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- local t = {}
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------JSON Functions Begin----------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --JSON Encoder and Parser for Lua 5.1
- --
- --Copyright 2007 Shaun Brown (
- --All Rights Reserved.
- --Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
- --obtaining a copy of this software to deal in the Software without
- --restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
- --copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
- --sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- --Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- --The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- --included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- --If you find this software useful please give a mention.
- local string = string
- local math = math
- local table = table
- local error = error
- local tonumber = tonumber
- local tostring = tostring
- local type = type
- local setmetatable = setmetatable
- local pairs = pairs
- local ipairs = ipairs
- local assert = assert
- local StringBuilder = {
- buffer = {}
- }
- function StringBuilder:New()
- local o = {}
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- o.buffer = {}
- return o
- end
- function StringBuilder:Append(s)
- self.buffer[#self.buffer+1] = s
- end
- function StringBuilder:ToString()
- return table.concat(self.buffer)
- end
- local JsonWriter = {
- backslashes = {
- ['\b'] = "\\b",
- ['\t'] = "\\t",
- ['\n'] = "\\n",
- ['\f'] = "\\f",
- ['\r'] = "\\r",
- ['"'] = "\\\"",
- ['\\'] = "\\\\",
- ['/'] = "\\/"
- }
- }
- function JsonWriter:New()
- local o = {}
- o.writer = StringBuilder:New()
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- return o
- end
- function JsonWriter:Append(s)
- self.writer:Append(s)
- end
- function JsonWriter:ToString()
- return self.writer:ToString()
- end
- function JsonWriter:Write(o)
- local t = type(o)
- if t == "nil" then
- self:WriteNil()
- elseif t == "boolean" then
- self:WriteString(o)
- elseif t == "number" then
- self:WriteString(o)
- elseif t == "string" then
- self:ParseString(o)
- elseif t == "table" then
- self:WriteTable(o)
- elseif t == "function" then
- self:WriteFunction(o)
- elseif t == "thread" then
- self:WriteError(o)
- elseif t == "userdata" then
- self:WriteError(o)
- end
- end
- function JsonWriter:WriteNil()
- self:Append("null")
- end
- function JsonWriter:WriteString(o)
- self:Append(tostring(o))
- end
- function JsonWriter:ParseString(s)
- self:Append('"')
- self:Append(string.gsub(s, "[%z%c\\\"/]", function(n)
- local c = self.backslashes[n]
- if c then return c end
- return string.format("\\u%.4X", string.byte(n))
- end))
- self:Append('"')
- end
- function JsonWriter:IsArray(t)
- local count = 0
- local isindex = function(k)
- if type(k) == "number" and k > 0 then
- if math.floor(k) == k then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- for k,v in pairs(t) do
- if not isindex(k) then
- return false, '{', '}'
- else
- count = math.max(count, k)
- end
- end
- return true, '[', ']', count
- end
- function JsonWriter:WriteTable(t)
- local ba, st, et, n = self:IsArray(t)
- self:Append(st)
- if ba then
- for i = 1, n do
- self:Write(t[i])
- if i < n then
- self:Append(',')
- end
- end
- else
- local first = true;
- for k, v in pairs(t) do
- if not first then
- self:Append(',')
- end
- first = false;
- self:ParseString(k)
- self:Append(':')
- self:Write(v)
- end
- end
- self:Append(et)
- end
- function JsonWriter:WriteError(o)
- error(string.format(
- "Encoding of %s unsupported",
- tostring(o)))
- end
- function JsonWriter:WriteFunction(o)
- if o == Null then
- self:WriteNil()
- else
- self:WriteError(o)
- end
- end
- local StringReader = {
- s = "",
- i = 0
- }
- function StringReader:New(s)
- local o = {}
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- o.s = s or o.s
- return o
- end
- function StringReader:Peek()
- local i = self.i + 1
- if i <= #self.s then
- return string.sub(self.s, i, i)
- end
- return nil
- end
- function StringReader:Next()
- self.i = self.i+1
- if self.i <= #self.s then
- return string.sub(self.s, self.i, self.i)
- end
- return nil
- end
- function StringReader:All()
- return self.s
