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- ;-------------------------------------------
- ;-- Рябцев Даниил, КИ22-16/1Б, ПР1.2, В20 --
- ;-------------------------------------------
- format PE Console
- entry start
- include ''
- section '.data' data readable writeable
- prompt db 'Enter X and A:',10,0
- input db '%lf',0
- output_i db 'i = %d',10,0
- output_y1 db 'y1 = %5.3f',10,0
- output_y2 db 'y2 = %5.3f',10,0
- output_y db 'y = %5.3f',10,0
- newline db '',10,0
- a dq 0
- x dq 0
- y1 dq 0
- y2 dq 0
- y dq 0
- i dd 0
- n dd 10
- temp dd 0
- section '.code' code readable writeable executable
- start:
- invoke printf, prompt
- invoke scanf, input, x
- invoke scanf, input, a
- invoke printf, newline
- for:
- finit
- ;--- if (x >= 0) { else_1 } ---
- fldz
- fld [x]
- fcomip st1
- jae else_1
- if_1:
- finit
- ;--- y1 = |x| -----
- fld [x]
- fabs
- fstp [y1]
- ;---------------------
- jmp if_1_out
- else_1:
- finit
- ;--- y1 = x - a ----
- fld [x]
- fsub [a]
- fstp [y1]
- if_1_out:
- finit
- ;--- if (x mod 3 != 1) { else_2 } ---
- mov [temp], 3
- fild [temp]
- fld [x]
- fprem1
- fld1
- fcomip st1
- jne else_2
- if_2:
- finit
- ;--- y2 = a + x ---
- fld [a]
- fadd [x]
- fstp [y2]
- ;--------------------
- jmp if_2_out
- else_2:
- finit
- ;--- y2 = 7.0 ---
- mov [temp], 7
- fild [temp]
- fstp [y2]
- ;----------------
- if_2_out:
- finit
- ;--- y = y1 - y2 -----
- fld [y1]
- fsub [y2]
- fstp [y]
- ;---------------------
- invoke printf, output_i, [i]
- invoke printf, output_y1, dword [y1], dword [y1+4]
- invoke printf, output_y2, dword [y2], dword [y2+4]
- invoke printf, output_y, dword [y], dword [y+4]
- invoke printf, newline
- ;----- x++ -----------
- finit
- fld1
- fadd [x]
- fstp [x]
- ;---------------------
- ;---- i++; i < n -----
- mov ecx, [i]
- inc ecx
- cmp ecx, [n]
- mov [i], ecx
- jne for
- ;---------------------
- invoke getch
- invoke ExitProcess, 0
- section '.idata' data import readable
- library kernel, 'kernel32.dll',\
- msvcrt, 'msvcrt.dll'
- import kernel,\
- ExitProcess, 'ExitProcess'
- import msvcrt,\
- printf, 'printf',\
- getch, '_getch', scanf, 'scanf'
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