
Stomps key into concrete

Feb 14th, 2024
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  1. Their getaway vehicle was on the other side of the highway, and there was less traffic going toward the city center. They'd drive off and disappear into the side roads somewhere. The ones at the front of the pack were loading up the trucks with bags of stuff, on the road just beyond the highway. The middle of the pack was already over the concrete barrier that separated the westbound traffic from the eastbound, and the stragglers were just behind them, hesitating because traffic was incoming.
  3. I intercepted the people who were climbing into the first of the trucks. I used my aura to spook the first guy and to try to get his grip to ease up where he was holding onto the door and the side-grip at the chair back. He twisted around, hands up to defend himself, and I simply tugged him back, letting him fall to the ground. No strength needed.
  5. I used my toe to nudge the keys from his grip to the ground, and he didn't fight me. Then I stomped on them, forcefield up, with enough force to drive the metal into the concrete.
  7. - Torch 7.3
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