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- import time
- from enum import Enum
- from dataclasses import dataclass, field
- from rich import get_console
- from import Live
- from rich.table import Table
- from wled import set_level
- console = get_console()
- def get_status(step, height, status) -> Table:
- table = Table()
- table.add_row("Step", str(step))
- table.add_row("Height", f"{height:.2f}")
- table.add_row("Status", str(status))
- return table
- class Direction(str, Enum):
- a_to_b = "A to B"
- b_to_a = "B to A"
- @dataclass
- class Height:
- min : int | float
- max : int | float
- step : int | float = field(default=1)
- def __post_init__(self):
- self._value = 50.0
- console.print("Height measurement initialized")
- console.print(f"Min-Height: {self.min} mm")
- console.print(f"Max-Height: {self.max} mm")
- console.print(f"Step: {self.step} mm")
- console.print(f"Value: {self.value:.2f} mm")
- @property
- def value(self) -> int | float:
- return self._value
- @value.setter
- def value(self, value):
- console.print("Setting new height to:", value)
- self._value = value
- @property
- def ok(self) -> bool:
- return self.min <= self.value <= self.max
- @property
- def min_ok(self) -> bool:
- return self.min < self.value
- @property
- def max_ok(self) -> bool:
- return self.max > self.value
- def update(self, direction: Direction | None) -> int | float:
- if direction is Direction.a_to_b:
- self._value -= self.step
- elif direction is Direction.b_to_a:
- self._value += self.step
- @dataclass
- class Pumpe:
- name : str
- def __post_init__(self):
- self._state = None
- console.print(f"Created {}.")
- @property
- def state(self) -> Direction:
- return self._state
- def a_to_b(self):
- self._state = Direction.a_to_b
- # console.print(f"{}: {self._state.value}")
- def b_to_a(self):
- self._state = Direction.b_to_a
- # console.print(f"{}: {self._state.value}")
- def stop(self):
- self._state = None
- # console.print(f"{}: Stop")
- def main(live):
- delay = 0.005
- step_size = (140 / 14) * delay
- console.print(f"Simulation with step_size of {step_size:.2f} and a delay of {delay:.3f}s")
- height = Height(min=15.0, max=100.0, step=step_size)
- height.value = 100.0
- pumpe = Pumpe("Pupe 1")
- console.print("Starting main loop")
- step = 0
- timer = 1.0
- while True:
- time.sleep(delay)
- height.update(pumpe.state)
- # console.print(f"Height: {height.value:.2f}")
- # console.print("\nStep:", step)
- live.update(get_status(step, height.value, pumpe.state))
- set_level(height.value, min_value=0.0, max_value=140.0)
- # 0 [ start ] -> Pumpe stoppen | -> 1
- # Verzweigung
- # 1 [ max_ok ] -> Von b nach a | -> 10
- # 1 [ not max_ok ] -> Von a nach b | -> 20
- # von b nach a
- # 10 [ not max_ok ] -> Pumpe stoppen | -> 11
- # 11 [ time 4 s ] -> | -> 20
- # von a nach b
- # 20 [ ] -> Von a nach b | -> 21
- # 21 [ not min_ok ] -> Pumpe stoppen | -> 30
- # 30 [ ] -> | -> 0
- match step:
- case 0:
- step = 1
- pumpe.stop()
- input("Enter to start: ")
- console.clear()
- case 1 if height.max_ok:
- step = 10
- pumpe.b_to_a()
- case 1 if not height.max_ok:
- step = 20
- pumpe.a_to_b()
- case 10 if not height.max_ok:
- step = 11
- pumpe.stop()
- case 11:
- step = 20
- # console.print(f"Delay of {timer}s")
- time.sleep(timer)
- case 20:
- step = 21
- pumpe.a_to_b()
- case 21 if not height.min_ok:
- step = 30
- pumpe.stop()
- case 30:
- step = 0
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- console.print("Starting simulation")
- try:
- with Live(refresh_per_second=60) as live:
- main(live)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print()
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