ArchonCooldownLabel { get; set; }
- public TopLabelDecorator ArchonRemainingLabel { get; set; }
- public IFont WarningFont { get; set; }
- public IFont ArchonCDFont { get; set; }
- public IFont ArchonRemainFont { get; set; }
- public IFont ArchonRemainSoonFont { get; set; }
- public IBrush RashaBackgroundBrush { get; set; }
- public IBrush FireBrush { get; set; }
- public IBrush ArcaneBrush { get; set; }
- public IBrush LightningBrush { get; set; }
- public IBrush ColdBrush { get; set; }
- public IBrush GreyBrush { get; set; }
- private IPlayerSkill _archonSkill;
- private IPlayerSkill _magicWeaponSkill;
- private IPlayerSkill _energyArmorSkill;
- /*AXYD added*/
- private IPlayerSkill _stormArmorSkill;
- private IPlayerSkill _iceArmorSkill;
- private IPlayerSkill _familiarSkill;
- public bool ShowStormArmor = false;
- public bool ShowIceArmor = false;
- public bool ShowFamiliar = false;
- /*add end*/
- private float HudWidth{get {return Hud.Window.Size.Width; }}
- private float HudHeight{get { return Hud.Window.Size.Height; }}
- private float _lWidth, _lHeight, _lRashaSize, _lRashaSizeMod, _arcCDRemain, _tick;
- private bool _timerRunning = false;
- public ArchonWizPlugin()
- {
- Enabled = true;
- }
- public void Customize()
- {
- Hud.RunOnPlugin<PlayerBottomBuffListPlugin>(plugin =>
- {
- plugin.BuffPainter.ShowTimeLeftNumbers = true;
- plugin.RuleCalculator.Rules.Add(new BuffRule(134872) { IconIndex = 2, MinimumIconCount = 1, ShowTimeLeft = false, ShowStacks = true, IconSizeMultiplier = 1.3f }); // Archon
- plugin.RuleCalculator.Rules.Add(new BuffRule(429855) { IconIndex = 5, MinimumIconCount = 1, ShowTimeLeft = true, ShowStacks = false, IconSizeMultiplier = 1.3f }); // Tal Rasha
- });
- }
- public override void Load(IController hud)
- {
- base.Load(hud);
- // Public vars
- ShowWarnings = true;
- ShowInTown = true;
- ShowZeiCircle = true;
- ShowRashaElements = true;
- ShowArchonCD = true;
- ShowArchonRemain = true;
- AlwaysShowElements = false;
- AlwaysShowZei = false;
- WarningYPos = 0.27f;
- WarningYPosIncr = 0.022f; // Distance between warnings
- ArchonCDandRemainYPos = 0.495f; // Just below tal rasha icons = 0.605f;
- RashaIndicatorsYpos = 0.585f;
- WarningFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 13f, 200, 255, 0, 0, false, false, true);
- ArchonCDFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 12f, 255, 140, 140, 180, false, false, true);
- ArchonRemainFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 12f, 255, 80, 140, 210, false, false, true);
- ArchonRemainSoonFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 14.5f, 255, 255, 0, 0, false, false, true);
- RashaBackgroundBrush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(100, 30, 30, 30, 0);
- GreyBrush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 50, 50, 50, 0);
- FireBrush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 200, 130, 30, 0);
- ArcaneBrush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 180, 80, 180, 0);
- LightningBrush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 0, 65, 145, 0);
- ColdBrush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 80, 130, 180, 0);
- ZeiRanceIndicator = new GroundCircleDecorator(Hud)
- {
- Brush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(50, 165, 223, 255, 4.5f),
- Radius = 50f
- };
- ArchonCooldownLabel = new TopLabelDecorator(Hud)
- {
- TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 10f, 255, 140, 140, 180, false, false, 160, 0, 0, 0, true),
- TextFunc = ArchonCooldown,
- };
- // Private vars
- _lWidth = 80;
- _lHeight = 15;
- _lRashaSize = 24f;
- _lRashaSizeMod = 0.9f;
- }
- public void PaintTopInGame(ClipState clipState)
- {
- if (clipState != ClipState.BeforeClip) return;
- if (Hud.Game.IsInGame && Hud.Game.Me.HeroClassDefinition.HeroClass == HeroClass.Wizard && !(Hud.Game.Me.IsInTown && !ShowInTown))