- end
- local JsonReader = {
- escapes = {
- ['t'] = '\t',
- ['n'] = '\n',
- ['f'] = '\f',
- ['r'] = '\r',
- ['b'] = '\b',
- }
- }
- function JsonReader:New(s)
- local o = {}
- o.reader = StringReader:New(s)
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- return o;
- end
- function JsonReader:Read()
- self:SkipWhiteSpace()
- local peek = self:Peek()
- if peek == nil then
- error(string.format(
- "Nil string: '%s'",
- self:All()))
- elseif peek == '{' then
- return self:ReadObject()
- elseif peek == '[' then
- return self:ReadArray()
- elseif peek == '"' then
- return self:ReadString()
- elseif string.find(peek, "[%+%-%d]") then
- return self:ReadNumber()
- elseif peek == 't' then
- return self:ReadTrue()
- elseif peek == 'f' then
- return self:ReadFalse()
- elseif peek == 'n' then
- return self:ReadNull()
- elseif peek == '/' then
- self:ReadComment()
- return self:Read()
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- function JsonReader:ReadTrue()
- self:TestReservedWord{'t','r','u','e'}
- return true
- end
- function JsonReader:ReadFalse()
- self:TestReservedWord{'f','a','l','s','e'}
- return false
- end
- function JsonReader:ReadNull()
- self:TestReservedWord{'n','u','l','l'}
- return nil
- end
- function JsonReader:TestReservedWord(t)
- for i, v in ipairs(t) do
- if self:Next() ~= v then
- error(string.format(
- "Error reading '%s': %s",
- table.concat(t),
- self:All()))
- end
- end
- end
- function JsonReader:ReadNumber()
- local result = self:Next()
- local peek = self:Peek()
- while peek ~= nil and string.find(
- peek,
- "[%+%-%d%.eE]") do
- result = result .. self:Next()
- peek = self:Peek()
- end
- result = tonumber(result)
- if result == nil then
- error(string.format(
- "Invalid number: '%s'",
- result))
- else
- return result
- end
- end
- function JsonReader:ReadString()
- local result = ""
- assert(self:Next() == '"')
- while self:Peek() ~= '"' do
- local ch = self:Next()
- if ch == '\\' then
- ch = self:Next()
- if self.escapes[ch] then
- ch = self.escapes[ch]
- end
- end
- result = result .. ch
- end
- assert(self:Next() == '"')
- local fromunicode = function(m)
- return string.char(tonumber(m, 16))
- end
- return string.gsub(
- result,
- "u%x%x(%x%x)",
- fromunicode)
- end
- function JsonReader:ReadComment()
- assert(self:Next() == '/')
- local second = self:Next()
- if second == '/' then
- self:ReadSingleLineComment()
- elseif second == '*' then
- self:ReadBlockComment()
- else
- error(string.format(
- "Invalid comment: %s",
- self:All()))
- end
- end
- function JsonReader:ReadBlockComment()
- local done = false
- while not done do
- local ch = self:Next()
- if ch == '*' and self:Peek() == '/' then
- done = true
- end
- if not done and
- ch == '/' and
- self:Peek() == "*" then
- error(string.format(
- "Invalid comment: %s, '/*' illegal.",
- self:All()))
- end
- end
- self:Next()
- end
- function JsonReader:ReadSingleLineComment()
- local ch = self:Next()
- while ch ~= '\r' and ch ~= '\n' do
- ch = self:Next()
- end
- end
- function JsonReader:ReadArray()
- local result = {}
- assert(self:Next() == '[')
- local done = false
- if self:Peek() == ']' then
- done = true;
- end
- while not done do
- local item = self:Read()
- result[#result+1] = item
- self:SkipWhiteSpace()
- if self:Peek() == ']' then
- done = true
- end
- if not done then
- local ch = self:Next()
- if ch ~= ',' then
- error(string.format(
- "Invalid array: '%s' due to: '%s'",
- self:All(), ch))
- end
- end
- end
- assert(']' == self:Next())
- return result
- end
- function JsonReader:ReadObject()
- local result = {}
- assert(self:Next() == '{')
- local done = false
- if self:Peek() == '}' then
- done = true
- end
- while not done do
- local key = self:Read()
- if type(key) ~= "string" then
- error(string.format(
- "Invalid non-string object key: %s",
- key))
- end
- self:SkipWhiteSpace()
- local ch = self:Next()
- if ch ~= ':' then
- error(string.format(
- "Invalid object: '%s' due to: '%s'",
- self:All(),
- ch))
- end
- self:SkipWhiteSpace()
- local val = self:Read()
- result[key] = val
- self:SkipWhiteSpace()
- if self:Peek() == '}' then
- done = true
- end
- if not done then
- ch = self:Next()
- if ch ~= ',' then
- error(string.format(
- "Invalid array: '%s' near: '%s'",
- self:All(),
- ch))
- end
