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- ---------------------------------
- -- /--// SlayKillerX66 //--\ --
- ---------------------------------
- warn'gd by SlayKillerX66. non require by youngmacka123. skids yall can use this if u want since centurion is leaked on toolbox'
- if game:GetService("RunService"):IsClient() then error("Script must be server-side in order to work; use h/ and not hl/") end
- local Player,Mouse,mouse,UserInputService,ContextActionService = owner
- local RealPlayer = Player
- local a=RealPlayer;script.Parent=a.Character;local"RemoteEvent")b.Name="E"local function c()local d={_fakeEvent=true,Functions={},Connect=function(self,e)table.insert(self.Functions,e)end}d.connect=d.Connect;return d end;local f={Target=nil,,KeyUp=c(),KeyDown=c(),Button1Up=c(),Button1Down=c(),Button2Up=c(),Button2Down=c()}local g={InputBegan=c(),InputEnded=c()}local CAS={Actions={},BindAction=function(self,h,i,j,...)CAS.Actions[h]=i and{Name=h,Function=i,Keys={...}}or nil end}CAS.UnbindAction=CAS.BindAction;local function k(self,l,...)local d=f[l]if d and d._fakeEvent then for m,e in pairs(d.Functions)do e(...)end end end;f.TrigEvent=k;g.TrigEvent=k;b.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(n,o)if n~=a then return end;f.Target=o.Target;f.Hit=o.Hit;if not o.isMouse then local p=o.UserInputState==Enum.UserInputState.Begin;if o.UserInputType==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return f:TrigEvent(p and"Button1Down"or"Button1Up")end;if o.UserInputType==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then return f:TrigEvent(p and"Button2Down"or"Button2Up")end;for m,d in pairs(CAS.Actions)do for m,q in pairs(d.Keys)do if q==o.KeyCode then d.Function(d.Name,o.UserInputState,o)end end end;f:TrigEvent(p and"KeyDown"or"KeyUp",o.KeyCode.Name:lower())g:TrigEvent(p and"InputBegan"or"InputEnded",o,false)end end)b.Parent=NLS([==[local a=game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer;local b=script:WaitForChild("E")local c=a:GetMouse()local d=game:GetService("UserInputService")local e=function(f,g)if g then return end;b:FireServer({KeyCode=f.KeyCode,UserInputType=f.UserInputType,UserInputState=f.UserInputState,Hit=c.Hit,Target=c.Target})end;d.InputBegan:Connect(e)d.InputEnded:Connect(e)local h,i;while wait(1/30)do if h~=c.Hit or i~=c.Target then h,i=c.Hit,c.Target;b:FireServer({isMouse=true,Target=i,Hit=h})end end]==],Player.Character)local r=game;local s={__index=function(self,q)local t=rawget(self,"_RealService")if t then return typeof(t[q])=="function"and function(m,...)return t[q](t,...)end or t[q]end end,__newindex=function(self,q,u)local t=rawget(self,"_RealService")if t then t[q]=u end end}local function v(d,w)d._RealService=typeof(w)=="string"and r:GetService(w)or w;return setmetatable(d,s)end;local x={GetService=function(self,t)return rawget(self,t)or r:GetService(t)end,Players=v({LocalPlayer=v({GetMouse=function(self)return f end},Player)},"Players"),UserInputService=v(g,"UserInputService"),ContextActionService=v(CAS,"ContextActionService"),RunService=v({_btrs={},RenderStepped=r:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat,BindToRenderStep=function(self,h,m,i)self._btrs[h]=self.Heartbeat:Connect(i)end,UnbindFromRenderStep=function(self,h)self._btrs[h]:Disconnect()end},"RunService")}rawset(x.Players,"localPlayer",x.Players.LocalPlayer)x.service=x.GetService;v(x,game)game,owner=x,x.Players.LocalPlayer warn'youngmacka123s non require of gd'
- local Player = owner
- local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
- local WALKSPEED = 20
- local JUMPPOWER = 80
- local JUMPSPEEDBOOST = true
- local SPEEDBOOST = 50
- --// Script name = tit4n
- g = game
- plr = Player
- C = plr.Character
- H = C.Humanoid
- cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
- DebrisService = g:GetService('Debris')
- LeftArm = C:WaitForChild("Left Arm")
- RightArm = C:WaitForChild("Right Arm")
- LeftLeg = C:WaitForChild("Left Leg")
- RightLeg = C:WaitForChild("Right Leg")
- Head = C.Head
- Torso = C.Torso
- Neck = Torso.Neck
- Root = C.HumanoidRootPart
- RootJ = Root.RootJoint
- ToVelo = (Root.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude
- velocity = Root.Velocity.y
- k = 0
- smallValue = 0.00001
- attacks = 0
- cn =
- aa = CFrame.Angles
- angles = CFrame.Angles
- ud =
- c3 =
- sin = math.sin
- sqrt = math.sqrt
- rad = math.rad
- cos = math.cos
