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- --//v4
- -- Made by: Racist Dolphin#5199
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- script.Name = "Project Bullshit V4"
- local ps = game:GetService("Players")
- local i = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local r = game:GetService("RunService")
- local cg = game:GetService("CoreGui")
- local sg = game:GetService("StarterGui")
- local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
- local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
- local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
- local light = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local pathservice = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
- local p = ps.LocalPlayer
- local c = p.Character
- local mo = p:GetMouse()
- local b = p:FindFirstChild("Backpack") or p:WaitForChild("Backpack")
- local g = p:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") or p:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
- local ca = workspace.CurrentCamera
- --[[local getupval = debug.getupvalue or getupvalue
- local getupvals = debug.getupvalues or getupvalues
- local getreg = debug.getregistry or getregistry
- local setupval = debug.setupvalue or setupvalue
- local getlocalval = debug.getlocal or getlocal
- local getlocalvals = debug.getlocals or getlocals
- local setlocalval = debug.setlocal or setlocal
- local getmetat = getrawmetatable or getmetatable
- local setreadonly1 = make_writeable or setreadonly
- if getupval == nil or getupvals == nil or getreg == nil or setupval == nil or getmetat == nil or setreadonly1 == nil then
- return p:Kick("Unfortunately the exploit you're using is not supported. :C")
- end
- local m = getmetat(game)
- setreadonly1(m, false)
- local oldindex = m.__index
- local oldnamecall = m.__namecall]]
- local functions = { }
- local main = { }
- local esp_stuff = { }
- local cham_stuff = { }
- local fullbright_stuff = { }
- local tracer_stuff = { }
- local gui = { }
- local loops = { }
- local version = "4.0.0"
- do -- functions
- function functions:LoopRunning(name)
- return loops[name].Running
- end
- function functions:CreateLoop(name, func, ...)
- if loops[name] ~= nil then return end
- loops[name] = { }
- loops[name].Running = false
- loops[name].Destroy = false
- loops[name].Loop = coroutine.create(function(...)
- while true do
- if loops[name].Running then
- func(...)
- end
- if loops[name].Destroy then
- break
- end
- r.RenderStepped:wait()
- end
- end)
- end
- function functions:RunLoop(name, func, ...)
- if loops[name] == nil then
- if func ~= nil then
- self:CreateLoop(name, func, ...)
- end
- end
- loops[name].Running = true
- local succ, out = coroutine.resume(loops[name].Loop)
- if not succ then
- error(out)
- end
- end
- function functions:StopLoop(name)
- if loops[name] == nil then return end
- loops[name].Running = false
- end
- function functions:DestroyLoop(name)
- if loops[name] == nil then return end
- self:StopLoop(name)
- loops[name].Destroy = true
- loops[name] = nil
- end
- function functions:AddComma(str) -- stole from Mining Simulator :)
- local f, k = str, nil
- while true do
- f, k = string.gsub(f, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", "%1,%2")
- if k == 0 then
- break
- end
- end
- return f
- end
- function functions:deepcopy(orig) --
- local orig_type = type(orig)
- local copy
- if orig_type == 'table' then
- copy = {}
- for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do
- copy[functions:deepcopy(orig_key)] = functions:deepcopy(orig_value)
- end
- setmetatable(copy, functions:deepcopy(getmetatable(orig)))
- else -- number, string, boolean, etc
- copy = orig
- end
- return copy
- end
- function functions:GetSizeOfObj(obj)
- if obj:IsA("BasePart") then
- return obj.Size
- elseif obj:IsA("Model") then
- return obj:GetExtentsSize()
- end
- end
- function functions:GetTeamColor(plr)
- if p.Team == plr.Team then
- return, 1, 0)
- end
- return, 0, 0)
- end
- function functions:GetClosestPlayer()
- local players = { }
- local current_closest_player = nil
- local selected_player = nil
- for i, v in pairs(ps:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= p and v.Team ~= p.Team then
- local char = v.Character
- if c and char then
- local my_head, my_tor, my_hum = c:FindFirstChild("Head"), c:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"), c:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- local their_head, their_tor, their_hum = char:FindFirstChild("Head"), char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"), char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if my_head and my_tor and my_hum and their_head and their_tor and their_hum then
- if my_hum.Health > 1 and their_hum.Health > 1 then
- --local ray =, (their_head.Position - ca.CFrame.p).unit * 2048)
- --local part = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, {c, ca})
- --if part ~= nil then
- --if part:IsDescendantOf(char) then
- local dist = (my_tor.Position - their_tor.Position).magnitude
- players[v] = dist
- --end
- --end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for i, v in next, players do
