

Oct 3rd, 2020 (edited)
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  1. @echo off
  2. Rem Paste this code into notepad and save it as IP-Multi-Tool.bat
  3. Rem Coded by I6. Instagram: @jit.vro
  4. Rem
  5. Rem
  6. Rem Option 9 opens the last API response in a text document. (Works with options 1,2,5,6,7)
  7. title IP Multi Tool
  8. color 0A
  9. mode con lines=22 cols=70
  11. set webclient=webclient
  12. set action=update
  13. set rqst_type=GET
  14. set localversion=
  15. if exist "%temp%\%webclient%.vbs" del "%temp%\%webclient%.vbs" /f /q /s >nul
  16. echo.
  17. echo Checking for updates. . .
  18. echo sUrl = "" > %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  19. goto apirequest
  20. :checkversion
  21. set /p version=<"%temp%\response.txt"
  22. if %localversion% EQU %version% del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul & goto menu
  23. cls
  24. echo.
  25. echo An update is available for IP Multi Tool^^!
  26. echo.
  27. echo. New version: %version%
  28. echo.
  29. echo Your version: %localversion%
  30. echo.
  31. set /p dlupdate= Would you like to download the update? y/n:
  32. if '%dlupdate%'=='y' (
  33. cls
  34. echo.
  35. echo Downloading to Downloads folder. . .
  36. echo.
  37. echo sUrl = "" > %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  38. goto apirequest
  39. :update
  40. find "6Ip5ithetropU1lSpiwRlcrLN5ro6er7" %temp%\response.txt >nul
  41. if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
  42. echo Error downloading update^^!
  43. echo.
  44. pause
  45. goto menu
  46. )
  47. move %temp%\response.txt C:\Users\%username%\Downloads\IP-Multi-Tool.bat >nul
  48. set dlupdate=0
  49. echo Starting updated version. . .
  50. ping -n 2 -w 1000 >nul
  51. start C:\Users\%username%\Downloads\IP-Multi-Tool.bat
  52. exit
  53. )
  54. :menu
  55. set ip=
  56. set action=0
  57. mode con lines=22 cols=70
  58. cls
  59. echo
  60. echo IP-Multi-Tool v%localversion% Coded by I6 @jit.vro
  61. echo
  62. echo Menu
  63. echo.
  64. echo View your IP: (1)
  65. echo.
  66. echo Lookup an IP: (2)
  67. echo.
  68. echo Ping an IP: (3)
  69. echo.
  70. echo TraceRoute an IP: (4)
  71. echo.
  72. echo PortScan an IP: (5)
  73. echo.
  74. echo Find a websites IP: (6)
  75. echo.
  76. echo WhoIs Lookup: (7)
  77. echo.
  78. echo NSLookup: (8)
  79. echo.
  80. echo View response text: (9)
  81. echo.
  82. :action
  83. set /p action=Type your choice. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9:
  84. if '%action%'=='1' echo sUrl = "" > %temp%\%webclient%.vbs & echo sRequest = "key=j6preqIcucHathBgluhlthuq9frlqop5" >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs & goto apirequest
  85. if '%action%'=='2' goto iplookup
  86. if '%action%'=='3' goto ipping
  87. if '%action%'=='4' goto traceroute
  88. if '%action%'=='5' goto portscan
  89. if '%action%'=='6' goto cfresolver
  90. if '%action%'=='7' goto whois
  91. if '%action%'=='8' goto nslookup
  92. if '%action%'=='9' goto opentext
  93. echo.
  94. echo Please enter a valid choice.
  95. echo.
  96. goto action
  97. :apirequest
  98. if exist "%temp%\response.txt" del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul
  99. if %action% NEQ update (
  100. set rqst_type=POST
  101. cls
  102. echo.
  103. echo Hang The Fuck On Kid...