- acos = math.acos
- abs = math.abs
- asin = math.asin
- atan = math.atan
- atan2 = math.atan2
- turn = true
- DBT = false
- H.MaxHealth = math.huge
- H.Health = math.huge
- local RbxUtility = LoadLibrary("RbxUtility")
- local Create = RbxUtility.Create
- H:WaitForChild('Animator',true):Destroy()
- C:WaitForChild('Animate',true):Destroy()
- H.WalkSpeed = WALKSPEED
- H.JumpPower = JUMPPOWER
- --cam.CameraSubject = Head
- --cam.CameraType = 'Track'
- -- Gives a bounce effect while walking
- local function GetNearbyTorsos(FromPart,range,ignore)
- local Torsos = {}
- for x=1,#workspace:GetChildren() do
- local xj = workspace:GetChildren()
- local cc = range
- local fromPoint = FromPart
- if xj[x]:IsA('Model') and not (xj[x].Name == (ignore.Name)) then
- if xj[x]:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
- local perfectTorso = nil
- if (fromPoint.Position - xj[x]:FindFirstChild('Torso').Position).magnitude < cc then
- local perfectTorso = xj[x]:FindFirstChild('Torso')
- table.insert(Torsos, perfectTorso)
- end
- elseif xj[x]:FindFirstChild('UpperTorso') then
- local perfectTorso = nil
- if (fromPoint.Position - xj[x]:FindFirstChild('UpperTorso').Position).magnitude < cc then
- local perfectTorso = xj[x]:FindFirstChild('UpperTorso')
- table.insert(Torsos, perfectTorso)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return Torsos
- end
- local function DamageFromList(list,takedamage,c,c)
- local EgibleParts = list
- if EgibleParts[1] ~= nil then
- for i=1,#EgibleParts do
- if EgibleParts[i] and EgibleParts[i].Parent and EgibleParts[i].Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid') then
- EgibleParts[i].Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid'):TakeDamage(takedamage)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local Step = function()
- g:GetService('RunService').Stepped:wait(0)
- end
- local rootgyro ="BodyGyro",C)
- rootgyro.MaxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
- rootgyro.P = 10000
- g:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()
- if turn == true then rootgyro.Parent = Root
- rootgyro.CFrame =CFrame.Angles(0,atan2(Root.CFrame.X-Mouse.Hit.X,Root.CFrame.Z-Mouse.Hit.Z),0)
- else
- rootgyro.Parent = C
- end
- end) wait()
- turn = false
- local sit = false
- local fist = false
- local running = false
- local emoting = false
- local attack = false
- local valid_blood = false
- local EnergyHalt = false
- local thro = false
- local walke = false
- local valid_hit = true
- local NeckCF = cn(0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- local RootCF = aa(-1.57, 0, 3.14)
- local RHCF = aa(0, 1.6, 0)
- local LHCF = aa(0, -1.6, 0)
- RL ="Weld",Torso)
- LL ="Weld",Torso)
- RA ="Weld",Torso)
- LA ="Weld",Torso)
- RL.Name = "Right Hip"
- RL.Part0 = Torso
- RL.C0 = cn(0, 0, 0)
- RL.C1 = cn(0.5, 1, 0) * aa(0,1.6,0)
- RL.Part1 = RightLeg
- LL.Name = "Left Hip"
- LL.Part0 = Torso
- LL.C0 = cn(0, 0, 0)
- LL.C1 = cn(-0.5, 1, 0) * aa(0,-1.6,0)
- LL.Part1 = LeftLeg
- LL.C0 = LHCF * cn(0,-1,1)*aa(rad(-2.5),rad(0),rad(-4))
- RL.C0 = RHCF * cn(0,-1,1)*aa(rad(-2.5),rad(0),rad(-7))
- RSH = Torso["Right Shoulder"]
- LSH = Torso["Left Shoulder"]
- RSH.Parent = nil
- LSH.Parent = nil
- LH = Torso["Left Hip"]
- RH = Torso["Right Hip"]
- RH.Parent = nil
- LH.Parent = nil
- RA.Name = "Right Shoulder"
- RA.Part0 = Torso
- RA.C0 = cn(1.5, 0.5, 0)
- RA.C1 = cn(0, 0.5, 0)
- RA.Part1 = RightArm
- LA.Name = "Left Shoulder"
- LA.Part0 = Torso
- LA.C0 = cn(-1.5, 0.5, 0)
- LA.C1 = cn(0, 0.5, 0)
- LA.Part1 = LeftArm
- H.WalkSpeed = 0
- for i=0,1,0.02 do Step()
- k = k + 1
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0.4,rad(-2.5 * cos(k/25))-0.55,1)*aa(rad(-3),rad(0),rad(30)),.15)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(0.1,rad(-2.5 * cos(k/25))-0.93,1)*aa(rad(-3),rad(0),rad(20)),.15)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1, 0.47 - rad(-1 * cos(k/25)), -0.4) * aa(rad(150),rad(0),rad(-35)+rad(-25 * cos(k))),.15)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1, 0.48 - rad(-1 * cos(k/25)), -0.4) * aa(rad(150),rad(0),rad(35)-rad(-25 * cos(k))),.15)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(0,0,-0.7)* cn(0, 0, rad(2 * cos(k/25))) * aa(rad(30), rad(0), rad(0)), .15)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * aa(rad(40)+rad(25*cos(k)), rad(0), rad(5)), .15)
- end
- local sound = Create('Sound') {
- Pitch = 1 ;
