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- import React, { useEffect, useState, useCallback, useRef, useMemo, useContext } from 'react';
- import { useFocusEffect } from '@react-navigation/native';
- import {
- StyleSheet, View, Text, Dimensions,
- TouchableOpacity, SearchBar, StatusBar,
- FlatList, Button,
- PlatformColor, Image, Icon,
- Platform, Keyboard,
- ImageBackground,
- InteractionManager,
- Pressable,
- KeyboardAvoidingView,
- PermissionsAndroid,
- LayoutAnimation,
- UIManager,
- SafeAreaView,
- TextInput,
- TouchableHighlight
- } from "react-native";
- import TrackPlayer from 'react-native-track-player';
- import ViewOverflow from 'react-native-view-overflow'
- import {SwipeButtonsContainer, SwipeProvider, SwipeItem} from '../../libraries/swipetoreply/swipeIndex';
- import RNAndroidKeyboardAdjust from 'rn-android-keyboard-adjust'
- import * as Animatable from 'react-native-animatable';
- import * as ApiConstant from '../../network/ApiConstant'
- import OverlayContainer from '../../customview/OverlayContainer'
- import ContextMenu from "react-native-context-menu-view";
- import MaterialCommunityIcons from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialCommunityIcons';
- import MaterialIcons from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons'
- import { DefaultNavigationBackButton } from '../../appcomponent/DefaultNavigationBackButton';
- import { ThemeContext } from '../../context/ThemeContext';
- import uuid from 'react-native-uuid'
- import * as RootNavigation from '../../utils/navigation/RootNavigation';
- import {
- GiftedChat, Bubble, Send, SendIcon, InputToolbar, Actions, Composer,
- Avatar, SystemMessage, Message, MessageImage, MessageText, Day, Time, utils,
- AccessoryBar, TypingIndicator
- } from 'react-native-gifted-chat/';
- import { useDebounce } from '../../appcomponent/debound';
- import ImageModal from 'react-native-image-modal'
- import { ActivityIndicator } from 'react-native-paper';
- import { useSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';
- import { useKeyboard } from '@react-native-community/hooks'
- import { ChatEmojiKeyboardInput } from '../../appcomponent/chatcomponent/ChatEmojiKeyboardInput';
- import { ChatMoreKeyboardInput } from '../../appcomponent/chatcomponent/ChatMoreKeyboardInput';
- import { ChatMultiImage } from '../../appcomponent/chatcomponent/ChatMultiImage';
- import { ChatImage } from '../../appcomponent/chatcomponent/ChatImage';
- import { ChatVideo } from '../../appcomponent/chatcomponent/ChatVideo';
- import { ChatVoiceKeyboardInput } from '../../appcomponent/chatcomponent/ChatVoiceKeyboardInput';
- import { Overlay } from 'react-native-elements';
- import { ImageViewerContext } from '../../context/ImageViewerContext';
- import { MentionInput } from '../../appcomponent/chatcomponent/MentionInput';
- import FastImage from 'react-native-fast-image';
- import { ChatSticker } from '../../appcomponent/chatcomponent/ChatSticker';
- import { ChatVoice } from '../../appcomponent/chatcomponent/ChatVoice';
- import { ChatReply } from '../../appcomponent/chatcomponent/ChatReply';
- import KeyboardSpacer from 'react-native-keyboard-spacer';
- import CustomComposer from '../../customview/CustomComposer';
- import { mentionRegEx, replaceMentionValues } from 'react-native-controlled-mentions';
- import { ChatMentionView } from '../../appcomponent/chatcomponent/ChatMentionView';
- import { useMentions } from 'react-native-controlled-mentions/'
- const dimensions = Dimensions.get('window');
- const KeyboardAccessoryView = Keyboard.KeyboardAccessoryView;
- const DefaultKeyboardHeight = 300
- const KEYBOARD_SYSTEM = null
- const KEYBOARD_EMOJI = 1
- const KEYBOARD_MORE = 2
- const KEYBOARD_VOICE = 3
- var lastClickButtonTime = 0 //for avoid click multiply time into button continues
- const CLICK_THRESHOLD = 700
- const currentUser = {
- _id: 1,
- name: 'do dung',
- avatar: ''
- }