- {
- var me = Hud.Game.Me;
- UpdateSkills(me);
- //If Disentegration Wave is channelled, draw zei circle
- if ((me.Powers.BuffIsActive(392891, 4) || AlwaysShowZei) && ShowZeiCircle)
- ZeiRanceIndicator.Paint(me, me.FloorCoordinate, null);
- //Draw missing buff warnings
- if (ShowWarnings && !me.IsDead)
- DrawWarnings(me);
- //Draw indicators for each tal rasha element
- if ((me.Powers.BuffIsActive(429855, 5) || AlwaysShowElements) && ShowRashaElements)
- TalRashaElements(me);
- //Draw Archon cooldown
- if (_archonSkill != null && ShowArchonCD)
- ArchonCooldownLabel.Paint(HudWidth * 0.5f - _lWidth / 2, HudHeight * (ArchonCDandRemainYPos+0.015f), _lWidth, _lHeight, HorizontalAlign.Center);
- //Draw Archon time remaining
- if (_archonSkill != null && ShowArchonRemain)
- ArchonRemaining(me);
- }
- }
- public string ArchonCooldown()
- {
- string s = "";
- if (_archonSkill.CooldownFinishTick > Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick)
- {
- var c = (_archonSkill.CooldownFinishTick - Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick) / 60.0d;
- s = string.Format("\u267F {0:N1} \u267F", c);
- }
- return s;
- }
- private void ArchonRemaining(IPlayer me)
- {
- if (me.Powers.BuffIsActive(134872, 2))
- {
- if (!_timerRunning)
- _tick = Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick;
- _timerRunning = true;
- var r = 20f - ((Hud.Game.CurrentGameTick - _tick) / 60.0d);
- if (r > 3f)
- {
- var layout = ArchonRemainFont.GetTextLayout(string.Format("{0:N1}", r));
- ArchonRemainFont.DrawText(layout, HudWidth * 0.5f - (layout.Metrics.Width * 0.5f), HudHeight * (ArchonCDandRemainYPos + 0.015f));
- }
- else
- {
- string str = string.Format("{0:N1}", r);
- if (r <= 3 && r > 2) str = string.Format("\u231A {0:N1} \u231A", r);
- if (r <= 2 && r > 1) str = string.Format("\u231B {0:N1} \u231B", r);
- if (r <= 1) str = string.Format("\u25B6 {0:N1} \u25C0", r);
- var layout = ArchonRemainSoonFont.GetTextLayout(str);
- ArchonRemainSoonFont.DrawText(layout, HudWidth * 0.5f - (layout.Metrics.Width * 0.5f), HudHeight * (ArchonCDandRemainYPos + 0.005f));
- }
- }
- else _timerRunning = false;
- }
- private void TalRashaElements(IPlayer me)
- {
- RashaBackgroundBrush.DrawRectangle((HudWidth * 0.5f - _lRashaSize * .5f) - _lRashaSize * 1.6f, HudHeight * RashaIndicatorsYpos - _lRashaSize * 0.1f, _lRashaSize * 4.1f, _lRashaSize * 1.1f);
- if (me.Powers.BuffIsActive(429855, 1)) ArcaneBrush.DrawRectangle((HudWidth * 0.5f - _lRashaSize * .5f) - _lRashaSize * 1.5f, HudHeight * RashaIndicatorsYpos, _lRashaSize * _lRashaSizeMod, _lRashaSize * _lRashaSizeMod);
- else DrawGreyBrush(-_lRashaSize * 1.5f);
- if (me.Powers.BuffIsActive(429855, 2)) ColdBrush.DrawRectangle((HudWidth * 0.5f - _lRashaSize * .5f) - _lRashaSize / 2, HudHeight * RashaIndicatorsYpos, _lRashaSize * _lRashaSizeMod, _lRashaSize * _lRashaSizeMod);
- else DrawGreyBrush(-_lRashaSize / 2);
- if (me.Powers.BuffIsActive(429855, 3)) FireBrush.DrawRectangle((HudWidth * 0.5f - _lRashaSize * .5f) + _lRashaSize / 2, HudHeight * RashaIndicatorsYpos, _lRashaSize * _lRashaSizeMod, _lRashaSize * _lRashaSizeMod);
- else DrawGreyBrush(_lRashaSize / 2);
- if (me.Powers.BuffIsActive(429855, 4)) LightningBrush.DrawRectangle((HudWidth * 0.5f - _lRashaSize * .5f) + _lRashaSize * 1.5f, HudHeight * RashaIndicatorsYpos, _lRashaSize * _lRashaSizeMod, _lRashaSize * _lRashaSizeMod);
- else DrawGreyBrush(_lRashaSize * 1.5f);
- }
- private void DrawGreyBrush(float xPos)
- {
- GreyBrush.DrawRectangle((HudWidth * 0.5f - _lRashaSize * .5f) + xPos, HudHeight * RashaIndicatorsYpos, _lRashaSize * _lRashaSizeMod, _lRashaSize * _lRashaSizeMod);
- }
- private void DrawWarnings(IPlayer me)
- {
- if (me.Powers.BuffIsActive(134872, 2)) //Archon
- {