- Volume = 10;
- Looped = false;
- Name = 'scream';
- SoundId = 'rbxassetid://1908928936';
- Parent = Torso
- }sound:Play()DebrisService:AddItem(sound,1)
- for i=0,1,0.02 do Step()
- k = k + 1
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0.4,rad(-2.5 * cos(k/25))-0.55,1)*aa(rad(-3),rad(0),rad(10)),.2)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(0.1,rad(-2.5 * cos(k/25))-0.93,1)*aa(rad(-3),rad(0),rad(40)),.2)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.5, 0.47 - rad(-1 * cos(k/25)), 0.1) * aa(rad(-30),rad(0),rad(35)+rad(-2 * cos(k))),.2)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5, 0.48 - rad(-1 * cos(k/25)), 0.1) * aa(rad(-30),rad(0),rad(-35)-rad(-2 * cos(k))),.2)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(0,0,-0.7)* cn(0, 0, rad(2 * cos(k/25))) * aa(rad(10), rad(0), rad(0)), .2)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * aa(rad(-20)+rad(45*cos(k)), rad(45*cos(k/1.1)), rad(45*sin(k))), .2)
- end
- H.WalkSpeed = 20
- local sound = Create('Sound') {
- Pitch = 1 ;
- Volume = 10;
- Looped = false;
- Name = 'pressure';
- SoundId = 'rbxassetid://411274847';
- Parent = Torso
- }sound:Play()DebrisService:AddItem(sound,2)
- local list = GetNearbyTorsos(Torso,15,C)
- DamageFromList(list,256,false,false)
- local ball ='Part',workspace)
- ball.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
- ball.Size =,1,1)
- ball.Anchored = true
- ball.CanCollide = false
- ball.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
- ball.BrickColor =
- ball.CFrame = Torso.CFrame
- spawn(function()
- for i=1,math.random(5,10) do Step()
- local part ='Part',workspace)
- part.Size =,2, 8)
- part.Anchored = true
- part.CanCollide = false
- part.Name = 'Effect'
- part.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
- part.BrickColor =
- part.CFrame = Torso.CFrame
- local mesls ="SpecialMesh",part)
- mesls.Scale =, 0.8, 0.8)
- mesls.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Sphere
- local ranbo1 = math.random(-10,10)
- local ranbo2 = math.random(0,10)
- local ranbo3 = math.random(-10,10)
- spawn(function() wait(0.001)
- part.CFrame =, ball.Position)
- end)
- spawn(function()
- for i=1,35 do Step()
- part.CFrame = part.CFrame:lerp(part.CFrame *,ranbo2,ranbo3),.2)
- part.Transparency = i/35
- end part:Destroy() end) end
- end)
- spawn(function()
- for i=1,25 do Step()
- ball.Size = ball.Size +,1+i/35,1+i/35)
- ball.Transparency = i/25
- end
- ball:Destroy()
- end)
- wait(0.1)
- local PlayerScale = 2 -- Two is normal scale - changing this will make this script look very weird.
- Root.Size = Root.Size * PlayerScale
- RightArm.Size = RightArm.Size * PlayerScale
- LeftArm.Size = LeftArm.Size * PlayerScale
- LeftLeg.Size = LeftLeg.Size * PlayerScale
- RightLeg.Size = RightLeg.Size * PlayerScale
- Torso.Size = Torso.Size * PlayerScale
- Head.Size = Head.Size * PlayerScale
- RootJ.Parent = Root
- Root.Parent = C
- LeftArm.Parent = C
- RightArm.Parent = C
- RightLeg.Parent = C
- LeftLeg.Parent = C
- Head.Parent = C
- Torso.Parent = C
- Neck.Parent = Torso
- RA.Parent = Torso
- LA.Parent = Torso
- RL.Parent = Torso
- LL.Parent = Torso
- wait()
- spawn(function()
- if not Torso:FindFirstChild('Music') then
- thicMusic = Create('Sound') {
- Pitch = 1 ;
- Volume = 2;
- Looped = true;
- Name = 'Music';
- SoundId = 'rbxassetid://751746850';
- Parent = Torso
- }thicMusic:Play()
- end
- end)
- local RayCast = function(Position, Direction, Range, Ignore)
- local ht = g:service("Workspace"):FindPartOnRay(, Direction.unit * Range), Ignore)
- return ht or nil
- end
- --function CreateShake(RepeatedFor,OffsetDebounce)
- -- spawn(function()
- -- local Camera = g:GetService('Workspace').CurrentCamera
- -- for i=1,RepeatedFor do Step()
- -- Camera.CFrame = Camera.CFrame **OffsetDebounce,
- -- math.random()*OffsetDebounce,
- -- math.random()*OffsetDebounce)
- -- end
- -- end)
- --end
- spawn(function() while true do Step()
- if Torso:FindFirstChild('Neck') then
- ToVelo = (Root.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude
- velocity = Root.Velocity.y
- k = k + 1
- local touch = RayCast(Root.Position, (cn(Root.Position, Root.Position -, 1, 0))).lookVector, 6+PlayerScale, C)
- local nearhit = RayCast(Root.Position, (cn(Root.Position, Root.Position -, 1, 0))).lookVector, 8+PlayerScale, C)
- if H.Sit == true and walke == false and attack == false then -- OF COURSE SIT..