- if current_closest_player ~= nil then
- if v <= current_closest_player then
- current_closest_player = v
- selected_player = i
- end
- else
- current_closest_player = v
- selected_player = i
- end
- end
- return selected_player
- end
- function functions:Console(txt)
- sg:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage",
- {
- Text = "Racist Dolphin: " .. txt,
- Color =, 1, 1),
- Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,
- TextSize = 18
- }
- )
- local msg = g.Chat:GetDescendants()
- repeat
- for i, v in next, msg do
- if v:IsA("TextLabel") or v:IsA("TextButton") then
- if v.Text == "Racist Dolphin: " .. txt then
- msg = v
- break
- end
- end
- end
- r.RenderStepped:wait()
- until type(msg) ~= "table"
- spawn(function()
- local n = 0
- while msg.Text == "Racist Dolphin: " .. txt do
- msg.TextColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(n, 0.4, 1)
- n = (n + 0.01) % 1
- r.RenderStepped:wait()
- end
- msg.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
- end)
- end
- end
- do -- gui
- gui = {
- name = "Base",
- gui_objs = {
- main = nil,
- mainframes = { },
- }
- }
- function gui:AddButton(mainframe, name, text)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name] = { }
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].main ="Frame")
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].main.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].main.Name = name
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].main.Position =, 0, 0, 5 + self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttonsnum)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].main.Size =, 0, 0, 15)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].main.Parent = self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttonsframe
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textbutton ="TextButton")
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textbutton.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textbutton.Position =, 5, 0, 0)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textbutton.Size =, -5, 1, 0)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textbutton.ZIndex = 2
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textbutton.Font = Enum.Font.SciFi
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textbutton.Text = text
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textbutton.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textbutton.TextScaled = true
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textbutton.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textbutton.Parent = self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].main
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textlabel ="TextLabel")
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textlabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textlabel.Position =, -25, 0, 0)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textlabel.Size =, 25, 1, 0)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textlabel.Font = Enum.Font.Code
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textlabel.Text = "OFF"
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textlabel.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textlabel.TextScaled = true
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textlabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Right
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textlabel.Parent = self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].main
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttonsnum = self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttonsnum + 20
- return self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textbutton, self.gui_objs.mainframes[mainframe].buttons[name].textlabel
- end
- function gui:AddMainFrame(name)
- if self.gui_objs.mainframes.numX == nil then self.gui_objs.mainframes.numX = 0 end
- if self.gui_objs.mainframes.numY == nil then self.gui_objs.mainframes.numY = 0 end
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name] = { }
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].buttons = { }
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].main ="Frame")
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].main.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].main.BackgroundTransparency = 0.3
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].main.BorderColor3 =, 0, 139 / 255)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].main.BorderSizePixel = 3
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].main.Name = name
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].main.Position =, 50 + self.gui_objs.mainframes.numX, 0, 50 + self.gui_objs.mainframes.numY)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].main.Size =, 200, 0, 350)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].main.Active = true
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].main.Draggable = true
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].titleframe ="Frame")