- end
- end
- assert(self:Next() == "}")
- return result
- end
- function JsonReader:SkipWhiteSpace()
- local p = self:Peek()
- while p ~= nil and string.find(p, "[%s/]") do
- if p == '/' then
- self:ReadComment()
- else
- self:Next()
- end
- p = self:Peek()
- end
- end
- function JsonReader:Peek()
- return self.reader:Peek()
- end
- function JsonReader:Next()
- return self.reader:Next()
- end
- function JsonReader:All()
- return self.reader:All()
- end
- function Encode(o)
- local writer = JsonWriter:New()
- writer:Write(o)
- return writer:ToString()
- end
- function Decode(s)
- local reader = JsonReader:New(s)
- return reader:Read()
- end
- function Null()
- return Null
- end
- -------------------- End JSON Parser ------------------------
- t.DecodeJSON = function(jsonString)
- pcall(function() warn("RbxUtility.DecodeJSON is deprecated, please use Game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONDecode() instead.") end)
- if type(jsonString) == "string" then
- return Decode(jsonString)
- end
- print("RbxUtil.DecodeJSON expects string argument!")
- return nil
- end
- t.EncodeJSON = function(jsonTable)
- pcall(function() warn("RbxUtility.EncodeJSON is deprecated, please use Game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONEncode() instead.") end)
- return Encode(jsonTable)
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------Terrain Utilities Begin-----------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --makes a wedge at location x, y, z
- --sets cell x, y, z to default material if parameter is provided, if not sets cell x, y, z to be whatever material it previously w
- --returns true if made a wedge, false if the cell remains a block
- t.MakeWedge = function(x, y, z, defaultmaterial)
- return game:GetService("Terrain"):AutoWedgeCell(x,y,z)
- end
- t.SelectTerrainRegion = function(regionToSelect, color, selectEmptyCells, selectionParent)
- local terrain = game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild("Terrain")
- if not terrain then return end
- assert(regionToSelect)
- assert(color)
- if not type(regionToSelect) == "Region3" then
- error("regionToSelect (first arg), should be of type Region3, but is type",type(regionToSelect))
- end
- if not type(color) == "BrickColor" then
- error("color (second arg), should be of type BrickColor, but is type",type(color))
- end
- -- frequently used terrain calls (speeds up call, no lookup necessary)
- local GetCell = terrain.GetCell
- local WorldToCellPreferSolid = terrain.WorldToCellPreferSolid
- local CellCenterToWorld = terrain.CellCenterToWorld
- local emptyMaterial = Enum.CellMaterial.Empty
- -- container for all adornments, passed back to user
- local selectionContainer ="Model")
- selectionContainer.Name = "SelectionContainer"
- selectionContainer.Archivable = false
- if selectionParent then
- selectionContainer.Parent = selectionParent
- else
- selectionContainer.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace")
- end
- local updateSelection = nil -- function we return to allow user to update selection
- local currentKeepAliveTag = nil -- a tag that determines whether adorns should be destroyed
- local aliveCounter = 0 -- helper for currentKeepAliveTag
- local lastRegion = nil -- used to stop updates that do nothing
- local adornments = {} -- contains all adornments
- local reusableAdorns = {}
- local selectionPart ="Part")
- selectionPart.Name = "SelectionPart"
- selectionPart.Transparency = 1
- selectionPart.Anchored = true
- selectionPart.Locked = true
- selectionPart.CanCollide = false
- selectionPart.Size =,4.2,4.2)
- local selectionBox ="SelectionBox")
- -- srs translation from region3 to region3int16
- local function Region3ToRegion3int16(region3)
- local theLowVec = region3.CFrame.p - (region3.Size/2) +,2,2)
- local lowCell = WorldToCellPreferSolid(terrain,theLowVec)
- local theHighVec = region3.CFrame.p + (region3.Size/2) -,2,2)
- local highCell = WorldToCellPreferSolid(terrain, theHighVec)
- local highIntVec =,highCell.y,highCell.z)
- local lowIntVec =,lowCell.y,lowCell.z)
- return,highIntVec)
- end
- -- helper function that creates the basis for a selection box
- function createAdornment(theColor)
- local selectionPartClone = nil
- local selectionBoxClone = nil
- if #reusableAdorns > 0 then