  104. )
  105. echo set oHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0") >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  106. echo "%rqst_type%", sUrl,false >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  107. echo oHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  108. echo oHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", Len(sRequest) >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  109. echo oHTTP.send sRequest >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  110. echo HTTPGET = oHTTP.responseText >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  111. echo strDir = "%temp%\response.txt" >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  112. echo set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  113. echo set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strDir) >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  114. echo objFile.Write(HTTPGET) >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  115. echo objFile.Close >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  116. echo Wscript.Quit >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  117. start %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  118. set /a requests=0
  119. :checkresponseexists
  120. set /a requests=%requests% + 1
  121. if %requests% gtr 10 goto failed
  122. IF EXIST "%temp%\response.txt" (
  123. goto response_exist
  124. ) ELSE (
  125. ping -n 2 -w 1000 >nul
  126. goto checkresponseexists
  127. )
  128. :failed
  129. tasklist | find "wscript.exe" >nul
  130. if %errorlevel% EQU 0 taskkill /f /im wscript.exe >nul
  131. del "%temp%\%webclient%.vbs" /f /q /s >nul
  132. echo.
  133. echo Did not receive a response from the API.
  134. echo.
  135. pause
  136. goto menu
  137. :response_exist
  138. del "%temp%\%webclient%.vbs" /f /q /s >nul
  139. if %action% EQU update if '%dlupdate%'=='y' goto update
  140. find "error code: 1006" %temp%\response.txt >nul
  141. if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto banned
  142. find "One more step" %temp%\response.txt >nul
  143. if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto cbanned
  144. find "Web server is down" %temp%\response.txt >nul
  145. if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto offline
  146. find "Connection timed out" %temp%\response.txt >nul
  147. if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto offline
  148. find "404 Not Found" %temp%\response.txt >nul
  149. if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto offline
  150. goto verified
  151. :banned
  152. cls
  153. echo.
  154. echo Error: You have been banned for abuse.
  155. ping -n 4 -w 1000 >nul
  156. del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul
  157. exit
  158. :cbanned
  159. cls
  160. echo.
  161. echo Error: Your IP has been blocked for security purposes.
  162. echo Contact @jit.vro on instagram for help.
  163. echo Sorry for any inconvinience.
  164. echo If you are using a VPN and have received this error message,
  165. echo turn off the VPN, and try again.
  166. ping -n 8 -w 1000 >nul
  167. del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul
  168. exit
  169. :offline
  170. cls
  171. echo.
  172. echo Error: The API is offline.
  173. ping -n 4 -w 1000 >nul
  174. del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul
  175. goto menu
  176. :verified
  177. set "data=findstr /R /N "^^" %temp%\response.txt | find /C ":"",
  178. for /f %%i in ('!data!') do set lines=%%i
  179. if %lines% LSS 10 (
  180. set /a lines=20
  181. ) else (
  182. set /a lines=%lines% + 3
  183. )
  184. if '%action%'=='update' goto checkversion
  185. if '%action%'=='1' goto parseiplookup
  186. if '%action%'=='2' goto parseiplookup
  187. if '%action%'=='5' goto parsepscan
  188. if '%action%'=='6' goto parsecfresolver
  189. if '%action%'=='7' goto parsewhois
  190. goto menu
  191. :iplookup
  192. cls
  193. echo.
  194. echo Type an IP to lookup
  195. echo.
  196. set /p ip=IP:
  197. echo sUrl = "" > %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  198. echo sRequest = "key=j6preqIcucHathBgluhlthuq9frlqop5&ip=%ip%" >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  199. goto apirequest
  200. :parseiplookup
  201. mode con lines=%lines% cols=70
  202. cls
  203. echo.
  204. for /f "delims= " %%i in ('findstr /i ":" %temp%\response.txt') do (
  205. set data=%%i
  206. echo !data!
  207. )
  208. echo.
  209. pause
  210. goto menu
  211. :ipping
  212. rem Inteli-Ping by @jit.vro
  213. set /a replies=0
  214. set /a timeouts=0
  215. set responsetime=N/A
  216. set avgtime=N/A
  217. set min=N/A
  218. set max=N/A
  219. cls
  220. echo.
  221. echo Type an IP or URL to ping
  222. echo.
  223. set /p ip=Host:
  224. mode con lines=14 cols=30
  225. :ping
  226. set success=false
  227. for /F "tokens=7 delims=<>= " %%i in ('ping -n 1 %ip% ^| find "TTL="') do (
  228. set responsetime=%%i
  229. set responsetime=!responsetime:~0,-2!
