
grep -r dimension .

Mar 18th, 2015
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  1. ./Skyland.cfg: # Transfer to the Skyland dimension when join to world for the first time. [default: false]
  2. ./Skyland.cfg: # Specify the dimension ID of Skyland. If you specify 0, adds the world type of Skyland, but the Skyland dimension is not added. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: -4]
  3. ./Skyland.cfg: I:dimensionSkyland=-4
  4. ./enderzoo/SpawnConfig_Core.xml: <dimensionExclude .../> 0..x
  5. ./enderzoo/SpawnConfig_Core.xml:Each entry can include 0 or more dimension excludes. This will stop the mob spawning in the specified dimension/s.
  6. ./enderzoo/SpawnConfig_Core.xml:dimensionExclude attributes:
  7. ./enderzoo/SpawnConfig_Core.xml:- name: The name of the dimension, for example: "The End", "Nether", or "Overworld"
  8. ./enderzoo/SpawnConfig_Core.xml: <dimensionExclude name="The End"/>
  9. ./enderzoo/SpawnConfig_Core.xml:- id: The ID of the dimension to be excluded
  10. ./enderzoo/SpawnConfig_Core.xml: <dimensionExclude id="1"/>
  11. ./enderzoo/SpawnConfig_Core.xml: <dimensionExclude idStart="2" idEnd="10"/>
  12. ./enderzoo/SpawnConfig_Core.xml: In this example the mob will not spawn in any dimension with an ID between 2 and 10 inclusive
  13. ./enderzoo/SpawnConfig_Core.xml: <dimensionExclude name="Twilight Forest"/>
  14. ./enderzoo/SpawnConfig_Core.xml: <dimensionExclude name="Twilight Forest"/>
  15. ./enderzoo/SpawnConfig_Core.xml: <dimensionExclude name="Twilight Forest"/>
  16. ./enderzoo/SpawnConfig_Core.xml: <dimensionExclude name="Twilight Forest"/>
  17. ./aroma1997/Aroma1997sDimension.cfg: # The Mining World will have this dimension ID.
  18. ./basemetals/ore-spawn.json: "dimensions":[
  19. ./basemetals/ore-spawn.json: "dimension":0,
  20. ./basemetals/ore-spawn.json: "dimension":-1,
  21. ./basemetals/ore-spawn.json: "dimension":1,
  22. ./Stackie.cfg: # If the amount of entities surpasses this number stacking will be disabled (per dimension).
  23. ./orespawn/basemetals.json: "dimensions":[
  24. ./orespawn/basemetals.json: "dimension":"+",
  25. ./orespawn/basemetals.json: "__comment":"dimension 0 for overworld, -1 for the nether, 1 for the end, other numbers for dimensions added by other mods, and + for any dimension not already described by this file.",
  26. ./orespawn/basemetals.json: "dimension":-1,
  27. ./orespawn/basemetals.json: "dimension":1,
  28. ./roguelike_dungeons/roguelike.cfg:dimensionWL=0
  29. ./roguelike_dungeons/roguelike.cfg:dimensionBL=
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