- export default function ChatScreen({ navigation }) {
- const { theme } = React.useContext(ThemeContext)
- const { viewImages } = React.useContext(ImageViewerContext)
- const insets = useSafeAreaInsets()
- const keyboardHandler = useKeyboard()
- const inputRef = useRef()
- const [isLoadMore, setLoadMore] = React.useState(false)
- const [messages, setMessage] = React.useState([])
- const [replyMessage, setReplyMessage] = React.useState()
- const [text, setText] = useState('');
- const [isTyping, setIsTyping] = useState(false)
- const [isSwiping, setSwiping] = useState(false)
- const [customKeyboard, setCustomKeyboard] = useState(KEYBOARD_SYSTEM)
- const getKbHeight = (keyboardHandler.keyboardHeight == 0 ? DefaultKeyboardHeight
- : keyboardHandler.keyboardHeight) - insets.bottom
- const { textInputProps, triggers } = useMentions({
- value: text,
- onChange: setText,
- triggersConfig,
- patternsConfig,
- });
- useEffect(() => {
- UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental && UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental(true);
- navigation.setOptions({
- headerLeft: props => <DefaultNavigationBackButton navigation={navigation} />,
- headerTitle: props => <ChatHeader name={'Chat'} desc={'Online'} />,
- headerRight: props => <CallHeader {...props} />,
- headerStyle: {
- backgroundColor: theme.navBackground,
- borderBottomWidth: 1,
- borderBottomColor: '#E8E8E8',
- },
- headerTintColor: theme.navigationButton,
- headerTitleAlign: 'center',
- headerBackVisible: false
- })
- setMessage(messagesSample.sort((a, b) => b.createdAt - a.createdAt))
- requestPermission()
- return () => {
- TrackPlayer.stop()
- RNAndroidKeyboardAdjust.setAdjustResize()
- }
- }, [])
- useEffect(() => {
- if (keyboardHandler.keyboardShown) {
- if (customKeyboard != KEYBOARD_SYSTEM) {
- setCustomKeyboard(KEYBOARD_SYSTEM)
- }
- }
- }, [keyboardHandler.keyboardShown])
- const requestPermission = async () => {
- // await PermissionsAndroid.requestMultiple([
- // PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.RECORD_AUDIO,
- // ]);
- };
- const hideReplyView = () => {
- setReplyMessage()
- }
- const handleLoadMore = () => {
- setLoadMore(true)
- console.log('handleLoadMore')
- setMessage(prev => GiftedChat.prepend(prev, loadMoreSample))
- }
- const onSend = React.useCallback((messages = []) => {
- hideReplyView()
- appendMessage(messages)
- })
- const onSelectEmoji = React.useCallback((emoji) => {
- const message = [{
- _id: uuid.v4(),
- user: currentUser,
- createdAt: new Date(),
- sticker: ApiConstant.MAIN_SERVER + emoji.Data,
- }]
- appendMessage(message)
- })
- const onSendVoice = React.useCallback((voiceUrl) => {
- const message = [{
- _id: uuid.v4(),
- user: currentUser,
- createdAt: new Date(),
- voice: voiceUrl,
- }]
- appendMessage(message)
- })
- const onReply = React.useCallback((message) => {
- appendMessage(message)
- })
- const appendMessage = (message) => {
- LayoutAnimation.configureNext(LayoutAnimation.Presets.easeInEaseOut);
- setMessage(prev => GiftedChat.append(prev, message))
- if (message[0].user._id == currentUser._id) {
- inputRef.current.scrollToBottom()
- }
- }
- const renderUserName = (props) => {
- const { user = {} } = props.currentMessage
- const { user: pUser = {} } = props.previousMessage
- const isSameUser = pUser._id === user._id
- const isSelf = user._id === 1
- const isSameDate = utils.isSameDay(props.currentMessage, props.previousMessage)
- const shouldNotRenderName = (isSameUser && isSameDate) || isSelf
- return shouldNotRenderName ? (
- <View />
- ) : (
- <Text
- style={{
- marginBottom: 4,
- color: theme.defaultText,
- fontSize: 12
- }}>
- {}
- </Text>
- )
- }
- const renderBubble = (props) => {
- return (
- <View>
- {renderUserName(props)}
- {/* <Animatable.View animation="slideInUp" duration={200} easing='ease-in-out'> */}
- <ContextMenu
- // preview={<View style={{ width: 100, height: 100, backgroundColor: 'green'}} />}
- style={{