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].titleframe.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].titleframe.BackgroundTransparency = 0.3
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].titleframe.BorderColor3 =, 0, 139 / 255)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].titleframe.BorderSizePixel = 3
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].titleframe.Name = "titleframe"
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].titleframe.Position =, 0, 0, -35)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].titleframe.Size =, 0, 0, 25)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].titleframe.Parent = self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].main
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].title ="TextLabel")
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].title.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].title.Name = "title"
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].title.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].title.Font = Enum.Font.Code
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].title.Text = name
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].title.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) -- 0, 0, 1
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].title.TextSize = 20
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].title.Parent = self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].titleframe
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].buttonsframe ="Frame")
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].buttonsframe.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].buttonsframe.Name = "buttons"
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].buttonsframe.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].buttonsframe.Parent = self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].main
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].infoframe = self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].titleframe:clone()
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].infoframe.title:Destroy()
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].infoframe.Name = "infoframe"
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].infoframe.Position =, 0, 1, 10)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].infoframe.Parent = self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].main
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].infotitle = self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].title:clone()
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].infotitle.Name = "infotitle"
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].infotitle.Text = "Press the \"P\" key to toggle the GUI\nMade by: @Racist Dolphin#0001"
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].infotitle.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].infotitle.TextScaled = true
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].infotitle.Parent = self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].infoframe
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].buttonsnum = 0
- self.gui_objs.mainframes.numX = self.gui_objs.mainframes.numX + 250
- if (50 + (self.gui_objs.mainframes.numX + 200)) >= ca.ViewportSize.X then
- self.gui_objs.mainframes.numX = 0
- self.gui_objs.mainframes.numY = self.gui_objs.mainframes.numY + 450
- end
- self.gui_objs.mainframes[name].main.Parent = self.gui_objs.main
- end
- function gui:Init()
- self.gui_objs.main ="ScreenGui")
- self.gui_objs.main.Name =
- self.gui_objs.main.Parent = cg
- do -- Visual Cheats
- self:AddMainFrame("Visual Cheats")
- local ESPBut, ESPStatus = self:AddButton("Visual Cheats", "ESP", "ESP")
- local ChamsBut, ChamsStatus = self:AddButton("Visual Cheats", "Chams", "Chams")
- local FullbrightToggle, FullbrightStatus = self:AddButton("Visual Cheats", "Fullbright", "Fullbright")
- ESPBut.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- esp_stuff.enabled = not esp_stuff.enabled
- if esp_stuff.enabled then
- ESPStatus.Text = "ON"
- ESPStatus.TextColor3 =, 1, 0)
- else
- ESPStatus.Text = "OFF"
- ESPStatus.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
- end
- for i, v in next, esp_stuff.esp_folder:GetChildren() do
- v.Frame.Visible = esp_stuff.enabled
- end
- end)
- ChamsBut.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- cham_stuff.enabled = not cham_stuff.enabled
- if cham_stuff.enabled then
- ChamsStatus.Text = "ON"
- ChamsStatus.TextColor3 =, 1, 0)
- else
- ChamsStatus.Text = "OFF"
- ChamsStatus.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
- end
- for i, v in next, cham_stuff.cham_folder:GetChildren() do
- for i2, v2 in next, v:GetChildren() do
- v2.Transparency = cham_stuff.enabled and 0 or 1
- end
- end
- end)
- FullbrightToggle.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- fullbright_stuff.enabled = not fullbright_stuff.enabled
- FullbrightStatus.Text = fullbright_stuff.enabled and "ON" or "OFF"
- FullbrightStatus.TextColor3 = fullbright_stuff.enabled and, 1, 0) or, 0, 0)
