
(CmdBar) Getting Rect Offset (for later)

Jul 19th, 2021 (edited)
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Lua 7.98 KB | None | 0 0
  1. -- Who are you people, this is just a cmdbar script for the next script above -.-
  3. -- cmdbar script
  5. local a = ([[ABTestService
  6. Accessory
  7. Accoutrement
  8. Actor
  9. AdService
  10. AdvancedDragger
  11. AlignOrientation
  12. AlignPosition
  13. AnalysticsSettings
  14. AnalyticsService
  15. AngularVelocity
  16. Animation
  17. AnimationController
  18. AnimationTrack
  19. Animator
  20. AppStorageService
  21. AppUpdateService
  22. ArcHandles
  23. AssetCounterService
  24. AssetDeliveryProxy
  25. AssetManagerService
  26. AssetService
  27. Atmosphere
  28. Attachment
  29. AvatarEditorService
  30. AvatarImportService
  31. Backpack
  32. BackpackItem
  33. BadgeService
  34. BallSocketConstraint
  35. BasePart
  36. BasePlayerGui
  37. BaseScript
  38. BaseWrap
  39. Beam
  40. BevelMesh
  41. BillboardGui
  42. BinaryStringValue
  43. BindableEvent
  44. BindableFunction
  45. BlockMesh
  46. BloomEffect
  47. BlurEffect
  48. BodyAngularVelocity
  49. BodyColors
  50. BodyForce
  51. BodyGyro
  52. BodyMover
  53. BodyPosition
  54. BodyThrust
  55. BodyVelocity
  56. Bone
  57. BoolValue
  58. BoxHandleAdornment
  59. BrickColorValue
  60. BrowserService
  61. BulkImportService
  62. CacheableContentProvider
  63. CalloutService
  64. Camera
  65. CatalogPages
  66. CFrameValue
  67. ChangeHistoryService
  68. CharacterAppearance
  69. CharacterMesh
  70. Chat
  71. ChorusSoundEffect
  72. ClickDetector
  73. ClientReplicator
  74. Clothing
  75. Clouds
  76. ClusterPacketCache
  77. CollectionService
  78. Color3Value
  79. ColorCorrectionEffect
  80. CompressorSoundEffect
  81. ConeHandleAdornment
  82. Configuration
  83. Constraint
  84. ContentProvider
  85. ContextActionService
  86. Controller
  87. ControllerService
  88. CookiesService
  89. CoreGui
  90. CorePackages
  91. CoreScript
  92. CoreScriptSyncService
  93. CornerWedgePart
  94. CSGDictionaryService
  95. CustomEvent
  96. CustomEventReceiver
  97. CylinderHandleAdornment
  98. CylinderMesh
  99. CylindricalConstraint
  100. DataModel
  101. DataModelMesh
  102. DataModelSession
  103. DataStore
  104. DataStoreEnumerationPages
  105. DataStoreIncrementOptions
  106. DataStoreInfo
  107. DataStoreKeyInfo
  108. DataStoreKeyPages
  109. DataStoreKeyVersionInfo
  110. DataStorePages
  111. DataStoreService
  112. DataStoreSetOptions
  113. DataStoreVersionPages
  114. Debris
  115. DebuggablePlugin
  116. DebuggerBreakpoint
  117. DebuggerManager
  118. DebuggerWatch
  119. DebugSettings
  120. Decal
  121. DepthOfFieldEffect
  122. Dialog
  123. DialogChoice
  124. DistortionSoundEffect
  125. DockWidgetPluginGui
  126. DoubleConstrainedValue
  127. DraftsService
  128. Dragger
  129. DraggerService
  130. DynamicRotate
  131. EchoSoundEffect
  132. EmotesPages
  133. EqualizerSoundEffect
  134. EventIngestService
  135. Explosion
  136. FaceInstance
  137. Feature
  138. File
  139. FileMesh
  140. Fire
  141. Flag
  142. FlagStand
  143. FlagStandService
  144. FlangeSoundEffect
  145. FloorWire
  146. FlyweightService
  147. Folder
  148. ForceField
  149. FormFactorPart
  150. Frame
  151. FriendPages
  152. FriendService
  153. FunctionalTest
  154. GamepadService
  155. GamePassService
  156. GameSettings
  157. GenericSettings
  158. Geometry
  159. GetDataStoreOptions
  160. GlobalDataStore
  161. GlobalSettings
  162. Glue
  163. GoogleAnalyticsConfiguration
  164. GroupService
  165. GuiBase
  166. GuiBase2d
  167. GuiBase3d
  168. GuiButton
  169. GuidRegistryService
  170. GuiItem
  171. GuiLabel
  172. GuiMain
  173. GuiObject
  174. GuiService