- backgroundColor: 'transparent'
- }}
- previewBackgroundColor='transparent'
- actions={[
- { title: 'Pin', systemIcon: 'pin' },
- { title: 'Edit', systemIcon: 'pencil' },
- {
- title: 'Delete',
- destructive: true,
- inlineChildren: true,
- systemIcon: 'trash',
- },
- ]}
- onCancel={() => {
- }}
- onPress={(e) => {
- if (e.nativeEvent.index == 0) {
- setReplyMessage(props.currentMessage)
- inputRef.current.textInput.focus()
- } else if (e.nativeEvent.index == 2) {
- setMessage(prevMessage => prevMessage.filter(mes => mes._id != props.currentMessage._id))
- }
- }}>
- {props.currentMessage.text ? <Bubble
- {...props}
- containerStyle={{
- left: {
- backgroundColor: 'transparent',
- marginRight: 60,
- },
- right: {
- backgroundColor: 'transparent',
- marginLeft: 60
- }
- }}
- wrapperStyle={{
- left: {
- borderRadius: 8,
- backgroundColor: theme.leftChatBubbleBg,
- marginRight: 0,
- },
- right: {
- borderRadius: 8,
- backgroundColor: theme.rightChatBubbleBg,
- marginLeft: 0
- },
- }}
- textStyle={{
- left: {
- color: 'black',
- padding: 4
- },
- right: {
- color: theme.rightChatBubbleText,
- padding: 4
- },
- }}
- /> : null}
- {renderMultiImageView(props)}
- {renderImageView(props)}
- {renderVideoView(props)}
- {renderSticker(props)}
- {renderVoice(props)}
- </ContextMenu>
- {/* </Animatable.View> */}
- </View>
- )
- }
- const renderAvatar = (props) => {
- const { user = {} } = props.currentMessage
- const { user: pUser = {} } = props.previousMessage
- const isSameUser = pUser._id === user._id
- const isSelf = user._id === 1
- const isSameDate = utils.isSameDay(props.currentMessage, props.previousMessage)
- const shouldNotRenderName = (isSameUser && isSameDate) || isSelf
- if (shouldNotRenderName) return <View />
- return (
- <Avatar
- {...props}
- containerStyle={{
- left: {
- marginTop: 19,
- marginRight: 0,
- }
- }}
- imageStyle={{
- left: {
- backgroundColor: 'lightgray',
- }
- }}
- />
- );
- }
- const renderInputToolbar = (props) => {
- return <InputToolbar
- {...props}
- containerStyle={{
- alignContent: 'center',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- alignItems: 'center',
- backgroundColor: theme.navBackground,
- }}
- placeholder='Message...'
- />
- }
- const renderComposer = (props) => {
- return <>
- <CustomComposer
- {...props}
- containerStyle={{
- justifyContent: 'center',
- alignContent: 'center'
- }}
- textInputMentionProps={textInputProps}
- textInputStyle={{
- backgroundColor: theme.chatInputTextBg,
- borderRadius: 10,
- paddingTop: 10,
- paddingLeft: 10,
- paddingRight: 40,
- fontSize: 16,
- marginLeft: 12,
- marginRight: 15,
- }} />
- <Actions
- {...props}
- containerStyle={{
- position: 'absolute',
- right: 60,
- alignSelf: 'center'
- }}
- icon={() => <MaterialCommunityIcons
- size={25}
- color={theme.chatSendBtn}
- name={customKeyboard == KEYBOARD_EMOJI ? 'keyboard' : 'emoticon-happy'} />}
- onPressActionButton={() => {
- handleChangeKeyboardType(KEYBOARD_EMOJI)
- }} />
- </>
- }
- const renderActions = (props) => {
- if(props.text.length > 0) return <View/>
- return <Actions
- {...props}
- icon={() => <MaterialIcons
- size={25}
- style={{
- alignSelf: 'center',
- alignItems: 'center',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- alignContent: 'center'
- }}
- color={theme.chatSendBtn}
- name={'more-horiz'} />}
- onPressActionButton={() => {
- handleChangeKeyboardType(KEYBOARD_MORE)
- }}/>
- }
- const renderReplyButton = (
- <SwipeButtonsContainer
- style={{
- alignSelf: 'center',
- alignContent: 'center',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- // aspectRatio: 1,
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- paddingRight: 20
- // padding: 10,
- }}>
- <Animatable.View
- animation='bounceInUp'>
- <MaterialCommunityIcons size={28} name={'reply-circle'} color={theme.mainBlue} />
- </Animatable.View>
- </SwipeButtonsContainer>
- );
- const renderMessage = (props) => {
- return props.currentMessage.system ?