- if (!me.Powers.BuffIsActive(135663, 0)) //Slow Time
- {
- var layout = WarningFont.GetTextLayout("\u22EF\u2995 " + /*me.Powers.GetBuff(135663).SnoPower.NameLocalized*/"Bubble Up" + " \u2996\u22EF"); // UsedWizardPowers returns "Archon" instead of "Slow Time" so i used GetBuff() instead
- WarningFont.DrawText(layout, HudWidth * 0.5f - (layout.Metrics.Width * 0.5f), HudHeight * WarningYPos);
- }
- }
- else
- if (_magicWeaponSkill != null)
- {
- var layout = WarningFont.GetTextLayout("\u22EF\u2995 " + Hud.Sno.SnoPowers.Wizard_MagicWeapon.NameLocalized + " \u2996\u22EF");
- if (!me.Powers.BuffIsActive(76108, 0))
- WarningFont.DrawText(layout, HudWidth * 0.5f - (layout.Metrics.Width * 0.5f), HudHeight * WarningYPos);
- }
- if (_energyArmorSkill != null)
- {
- var layout = WarningFont.GetTextLayout("\u22EF\u2995 " + Hud.Sno.SnoPowers.Wizard_EnergyArmor.NameLocalized + " \u2996\u22EF");
- if (!me.Powers.BuffIsActive(86991, 0) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(86991, 1) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(86991, 2) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(86991, 3) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(86991, 4) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(86991, 5))
- WarningFont.DrawText(layout, HudWidth * 0.5f - (layout.Metrics.Width * 0.5f), HudHeight * (WarningYPos+WarningYPosIncr));
- }
- /*Axyd added*/
- if (_stormArmorSkill != null && ShowStormArmor == true)
- {
- var layout = WarningFont.GetTextLayout("\u22EF\u2995 " + Hud.Sno.SnoPowers.Wizard_StormArmor.NameLocalized + " \u2996\u22EF");
- if (!me.Powers.BuffIsActive(74499, 0) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(74499, 1) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(74499, 2) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(74499, 3) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(74499, 4) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(74499, 5))
- WarningFont.DrawText(layout, HudWidth * 0.5f - (layout.Metrics.Width * 0.5f), HudHeight * (WarningYPos+WarningYPosIncr));
- }
- if (_iceArmorSkill != null && ShowIceArmor == true)
- {
- var layout = WarningFont.GetTextLayout("\u22EF\u2995 " + Hud.Sno.SnoPowers.Wizard_IceArmor.NameLocalized + " \u2996\u22EF");
- if (!me.Powers.BuffIsActive(73223, 0) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(73223, 1) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(73223, 2) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(73223, 3) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(73223, 4) && !me.Powers.BuffIsActive(73223, 5))
- WarningFont.DrawText(layout, HudWidth * 0.5f - (layout.Metrics.Width * 0.5f), HudHeight * (WarningYPos+WarningYPosIncr));
- }
- if (_familiarSkill != null && ShowFamiliar == true)
- {
- var layout = WarningFont.GetTextLayout("\u22EF\u2995 " + Hud.Sno.SnoPowers.Wizard_Familiar.NameLocalized + " \u2996\u22EF");
- if (!me.Powers.BuffIsActive(99120, 0))
- WarningFont.DrawText(layout, HudWidth * 0.5f - (layout.Metrics.Width * 0.5f), HudHeight * WarningYPos);
- }
- /*add end*/
- }
- }
- private void UpdateSkills(IPlayer me)
- {
- _archonSkill = null;
- _magicWeaponSkill = null;
- _energyArmorSkill = null;
- /*Axyd added*/
- _stormArmorSkill = null;
- _iceArmorSkill = null;
- _familiarSkill = null;
- /*add end*/
- me.Powers.UsedSkills.ForEach(skill =>
- {
- if (skill.SnoPower.Sno == 134872) _archonSkill = skill;
- if (skill.SnoPower.Sno == 76108) _magicWeaponSkill = skill;
- if (skill.SnoPower.Sno == 86991) _energyArmorSkill = skill;
- /*Axyd added*/
- if (skill.SnoPower.Sno == 74499) _stormArmorSkill = skill;
- if (skill.SnoPower.Sno == 73223) _iceArmorSkill = skill;
- if (skill.SnoPower.Sno == 99120) _familiarSkill = skill;
- /*add end*/
- });
- }
- }
- }
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