- if fullbright_stuff.enabled then
- fullbright_stuff:Enable()
- else
- fullbright_stuff:Disable()
- end
- end)
- end
- do -- ui toggle
- i.InputBegan:connect(function(input, ingui)
- if not ingui then
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
- if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.P then
- self.gui_objs.main.Enabled = not self.gui_objs.main.Enabled
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- do -- main
- function main:Init()
- do -- events
- p.CharacterAdded:connect(function(char)
- c = char
- end)
- end
- do -- loops
- functions:RunLoop("Version_Check", function()
- local data = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
- messages_of_the_day = data.messages_of_the_day
- data = data["Project Bullshit"]
- local current_version, reason = data.version, data.reason
- if version ~= current_version then
- p:Kick("This script has updated, please re-connect. Current Version: " .. tostring(current_version) .. " your version: " .. version .. "\nReason: " .. reason)
- end
- wait(300)
- end)
- functions:RunLoop("Messages of the Day", function()
- if messages_of_the_day == nil then return end
- for i = 1, #messages_of_the_day do
- functions:Console(tostring(messages_of_the_day[i]))
- wait(60)
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- do -- esp_stuff
- esp_stuff = {
- enabled = false,
- esp_folder ="Folder", cg)
- }
- function esp_stuff:CreateESP(plr)
- local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:wait()
- local tor = char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- local head = char:FindFirstChild("Head") or char:WaitForChild("Head")
- local color = functions:GetTeamColor(plr)
- local bb ="BillboardGui")
- bb.Adornee = head
- bb.ExtentsOffset =, 1, 0)
- bb.AlwaysOnTop = true
- bb.Size =, 5, 0, 5)
- bb.StudsOffset =, 3, 0)
- bb.Name = "ESP Crap_" .. plr.Name
- local frame ="Frame", bb)
- frame.ZIndex = 10
- frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- frame.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
- local TxtName ="TextLabel", frame)
- TxtName.Name = "Names"
- TxtName.ZIndex = 10
- TxtName.Text = plr.Name
- TxtName.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- TxtName.Position =, 0, 0, -45)
- TxtName.Size =, 0, 10, 0)
- TxtName.Font = "SourceSansBold"
- TxtName.TextSize = 12
- TxtName.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
- TxtName.TextColor3 = color
- local TxtDist ="TextLabel", frame)
- TxtDist.Name = "Dist"
- TxtDist.ZIndex = 10
- TxtDist.Text = ""
- TxtDist.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- TxtDist.Position =, 0, 0, -35)
- TxtDist.Size =, 0, 10, 0)
- TxtDist.Font = "SourceSansBold"
- TxtDist.TextSize = 12
- TxtDist.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
- TxtDist.TextColor3 = color
- local TxtHealth ="TextLabel", frame)
- TxtHealth.Name = "Health"
- TxtHealth.ZIndex = 10
- TxtHealth.Text = ""
- TxtHealth.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- TxtHealth.Position =, 0, 0, -25)
- TxtHealth.Size =, 0, 10, 0)
- TxtHealth.Font = "SourceSansBold"
- TxtHealth.TextSize = 12
- TxtHealth.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
- TxtHealth.TextColor3 = color
- bb.Parent = self.esp_folder
- frame.Visible = self.enabled
- end
- function esp_stuff:RemoveESP(plr)
- local find = self.esp_folder:FindFirstChild("ESP Crap_" .. plr.Name)
- if find then
- find:Destroy()
- end
- end
- function esp_stuff:UpdateESPColor(plr)
- local find = self.esp_folder:FindFirstChild("ESP Crap_" .. plr.Name)
- if find then
- local color = functions:GetTeamColor(plr)
- find.Frame.Names.TextColor3 = color
- find.Frame.Dist.TextColor3 = color
- find.Frame.Health.TextColor3 = color
- end
- end
- function esp_stuff:UpdateESP(plr)
- local find = self.esp_folder:FindFirstChild("ESP Crap_" .. plr.Name)
- if find then
- local char = plr.Character
- if c and char then
- local my_tor = c:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- local their_head = char:FindFirstChild("Head")
- local their_tor = char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- local their_hum = char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
- if my_tor and their_tor then
- local dist = (my_tor.Position - their_tor.Position).magnitude
- find.Frame.Dist.Text = "Distance: " .. string.format("%.0f", dist)
- else
- find.Frame.Dist.Text = "Distance: nil"
- end
- if their_hum then
- find.Frame.Health.Text = "Health: " .. string.format("%.0f", their_hum.Health)
- else
- find.Frame.Health.Text = "Health: nil"
- end
- if their_head then
- if find.Adornee ~= their_head then
- find.Adornee = their_head
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function esp_stuff:Init()
- functions:RunLoop("ESP_Update", function()
- if self.enabled then
- for i, v in pairs(ps:GetPlayers()) do
- self:UpdateESP(v)
- end
- end
- end)
- for i, v in pairs(ps:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= p then
- self:CreateESP(v)
- v.Changed:connect(function(prop)
- self:UpdateESPColor(v)
- end)
- end
- end
- ps.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)
- self:CreateESP(plr)
