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- "use strict";
- // Chat.js
- // By Don Hopkins (
- //
- // Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
- // See the accompanying file LICENSE or
- //
- (function() {
- var webPageURL = Script.resolvePath("html/ChatPage.html"); // URL of tablet web page.
- var randomizeWebPageURL = true; // Set to true for debugging.
- var lastWebPageURL = ""; // Last random URL of tablet web page.
- var onChatPage = false; // True when chat web page is opened.
- var webHandlerConnected = false; // True when the web handler has been connected.
- var channelName = "Chat"; // Unique name for channel that we listen to.
- var tabletButtonName = "CHAT"; // Tablet button label.
- var tabletButtonIcon = "icons/tablet-icons/menu-i.svg"; // Icon for chat button.
- var tabletButtonActiveIcon = "icons/tablet-icons/menu-a.svg"; // Active icon for chat button.
- var tabletButton = null; // The button we create in the tablet.
- var tablet = Tablet.getTablet("com.highfidelity.interface.tablet.system"); // The awesome tablet.
- var chatLog = []; // Array of chat messages in the form of [avatarID, displayName, message, data].
- var avatarIdentifiers = {}; // Map of avatar ids to dict of identifierParams.
- var speechBubbleShowing = false; // Is the speech bubble visible?
- var speechBubbleMessage = null; // The message shown in the speech bubble.
- var speechBubbleData = null; // The data of the speech bubble message.
- var speechBubbleTextID = null; // The id of the speech bubble local text entity.
- var speechBubbleTimer = null; // The timer to pop down the speech bubble.
- var speechBubbleParams = null; // The params used to create or edit the speech bubble.
- // Persistent variables saved in the Settings.
- var chatName = ''; // The user's name shown in chat.
- var chatLogMaxSize = 100; // The maximum number of chat messages we remember.
- var sendTyping = true; // Send typing begin and end notification.
- var identifyAvatarDuration = 10; // How long to leave the avatar identity line up, in seconds.
- var identifyAvatarLineColor = { red: 0, green: 255, blue: 0 }; // The color of the avatar identity line.
- var identifyAvatarMyJointName = 'Head'; // My bone from which to draw the avatar identity line.
- var identifyAvatarYourJointName = 'Head'; // Your bone to which to draw the avatar identity line.
- var speechBubbleDuration = 10; // How long to leave the speech bubble up, in seconds.
- var speechBubbleTextColor = {red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255}; // The text color of the speech bubble.
- var speechBubbleBackgroundColor = {red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0}; // The background color of the speech bubble.
- var speechBubbleOffset = {x: 0, y: 0.3, z: 0.0}; // The offset from the joint to whic the speech bubble is attached.
- var speechBubbleJointName = 'Head'; // The name of the joint to which the speech bubble is attached.
- var speechBubbleLineHeight = 0.05; // The height of a line of text in the speech bubble.
- var SPEECH_BUBBLE_MAX_WIDTH = 1; // meters
- // Load the persistent variables from the Settings, with defaults.
- function loadSettings() {
- chatName = Settings.getValue('Chat_chatName', MyAvatar.displayName);
- if (!chatName) {
- chatName = randomAvatarName();
- }
- chatLogMaxSize = Settings.getValue('Chat_chatLogMaxSize', 100);
- sendTyping = Settings.getValue('Chat_sendTyping', true);
- identifyAvatarDuration = Settings.getValue('Chat_identifyAvatarDuration', 10);
- identifyAvatarLineColor = Settings.getValue('Chat_identifyAvatarLineColor', { red: 0, green: 255, blue: 0 });
- identifyAvatarMyJointName = Settings.getValue('Chat_identifyAvatarMyJointName', 'Head');
- identifyAvatarYourJointName = Settings.getValue('Chat_identifyAvatarYourJointName', 'Head');
- speechBubbleDuration = Settings.getValue('Chat_speechBubbleDuration', 10);
- speechBubbleTextColor = Settings.getValue('Chat_speechBubbleTextColor', {red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255});
- speechBubbleBackgroundColor = Settings.getValue('Chat_speechBubbleBackgroundColor', {red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0});
- speechBubbleOffset = Settings.getValue('Chat_speechBubbleOffset', {x: 0.0, y: 0.3, z:0.0});
- speechBubbleJointName = Settings.getValue('Chat_speechBubbleJointName', 'Head');
- speechBubbleLineHeight = Settings.getValue('Chat_speechBubbleLineHeight', 0.05);
- saveSettings();
- }
- // Save the persistent variables to the Settings.
