

Aug 1st, 2024
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  1. Everyone is happy in Azeroy,
  2. No broken bones in Azeroy,
  3. All my wishes, in Azeroy,
  4. But here...
  5. What?
  6. But here.. it's..
  7. it's?
  8. it's cold here.
  9. you're being an idiot.
  10. Everything here.. is frozen.
  11. And trees?
  12. Even trees...
  13. I could go..
  14. Skate.
  15. Skating is dangerous.
  16. Skating is fun.
  17. Fun you say?
  18. Pathetic.
  19. I've found someone.
  20. Found someone?
  21. Something.
  22. Oh really?
  23. Who is it?
  24. I've found a key.
  25. Key to what?
  26. Key to the gate.
  27. Huh?
  28. Gates of Azeroy.
  29. You don't even know what to do with it.
  30. First i'll create life.
  31. How?
  32. I know how.
  33. How?
  34. How?
  35. Ways of a surgeon.
  36. You're no surgeon.
  37. I can be a surgeon.
  38. I believe you'll fail.
  39. Never.
  40. Is that so?
  41. I believe in luck.
  42. You'd never do the things.
  43. I'll do what I must.
  44. Leave everyone here?
  45. I will.
  46. You don't even know what you're doing.
  47. I do.
  48. Just stop lying to yourself.
  49. It will happen.
  50. You're being delusional.
  51. I will do it.
  52. You're doing it wrong.
  53. I'm almost done.
  54. You've failed already.
  55. Why?
  56. You don't have it's tears.
  57. To make the candle sacred.
  58. You're losing it.
  59. Candle isn't important.
  60. hmph.
  61. It's lit.
  62. Fire's not sacred.
  63. You're being stupid.
  64. I'm not.
  65. You are.
  66. It hurts..
  67. So I was right.
  68. Blood?
  69. You're making an abomination.
  70. It died.
  71. it didn't..
  72. It did.
  73. I can still do it.
  74. You'll never succeed.
  75. I can fix this.
  76. You can't fix what's dead.
  77. Then i'll take it's soul.
  78. What soul?
  79. I will take the soul.
  80. Take it?
  81. Taking it is forbidden.
  82. I'm taking the soul.
  83. Taking it is forbidden.
  84. I'm taking it.
  85. Leave it.
  86. No.
  87. Fool.
  88. I'm taking it.
  89. You're breaking the rules.
  90. I'm bringing it to Azeroy.
  91. Is life a joke to you?
  92. You'll never open the gates to Azeroy.
  93. I'll find a way.
  94. Pathetic.
  95. I'm bringing it to Azeroy.
  96. Never.
  97. Azeroy.
  98. It's...
  99. Closed.
  100. Let me in.
  101. Stop.
  102. Let me in..
  103. Stop.
  104. Let me in...
  106. Let me in...
  107. Sorry...
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