- <Message
- {...props} />
- :
- <SwipeItem
- disableSwipeIfNoButton
- onSwipeInitial={() => {
- setSwiping(true)
- }}
- onMovedToOrigin={isReply => {
- setSwiping(false)
- if (isReply) {
- setReplyMessage(props.currentMessage)
- inputRef.current.textInput.focus()
- }
- }}
- rightButtons={renderReplyButton}
- style={{
- flex: 1,
- }}>
- <Message
- {...props} />
- </SwipeItem>
- }
- const renderSendBtn = props => {
- return (
- <Send {...props}
- containerStyle={{
- justifyContent: 'center',
- alignSelf: 'center',
- marginRight: 12
- }}>
- {!props.text ?
- <TouchableOpacity
- onPress={() => {
- handleChangeKeyboardType(KEYBOARD_VOICE)
- }}>
- <MaterialCommunityIcons
- size={25}
- style={{
- marginTop: 2
- }}
- color={theme.chatSendBtn}
- name={'microphone'} />
- </TouchableOpacity> :
- <MaterialCommunityIcons
- size={25}
- style={{
- marginTop: 2
- }}
- color={theme.chatSendBtn}
- name={'send'} />}
- </Send>
- );
- }
- const renderLoadEarlier = (props) => {
- if (isLoadMore) {
- return <ActivityIndicator {...props} style={{ margin: 10 }} />
- }
- return null
- }
- const renderSystemMessage = props => {
- return (
- <SystemMessage
- {...props}
- containerStyle={{
- marginBottom: 15,
- }}
- textStyle={{
- fontStyle: 'italic',
- fontSize: 12,
- color: 'gray'
- }}
- />
- );
- }
- const renderMessageText = props => {
- return (
- <MessageText
- {...props}
- />
- );
- }
- const renderCustomView = (props) => {
- // if(props.currentMessage.images){
- // renderMultiImageView()
- // }
- return null
- };
- const renderMultiImageView = (props) => {
- if (props.currentMessage.images) {
- return <ChatMultiImage {...props} />
- }
- return null
- }
- const renderVideoView = (props) => {
- if ( {
- return <ChatVideo {...props} />
- }
- return null
- }
- const renderImageView = (props) => {
- if (props.currentMessage.image) {
- return <ChatImage {...props} />
- }
- return null
- }
- const renderVoice = (props) => {
- if (props.currentMessage.voice) {
- return <ChatVoice {...props} />
- }
- return null
- }
- const renderSticker = (props) => {
- if (props.currentMessage.sticker) {
- return <ChatSticker {...props} />
- }
- return null
- }
- const renderChatEmpty = () => {
- return <View
- style={{
- transform: [{ scaleY: -1 }],
- flex: 1,
- color: 'gray',
- fontStyle: 'italic',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- alignItems: 'center'
- }}>
- <Text style={{
- color: 'gray',
- fontStyle: 'italic'
- }}>No messages yet</Text>
- </View>
- }
- const renderTime = (props) => {
- // console.log(props.currentMessage.text)
- if (!props.currentMessage.text) { return null }
- if (utils.isSameUser(props.currentMessage, props.nextMessage)
- && utils.isSameDay(props.currentMessage, props.nextMessage)) {
- return null
- }
- return <Time
- {...props}
- timeTextStyle={{
- left: {
- color: 'darkgray',
- paddingLeft: 4,
- textAlign: 'left',
- },
- right: {
- }
- }} />
- }
- const renderFooter = (props) => {
- return <View>
- <TypingIndicator isTyping={isTyping} />
- </View>
- }
- const renderChatFooter = (props) => {
- return <>
- <ChatMentionView suggestions={users} {...triggers.mention} />
- {replyMessage ? <ChatReply {...props} message={replyMessage} hideReplyView={hideReplyView} /> : null}
- </>
- }
- const renderAccessory = (props) => {
- if (customKeyboard == KEYBOARD_EMOJI) return <ChatEmojiKeyboardInput width={dimensions.width} height={getKbHeight} onSelectEmoji={onSelectEmoji} />
- if (customKeyboard == KEYBOARD_MORE) return <ChatMoreKeyboardInput width={dimensions.width} height={getKbHeight} />