- function saveSettings() {
- Settings.setValue('Chat_chatName', chatName);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_chatLogMaxSize', chatLogMaxSize);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_sendTyping', sendTyping);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_identifyAvatarDuration', identifyAvatarDuration);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_identifyAvatarLineColor', identifyAvatarLineColor);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_identifyAvatarMyJointName', identifyAvatarMyJointName);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_identifyAvatarYourJointName', identifyAvatarYourJointName);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_speechBubbleDuration', speechBubbleDuration);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_speechBubbleTextColor', speechBubbleTextColor);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_speechBubbleBackgroundColor', speechBubbleBackgroundColor);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_speechBubbleOffset', speechBubbleOffset);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_speechBubbleJointName', speechBubbleJointName);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_speechBubbleLineHeight', speechBubbleLineHeight);
- }
- // Reset the Settings and persistent variables to the defaults.
- function resetSettings() {
- Settings.setValue('Chat_chatName', null);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_chatLogMaxSize', null);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_sendTyping', null);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_identifyAvatarDuration', null);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_identifyAvatarLineColor', null);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_identifyAvatarMyJointName', null);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_identifyAvatarYourJointName', null);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_speechBubbleDuration', null);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_speechBubbleTextColor', null);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_speechBubbleBackgroundColor', null);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_speechBubbleOffset', null);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_speechBubbleJointName', null);
- Settings.setValue('Chat_speechBubbleLineHeight', null);
- loadSettings();
- }
- // Update anything that might depend on the settings.
- function updateSettings() {
- updateSpeechBubble();
- trimChatLog();
- updateChatPage();
- }
- // Trim the chat log so it is no longer than chatLogMaxSize lines.
- function trimChatLog() {
- if (chatLog.length > chatLogMaxSize) {
- chatLog.splice(0, chatLogMaxSize - chatLog.length);
- }
- }
- // Clear the local chat log.
- function clearChatLog() {
- //print("clearChatLog");
- chatLog = [];
- updateChatPage();
- }
- // We got a chat message from the channel.
- // Trim the chat log, save the latest message in the chat log,
- // and show the message on the tablet, if the chat page is showing.
- function handleTransmitChatMessage(avatarID, displayName, message, data) {
- //print("receiveChat", "avatarID", avatarID, "displayName", displayName, "message", message, "data", data);
- trimChatLog();
- chatLog.push([avatarID, displayName, message, data]);
- if (onChatPage) {
- tablet.emitScriptEvent(
- JSON.stringify({
- type: "ReceiveChatMessage",
- avatarID: avatarID,
- displayName: displayName,
- message: message,
- data: data
- }));
- }
- }
- // Trim the chat log, save the latest log message in the chat log,
- // and show the message on the tablet, if the chat page is showing.
- function logMessage(message, data) {
- //print("logMessage", message, data);
- trimChatLog();
- chatLog.push([null, null, message, data]);
- if (onChatPage) {
- tablet.emitScriptEvent(
- JSON.stringify({
- type: "LogMessage",
- message: message,
- data: data
- }));
- }
- }
- // An empty chat message was entered.
- // Hide our speech bubble.
- function emptyChatMessage(data) {
- popDownSpeechBubble();
- }
- // Notification that we typed a keystroke.
- function type() {
- //print("type");
- }
- // Notification that we began typing.
- // Notify everyone that we started typing.
- function beginTyping() {
- //print("beginTyping");
- if (!sendTyping) {
- return;
- }
- Messages.sendMessage(
- channelName,
- JSON.stringify({
- type: 'AvatarBeginTyping',
- avatarID: MyAvatar.sessionUUID,
- displayName: chatName
- }));
- }
- // Notification that somebody started typing.
- function handleAvatarBeginTyping(avatarID, displayName) {
- //print("handleAvatarBeginTyping:", "avatarID", avatarID, displayName);
- }
- // Notification that we stopped typing.
- // Notify everyone that we stopped typing.
- function endTyping() {
- //print("endTyping");
- if (!sendTyping) {
- return;
- }
- Messages.sendMessage(
- channelName,
- JSON.stringify({
- type: 'AvatarEndTyping',
- avatarID: MyAvatar.sessionUUID,
- displayName: chatName
- }));
- }
- // Notification that somebody stopped typing.