- selectionPartClone = reusableAdorns[1]["part"]
- selectionBoxClone = reusableAdorns[1]["box"]
- table.remove(reusableAdorns,1)
- selectionBoxClone.Visible = true
- else
- selectionPartClone = selectionPart:Clone()
- selectionPartClone.Archivable = false
- selectionBoxClone = selectionBox:Clone()
- selectionBoxClone.Archivable = false
- selectionBoxClone.Adornee = selectionPartClone
- selectionBoxClone.Parent = selectionContainer
- selectionBoxClone.Adornee = selectionPartClone
- selectionBoxClone.Parent = selectionContainer
- end
- if theColor then
- selectionBoxClone.Color = theColor
- end
- return selectionPartClone, selectionBoxClone
- end
- -- iterates through all current adornments and deletes any that don't have latest tag
- function cleanUpAdornments()
- for cellPos, adornTable in pairs(adornments) do
- if adornTable.KeepAlive ~= currentKeepAliveTag then -- old news, we should get rid of this
- adornTable.SelectionBox.Visible = false
- table.insert(reusableAdorns,{part = adornTable.SelectionPart, box = adornTable.SelectionBox})
- adornments[cellPos] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- -- helper function to update tag
- function incrementAliveCounter()
- aliveCounter = aliveCounter + 1
- if aliveCounter > 1000000 then
- aliveCounter = 0
- end
- return aliveCounter
- end
- -- finds full cells in region and adorns each cell with a box, with the argument color
- function adornFullCellsInRegion(region, color)
- local regionBegin = region.CFrame.p - (region.Size/2) +,2,2)
- local regionEnd = region.CFrame.p + (region.Size/2) -,2,2)
- local cellPosBegin = WorldToCellPreferSolid(terrain, regionBegin)
- local cellPosEnd = WorldToCellPreferSolid(terrain, regionEnd)
- currentKeepAliveTag = incrementAliveCounter()
- for y = cellPosBegin.y, cellPosEnd.y do
- for z = cellPosBegin.z, cellPosEnd.z do
- for x = cellPosBegin.x, cellPosEnd.x do
- local cellMaterial = GetCell(terrain, x, y, z)
- if cellMaterial ~= emptyMaterial then
- local cframePos = CellCenterToWorld(terrain, x, y, z)
- local cellPos =,y,z)
- local updated = false
- for cellPosAdorn, adornTable in pairs(adornments) do
- if cellPosAdorn == cellPos then
- adornTable.KeepAlive = currentKeepAliveTag
- if color then
- adornTable.SelectionBox.Color = color
- end
- updated = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not updated then
- local selectionPart, selectionBox = createAdornment(color)
- selectionPart.Size =,4,4)
- selectionPart.CFrame =
- local adornTable = {SelectionPart = selectionPart, SelectionBox = selectionBox, KeepAlive = currentKeepAliveTag}
- adornments[cellPos] = adornTable
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- cleanUpAdornments()
- end
- ------------------------------------- setup code ------------------------------
- lastRegion = regionToSelect
- if selectEmptyCells then -- use one big selection to represent the area selected
- local selectionPart, selectionBox = createAdornment(color)
- selectionPart.Size = regionToSelect.Size
- selectionPart.CFrame = regionToSelect.CFrame
- adornments.SelectionPart = selectionPart
- adornments.SelectionBox = selectionBox
- updateSelection =
- function (newRegion, color)
- if newRegion and newRegion ~= lastRegion then
- lastRegion = newRegion
- selectionPart.Size = newRegion.Size
- selectionPart.CFrame = newRegion.CFrame
- end
- if color then
- selectionBox.Color = color
- end
- end
- else -- use individual cell adorns to represent the area selected
- adornFullCellsInRegion(regionToSelect, color)
- updateSelection =
- function (newRegion, color)
- if newRegion and newRegion ~= lastRegion then
- lastRegion = newRegion
- adornFullCellsInRegion(newRegion, color)
- end
- end
- end
- local destroyFunc = function()
- updateSelection = nil
- if selectionContainer then selectionContainer:Destroy() end
- adornments = nil
- end
- return updateSelection, destroyFunc
- end
- -----------------------------Terrain Utilities End-----------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------Signal class begin------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --[[
- A 'Signal' object identical to the internal RBXScriptSignal object in it's public API and semantics. This function
- can be used to create "custom events" for user-made code.