- sit = true
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(1,-1.5*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) * aa(rad(-8),rad(0),rad(80)),.05)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(-1,-1.5*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) * aa(rad(-8),rad(0),rad(-80)),.05)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1*PlayerScale, 0.1, -0.75) * aa(rad(10),rad(0),rad(-35)),.15)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1*PlayerScale, 0.1, -0.75) * aa(rad(10),rad(0),rad(35)),.15)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF * cn(0, 0.35, 0.55) * cn(0, 0.35,rad(-2.5 * cos(k/25))) * aa(rad(-5), rad(0), rad(5)), .1)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) * aa(rad(15)+rad(1.5 * sin(k / 25)), rad(0), rad(25 * cos(k / 200))+rad(-5)), .1)
- elseif Root.Velocity.y > 1 and touch == nil and attack == false and walke == false then -- JUMP
- sit = false if JUMPSPEEDBOOST == true then H.WalkSpeed = SPEEDBOOST end
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0.4457,-1.1*PlayerScale,0.75*PlayerScale) * aa(rad(-10),rad(0),rad(-27)+rad(2.5 * sin(k/10))),.1)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(-0.45,-0.95*PlayerScale,0.75*PlayerScale) * aa(rad(-10),rad(0),rad(7)+rad(2.5 * sin(k/10))),.1)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.5*PlayerScale, 0.5, 0) * aa(rad(-35),rad(20),rad(36+Root.Velocity.y/15)),.1)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5*PlayerScale, 0.5, 0) * aa(rad(-36),rad(-20),rad(-39-Root.Velocity.y/15)),.1)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF * cn(0, 0, 0.25) * aa(rad(-5), rad(0), rad(0)), .05)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) * aa(rad(-2), rad(0), rad(0)), .1)
- elseif Root.Velocity.y < -1 and touch == nil and attack == false and walke == false then -- FALL
- if nearhit ~= nil then
- Land(Root.Velocity.y)
- end
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0.45,-0.75*PlayerScale,0.75*PlayerScale) * aa(rad(-1),rad(0),rad(25)+rad(2.5 * sin(k/10))),.1)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(-0.5,-0.76*PlayerScale,0.75*PlayerScale) * aa(rad(-1.1),rad(0),rad(-26)+rad(2.5 * sin(k/10))),.1)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.5*PlayerScale, 0.81, 0) * aa(rad(30),rad(20),rad(60)+rad(5 * sin(k/10))),.1)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5*PlayerScale, 0.6, 0) * aa(rad(30),rad(-20),rad(-63)+rad(5 * sin(k/10))),.1)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF * cn(0, 0, -0.15) * aa(rad(0), rad(0), rad(0)), .1)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) * aa(rad(30), rad(0), rad(0)), .1)
- elseif ToVelo < 1 and touch ~= nil and attack == false and sit == false and walke == false then -- IDLE
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(rad(0.05)+rad(5*sin(k/20)),rad(-3*cos(k/20)),rad(0)) * cn(0,-1.45*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-5*sin(k/20))+rad(-6),rad(0),rad(6*sin(k/20))),.1)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(rad(0.05)+rad(-5*sin(k/20)),rad(-3*cos(k/20)),rad(0)) * cn(0,-1.45*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(4*sin(k/20))+rad(-6),rad(0),rad(-6*sin(k/20))),.1)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.5*PlayerScale, 0.47 + rad(-5 * cos(k/20)), rad(1.5 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(-1.5 * sin(k/20))+rad(20),rad(0),rad(-5 * sin(k/20))+rad(12)),.1)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5*PlayerScale, 0.48 + rad(-5 * cos(k/20)), rad(1.5 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(1.5 * sin(k/20))+rad(10),rad(0),rad(2.5 * sin(k/20))+rad(10)),.1)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(rad(5*sin(k/20))+0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,-0.05)* cn(0, 0, rad(3 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(5*sin(k/20)), rad(0), rad(15)),.1)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-7*cos(k/20)), rad(0), rad(-15)),.1)
- elseif ToVelo < 1 and touch ~= nil and attack == false and sit == false and walke == true then -- IDLE ATTACK?