- function handleAvatarEndTyping(avatarID, displayName) {
- //print("handleAvatarEndTyping:", "avatarID", avatarID, displayName);
- }
- // Identify an avatar by drawing a line from our head to their head.
- // If the avatar is our own, then just draw a line up into the sky.
- function identifyAvatar(yourAvatarID) {
- //print("identifyAvatar", yourAvatarID);
- unidentifyAvatars();
- var myAvatarID = MyAvatar.sessionUUID;
- var myJointIndex = MyAvatar.getJointIndex(identifyAvatarMyJointName);
- var myJointRotation =
- Quat.multiply(
- MyAvatar.orientation,
- MyAvatar.getAbsoluteJointRotationInObjectFrame(myJointIndex));
- var myJointPosition =
- Vec3.sum(
- MyAvatar.position,
- Vec3.multiplyQbyV(
- MyAvatar.orientation,
- MyAvatar.getAbsoluteJointTranslationInObjectFrame(myJointIndex)));
- var yourJointIndex = -1;
- var yourJointPosition;
- if (yourAvatarID == myAvatarID) {
- // You pointed at your own name, so draw a line up from your head.
- yourJointPosition = {
- x: myJointPosition.x,
- y: myJointPosition.y + 1000.0,
- z: myJointPosition.z
- };
- } else {
- // You pointed at somebody else's name, so draw a line from your head to their head.
- var yourAvatar = AvatarList.getAvatar(yourAvatarID);
- if (!yourAvatar) {
- return;
- }
- yourJointIndex = yourAvatar.getJointIndex(identifyAvatarMyJointName)
- var yourJointRotation =
- Quat.multiply(
- yourAvatar.orientation,
- yourAvatar.getAbsoluteJointRotationInObjectFrame(yourJointIndex));
- yourJointPosition =
- Vec3.sum(
- yourAvatar.position,
- Vec3.multiplyQbyV(
- yourAvatar.orientation,
- yourAvatar.getAbsoluteJointTranslationInObjectFrame(yourJointIndex)));
- }
- var identifierParams = {
- parentID: myAvatarID,
- parentJointIndex: myJointIndex,
- lifetime: identifyAvatarDuration,
- start: myJointPosition,
- endParentID: yourAvatarID,
- endParentJointIndex: yourJointIndex,
- end: yourJointPosition,
- color: identifyAvatarLineColor,
- alpha: 1
- };
- avatarIdentifiers[yourAvatarID] = identifierParams;
- identifierParams.lineID = Overlays.addOverlay("line3d", identifierParams);
- //print("ADDOVERLAY lineID", lineID, "myJointPosition", JSON.stringify(myJointPosition), "yourJointPosition", JSON.stringify(yourJointPosition), "lineData", JSON.stringify(lineData));
- identifierParams.timer =
- Script.setTimeout(function() {
- //print("DELETEOVERLAY lineID");
- unidentifyAvatar(yourAvatarID);
- }, identifyAvatarDuration * 1000);
- }
- // Stop identifying an avatar.
- function unidentifyAvatar(yourAvatarID) {
- //print("unidentifyAvatar", yourAvatarID);
- var identifierParams = avatarIdentifiers[yourAvatarID];
- if (!identifierParams) {
- return;
- }
- if (identifierParams.timer) {
- Script.clearTimeout(identifierParams.timer);
- }
- if (identifierParams.lineID) {
- Overlays.deleteOverlay(identifierParams.lineID);
- }
- delete avatarIdentifiers[yourAvatarID];
- }
- // Stop identifying all avatars.
- function unidentifyAvatars() {
- var ids = [];
- for (var avatarID in avatarIdentifiers) {
- ids.push(avatarID);
- }
- for (var i = 0, n = ids.length; i < n; i++) {
- var avatarID = ids[i];
- unidentifyAvatar(avatarID);
- }
- }
- // Turn to face another avatar.
- function faceAvatar(yourAvatarID, displayName) {
- //print("faceAvatar:", yourAvatarID, displayName);
- var myAvatarID = MyAvatar.sessionUUID;
- if (yourAvatarID == myAvatarID) {
- // You clicked on yourself.
- return;
- }
- var yourAvatar = AvatarList.getAvatar(yourAvatarID);
- if (!yourAvatar) {
- logMessage(displayName + ' is not here!', null);
- return;
- }
- // Project avatar positions to the floor and get the direction between those points,
- // then face my avatar towards your avatar.