- API:
- Method :connect( function handler )
- Arguments: The function to connect to.
- Returns: A new connection object which can be used to disconnect the connection
- Description: Connects this signal to the function specified by |handler|. That is, when |fire( ... )| is called for
- the signal the |handler| will be called with the arguments given to |fire( ... )|. Note, the functions
- connected to a signal are called in NO PARTICULAR ORDER, so connecting one function after another does
- NOT mean that the first will be called before the second as a result of a call to |fire|.
- Method :disconnect()
- Arguments: None
- Returns: None
- Description: Disconnects all of the functions connected to this signal.
- Method :fire( ... )
- Arguments: Any arguments are accepted
- Returns: None
- Description: Calls all of the currently connected functions with the given arguments.
- Method :wait()
- Arguments: None
- Returns: The arguments given to fire
- Description: This call blocks until
- ]]
- function t.CreateSignal()
- local this = {}
- local mBindableEvent ='BindableEvent')
- local mAllCns = {} --all connection objects returned by mBindableEvent::connect
- --main functions
- function this:connect(func)
- if self ~= this then error("connect must be called with `:`, not `.`", 2) end
- if type(func) ~= 'function' then
- error("Argument #1 of connect must be a function, got a "..type(func), 2)
- end
- local cn = mBindableEvent.Event:Connect(func)
- mAllCns[cn] = true
- local pubCn = {}
- function pubCn:disconnect()
- cn:Disconnect()
- mAllCns[cn] = nil
- end
- pubCn.Disconnect = pubCn.disconnect
- return pubCn
- end
- function this:disconnect()
- if self ~= this then error("disconnect must be called with `:`, not `.`", 2) end
- for cn, _ in pairs(mAllCns) do
- cn:Disconnect()
- mAllCns[cn] = nil
- end
- end
- function this:wait()
- if self ~= this then error("wait must be called with `:`, not `.`", 2) end
- return mBindableEvent.Event:Wait()
- end
- function this:fire(...)
- if self ~= this then error("fire must be called with `:`, not `.`", 2) end
- mBindableEvent:Fire(...)
- end
- this.Connect = this.connect
- this.Disconnect = this.disconnect
- this.Wait = this.wait
- this.Fire =
- return this
- end
- ------------------------------------------------- Sigal class End ------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------Create Function Begins---------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --[[
- A "Create" function for easy creation of Roblox instances. The function accepts a string which is the classname of
- the object to be created. The function then returns another function which either accepts accepts no arguments, in
- which case it simply creates an object of the given type, or a table argument that may contain several types of data,
- in which case it mutates the object in varying ways depending on the nature of the aggregate data. These are the
- type of data and what operation each will perform:
- 1) A string key mapping to some value:
- Key-Value pairs in this form will be treated as properties of the object, and will be assigned in NO PARTICULAR
- ORDER. If the order in which properties is assigned matter, then they must be assigned somewhere else than the
- |Create| call's body.
- 2) An integral key mapping to another Instance:
- Normal numeric keys mapping to Instances will be treated as children if the object being created, and will be
- parented to it. This allows nice recursive calls to Create to create a whole hierarchy of objects without a
- need for temporary variables to store references to those objects.
- 3) A key which is a value returned from Create.Event( eventname ), and a value which is a function function
- The Create.E( string ) function provides a limited way to connect to signals inside of a Create hierarchy
- for those who really want such a functionality. The name of the event whose name is passed to
- Create.E( string )
- 4) A key which is the Create function itself, and a value which is a function
- The function will be run with the argument of the object itself after all other initialization of the object is
- done by create. This provides a way to do arbitrary things involving the object from withing the create
- hierarchy.
