

Aug 14th, 2017
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  1. coollogo_com-132975.png
  2. Player Commands:
  4. Command aliases: /clan, /clans, /f, /fac, /faction, /factions (Configurable)
  5. /c - Clan Manager Command
  6. /c help - Help List commands
  7. /c <clans;factions> - Clans List
  8. /c info <player/clan> - Player's or clan's Info
  9. /c promote <player> - Promote the player
  10. /c demote <player> - Demote the player
  11. /c disband - Disband your Clan
  12. /c leave - Leave your Clan
  13. /c sethome - Set your Home.
  14. /c home - Teleport you to your Home.
  15. /c create <clan name> - Create your Clan name.
  16. /c invite <player> - Invite a player to your Clan.
  17. /c deinvite <player> - Cancel player's invite to your Clan.
  18. /c kick <player> - Kick the player from your Clan.
  19. /c join <player> - Join player's Clan.
  20. /c claim - Claim Territory for your Clan.
  21. /c unclaim - Un-Claim Territory from your Clan.
  22. /c energy - Manage your Clan's Energy Settings/Purchase more energy
  23. /c ally invite <Clan name> - Invite a clan to ally.
  24. /c ally accept <Clan name> - Accept clan's ally request.
  25. /c <revoke;enemy;neutral> <clan name> - Revoke an ally with a clan
  27. Admin Commands:
  28. /c admin - Main Admin Help Command
  29. /c reload - Reload the skript
  30. /c admin claim Shop - Claim Shop Territory.
  31. /c admin claim Spawn - Claim Spawn Territory.
  32. /c admin unclaim Shop - Un-Claim Shop Territory.
  33. /c admin unclaim Spawn - Un-Claim Spawn Territory.
  34. /c admin reset <all;chunks;factions;userdata> - Resets specific data or all data.
  35. /c admin join <clan> - If you're an admin, you will be able to use this command to force yourself to be in a someone's clan.
  36. /c admin kick <player> - If you're an admin, you will be able to use this command to force kick players from their current clan.
  37. /c admin promote <player> - If you're an admin, you'll be able to use this command to force promote players in their current clan.
  38. /c admin demote <player> - If you're an admin, you'll be able to use this command to force demote players in their current clan
  39. /c admin delete <clan> - If you're an admin, you'll be able to use this command to delete specific clans from the database. This will delete all files of players, territories, and the clan's file itself.
  42. coollogo_com-10890863.png
  44. Posting new screenshots really soon!
  47. coollogo_com-90431892.png
  48. Admin Permissions:
  50. clan.admin - Admin's Permission ,bypasses everything in the skript!!
  52. Player Permissions:
  54. clan.use.* - Bypasses the permissions below:
  55. clan.use - Main Permission
  56. clan.leave - Leave your Clan
  57. clan.create - Create your Clan
  58. clan.invite - Invite / Deinvite Player
  59. clan.join - Join a clan
  60. clan.promote - Promote the Player
  61. clan.demote - Demote the players
  62. clan.disband - Disband your Clan
  63. clan.kick - Kick a player from your Clan
  64. clan.claim - Claim/Un-Claim territory
  65. clan.ally - Ally/Un-Ally with a Clan
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