- if (customKeyboard == KEYBOARD_VOICE) return <ChatVoiceKeyboardInput width={dimensions.width} height={getKbHeight} onSendVoice={onSendVoice} />
- return null
- }
- const renderScrollToBottom = (props) => {
- return <MaterialCommunityIcons name={'arrow-down'} size={20} color={'white'} />
- }
- const handleChangeKeyboardType = (newKeyboardType) => {
- if(new Date().getTime() - lastClickButtonTime < CLICK_THRESHOLD) {
- return
- }
- if (customKeyboard == KEYBOARD_SYSTEM) {
- // RNAndroidKeyboardAdjust.setAdjustNothing()
- setCustomKeyboard(newKeyboardType)
- if (keyboardHandler.keyboardShown) {
- try { Keyboard.dismiss() } catch (error) { console.log(error) }
- } else {
- //force android show when click button + keboard not show
- if (Platform.OS == 'android') {
- // inputRef.current.setMinInputToolbarHeight(getKbHeight)
- }
- }
- //ios always modify container height
- // if(Platform.OS == 'ios'){
- inputRef.current.setMinInputToolbarHeight(getKbHeight)
- // RNAndroidKeyboardAdjust.setAdjustResize()
- // }
- inputRef.current.scrollToBottom()
- setTimeout(() => {
- // RNAndroidKeyboardAdjust.setAdjustResize()
- }, 800);
- } else {
- if (customKeyboard == newKeyboardType) {
- // RNAndroidKeyboardAdjust.setAdjustNothing()
- if (!keyboardHandler.keyboardShown) {
- try { inputRef.current.textInput.focus() } catch (error) { console.log(error) }
- // if(Platform.OS == 'android'){
- // inputRef.current.setMinInputToolbarHeight(getKbHeight)
- // }
- } else {
- // inputRef.current.setMinInputToolbarHeight(0)
- }
- setTimeout(() => {
- setCustomKeyboard(KEYBOARD_SYSTEM)
- }, 50);
- } else {
- // RNAndroidKeyboardAdjust.setAdjustResize()
- setCustomKeyboard(newKeyboardType)
- }
- }
- lastClickButtonTime = new Date().getTime()
- }
- return (
- <ImageBackground
- // source={require('../../assets/link_light.png')}
- style={{
- flex: 1,
- backgroundColor: theme.navBackground,
- }}>
- <GiftedChat
- text={text}
- onInputTextChanged={setText}
- ref={inputRef}
- bottomOffset={insets.bottom}
- renderBubble={renderBubble}
- renderLoading={() => <ActivityIndicator size="small" color="#0000ff" />}
- renderInputToolbar={renderInputToolbar}
- renderComposer={renderComposer}
- timeFormat='LT'
- locale='vi'
- dateFormat='DD/MM/YYYY'
- renderSend={renderSendBtn}
- renderAvatar={renderAvatar}
- renderActions={renderActions}
- renderMessage={renderMessage}
- renderMessageText={renderMessageText}
- renderSystemMessage={renderSystemMessage}
- renderChatEmpty={renderChatEmpty}
- renderTime={renderTime}
- renderAccessory={renderAccessory}
- accessoryStyle={{ height: customKeyboard != KEYBOARD_SYSTEM ? getKbHeight : 0 }}
- // minInputToolbarHeight={ customKeyboard != KEYBOARD_SYSTEM ? getKbHeight : 44 }
- renderChatFooter={renderChatFooter}
- renderCustomView={renderCustomView}
- renderMessageVideo={() => { }}
- messagesContainerStyle={{
- backgroundColor: theme.background
- }}
- parsePatterns={(linkStyle) => [
- {
- pattern: /#(\w+)/,
- style: linkStyle,
- onPress: (tag) => console.log(`Pressed on hashtag: ${tag}`),
- },
- {
- pattern: mentionRegEx,
- style: {fontWeight: 'bold', color: theme.mainOrangeColor},
- renderText: (value) => replaceMentionValues(value, ({name}) => `@${name}`),
- onPress: (value) => alert(`clicked: ${value}`)
- },
- ]}
- extraData={{ replyMessage, isLoadMore, customKeyboard, isSwiping}}
- isTyping={isTyping}
- messages={messages}
- onSend={messages => onSend(messages)}
- onLongPress={() => { }}
- onPressAvatar={() => {
