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- %% Data
- % Baseband Signal
- t = [0 :0.001 : 0.3];
- s = zeros(size(t));
- s = s(:);
- s(201:205) = 1; % Row vector ---> Column vector
- figure('Name', 'Baseband Signal');
- plot(t, s);
- title('Pulse'); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Amplitude (V)');
- % Carrier
- fc = 100e6;
- c = 3e8;
- lambda = c / fc;
- % Array
- ula = phased.ULA('NumElements', 10,'ElementSpacing', lambda/2);
- ula.Element.FrequencyRange = [10e6 110e6];
- inputAngle = [45; 0];
- x = collectPlaneWave(ula, s, inputAngle, fc, c);
- % Noise is 3 dB lower (signal has power = 1, so noise will be at 0.5)
- rs = RandStream.create('mt19937ar','Seed',2008);
- P_noise = 0.5;
- noise = sqrt(P_noise/2)*randn(rs,size(x)) * (1+1i);
- rxSignal = x + noise; % It has 10 columns for 10 elements
- % Plots of data
- figure('Name', 'Received signals in 2 first elements');
- subplot(2, 1, 1);
- plot(t, abs(rxSignal(:, 1)));
- axis tight;
- title('Pulse at Antenna 1');
- xlabel('Time (s)');
- ylabel('Magnitude (V)');
- subplot(2, 1, 2);
- plot(t, abs(rxSignal(:, 2)));
- axis tight;
- title('Pulse at Antenna 2');
- xlabel('Time (s)');
- ylabel('Magnitude (V)');
- %% 1a) Phase Shifts Beamformer
- psbeamformer = phased.PhaseShiftBeamformer('SensorArray', ula,...
- 'OperatingFrequency', fc ,'Direction', inputAngle, ...
- 'WeightsOutputPort', true);
- [yCbf, w] = psbeamformer(rxSignal);
- figure('Name', 'AF of PS Beamformer');
- pattern(ula, fc, -180:180, 0, 'Weights', w, 'Type','powerdb', ...
- 'PropagationSpeed', c, 'Normalize', false,...
- 'CoordinateSystem','rectangular');
- axis([-90 90 -60 0]);
- figure('Name', 'Output of PS Beamformer (only with noise)');
- plot(t,abs(yCbf)); axis tight;
- title('Output of Phase Shift Beamformer');
- xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel('Magnitude (V)');
- % Create 2 interfernces with a 10x amplitude in 30 and 50 degrees
- N = length(t);
- s1 = 10*randn(rs, N, 1);
- s2 = 10*randn(rs, N, 1);
- interference = collectPlaneWave(ula, [s1 s2], [25 50; 0 0], fc, c);
- % Noise at minimal level with SNR = 50 dB
- P_noise = 10^(-5);
- noise = sqrt(P_noise/2)*randn(rs, size(x)) * (1+1i);
- rxInt = interference + noise; % Total interference + noise
- rxSignal = x + rxInt; % Total received Signal
- % Failure of PS Beamformer
- [yCbf, w] = psbeamformer(rxSignal);
- figure('Name', 'Failed output of PS Beamformer in presence with interfernce');
- plot(t,abs(yCbf)); axis tight;
- title('Failed output of Phase Shift Beamformer');
- xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel('Magnitude (V)');
- %% 2a) MVDR
- mvdrbeamformer = phased.MVDRBeamformer('SensorArray', ula, ...
- 'Direction', inputAngle, 'OperatingFrequency', fc,...
- 'WeightsOutputPort', true);
- % Train in it 2 cases
- mvdrbeamformer.TrainingInputPort = true;
- [yMVDR, wMVDR] = mvdrbeamformer(rxSignal, rxInt);
- figure('Name', 'Output of MVDR Beamformer With Presence of Interference');
- plot(t, abs(yMVDR)); axis tight;
- title('Output of MVDR Beamformer (noise + interference)');
- xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel('Magnitude (V)');
- figure('Name', 'AF of MVDR Beamformer');
- pattern(ula, fc, -90:90, 0, 'Weights', wMVDR, 'Type','powerdb', ...
- 'PropagationSpeed', c, 'Normalize', false,...
- 'CoordinateSystem','rectangular');
- figure('Name', 'MVDR vs PS');
- pattern(ula, fc, -180:180, 0, 'Weights', wMVDR, 'Type', 'powerdb', ...
- 'PropagationSpeed', c, 'Normalize', false, ...
- 'CoordinateSystem', 'rectangular');
- axis([-90 90 -80 20]);
- hold on
- pattern(ula, fc, -180:180, 0, 'Weights', w, ...
- 'PropagationSpeed', c, 'Normalize', false,...
- 'Type', 'powerdb', 'CoordinateSystem', 'rectangular');
- hold off;
- legend('MVDR','PhaseShift');
- %% Self-nulling Issue
- mvdrbeamformer_selfnull = phased.MVDRBeamformer('SensorArray',ula,...
- 'Direction',inputAngle,'OperatingFrequency',fc,...
- 'WeightsOutputPort',true,'TrainingInputPort',false);
- expDir = [43; 0];
- mvdrbeamformer_selfnull.Direction = expDir;
- [ySn, wSn] = mvdrbeamformer_selfnull(rxSignal);
- plot(t,abs(ySn)); axis tight;
- title('Output of MVDR Beamformer With Signal Direction Mismatch');
- xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel('Magnitude (V)');
- %% 2c) LCMV Beamformer
- lcmvbeamformer = phased.LCMVBeamformer('WeightsOutputPort', true);
- steeringvec = phased.SteeringVector('SensorArray', ula);
- stv = steeringvec(fc, [43 41 45]);
- lcmvbeamformer.Constraint = stv;
- lcmvbeamformer.DesiredResponse = [1; 1; 1];
- [yLCMV, wLCMV] = lcmvbeamformer(rxSignal);
- figure('Name', 'Array response of LCMV Beamformer');
- plot(t,abs(yLCMV)); axis tight;
- title('Output of LCMV Beamformer With Signal Direction Mismatch');
- xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel('Magnitude (V)');
- figure('Name', 'MVDR vs LCMV');
- pattern(ula,fc,-180:180,0,'Weights',wLCMV,'Type','powerdb',...
- 'PropagationSpeed',physconst('LightSpeed'),'Normalize',false,...
- 'CoordinateSystem','rectangular');
- axis([0 90 -40 35]);
- hold on; % compare to MVDR
- pattern(ula,fc,-180:180,0,'Weights',wSn,...
- 'PropagationSpeed',physconst('LightSpeed'),'Normalize',false,...
- 'Type','powerdb','CoordinateSystem','rectangular');
- hold off;
- legend('LCMV','MVDR');
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