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- # written by gehtsiegarnixan
- import numpy as np
- import math
- import datetime
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.animation as animation
- from pysr import PySRRegressor
- import pandas as pd
- from sympy import symbols, diff, sqrt
- def rnd_normal_vectors(num_points=2 ** 16):
- # Generate random uv values
- uv_grid = np.random.rand(num_points, 2)
- # Initialize an array to store the output vectors
- vectors = []
- # Calculate the inf_cubemap for each uv in the grid
- for uv in uv_grid:
- vector = inf_cubemap(uv, correction=True)
- vectors.append(vector)
- return np.array(vectors)
- def grid_normal_vectors(num_points):
- # Calculate the number of points along each dimension
- num_points_dim = int(np.sqrt(num_points))
- # Create a grid of uv values
- u = np.linspace(0, 1, num_points_dim)
- v = np.linspace(0, 1, num_points_dim)
- uv_grid = np.array(np.meshgrid(u, v)).T.reshape(-1, 2)
- # Initialize an array to store the output vectors
- vectors = []
- # Calculate the inf_cubemap for each uv in the grid
- for uv in uv_grid:
- vector = inf_cubemap(uv, correction=True)
- vectors.append(vector)
- return np.array(vectors)
- def wsgrid_normal_vectors(num_samples=2 ** 16):
- # bounds of the plot
- v_max = math.sqrt(2) / 2
- # Create a grid of UV values
- uv_values = np.linspace(-v_max, v_max, num_samples)
- uv_grid = np.meshgrid(uv_values, uv_values)
- uv_grid = np.dstack(uv_grid)
- # Initialize an array to store RGB colors
- normals = []
- # Calculate sphere normals for each UV value and convert to RGB
- for row in uv_grid:
- for uv in row:
- # Clamp the value inside the square root to be no less than 0
- w_world_value = max(0.00001, -uv[0] ** 2 - uv[1] ** 2 + 1)
- w_world = math.sqrt(w_world_value)
- normal = np.array([uv[0], uv[1], w_world])
- # Append the normalized vector to the array
- normals.append(normal)
- return np.array(normals)
- def cubemap(uvw, correction=True):
- # project into face
- cubemap_coord = uvw[:2] / uvw[2]
- if correction:
- # Cass Everitt's piecewise quadratic warp
- distort = 1.45109572583 - 0.451095725826 * np.abs(cubemap_coord)
- cubemap_coord *= distort
- # rescale to 0-1 range
- uv = cubemap_coord * 0.5 + 0.5
- return uv
- def inf_cubemap(uv, correction=True):
- # rescale -1 to 1
- uv = uv * 2. - 1.
- if correction:
- # reverse Cass Everitt's piecewise quadratic warp
- arg_sqrt = 2.105679 - 1.804383 * np.abs(uv)
- arg_sqrt = np.maximum(arg_sqrt, 0) # Ensure the argument is non-negative
- uv = np.sign(uv) * -1.108412 * (-1.451096 + np.sqrt(arg_sqrt))
- # recreate normal vector with side being up
- partial = np.sqrt((uv[0] ** 2) + (uv[1] ** 2) + 1.)
- normal = np.array([uv[0] / partial, uv[1] / partial, 1. / partial])
- return normal
- def test_cubemap_inversion(num_samples=2 ** 16, correction=False):
- # Convert the list of vectors into a NumPy array
- input_values = rnd_normal_vectors(num_samples)
- for i in range(num_samples):
- uvw = input_values[i]
- # Apply cubemap and then inf_cubemap
- uv = cubemap(uvw, correction)
- uvw_reconstructed = inf_cubemap(uv, correction)
- # Check if the reconstructed values match the original input
- if not np.allclose(uvw_reconstructed, uvw, atol=1e-6):
- print("Test failed!")
- print("Original Input:", uvw)
- print("Reconstructed Input:", uvw_reconstructed)
- return
- print("All tests passed!")
- def tangent_finite_difference(normal, correction=True):
- # cubemapping
- uv = cubemap(normal, correction)
- # inverse cubemapping with a tiny offset in x direction
- offset_uv = uv + np.array([0.00001, 0])
- normal_offset = inf_cubemap(offset_uv, correction)
- # generate the tangent vector approximation
- tangent_vec = normal_offset - normal
- tangent_vec /= np.linalg.norm(tangent_vec) # normalize the tangent vector
- return tangent_vec
- def tangent_derivative(normal, correction=True):
- # Generate the tangent vector approximation
- tangent_vec = np.array([1 + normal[1] ** 2,
- - normal[0] * normal[1],
- - normal[0]])
- # skipping the correction for this as it basically looks the same but is way more complicated.