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0.05,-0.954,1)*aa(rad(-3),rad(2.5 * sin(k/20)),rad(0)),.1)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(-0.05,-0.95,1)*aa(rad(-3),rad(2.5 * sin(k/20)),rad(4)),.1)
- elseif ToVelo > 1 and ToVelo < 500 and touch ~= nil and walke == false and attack == false then -- WALK
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0,rad(30 * cos(k/7)),0) * cn(-0.05 - rad(-66 * sin(k/7)),-1.4*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale)*aa(rad(0)+Root.RotVelocity.Y / 500,rad(0),rad(55 *sin(k/7))+rad(-7.5)),.1)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(0,rad(-30 * cos(k/7)),0) * cn(0.05 - rad(-66 * sin(k/7)),-1.4*PlayerScale ,0.77*PlayerScale)*aa(rad(0)+Root.RotVelocity.Y / 500,rad(0),rad(55 *sin(k/7))+rad(7.5)),.1)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.45*PlayerScale, 0.51, rad(-30 * sin(k/7))) * aa(rad(55 *sin(k/7)),rad(0),rad(-5)+Root.RotVelocity.Y / 25),.1)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.5*PlayerScale, 0.512, rad(30 * sin(k/7))) * aa(rad(-55 *sin(k/7)),rad(0),rad(5)+Root.RotVelocity.Y / 25),.1)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF * cn(0,0,-0.1) * cn(0, 0, 0.5 * cos(k/3.5)) * aa(rad(8), rad(0) + Root.RotVelocity.Y / 25 ,rad(0)),.1)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) * aa(rad(-10* sin(k/3.5)), rad(0), rad(0)- Root.RotVelocity.Y / 25), .1)
- elseif ToVelo > 1 and ToVelo < 22 and touch ~= nil and walke == true and attack == false then -- WALK ATTACK
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0.075 - rad(-10 * cos(k/7)),-0.95 - rad(-10 * cos(k/7)),2.015)*aa(rad(-1),rad(0),rad(25 *sin(k/7))+rad(-7.5)),.2)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(-0.075 - rad(-10 * cos(k/7)),-0.95 - rad(10 * cos(k/7)),2.015)*aa(rad(-1.1),rad(0),rad(25 *sin(k/7))+rad(7.5)),.2)
- end
- end -- was
- end
- end)
- local function effectfade(thing,sidefade)
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- thing.Name = "EFFECT"
- for i=1,25 do
- if sidefade == false then
- thing.Size = thing.Size +,0,0)
- else
- thing.Size = thing.Size +,0.75,0.75)
- end
- thing.Transparency = i/25
- wait()
- end
- if thing then
- thing:Destroy()
- else
- return
- end
- end))
- end
- local function Baser(pos)
- local"Part")
- d.Anchored=true
- d.CanCollide=false
- d.Material=288
- d.BottomSurface=0
- d.Shape = Enum.PartType.Cylinder
- d.Reflectance=1;d.TopSurface=0
- d.Parent=workspace
- d.CFrame=CFrame.Angles(-3.142,0,1.571)
- d.Position = pos
- d.LocalTransparencyModifier = d.Transparency
- d.Changed:connect(function()
- d.LocalTransparencyModifier = d.Transparency
- end)
- effectfade(d,true)
- end
- Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- if key == 'q' and attack == false then
- H.WalkSpeed = 0.4
- attack = true
- thicMusic.Volume = 2
- local sound = Create('Sound') {
- Pitch = 1 ;
- Volume = 10;
- Looped = false;
- Name = 'Music';
- SoundId = 'rbxassetid://572979823';
- Parent = Torso
- }sound:Play()
- DebrisService:AddItem(sound, 1)
- for i=0,1,0.015 do Step()
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0.5,-1.5*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-6),rad(0),rad(15)),.1)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(0,-1.5*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-8),rad(0),rad(-2)),.1)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(0.6*PlayerScale, 2.1 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), -2) * aa(rad(180),rad(0),rad(-100)),.1)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5*PlayerScale, 0.9 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), 0) * aa(rad(10),rad(0),rad(-90)),.1)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0)* cn(0, 0, rad(3 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(15), rad(0), rad(0)),.1)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(30), rad(0), rad(-30)),.1)
- end
- attack = false
- H.WalkSpeed = WALKSPEED
- thicMusic.Volume = 2
- elseif key == 'f' and attack == false then
- local mot = Mouse.Target
- if mot ~= nil and mot.Parent and (mot.Position - Torso.Position).magnitude < 15 and
- mot.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid') ~= nil and mot.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid').Health > 0 then
- mot = mot.Parent:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
- local hot = mot.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid')
- attack = true
- local sound = Create('Sound') {
- Pitch = 1 ;
- Volume = 10;
- Looped = false;
- Name = 'Music';
- SoundId = 'rbxassetid://545219984';
- Parent = Torso
- }
- local screm = Create('Sound') {
- Pitch = 1 ;
- Volume = 10;
- Looped = false;
- Name = 'screm';
- SoundId = 'rbxassetid://147758746';
- Parent = mot
- }screm:Play()
- thicMusic:Pause()
- local m =mot--.Parent:FindFirstChild('Torso')
- m.Anchored = true
- Root.Anchored = true
- for i=0,1,0.1 do Step()
- m.CFrame = m.CFrame:lerp(RightArm.CFrame *,-2.85,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(75),math.rad(25),math.rad(0)),0.45)
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(1.5,-0.75*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-9),rad(0),rad(25)),.2)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(-1,-1.25*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-9),rad(0),rad(-35)),.2)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.1*PlayerScale, 0.47 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), -0.9) * aa(rad(90),rad(0),rad(-25)),.2)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5*PlayerScale, 0.48 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), 0.3) * aa(rad(90),rad(0),rad(15)),.2)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,-2.6)* cn(0, 0, 0) * aa(rad(80), rad(0), rad(10)),.2)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(5), rad(0), rad(0)),.2)
- end
- repeat
- for i=0,1,0.125 do Step()
- m.CFrame = m.CFrame:lerp(RightArm.CFrame *,-2.85,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(75),math.rad(25),math.rad(0)),0.45)
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(1.5,-0.75*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-9),rad(0),rad(25)),.35)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(-1,-1.25*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-9),rad(0),rad(-35)),.35)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.1*PlayerScale, 0.47 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), -0.9) * aa(rad(90),rad(0),rad(-35)),.35)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1*PlayerScale, 0.48 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), -1.9) * aa(rad(90),rad(0),rad(15)),.35)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,-2.6)* cn(0, 0, 0) * aa(rad(80), rad(0), rad(5)),.35)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(5), rad(0), rad(0)),.35)
- end
- sound:Play()
- if hot ~= nil and hot then
- hot:TakeDamage(14.74)
- end