- setIsTyping(!isTyping)
- }}
- listViewProps={{
- contentContainerStyle: { flexGrow: 1, justifyContent: "flex-end" },
- keyboardDismissMode: 'on-drag',
- nestedScrollEnabled: true,
- scrollEnabled: !isSwiping,
- // initialNumToRender: 15,
- showsVerticalScrollIndicator: true
- }}
- maxInputLength={500}
- textInputProps={{
- keyboardAppearance: theme.keyboard,
- autoCorrect: false,
- autoCapitalize: 'none',
- autoGrow: true,
- }}
- shouldUpdateMessage={() => {
- return true;
- }}
- maxComposerHeight={100}
- disableComposer={false}
- user={currentUser}
- // showAvatarForEveryMessage
- isCustomViewBottom
- inverted
- infiniteScroll
- // alignTop
- alwaysShowSend
- scrollToBottom
- scrollToBottomComponent={renderScrollToBottom}
- scrollToBottomStyle={{
- backgroundColor: theme.mainOrangeColor,
- bottom: 22
- }}
- onLoadEarlier={handleLoadMore}
- // loadEarlier={true}
- // isLoadingEarlier={isLoadMore}
- renderLoadEarlier={renderLoadEarlier}
- // showUserAvatar
- renderAvatarOnTop
- renderUsernameOnMessage={false}
- // forceGetKeyboardHeight={customKeyboard != KEYBOARD_SYSTEM}
- // wrapInSafeArea={Platform.OS === 'android'}
- keyboardShouldPersistTaps={'handled'}
- isKeyboardInternallyHandled={customKeyboard == KEYBOARD_SYSTEM || !keyboardHandler.keyboardShown}
- // isKeyboardInternallyHandled={false}
- />
- </ImageBackground>
- )
- }
- const ChatHeader = (props) => {
- const { theme } = React.useContext(ThemeContext)
- return (
- <TouchableOpacity style={{
- }} onPress={() => {
- // RootNavigation.push("Setting")
- }}>
- <View style={{
- flexDirection: 'column',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- alignItems: 'center'
- }}>
- <Text
- numberOfLines={1}
- ellipsizeMode='tail'
- style={{
- maxWidth: 120,
- fontSize: 17,
- fontWeight: '700',
- color: theme.defaultText
- }}>{}</Text>
- {/* <LinearGradient colors={['transparent']}> */}
- <Text
- numberOfLines={1}
- ellipsizeMode='tail'
- style={{
- marginTop: 2,
- maxWidth: 120,
- fontSize: 11,
- fontWeight: '600',
- color: 'gray'
- }}>{props.desc}</Text>
- {/* </LinearGradient> */}
- </View>
- </TouchableOpacity>
- )
- }
- const CallHeader = (props) => {
- const { theme } = React.useContext(ThemeContext)
- return (
- <View style={{
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- alignItems: 'center'
- }}>
- <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
- }}>
- <MaterialIcons name='phone-forwarded' color={theme.navigationButton} size={24} style={{ marginRight: 24 }} />
- </TouchableOpacity>
- <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
- RootNavigation.navigate('GroupCall')
- }}>
- <MaterialIcons name='videocam' color={theme.navigationButton} size={28} style={{ marginBottom: 3 }} />
- </TouchableOpacity>
- </View>
- )
- }
- const messagesSample = [
- {
- _id: 'fap',
- createdAt: new Date(new Date().getTime() - 1000),
- user: {
- _id: 2,
- name: 'React dsad',
- },
- voice: ''
- },
- {
- _id: 'fap1',
- createdAt: new Date(),
- user: currentUser,
- // text: 'nhu cac'
- voice: ''
- },
- {
- _id: 2,
- text: 'Hello developer 2',
- sent: true,
- createdAt: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 5, 12, 17, 20, 0)),
- user: {
- _id: 2,
- name: 'React dsad',
- },
- },
- {
- _id: 3,
- // text: 'Hi! ',
- createdAt: new Date(Date.UTC(2011, 2, 13, 17, 20, 0)),
- sent: true,
- received: true,
- peding: true,
- user: {
- _id: 1,
- name: 'React Native',
- avatar: '',
- },
- image: ''
- },
- {
- _id: 4,
- text: 'This is a quick reply. Do you love Gifted Chat? (radio) KEEP IT',
