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- import pandas as pd
- import numpy as np
- hotels = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/eli/Desktop/hotel_booking_data.csv")
- # How many rows are there?
- number_rows = hotels.count(axis=0)
- print(number_rows)
- # Is there any missing data? If so, which column has the most missing data?
- # children - 4; country - 488; agent - 16340; company - 112 593
- checker = hotels.isna().sum()
- print(checker)
- # 'company' has the most missing data
- print(hotels.count().idxmin())
- # Drop the "company" column from the dataset
- hotels = hotels.drop('company', axis=1)
- # What are the top 5 most common country codes in the dataset?
- n = 5
- print(hotels['country'].value_counts()[:n])
- # What is the name of the person who paid the highes ADR(average daily rate)? How much was their ADR?
- # or another solution: hotels.sort_values('adr', ascending=False)[['adr', 'name']].iloc[0]
- max_adr = hotels['adr'].nlargest(1) # 5400
- rows_with_max_adr = hotels.loc[hotels['adr'] == int(max_adr)] # get the row
- print(rows_with_max_adr[['name', 'adr']])
- # What is the mean adr(average daily rate) across all the hotel stays in the dataset?
- mean_adr = hotels['adr'].mean()
- print(mean_adr)
- # What is the average number of nights for a stay across the entire data set?
- sum_columns = hotels['stays_in_week_nights'] + \
- hotels['stays_in_weekend_nights']
- print(round(sum_columns.mean(), 2))
- # What is the average total cost for a stay in the dataset
- avg_total_cost = ((hotels['stays_in_week_nights'] +
- hotels['stays_in_weekend_nights']) * hotels['adr']).mean()
- print(round(avg_total_cost, 2))
- # What are the names and emails of people who made exactly 5 "Special Requests"?
- total_of_special_requests = 5
- rows_with_exactly_five_spec_requests = hotels.loc[hotels['total_of_special_requests'] == int(
- total_of_special_requests)] # get all rows with exactly 5 special requests
- print(rows_with_exactly_five_spec_requests[['name', 'email']])
- # What percentage of hotel stays were classified as "repeat guests"?
- repeat_guests = sum(hotels['is_repeated_guest'] == 1) / len(hotels) * 100
- print(repeat_guests)
- # What are the names of the people who had booked the most number children and babies for their stay?
- hotels['total_kids'] = (hotels['children'] + hotels['babies'])
- the_most_kids_index = hotels['total_kids'].nlargest(3).index
- print(hotels.iloc[the_most_kids_index][['name', 'adults',
- 'total_kids', 'babies', 'children']]) # select rows based on list index
- # What are the top 5 most common last name in the dataset?
- n = 5
- print(hotels['name'].str.split().str[1].value_counts()[:n])
- # What are the top 3 most common area code in the phone numbers?
- n = 3
- print(hotels['phone-number'].str.split('-').str[0].value_counts()[:n])
- # How many arrivals took place between the 1st and the 15th of the month (inclusive of 1 and 15)?
- print(sum(hotels['arrival_date_day_of_month'].isin(range(1, 16))))
- # Create a table for counts for each day of the week that people arrived.
- def convert(day, month, year):
- return f"{day}-{month}-{year}"
- hotels['date'] = np.vectorize(convert)(
- hotels['arrival_date_day_of_month'], hotels['arrival_date_month'], hotels['arrival_date_year'])
- hotels['date'] = pd.to_datetime(hotels['date'])
- print(hotels['date'].dt.day_name().value_counts())
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