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- lui t9, 0x0807 # setup self to run in game
- addiu t9, t9, 0x741A
- lui $at, 0x8002
- sw $t9, 0x0100($at)
- addiu t9, r0, 0x000C # revert the 000C corruption
- lui $at, 0x800D
- addiu $at, $at, 0x1020 # needed because we can't type E0 or F2
- sh $t9, 0xD0D2($at)
- lui $at, 0x800F # make link's tunic rainbow
- lh $t9, 0x7AD8($at)
- addiu $t9, $t9, 0x0F11
- sh $t9, 0x7AD8($at)
- addiu t9, r0, 0xE4E4 # set max speed to -0x1C1C
- lui $at, 0x801C
- addiu $at, $at, 0x1020 # needed because we can't type E0 or F2
- sh $t9, 0x6EDE($at)
- jr $ra
- nop
- 3C 19 08 07
- 27 39 74 1A
- 3C 01 80 02
- AC 39 01 00
- 24 19 00 0C
- 3C 01 80 0D
- 24 21 10 20
- A4 39 D0 D2
- 3C 01 80 0F
- 84 39 7A D8
- 27 39 0F 11
- A4 39 7A D8
- 24 19 E4 E4
- 3C 01 80 1C
- 24 21 00 20
- A4 39 6E DE
- 03 E4 00 08
- 00 00 00 00
- # use E4 for ret because we can't type E0
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