- createdAt: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 5, 14, 17, 20, 0)),
- user: {
- _id: 2,
- name: 'React Native',
- avatar: '',
- }
- },
- {
- _id: 5,
- text: 'This is a quick reply. Do you love Gifted Chat? (checkbox)',
- createdAt: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 5, 15, 17, 20, 0)),
- user: {
- _id: 2,
- name: 'React Native',
- avatar: '',
- }
- },
- {
- _id: 6,
- text: 'Come on!',
- createdAt: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 5, 16, 18, 22, 0)),
- user: {
- _id: 2,
- name: 'React Native',
- avatar: '',
- },
- },
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- _id: 7,
- text: 'Come on!13',
- createdAt: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 5, 16, 18, 23, 0)),
- pending: true,
- user: {
- _id: 2,
- name: 'React Native',
- avatar: '',
- },
- },
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- _id: 8,
- // text: 'cac',
- createdAt: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 5, 16, 18, 25, 0)),
- user: {
- _id: 5,
- name: 'dmm',
- avatar: '',
- },
- images: ['','',''],
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- uri: '',
- thumbnail: ''
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- // images: ['', '', ''],
- sent: true,
- user: {
- _id: 6,
- name: 'React fap',
- avatar: '',
- },
- },
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- _id: 11,
- // text: 'Hi! ',
- createdAt: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 5, 20, 17, 20, 0)),
- sent: true,
- received: true,
- peding: true,
- user: {
- _id: 1,
- name: 'React Native',
- avatar: '',
- },
- // image: '',
- // sticker: ''
- text: 'Hello @[David Tabaka](3r2r32) #cac'
- },
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- text: 'fap1',
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- createdAt: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 4, 12, 17, 20, 0)),
- user: {
- _id: 2,
- name: 'React dsad',
- },
- },
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- _id: 3,
- // text: 'Hi! ',
- createdAt: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 3, 13, 17, 20, 0)),
- sent: true,
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- user: {
- _id: 8,
- name: 'fap2',
- avatar: '',
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- image: ''
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- _id: 4,
- text: 'Cac dmm',
- createdAt: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 2, 14, 17, 20, 0)),
- user: {
- _id: 3,
- name: 'React Native',
- avatar: '',
- }
- },
- ]
- const users = [
- {
- id: '1',
- name: 'David Tabaka',
- avatar: '',
- },
- {
- id: '2',
- name: 'Mary',
- avatar: '',
- },
- {
- id: '3',
- name: 'Tony',
- avatar: '',
- },
- {
- id: '4',
- name: 'Mike',
- avatar: '',
- },
- {
- id: '5',
- name: 'Grey',
- avatar: '',
- },
- ];
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- {
- id: 'todo',
- name: 'todo',
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- id: 'help',
- name: 'help',
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- name: 'loveyou',
- },
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- // Config of suggestible triggers
- const triggersConfig = {
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- trigger: '@',
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- trigger: '#',
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- const patternsConfig = {
- url: {
- pattern: /a/gi,
- textStyle: { color: 'blue' },
- },
- };
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