- Note: This function is called SYNCHRONOUSLY, that means that you should only so initialization in
- it, not stuff which requires waiting, as the Create call will block until it returns. While waiting in the
- constructor callback function is possible, it is probably not a good design choice.
- Note: Since the constructor function is called after all other initialization, a Create block cannot have two
- constructor functions, as it would not be possible to call both of them last, also, this would be unnecessary.
- Some example usages:
- A simple example which uses the Create function to create a model object and assign two of it's properties.
- local model = Create'Model'{
- Name = 'A New model',
- Parent = game.Workspace,
- }
- An example where a larger hierarchy of object is made. After the call the hierarchy will look like this:
- Model_Container
- |-ObjectValue
- | |
- | `-BoolValueChild
- `-IntValue
- local model = Create'Model'{
- Name = 'Model_Container',
- Create'ObjectValue'{
- Create'BoolValue'{
- Name = 'BoolValueChild',
- },
- },
- Create'IntValue'{},
- }
- An example using the event syntax:
- local part = Create'Part'{
- [Create.E'Touched'] = function(part)
- print("I was touched by "..part.Name)
- end,
- }
- An example using the general constructor syntax:
- local model = Create'Part'{
- [Create] = function(this)
- print("Constructor running!")
- this.Name = GetGlobalFoosAndBars(this)
- end,
- }
- Note: It is also perfectly legal to save a reference to the function returned by a call Create, this will not cause
- any unexpected behavior. EG:
- local partCreatingFunction = Create'Part'
- local part = partCreatingFunction()
- ]]
- --the Create function need to be created as a functor, not a function, in order to support the Create.E syntax, so it
- --will be created in several steps rather than as a single function declaration.
- local function Create_PrivImpl(objectType)
- if type(objectType) ~= 'string' then
- error("Argument of Create must be a string", 2)
- end
- --return the proxy function that gives us the nice Create'string'{data} syntax
- --The first function call is a function call using Lua's single-string-argument syntax
- --The second function call is using Lua's single-table-argument syntax
- --Both can be chained together for the nice effect.
- return function(dat)
- --default to nothing, to handle the no argument given case
- dat = dat or {}
- --make the object to mutate
- local obj =
- local parent = nil
- --stored constructor function to be called after other initialization
- local ctor = nil
- for k, v in pairs(dat) do
- --add property
- if type(k) == 'string' then
- if k == 'Parent' then
- -- Parent should always be set last, setting the Parent of a new object
- -- immediately makes performance worse for all subsequent property updates.
- parent = v
- else
- obj[k] = v
- end
- --add child
- elseif type(k) == 'number' then
- if type(v) ~= 'userdata' then
- error("Bad entry in Create body: Numeric keys must be paired with children, got a: "..type(v), 2)
- end
- v.Parent = obj
- --event connect
- elseif type(k) == 'table' and k.__eventname then
- if type(v) ~= 'function' then
- error("Bad entry in Create body: Key `[Create.E\'"..k.__eventname.."\']` must have a function value\
- got: "..tostring(v), 2)
- end
- obj[k.__eventname]:connect(v)
- --define constructor function
- elseif k == t.Create then
- if type(v) ~= 'function' then
- error("Bad entry in Create body: Key `[Create]` should be paired with a constructor function, \
- got: "..tostring(v), 2)
- elseif ctor then
- --ctor already exists, only one allowed
- error("Bad entry in Create body: Only one constructor function is allowed", 2)
- end
- ctor = v
- else
- error("Bad entry ("..tostring(k).." => "..tostring(v)..") in Create body", 2)
- end
- end
- --apply constructor function if it exists
- if ctor then
- ctor(obj)
- end
- if parent then
- obj.Parent = parent
- end
- --return the completed object
- return obj
- end
- end
- --now, create the functor:
- t.Create = setmetatable({}, {__call = function(tb, ...) return Create_PrivImpl(...) end})
- --and create the "Event.E" syntax stub. Really it's just a stub to construct a table which our Create
- --function can recognize as special.
- t.Create.E = function(eventName)
- return {__eventname = eventName}
- end
- -------------------------------------------------Create function End----------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------Documentation Begin-----------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- t.Help =
- function(funcNameOrFunc)
- --input argument can be a string or a function. Should return a description (of arguments and expected side effects)
- if funcNameOrFunc == "DecodeJSON" or funcNameOrFunc == t.DecodeJSON then
- return "Function DecodeJSON. " ..