- plr.Changed:connect(function(prop)
- self:UpdateESPColor(plr)
- end)
- end)
- ps.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(plr)
- self:RemoveESP(plr)
- end)
- end
- end
- do -- cham_stuff
- cham_stuff = {
- enabled = false,
- cham_folder ="Folder", cg)
- }
- function cham_stuff:CreateCham(plr)
- local player_folder ="Folder", self.cham_folder)
- player_folder.Name = plr.Name
- local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:wait()
- local tor = char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- local hum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for i, v in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("PVInstance") and v.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then
- local box ="BoxHandleAdornment")
- box.Size = functions:GetSizeOfObj(v)
- box.Name = "Cham"
- box.Adornee = v
- box.AlwaysOnTop = true
- box.ZIndex = 5
- box.Transparency = self.enabled and 0 or 1
- box.Color3 = functions:GetTeamColor(plr)
- box.Parent = player_folder
- end
- end
- plr.CharacterRemoving:connect(function()
- self:RemoveCham(plr)
- plr.CharacterAdded:wait()
- self:CreateCham(plr)
- end)
- hum.Died:connect(function()
- self:RemoveCham(plr)
- plr.CharacterAdded:wait()
- self:CreateCham(plr)
- end)
- end
- function cham_stuff:RemoveCham(plr)
- local find = self.cham_folder:FindFirstChild(plr.Name)
- if find then
- find:Destroy()
- end
- end
- function cham_stuff:UpdateChamColor(plr)
- local player_folder = self.cham_folder:FindFirstChild(plr.Name)
- if player_folder then
- local color = functions:GetTeamColor(plr)
- for i, v in pairs(player_folder:GetChildren()) do
- v.Color3 = color
- end
- end
- end
- function cham_stuff:UpdateCham(plr)
- local player_folder = self.cham_folder:FindFirstChild(plr.Name)
- local function SetTrans(trans)
- for i, v in pairs(player_folder:GetChildren()) do
- v.Transparency = trans
- end
- end
- if player_folder then
- local char = plr.Character
- if c and char then
- local their_head = char:FindFirstChild("Head")
- local their_tor = char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- local their_hum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- local my_head = c:FindFirstChild("Head")
- local my_tor = c:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- if their_hum then
- if their_hum.Health <= 0 then
- return SetTrans(1)
- end
- end
- if their_head and their_tor and my_head and my_tor then
- if (my_tor.Position - their_tor.Position).magnitude > 2048 then
- return SetTrans(1)
- end
- local ray =, (their_tor.Position - ca.CFrame.p).unit * 2048)
- local part = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, {c})
- if part ~= nil then
- if part:IsDescendantOf(char) then
- return SetTrans(0.9)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return SetTrans(0)
- end
- end
- function cham_stuff:Init()
- functions:RunLoop("Cham_Update", function()
- if self.enabled then
- for i, v in pairs(ps:GetPlayers()) do
- self:UpdateCham(v)
- end
- end
- end)
- for i, v in pairs(ps:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= p then
- self:CreateCham(v)
- v.Changed:connect(function(prop)
- self:UpdateChamColor(v)
- end)
- end
- end
- ps.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)
- self:CreateCham(plr)
- plr.Changed:connect(function(prop)
- self:UpdateChamColor(plr)
- end)
- end)
- ps.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(plr)
- self:RemoveCham(plr)
- end)
- end
- end
- do -- fullbright_stuff
- fullbright_stuff = {
- enabled = false,
- backup = { },
- }
- function fullbright_stuff:Enable()
- self.enabled = true
- light.Ambient =, 1, 1)
- light.Brightness = 2
- light.ColorShift_Bottom =, 1, 1)
- light.ColorShift_Top =, 1, 1)
- light.OutdoorAmbient =, 1, 1)
- end
- function fullbright_stuff:Disable()
- self.enabled = false
- for i, v in pairs(self.backup) do
- light[i] = v
- end
- end
- function fullbright_stuff:Init()
- self.backup["Ambient"] = light.Ambient
- self.backup["Brightness"] = light.Brightness
- self.backup["ColorShift_Bottom"] = light.ColorShift_Bottom
- self.backup["ColorShift_Top"] = light.ColorShift_Top
- self.backup["OutdoorAmbient"] = light.OutdoorAmbient
- light:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Ambient"):connect(function()
- if self.enabled then
- light.Ambient =, 1, 1)
- end
- end)
- light:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Brightness"):connect(function()
- if self.enabled then
- light.Brightness = 2
- end
- end)
- light:GetPropertyChangedSignal("ColorShift_Bottom"):connect(function()
- if self.enabled then
- light.ColorShift_Bottom =, 1, 1)
- end
- end)
- light:GetPropertyChangedSignal("ColorShift_Top"):connect(function()
- if self.enabled then
- light.ColorShift_Top =, 1, 1)
- end
- end)
- light:GetPropertyChangedSignal("OutdoorAmbient"):connect(function()
- if self.enabled then
- light.OutdoorAmbient =, 1, 1)
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- main:Init()
- esp_stuff:Init()
- cham_stuff:Init()
- fullbright_stuff:Init()
- gui:Init()
- functions:Console("Project Bullshit V4 Loaded!")
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