- tangent_vec /= np.linalg.norm(tangent_vec) # normalize the tangent vector
- return tangent_vec
- def bitangent(normal, correction=True):
- # Generate the tangent vector approximation
- tangent_vec = np.array([- normal[0] * normal[1],
- 1 + normal[0] ** 2,
- - normal[1]])
- tangent_vec /= np.linalg.norm(tangent_vec) # normalize the tangent vector
- return tangent_vec
- def z_plot(num_points_dim=255, correction=True):
- # Generate a grid of vectors
- vectors_array = wsgrid_normal_vectors(num_points_dim)
- # Initialize arrays to store RGB colors for both methods
- rgb_colors_tangent = []
- rgb_colors_approximation = []
- # Calculate sphere normals for each UV value and convert to RGB
- for uvw in vectors_array:
- uv = cubemap(uvw, correction=False)
- if np.all((0 <= uv) & (uv <= 1)):
- # Calculate tangent vector for cubemap using both methods
- tangent_vec = tangent_derivative(uvw, correction)
- approximation_vec = tangent_finite_difference(uvw, correction)
- rgb_colors_tangent.append(tangent_vec)
- rgb_colors_approximation.append(approximation_vec)
- else:
- rgb_colors_tangent.append([0, 0, 0])
- rgb_colors_approximation.append([0, 0, 0])
- # Convert the RGB colors to NumPy arrays
- rgb_colors_tangent = np.array(rgb_colors_tangent)
- rgb_colors_approximation = np.array(rgb_colors_approximation)
- # Clamp the RGB values to the range [0, 1]
- rgb_colors_tangent = np.clip(rgb_colors_tangent, 0, 1)
- rgb_colors_approximation = np.clip(rgb_colors_approximation, 0, 1)
- # Create side-by-side plots of the RGB colors with specified color range
- fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 8))
- axs[0].imshow(rgb_colors_tangent.reshape(num_points_dim, num_points_dim, 3), origin='lower')
- axs[0].set_xlabel('X')
- axs[0].set_ylabel('Y')
- axs[0].set_title('Tangent from Derivative')
- axs[0].grid(True)
- axs[1].imshow(rgb_colors_approximation.reshape(num_points_dim, num_points_dim, 3), origin='lower')
- axs[1].set_xlabel('X')
- axs[1].set_ylabel('Y')
- axs[1].set_title('Tangent from finite Difference')
- axs[1].grid(True)
- plt.tight_layout()
- def y_plot(num_points_dim=255, correction=False, period=2):
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
- # Generate a grid of vectors
- vectors_array = wsgrid_normal_vectors(num_points_dim)
- vectors_array = vectors_array.reshape(num_points_dim, num_points_dim, 3)
- def update(i):
- ax.clear()
- # flip flop animation
- index = abs(i - (num_points_dim - 1))
- # get the row of uvw coordinates
- vector_row = vectors_array[index]
- # Create arrays to store tangents for both methods
- tangents_true = []
- tangents_approximation = []
- vector_row_filtered = []
- # Iterate over uvw vectors and compute cubemap values
- for uvw_vector in vector_row:
- uv = cubemap(uvw_vector, correction=False)
- if np.all((0 <= uv) & (uv <= 1)):
- # Calculate tangent vector for cubemap using both methods
- tangent_vec_true = tangent_derivative(uvw_vector, correction)
- tangent_vec_approximation = tangent_finite_difference(uvw_vector, correction)
- tangents_true.append(tangent_vec_true)
- tangents_approximation.append(tangent_vec_approximation)
- # add the valid uvw vector to list
- vector_row_filtered.append(uvw_vector)
- # get y and z part of the coordinate vector
- x = [uvw_vector[0] for uvw_vector in vector_row_filtered]
- z = [uvw_vector[2] for uvw_vector in vector_row_filtered]
- # get x,y,z part of the tangent vector for both methods
- tangent_x_true = [tangent_vec[0] for tangent_vec in tangents_true]
- tangent_y_true = [tangent_vec[1] for tangent_vec in tangents_true]
- tangent_z_true = [tangent_vec[2] for tangent_vec in tangents_true]
- tangent_x_approximation = [tangent_vec[0] for tangent_vec in tangents_approximation]
- tangent_y_approximation = [tangent_vec[1] for tangent_vec in tangents_approximation]
- tangent_z_approximation = [tangent_vec[2] for tangent_vec in tangents_approximation]