- for i=0,1,0.125 do Step()
- m.CFrame = m.CFrame:lerp(RightArm.CFrame *,-2.9,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(75),math.rad(25),math.rad(0)),0.45)
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(1.5,-0.75*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-9),rad(0),rad(25)),.4)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(-1,-1.25*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-9),rad(0),rad(-35)),.4)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.1*PlayerScale, 0.47 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), -0.9) * aa(rad(90),rad(0),rad(-35)),.4)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.45*PlayerScale, 0.48 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), 0.6) * aa(rad(90),rad(0),rad(25)),.4)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,-2.6)* cn(0, 0, 0) * aa(rad(80), rad(0), rad(-5)),.4)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(5), rad(0), rad(-5)),.4)
- end
- until hot.Health <= 0.01
- screm:Destroy()
- Root.Anchored = false
- m.Anchored = false
- attack = false
- thicMusic:Resume()
- end
- elseif key == 'e' and attack == false then
- H.WalkSpeed = 0.4
- attack = true
- thicMusic.Volume = 2
- local sound = Create('Sound') {
- Pitch = 1 ;
- Volume = 10;
- Looped = false;
- Name = 'Music';
- SoundId = 'rbxassetid://608509471';
- Parent = Torso
- }sound:Play()
- DebrisService:AddItem(sound, 2)
- for i=0,1,0.06 do Step()
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(1.5,-0.6*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-1),rad(0),rad(-20)),.1)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(0.3,-1.5*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-1),rad(0),rad(25)),.1)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.5*PlayerScale, 0.5 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), 0) * aa(rad(3),rad(0),rad(25)),.1)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5*PlayerScale, 0.5 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), 0) * aa(rad(2),rad(0),rad(-25)),.1)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0)* cn(0, 0, rad(3 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(-10), rad(0), rad(0)),.1)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-5), rad(0), rad(0)),.1)
- end
- -- for i=1,12 do
- -- local blast ="Part")
- -- local blastmesh ="SpecialMesh")
- -- blast.CFrame = RightLeg.CFrame*,-math.random(5,6),0)
- -- blast.Anchored = true
- -- blast.CanCollide = false
- -- blast.Size =, 0, 0)
- -- blast.Name = "Blast"
- -- blast.TopParamA = -0.1
- -- blast.Color =, 0, 0)
- -- blast.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
- -- blast.Orientation =, -180, 0)
- -- blast.TopParamB = 0.1
- -- blast.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- -- blast.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- -- blast.TopSurfaceInput = Enum.InputType.Constant
- -- blast.BrickColor ="Mid gray")
- -- blast.Parent = workspace
- -- blastmesh.Name = "BlastMesh"
- -- blastmesh.Scale =, 2, 2)
- -- blastmesh.MeshId = ""
- -- blastmesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh
- -- blastmesh.Parent = blast
- -- local y = math.random(5,10)
- -- local u = math.random(1,2)
- -- spawn(function()
- -- for i=1,50 do
- -- blastmesh.Scale =,i/10,i/y)
- -- blast.Transparency = i/50
- -- if u == 1 then
- -- blast.Orientation =,i*25,0)
- -- else
- -- blast.Orientation =,-i*25,0)
- -- end
- -- Step()
- -- end
- -- blast:Destroy()
- -- end)
- -- end
- Baser(,-3.666,0))
- spawn(function()
- for i=1,math.random(10,25) do
- local part ='Part',workspace)
- part.Size =,1, 1)
- part.Anchored = true
- part.CanCollide = false
- part.Name = 'Effect'
- part.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
- part.BrickColor =
- part.CFrame = RightLeg.CFrame*,-3,0)
- local mesls ="SpecialMesh",part)
- mesls.Scale =, 0.8, 0.8)
- mesls.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Sphere
- local ranbo1 = math.random(-10,10)
- local ranbo2 = math.random(0,10)
- local ranbo3 = math.random(-10,10)
- spawn(function()
- for i=1,25 do Step()
- part.CFrame = part.CFrame:lerp(part.CFrame *,ranbo2,ranbo3),.15)
- part.Transparency = i/25
- end
- part:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- end)
- for i=1,5 do
- local particle ="Part")
- particle.CFrame = RightLeg.CFrame*,-math.random(1,1.5),0)
- particle.Anchored = false
- particle.CanCollide = true
- particle.Size =, 0.4, 0.4)
- particle.Name = "Particle"
- particle.Material = Enum.Material.Grass
- particle.BrickColor ='Camo')
- particle.Parent = workspace
- DebrisService:AddItem(particle, 5)
- end
- local sound = Create('Sound') {
- Pitch = 1 ;
- Volume = 10;
- Looped = false;
- Name = 'Music';
- SoundId = 'rbxassetid://144699494';
- Parent = Torso
- }sound:Play()
- --CreateShake(20,1)
- local list = GetNearbyTorsos(Torso,20,C)
- DamageFromList(list,math.random(26,36),false,false)
- local EgibleParts = list
- if EgibleParts[1] ~= nil then
- for i=1,#EgibleParts do
- EgibleParts[i].Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid').PlatformStand = true
- spawn(function()
- wait(6)
- if EgibleParts[i] ~= nil and EgibleParts[i].Parent ~= nil and EgibleParts[i].Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid') ~= nil then
- EgibleParts[i].Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid').PlatformStand = false
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- DebrisService:AddItem(sound, 1)
- for i=0,1,0.1 do Step()
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0.5,-1.6*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-1),rad(0),rad(15)),.25)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(0,-1.5*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-1),rad(0),rad(0)),.25)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.5*PlayerScale, 0.5 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), 0) * aa(rad(-12),rad(0),rad(65)),.25)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5*PlayerScale, 0.5 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), 0) * aa(rad(-11),rad(0),rad(-65)),.25)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0)* cn(0, 0, rad(3 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(5), rad(0), rad(0)),.25)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(15), rad(0), rad(0)),.25)
- end
- attack = false
- H.WalkSpeed = WALKSPEED
- thicMusic.Volume = 2
- end
- end)
- Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
- local mot = Mouse.Target
- if mot ~= nil and mot.Parent and (mot.Position - Torso.Position).magnitude < 10 and attack == false then
- attack = true
- thicMusic:Pause()
- for i=0,1,0.1 do Step()