  230. set success=true
  231. )
  232. if %replies% EQU 0 if %success% EQU true if %replies% NEQ N/A set min=99999 & set max=0
  233. if %success% EQU false (
  234. set status=Host is offline
  235. set /a timeouts=timeouts + 1
  236. color 0C
  237. ) else (
  238. set status=Host is online
  239. set /a replies=replies + 1
  240. set /a totaltime=%totaltime% + %responsetime%
  241. set /a avgtime=totaltime / replies
  242. color 0A
  243. if %responsetime% LSS %min% (
  244. set min=%responsetime%
  245. )
  246. if %responsetime% GTR %max% (
  247. set max=%responsetime%
  248. )
  249. )
  250. cls
  251. echo Pinging %ip%
  252. echo.
  253. echo %status%^^!
  254. echo.
  255. echo Successful Replies: %replies%
  256. echo.
  257. echo Requests Timed Out: %timeouts%
  258. echo.
  259. echo Avrg Response Time: %avgtime%ms
  260. echo.
  261. echo Last Response Time: %responsetime%ms
  262. echo.
  263. echo Min: %min%ms Max: %max%ms
  264. ping -n 2 -w 1000 >nul
  265. goto ping
  266. :traceroute
  267. cls
  268. echo.
  269. echo Type an IP or URL to trace route
  270. echo.
  271. set /p ip=Host:
  272. tracert %ip%
  273. echo.
  274. pause
  275. goto menu
  276. :portscan
  277. cls
  278. echo.
  279. echo Type a host to port scan
  280. echo.
  281. set /p ip=Host:
  282. echo sUrl = "" > %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  283. echo sRequest = "key=j6preqIcucHathBgluhlthuq9frlqop5&ip=%ip%" >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  284. goto apirequest
  285. :parsepscan
  286. mode con lines=%lines% cols=70
  287. cls
  288. echo.
  289. for /f "delims= " %%i in ('findstr /i "Results Port Error" %temp%\response.txt') do (
  290. set data=%%i
  291. echo !data!
  292. )
  293. echo.
  294. pause
  295. goto menu
  296. :cfresolver
  297. cls
  298. echo.
  299. echo Type a domain to resolve
  300. echo.
  301. set /p ip=Domain:
  302. echo sUrl = "" > %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  303. echo sRequest = "key=j6preqIcucHathBgluhlthuq9frlqop5&host=%ip%" >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  304. goto apirequest
  305. :parsecfresolver
  306. mode con lines=%lines% cols=70
  307. cls
  308. echo.
  309. for /f "delims= " %%i in ('findstr /i "IP Error" %temp%\response.txt') do (
  310. set data=%%i
  311. echo !data!
  312. )
  313. echo.
  314. pause
  315. goto menu
  316. :whois
  317. cls
  318. echo.
  319. echo Type a host to WhoIs lookup
  320. echo.
  321. set /p ip=Host:
  322. echo sUrl = "" > %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  323. echo sRequest = "key=j6preqIcucHathBgluhlthuq9frlqop5&host=%ip%" >> %temp%\%webclient%.vbs
  324. goto apirequest
  325. :parsewhois
  326. mode con lines=%lines% cols=100
  327. cls
  328. echo.
  329. for /f "delims= " %%i in ('findstr /i ":" %temp%\response.txt') do (
  330. set data=%%i
  331. echo !data!
  332. )
  333. echo.
  334. pause
  335. goto menu
  336. :nslookup
  337. cls
  338. echo.
  339. echo Type an IP or Domain to NSLookup
  340. echo.
  341. set /p ip=Host:
  342. cls
  343. echo.
  344. echo Name Server Look up using Cloudflare DNS. . .
  345. echo.
  346. nslookup %ip%
  347. echo.
  348. pause
  349. goto menu
  350. :opentext
  351. if exist "%temp%\response.txt" start %temp%/response.txt
  352. goto menu
  353. Rem Coded by I6. Instagram: @jit.vro
  354. Rem
  355. Rem
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