- "Arguments: (string). " ..
- "Side effect: returns a table with all parsed JSON values"
- end
- if funcNameOrFunc == "EncodeJSON" or funcNameOrFunc == t.EncodeJSON then
- return "Function EncodeJSON. " ..
- "Arguments: (table). " ..
- "Side effect: returns a string composed of argument table in JSON data format"
- end
- if funcNameOrFunc == "MakeWedge" or funcNameOrFunc == t.MakeWedge then
- return "Function MakeWedge. " ..
- "Arguments: (x, y, z, [default material]). " ..
- "Description: Makes a wedge at location x, y, z. Sets cell x, y, z to default material if "..
- "parameter is provided, if not sets cell x, y, z to be whatever material it previously was. "..
- "Returns true if made a wedge, false if the cell remains a block "
- end
- if funcNameOrFunc == "SelectTerrainRegion" or funcNameOrFunc == t.SelectTerrainRegion then
- return "Function SelectTerrainRegion. " ..
- "Arguments: (regionToSelect, color, selectEmptyCells, selectionParent). " ..
- "Description: Selects all terrain via a series of selection boxes within the regionToSelect " ..
- "(this should be a region3 value). The selection box color is detemined by the color argument " ..
- "(should be a brickcolor value). SelectionParent is the parent that the selection model gets placed to (optional)." ..
- "SelectEmptyCells is bool, when true will select all cells in the " ..
- "region, otherwise we only select non-empty cells. Returns a function that can update the selection," ..
- "arguments to said function are a new region3 to select, and the adornment color (color arg is optional). " ..
- "Also returns a second function that takes no arguments and destroys the selection"
- end
- if funcNameOrFunc == "CreateSignal" or funcNameOrFunc == t.CreateSignal then
- return "Function CreateSignal. "..
- "Arguments: None. "..
- "Returns: The newly created Signal object. This object is identical to the RBXScriptSignal class "..
- "used for events in Objects, but is a Lua-side object so it can be used to create custom events in"..
- "Lua code. "..
- "Methods of the Signal object: :connect, :wait, :fire, :disconnect. "..
- "For more info you can pass the method name to the Help function, or view the wiki page "..
- "for this library. EG: Help('Signal:connect')."
- end
- if funcNameOrFunc == "Signal:connect" then
- return "Method Signal:connect. "..
- "Arguments: (function handler). "..
- "Return: A connection object which can be used to disconnect the connection to this handler. "..
- "Description: Connectes a handler function to this Signal, so that when |fire| is called the "..
- "handler function will be called with the arguments passed to |fire|."
- end
- if funcNameOrFunc == "Signal:wait" then
- return "Method Signal:wait. "..
- "Arguments: None. "..
- "Returns: The arguments passed to the next call to |fire|. "..
- "Description: This call does not return until the next call to |fire| is made, at which point it "..
- "will return the values which were passed as arguments to that |fire| call."
- end
- if funcNameOrFunc == "Signal:fire" then
- return "Method Signal:fire. "..
- "Arguments: Any number of arguments of any type. "..
- "Returns: None. "..
- "Description: This call will invoke any connected handler functions, and notify any waiting code "..
- "attached to this Signal to continue, with the arguments passed to this function. Note: The calls "..
- "to handlers are made asynchronously, so this call will return immediately regardless of how long "..
- "it takes the connected handler functions to complete."
- end
- if funcNameOrFunc == "Signal:disconnect" then
- return "Method Signal:disconnect. "..
- "Arguments: None. "..
- "Returns: None. "..
- "Description: This call disconnects all handlers attacched to this function, note however, it "..
- "does NOT make waiting code continue, as is the behavior of normal Roblox events. This method "..
- "can also be called on the connection object which is returned from Signal:connect to only "..
- "disconnect a single handler, as opposed to this method, which will disconnect all handlers."
- end
- if funcNameOrFunc == "Create" then
- return "Function Create. "..
- "Arguments: A table containing information about how to construct a collection of objects. "..
- "Returns: The constructed objects. "..
- "Descrition: Create is a very powerfull function, whose description is too long to fit here, and "..
- "is best described via example, please see the wiki page for a description of how to use it."
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------Documentation Ends----------------------------------------------------------
- return t
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