- # Create the plot for true tangent
- ax.plot(x, tangent_x_true, label='Tangent x (Derivative)', color='orange')
- ax.plot(x, tangent_y_true, label='Tangent y (Derivative)', color='green')
- ax.plot(x, tangent_z_true, label='Tangent z (Derivative)', color='blue')
- # Create the plot for approximation tangent with dotted line style
- ax.plot(x, tangent_x_approximation, label='Tangent x (Finite Diff)', color='orange', linestyle='dotted')
- ax.plot(x, tangent_y_approximation, label='Tangent y (Finite Diff)', color='green', linestyle='dotted')
- ax.plot(x, tangent_z_approximation, label='Tangent z (Finite Diff)', color='blue', linestyle='dotted')
- # Create the plot for sphere
- ax.plot(x, z, label='Sphere', color='red')
- # Bounds of the plot
- ax.set_xlim([-0.9, 1.6])
- ax.set_ylim([-0.8, 1.4])
- # Add labels and legend
- ax.set_xlabel('X')
- ax.set_ylabel('Z')
- ax.set_title(f"Y = {vector_row[0][1]:.2f}")
- ax.grid(True)
- ax.legend()
- # animation
- frames = (num_points_dim - 1) * 2 # double for flipflop
- interval_ms = (period / num_points_dim) * 1000
- ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=frames, repeat=True, interval=interval_ms)
- plt.axis('equal')
- def derivatives(correction=True):
- # Define the symbols
- x, y = symbols('x y')
- # Define the function q(x, y)
- q = (x / sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + 1),
- y / sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + 1),
- 1 / sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + 1))
- if correction:
- # Cass Everitt's piecewise quadratic warp
- q = ((1.45109572583 - 0.451095725826 * sqrt(q[0]**2)) * q[0],
- (1.45109572583 - 0.451095725826 * sqrt(q[1]**2)) * q[1],
- (1.45109572583 - 0.451095725826 * sqrt(q[2]**2)) * q[2])
- # Compute the partial derivatives
- u = [diff(q_i, x) for q_i in q] # ∂q/∂x
- v = [diff(q_i, y) for q_i in q] # ∂q/∂y
- print("u_x =", u[0])
- print("u_y =", u[1])
- print("u_z =", u[2])
- print("v_x =", v[0])
- print("v_y =", v[1])
- print("v_z =", v[2])
- """
- the rescaling to 0-1 just adds a 0.5 factor for all components since we normalize this vector it cancels out.
- u = [(x²+1) /(x² + y² + 1)^(3/2),
- -xy /(x² + y² + 1)^(3/2),
- -x /(x² + y² + 1)^(3/2)]
- v = [-xy /(x² + y² + 1)^(3/2),
- (x²+1) /(x² + y² + 1)^(3/2),
- -y /(x² + y² + 1)^(3/2)]
- can be simplified to:
- tangent = normalize(1+y^2, -xy, -x)
- bitangent = normalize(-xy, 1+x^2, -y)
- """
- def symbolic_regression(num_samples=64*64, correction=True, iterations=5):
- # Generate some input data
- x = grid_normal_vectors(num_samples)
- # Initialize an array to store the output data
- y = []
- # Calculate the approximation tangent for each vector in X
- for uvw in x:
- tangent_vec = tangent_finite_difference(uvw, correction=correction)
- y.append(tangent_vec)
- # Convert the list of tangents into a NumPy array
- y = np.array(y)
- # Create a PySRRegressor object and fit the data
- model = PySRRegressor(niterations=iterations,
- binary_operators=["plus", "sub", "mult", "div"],
- unary_operators=["sqrt"],
- )
-, y)
- # Set pandas options
- pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
- pd.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False)
- pd.set_option('max_colwidth', None)
- # Print the model
- print(model)
- # Format the timestamp as a string
- now =
- timestamp_str = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.%f")
- filename = f'model_output_{timestamp_str}.txt'
- # Save the model's output to a text file
- with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- print(model, file=f)
- def main():
- correction = False
- z_plot(255, correction)
- y_plot(128, correction)
- # test_cubemap_inversion(correction=correction)
- # derivatives(correction)
- # symbolic_regression(128*128, correction, 50)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # execute only if run as a script
- main()
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