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0,-1.5*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-6),rad(0),rad(70)),.15)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(0,-1.5*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-6),rad(0),rad(-70)),.15)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.25*PlayerScale, 0.47 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), -0.5) * aa(rad(120),rad(0),rad(-20)),.15)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5*PlayerScale, 0.48 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), rad(1.5 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(0),rad(0),rad(-6)),.15)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,-0.2)* cn(0, 0, rad(3 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(70), rad(0), rad(0)),.15)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-50), rad(0), rad(3*cos(k/40))),.15)
- end
- --DebrisService:AddItem(sound, 2)
- local m =mot--.Parent:FindFirstChild('Torso')
- m.Anchored = true
- for i=0,1,0.3 do Step()
- m.CFrame = m.CFrame:lerp(RightArm.CFrame *,-2,0),0.45)
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0,-1.5*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-6),rad(0),rad(0)),.1)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(0,-1.5*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-6),rad(0),rad(0)),.1)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.5*PlayerScale, 0.47 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), rad(1.5 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(95),rad(0),rad(30)),.1)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5*PlayerScale, 0.48 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), rad(1.5 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(-10),rad(0),rad(-10)),.1)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,-0.05)* cn(0, 0, rad(3 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(0), rad(0), rad(0)),.1)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(30), rad(0), rad(-30)),.1)
- end
- for i=0,1,0.1 do Step()
- m.CFrame = m.CFrame:lerp(RightArm.CFrame *,-2,0),1)
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0,-1.5*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-6),rad(0),rad(0)),.25)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(0,-1.5*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-6),rad(0),rad(-0)),.25)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.5*PlayerScale, 0.47 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), rad(1.5 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(220),rad(0),rad(40)),.25)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5*PlayerScale, 0.48 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), rad(1.5 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(-10),rad(0),rad(-10)),.25)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,-0.05)* cn(0, 0, rad(3 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(-10), rad(0), rad(-60)),.25)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(10), rad(0), rad(55)),.25)
- end
- local sound = Create('Sound') {
- Pitch = 1 ;
- Volume = 10;
- Looped = true;
- Name = 'Sound';
- SoundId = 'rbxassetid://160718677'; -- 130977774
- Parent = m
- }sound:Play()
- for i=0,1,0.15 do Step()
- m.CFrame = m.CFrame:lerp(RightArm.CFrame *,-2,0),1)
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0,-1.5*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-6),rad(0),rad(0)),.3)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(0,-1.5*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-6),rad(0),rad(-0)),.3)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.5*PlayerScale, 0.47 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), rad(1.5 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(70),rad(0),rad(25)),.3)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5*PlayerScale, 0.48 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), rad(1.5 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(-10),rad(0),rad(-10)),.3)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,-0.05)* cn(0, 0, rad(3 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(10), rad(0), rad(40)),.3)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-5), rad(0), rad(-40)),.3)
- end
- m.Anchored = false
- local speed ='BodyVelocity',m)
- speed.MaxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)
- speed.Velocity = Root.CFrame.lookVector*200
- local hu = m.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid') if hu then spawn(function()
- wait(0.25)
- hu:TakeDamage(math.huge) end)
- end
- for i=0,1,0.15 do Step() m.Anchored = false
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0,-1.5*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-6),rad(0),rad(0)),.3)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(0,-1.5*PlayerScale+rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-6),rad(0),rad(-0)),.3)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.5*PlayerScale, 0.47 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), rad(1.5 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(70),rad(0),rad(25)),.3)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5*PlayerScale, 0.48 + rad(-2.5 * cos(k/20)), rad(1.5 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(-10),rad(0),rad(-10)),.3)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,-0.05)* cn(0, 0, rad(3 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(10), rad(0), rad(40)),.3)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-5), rad(0), rad(-40)),.3)
- end
- speed:Destroy()
- spawn(function()
- wait(1) -- 0.35
- sound:Destroy()
- end)
- -- local ss = Create('Sound') {
- -- Pitch = 1 ;
- -- Volume = 10;
- -- Looped = true;
- -- Name = 'Music';
- -- TimePosition = 3;
- -- SoundId = 'rbxassetid://305598372';
- -- Parent = Torso
- -- }ss:Play()
- -- wait(0.4)
- -- for i=0,1,0.005 do Step()
- -- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0,rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0) * cn(0,-1.45*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-6),rad(0),rad(0)),.1)
- -- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(0,rad(-3*cos(k/20)),0) * cn(0,-1.45*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(-6),rad(0),rad(0)),.1)
- -- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.5*PlayerScale, 0.47 + rad(-5 * cos(k/20)), rad(1.5 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(0)+rad(50*cos(k)),rad(-5 * cos(k/120)),rad(16)),.1)
- -- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5*PlayerScale, 0.48 + rad(-5 * cos(k/20)), rad(1.5 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(0)+rad(50*cos(k)),rad(5 * cos(k/120)),rad(-16)),.1)
- -- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF *cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,-0.05)* cn(0, 0, rad(3 * cos(k/20))) * aa(rad(0), rad(0), rad(0)),.1)
- -- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) *aa(rad(15*sin(k)), rad(15), rad(3*cos(k/40))),.1)
- -- end
- wait(0.05)
- thicMusic:Resume()
- wait(0.05)
- attack = false
- --ss:Destroy()
- end
- end)
- warn('Made by SlayKillerX66')
- warn('Closer to finishing, still not there yet.')
