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- public class NetherFortressPiece extends Structure {
- private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger();
- static Random rand = new Random();
- public static final Codec<NetherFortressPiece> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.<NetherFortressPiece>mapCodec(instance ->
- StructureTemplatePool.CODEC.fieldOf("start_pool").forGetter(structure -> structure.startPool),
- ResourceLocation.CODEC.optionalFieldOf("start_jigsaw_name").forGetter(structure -> structure.startJigsawName),
- Codec.intRange(0, 30).fieldOf("size").forGetter(structure -> structure.size),
- HeightProvider.CODEC.fieldOf("start_height").forGetter(structure -> structure.startHeight),
- Heightmap.Types.CODEC.optionalFieldOf("project_start_to_heightmap").forGetter(structure -> structure.projectStartToHeightmap),
- Codec.intRange(1, 128).fieldOf("max_distance_from_center").forGetter(structure -> structure.maxDistanceFromCenter)
- ).apply(instance, NetherFortressPiece::new)).codec();
- private final Holder<StructureTemplatePool> startPool;
- private final Optional<ResourceLocation> startJigsawName;
- private final int size;
- private final HeightProvider startHeight;
- private final Optional<Heightmap.Types> projectStartToHeightmap;
- private final int maxDistanceFromCenter;
- public NetherFortressPiece(StructureSettings config,
- Holder<StructureTemplatePool> startPool,
- Optional<ResourceLocation> startJigsawName,
- int size,
- HeightProvider startHeight,
- Optional<Heightmap.Types> projectStartToHeightmap,
- int maxDistanceFromCenter)
- {
- super(config);
- this.startPool = startPool;
- this.startJigsawName = startJigsawName;
- this.size = size;
- this.startHeight = startHeight;
- this.projectStartToHeightmap = projectStartToHeightmap;
- this.maxDistanceFromCenter = maxDistanceFromCenter;
- }
- @Override
- public GenerationStep.Decoration step() {
- return GenerationStep.Decoration.SURFACE_STRUCTURES;
- }
- //private static boolean isFeatureChunk(Structure.GenerationContext context, BlockPos pos) {
- // // Grabs the chunk position we are at
- // ChunkPos chunkpos = context.chunkPos();
- //
- // // Checks to make sure our structure does not spawn within 10 chunks of an Ocean Monument
- // to demonstrate how this method is good for checking extra conditions for spawning
- // return !context.chunkGenerator().findNearestMapStructure( BuiltinStructureSets.NETHER_COMPLEXES, pos, 10);
- //}
- @Override
- public Optional<GenerationStub> findGenerationPoint(GenerationContext context) {
- // Check if the spot is valid for our structure. This is just as another method for cleanness.
- // Returning an empty optional tells the game to skip this spot as it will not generate the structure.
- int y = rand.nextInt(15,30);
- BlockPos centerPos = new BlockPos(context.chunkPos().getMinBlockX(), y, context.chunkPos().getMinBlockZ());
- // Turns the chunk coordinates into actual coordinates we can use. (Gets center of that chunk)
- BlockPos blockpos = context.chunkPos().getMiddleBlockPosition(0);
- blockpos = blockpos.offset(0,y,0);
- BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos();
- ChunkGenerator chunkGenerator = context.chunkGenerator();
- mutable = mutable.set(centerPos);
- NoiseColumn columnOfBlocks = chunkGenerator.getBaseColumn(blockpos.getX(), blockpos.getZ(), context.heightAccessor(), context.randomState());
- BlockState state = columnOfBlocks.getBlock(blockpos.getY());
- if(!state.getFluidState().is(Fluids.LAVA)){
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- while(state.getFluidState().is(Fluids.LAVA) || blockpos.getY() > 0){
- blockpos = blockpos.below();
- state = columnOfBlocks.getBlock(blockpos.getY());
- if(!state.getFluidState().is(Fluids.LAVA)){
- break;
- }
- }
- // Set's our spawning blockpos's y offset to be 60 blocks up.
- // Since we are going to have heightmap/terrain height spawning set to true further down, this will make it so we spawn 60 blocks above terrain.
- // If we wanted to spawn on ocean floor, we would set heightmap/terrain height spawning to false and the grab the y value of the terrain with OCEAN_FLOOR_WG heightmap.
- Optional<GenerationStub> structurePiecesGenerator =
- JigsawPlacement.addPieces(
- context, // Used for JigsawPlacement to get all the proper behaviors done.
- this.startPool, // The starting pool to use to create the structure layout from
- this.startJigsawName, // Can be used to only spawn from one Jigsaw block. But we don't need to worry about this.
- this.size, // How deep a branch of pieces can go away from center piece. (5 means branches cannot be longer than 5 pieces from center piece)
- blockpos, // Where to spawn the structure.
- false, // "useExpansionHack" This is for legacy villages to generate properly. You should keep this false always.
- this.projectStartToHeightmap, // Adds the terrain height's y value to the passed in blockpos's y value. (This uses WORLD_SURFACE_WG heightmap which stops at top water too)
- // Here, blockpos's y value is 60 which means the structure spawn 60 blocks above terrain height.
- // Set this to false for structure to be place only at the passed in blockpos's Y value instead.
- // Definitely keep this false when placing structures in the nether as otherwise, heightmap placing will put the structure on the Bedrock roof.
- this.maxDistanceFromCenter); // Maximum limit for how far pieces can spawn from center. You cannot set this bigger than 128 or else pieces gets cutoff.
- /*
- * Note, you are always free to make your own JigsawPlacement class and implementation of how the structure
- * should generate. It is tricky but extremely powerful if you are doing something that vanilla's jigsaw system cannot do.
- * Such as for example, forcing 3 pieces to always spawn every time, limiting how often a piece spawns, or remove the intersection limitation of pieces.
- *
- * An example of a custom JigsawPlacement.addPieces in action can be found here (warning, it is using Mojmap mappings):
- *
- */
- if(structurePiecesGenerator.isPresent()) {
- // I use to debug and quickly find out if the structure is spawning or not and where it is.
- // This is returning the coordinates of the center starting piece.
- //"Fortress piece at {}", blockpos);
- }
- // Return the pieces generator that is now set up so that the game runs it when it needs to create the layout of structure pieces.
- return structurePiecesGenerator;
- }
- @Override
- public StructureType<?> type() {
- return NDUStructures.NETHER_FORTRESS_PIECE; // Helps the game know how to turn this structure back to json to save to chunks
- }
- }
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