
Fuck The Internet!

Jan 23rd, 2014
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  1. Fuck the Internet! Yes, I said it; fuck the fucking Internet! It's a stupid piece of fucking shit that never works perfectly! It's meant for communication, but what's the fucking point if it can't even communicate with websites and display the website to the fucking user instead of always giving a fucking 404 or some stupid shit error like that?!
  3. Tim Berners-Lee can go fuck himself for making a stupid piece of shit that never works the way the user wants it to! I know nothing can be fucking perfect, but come the fuck on?! If I want to talk to a friend from now on, I'll just use a fucking Dixie cup and string because at least they fucking work! The fucking Internet was invented when?
  5. The fucking 50s or 60s? It doesn't fucking matter when, all that matters is that it's the only piece of technology that has never had any updates or improved on, unlike all the fucking devices that use the fucking Internet! Like, WTF?! You can make phones that are wireless, are no bigger than an eraser and can be put over your ear, make a computer so small that it can sit on the tip of your fingers, make a Swiss Army watch with a built-in camera and a built-in TV?! BUT YOU CAN'T IMPROVE ON OR INVENT SOMETHING BETTER THAN A FUCKING 50 YEAR OLD PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY KNOWN AS THE INTERNET?! WTF?! THIS WORLD IS FUCKED!
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