  175. HandleAdornment
  176. Handles
  177. HandlesBase
  178. HapticService
  179. Hat
  180. HeightmapImporterService
  181. HingeConstraint
  182. Hint
  183. Hole
  184. Hopper
  185. HopperBin
  186. HttpRbxApiService
  187. HttpRequest
  188. HttpService
  189. Humanoid
  190. HumanoidController
  191. HumanoidDescription
  192. ILegacyStudioBridge
  193. ImageButton
  194. ImageHandleAdornment
  195. ImageLabel
  196. IncrementalPatchBuilder
  197. InputObject
  198. InsertService
  199. Instance
  200. InstanceAdornment
  201. IntConstrainedValue
  202. InternalContainer
  203. IntValue
  204. InventoryPages
  205. IXPService
  206. JointInstance
  207. JointsService
  208. KeyboardService
  209. Keyframe
  210. KeyframeMarker
  211. KeyframeSequence
  212. KeyframeSequenceProvider
  213. LanguageService
  214. LayerCollector
  215. LegacyStudioBridge
  216. Light
  217. Lighting
  218. LineForce
  219. LineHandleAdornment
  220. LocalizationService
  221. LocalizationTable
  222. LocalScript
  223. LocalStorageService
  224. LoginService
  225. LogService
  226. LuaSettings
  227. LuaSourceContainer
  228. LuaWebService
  229. ManualGlue
  230. ManualSurfaceJointInstance
  231. ManualWeld
  232. MarketplaceService
  233. MDIInstance
  234. MemoryStoreQueue
  235. MemoryStoreService
  236. MemoryStoreSortedMap
  237. MemStorageConnection
  238. MemStorageService
  239. MeshContentProvider
  240. MeshPart
  241. Message
  242. MessagingService
  243. Model
  244. ModuleScript
  245. Motor
  246. Motor6D
  247. MotorFeature
  248. Mouse
  249. MouseService
  250. MultipleDocumentInterfaceInstance
  251. NegateOperation
  252. NetworkClient
  253. NetworkMarker
  254. NetworkPeer
  255. NetworkReplicator
  256. NetworkServer
  257. NetworkSettings
  258. NoCollisionConstraint
  259. NonReplicatedCSGDictionaryService
  260. NotificationService
  261. NumberPose
  262. NumberValue
  263. ObjectValue
  264. ObjectVersionInfo
  265. OrderedDataStore
  266. OutfitPages
  267. PackageLink
  268. PackageService
  269. Pages
  270. Pants
  271. ParabolaAdornment
  272. Part
  273. PartAdornment
  274. ParticleEmitter
  275. PartOperation
  276. PartOperationAsset
  277. Path
  278. PathfindingService
  279. PermissionsService
  280. PhysicsPacketCache
  281. PhysicsService
  282. PhysicsSettings
  283. PitchShiftSoundEffect
  284. Platform
  285. Player
  286. PlayerEmulatorService
  287. PlayerGui
  288. PlayerMouse
  289. Players
  290. PlayerScripts
  291. Plugin
  292. PluginAction
  293. PluginDebugService
  294. PluginDragEvent
  295. PluginGui
  296. PluginGuiService
  297. PluginManager
  298. PluginManagerInterface
  299. PluginMenu
  300. PluginMouse
  301. PluginPolicyService
  302. PluginToolbar
  303. PluginToolbarButton
  304. PointLight
  305. PointsService
  306. PolicyService
  307. Pose
  308. PoseBase
  309. PostEffect
  310. PrismaticConstraint
  311. ProximityPrompt
  312. ProximityPromptService
  313. PublishService
  314. PVAdornment
  315. PVInstance
  316. QWidgetPluginGui
  317. RayValue
  318. RbxAnalyticsService
  319. ReflectionMetadata
  320. ReflectionMetadataCallbacks
  321. ReflectionMetadataClass
  322. ReflectionMetadataClasses
  323. ReflectionMetadataEnum
  324. ReflectionMetadataEnumItem
  325. ReflectionMetadataEnums
  326. ReflectionMetadataEvents
  327. ReflectionMetadataFunctions
  328. ReflectionMetadataItem
  329. ReflectionMetadataMember
  330. ReflectionMetadataProperties
  331. ReflectionMetadataYieldFunctions
  332. RemoteEvent
  333. RemoteFunction
  334. RenderingTest
  335. RenderSettings
  336. ReplicatedFirst
  337. ReplicatedScriptService
  338. ReplicatedStorage
  339. ReverbSoundEffect
  340. RobloxPluginGuiService
  341. RobloxReplicatedStorage
  342. RocketPropulsion