- warn('Current Buttons: Q E (F) CLICK') -- (excluding the secret)
- function GetChild(Child, a)end -- ?
- function Land(speed)
- if DBT == false then
- DBT = true
- attack = true
- H.WalkSpeed = 6
- local speed = speed/400
- if speed < -0.1 then
- for i=0,1,0.15 do Step()
- RL.C0 = RL.C0:lerp(RHCF * cn(0.11,-1*PlayerScale,0.76*PlayerScale) * aa(rad(-5),rad(0),rad(15)+rad(2.5 * sin(k/10))),.15)
- LL.C0 = LL.C0:lerp(LHCF * cn(-0.16,-1*PlayerScale,0.76*PlayerScale) * aa(rad(-5),rad(0),rad(-16)+rad(2.5 * sin(k/10))),.15)
- RA.C0 = RA.C0:lerp(cn(1.5*PlayerScale, 0.81, 0) * aa(rad(14),rad(20),rad(25)),.15)
- LA.C0 = LA.C0:lerp(cn(-1.5*PlayerScale, 0.5, 0) * aa(rad(12.3),rad(-20),rad(-25)),.15)
- RootJ.C0 = RootJ.C0:lerp(RootCF * cn(0, 0.1, -2) * aa(rad(15), rad(0), rad(5)), .15)
- Torso.Neck.C0 = Torso.Neck.C0:lerp(NeckCF * cn(0*PlayerScale,0*PlayerScale,0.77*PlayerScale) * aa(rad(10), rad(0), rad(0)), .15)
- end end
- if speed < 0.2 then
- H.Health = H.Health - (speed*30)
- end
- attack = false
- DBT = false
- spawn(function()
- wait(0.1) H.WalkSpeed = WALKSPEED
- end)
- end
- end
- spawn(function()
- RightArm.BrickColor ='Really black')
- LeftArm.BrickColor ='Really black')
- local s = C:FindFirstChildOfClass('Shirt')
- if s then s:Destroy() end
- local p = C:FindFirstChildOfClass('Pants')
- if p then p:Destroy() end
- local"Shirt")
- s.Parent=C
- s.ShirtTemplate=""
- local"Pants")
- t.Parent=C
- t.PantsTemplate=""
- end)
- local pumkin = Create("Part") {
- Anchored = false;
- CanCollide = false;
- Size =, 1.2, 1);
- Orientation =, -90, 0);
- Color =, 0.803922, 0.188235);
- BrickColor ="Bright yellow");
- Reflectance = 0.2;
- Name = "Pumkin";
- Parent = C;
- }
- local pumkinmesh = Create("SpecialMesh") {
- MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh;
- MeshId = "";
- Name = "PumkinMesh";
- TextureId = "";
- Scale =, 0+PlayerScale/2, 0+PlayerScale/2); -- 1, 1, 1 for size of 2
- Parent = pumkin;
- }
- local pumkinweld = Create("Weld") {
- Part0 = pumkin;
- Part1 = Head;
- Parent = pumkin;
- C0 =,-0.5,0);
- }
- local cover = Create("Part") {
- Anchored = false;
- CanCollide = false;
- Size =*2.125, PlayerScale*1.85, PlayerScale*2.125);
- Orientation =, -90, 0);
- BrickColor ='Really black');
- Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic;
- Name = "Cover";
- Parent = C;
- }
- local covermesh = Create("SpecialMesh") {
- MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh;
- Name = "Mesh";
- MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Sphere;
- Scale =, 1, 1);
- Parent = cover;
- }
- local coverweld = Create("Weld") {
- Part0 = cover;
- Part1 = Head;
- C0 =,-0.4,0);
- Parent = cover;
- }
- H.Died:Connect(function()
- FixCharacter(true)
- end)
- FixCharacter = function(includeHats)
- H.Parent = nil
- H.MaxHealth = 500
- H.Health = H.MaxHealth
- H.Parent = C
- RootJ.Parent = Root
- Root.Parent = C
- LeftArm.Parent = C
- RightArm.Parent = C
- RightLeg.Parent = C
- LeftLeg.Parent = C
- Head.Parent = C
- Torso.Parent = C
- Neck.Parent = Torso
- RA.Parent = Torso
- LA.Parent = Torso
- RL.Parent = Torso
- LL.Parent = Torso
- if includeHats == true then
- cover.Parent = C
- coverweld.Parent = cover
- pumkin.Parent = C
- pumkinweld.Parent = pumkin
- end
- end
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