  343. RodConstraint
  344. RopeConstraint
  345. Rotate
  346. RotateP
  347. RotateV
  348. RunningAverageItemDouble
  349. RunningAverageItemInt
  350. RunningAverageTimeIntervalItem
  351. RunService
  352. RuntimeScriptService
  353. ScreenGui
  354. Script
  355. ScriptContext
  356. ScriptDebugger
  357. ScriptService
  358. ScrollingFrame
  359. Seat
  360. Selection
  361. SelectionBox
  362. SelectionLasso
  363. SelectionPartLasso
  364. SelectionPointLasso
  365. SelectionSphere
  366. ServerReplicator
  367. ServerScriptService
  368. ServerStorage
  369. ServiceProvider
  370. SessionService
  371. Shirt
  372. ShirtGraphic
  373. SkateboardController
  374. SkateboardPlatform
  375. Skin
  376. Sky
  377. SlidingBallConstraint
  378. Smoke
  379. Snap
  380. SocialService
  381. SolidModelContentProvider
  382. Sound
  383. SoundEffect
  384. SoundGroup
  385. SoundService
  386. Sparkles
  387. SpawnerService
  388. SpawnLocation
  389. Speaker
  390. SpecialMesh
  391. SphereHandleAdornment
  392. SpotLight
  393. SpringConstraint
  394. StandalonePluginScripts
  395. StandardPages
  396. StarterCharacterScripts
  397. StarterGear
  398. StarterGui
  399. StarterPack
  400. StarterPlayer
  401. StarterPlayerScripts
  402. Stats
  403. StatsItem
  404. Status
  405. StopWatchReporter
  406. StringValue
  407. Studio
  408. StudioData
  409. StudioDeviceEmulatorService
  410. StudioService
  411. StudioTheme
  412. SunRaysEffect
  413. SurfaceAppearance
  414. SurfaceGui
  415. SurfaceLight
  416. SurfaceSelection
  417. TaskScheduler
  418. Team
  419. Teams
  420. TeleportAsyncResult
  421. TeleportOptions
  422. TeleportService
  423. Terrain
  424. TerrainRegion
  425. TestService
  426. TextBox
  427. TextButton
  428. TextFilterResult
  429. TextLabel
  430. TextService
  431. Texture
  432. ThirdPartyUserService
  433. TimerService
  434. ToastNotificationService
  435. Tool
  436. Torque
  437. TorsionSpringConstraint
  438. TotalCountTimeIntervalItem
  439. TouchInputService
  440. TouchTransmitter
  441. TracerService
  442. Trail
  443. Translator
  444. TremoloSoundEffect
  445. TriangleMeshPart
  446. TrussPart
  447. Tween
  448. TweenBase
  449. TweenService
  450. UGCValidationService
  451. UIAspectRatioConstraint
  452. UIBase
  453. UIComponent
  454. UIConstraint
  455. UICorner
  456. UIGradient
  457. UIGridLayout
  458. UIGridStyleLayout
  459. UIInlineLayout
  460. UILayout
  461. UIListLayout
  462. UIPadding
  463. UIPageLayout
  464. UIScale
  465. UISizeConstraint
  466. UIStroke
  467. UITableLayout
  468. UITextSizeConstraint
  469. UnionOperation
  470. UniversalConstraint
  471. UnvalidatedAssetService
  472. UserGameSettings
  473. UserInputService
  474. UserService
  475. UserSettings
  476. UserStorageService
  477. ValueBase
  478. Vector3Value
  479. VectorForce
  480. VehicleController
  481. VehicleSeat
  482. VelocityMotor
  483. VersionControlService
  484. VideoFrame
  485. ViewportFrame
  486. VirtualInputManager
  487. VirtualUser
  488. Visit
  489. VoiceSource
  490. VRService
  491. WedgePart
  492. Weld
  493. WeldConstraint
  494. Workspace
  495. WorldModel
  496. WorldRoot
  497. WrapLayer
  498. WrapTarget]]) -- put list inside of bigstring
  500. a = a:split'\n'
  501. local e = game.ServerScriptService.b -- instance
  503. local d = ''
  505. for _,b in next,a do
  506.     pcall(function()
  507.         local c = game.StudioService:GetClassIcon(b)
  508.         d ..= '\t' .. b .. ' = ' .. c.ImageRectOffset.X .. ';\n'
  510.         if c.ImageRectSize.X ~= 16 and c.ImageRectSize.Y ~= 16 then
  511.             print(b)
  512.         end
  513.     end)
  514. end
  516. e.Source = d
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