- var yourPosition = yourAvatar.position;
- yourPosition.y = 0;
- var myPosition = MyAvatar.position;
- myPosition.y = 0;
- var myOrientation = Quat.lookAtSimple(myPosition, yourPosition);
- MyAvatar.orientation = myOrientation;
- }
- // Make a hopefully unique random anonymous avatar name.
- function randomAvatarName() {
- return 'Anon_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
- }
- // Change the avatar size to bigger.
- function biggerSize() {
- //print("biggerSize");
- logMessage("Increasing avatar size", null);
- MyAvatar.increaseSize();
- }
- // Change the avatar size to smaller.
- function smallerSize() {
- //print("smallerSize");
- logMessage("Decreasing avatar size", null);
- MyAvatar.decreaseSize();
- }
- // Set the avatar size to normal.
- function normalSize() {
- //print("normalSize");
- logMessage("Resetting avatar size to normal!", null);
- MyAvatar.resetSize();
- }
- // Send out a "Who" message, including our avatarID as myAvatarID,
- // which will be sent in the response, so we can tell the reply
- // is to our request.
- function transmitWho() {
- //print("transmitWho");
- logMessage("Who is here?", null);
- Messages.sendMessage(
- channelName,
- JSON.stringify({
- type: 'Who',
- myAvatarID: MyAvatar.sessionUUID
- }));
- }
- // Send a reply to a "Who" message, with a friendly message,
- // our avatarID and our displayName. myAvatarID is the id
- // of the avatar who send the Who message, to whom we're
- // responding.
- function handleWho(myAvatarID) {
- var avatarID = MyAvatar.sessionUUID;
- if (myAvatarID == avatarID) {
- // Don't reply to myself.
- return;
- }
- var message = "I'm here!";
- var data = {};
- Messages.sendMessage(
- channelName,
- JSON.stringify({
- type: 'ReplyWho',
- myAvatarID: myAvatarID,
- avatarID: avatarID,
- displayName: chatName,
- message: message,
- data: data
- }));
- }
- // Receive the reply to a "Who" message. Ignore it unless we were the one
- // who sent it out (if myAvatarIS is our avatar's id).
- function handleReplyWho(myAvatarID, avatarID, displayName, message, data) {
- if (myAvatarID != MyAvatar.sessionUUID) {
- return;
- }
- handleTransmitChatMessage(avatarID, displayName, message, data);
- }
- // Handle input form the user, possibly multiple lines separated by newlines.
- // Each line may be a chat command starting with "/", or a chat message.
- function handleChatMessage(message, data) {
- var messageLines = message.trim().split('\n');
- for (var i = 0, n = messageLines.length; i < n; i++) {
- var messageLine = messageLines[i];
- if (messageLine.substr(0, 1) == '/') {
- handleChatCommand(messageLine, data);
- } else {
- transmitChatMessage(messageLine, data);
- }
- }
- }
- // Handle a chat command prefixed by "/".
- function handleChatCommand(message, data) {
- var commandLine = message.substr(1);
- var tokens = commandLine.trim().split(' ');
- var command = tokens[0];
- var rest = commandLine.substr(command.length + 1).trim();
- //print("commandLine", commandLine, "command", command, "tokens", tokens, "rest", rest);
- switch (command) {
- case '?':
- case 'help':
- logMessage('Type "/?" or "/help" for help', null);
- logMessage('Type "/name <name>" to set your chat name, or "/name" to use your display name. If your display name is not defined, a random name will be used.', null);
- logMessage('Type "/close" to close your overhead chat message.', null);
- logMessage('Type "/say <something>" to display a new message.', null);
- logMessage('Type "/clear" to clear your chat log.', null);
- logMessage('Type "/who" to ask who is in the chat session.', null);
- logMessage('Type "/bigger", "/smaller" or "/normal" to change your avatar size.', null);
- break;
- case 'name':
- if (rest == '') {
- if (MyAvatar.displayName) {
- chatName = MyAvatar.displayName;
- saveSettings();
- logMessage('Your chat name has been set to your display name "' + chatName + '".', null);
- } else {
- chatName = randomAvatarName();
- saveSettings();
- logMessage('Your avatar\'s display name is not defined, so your chat name has been set to "' + chatName + '".', null);
- }
- } else {
- chatName = rest;
- saveSettings();
- logMessage('Your chat name has been set to "' + chatName + '".', null);
- }
- break;
- case 'close':
- popDownSpeechBubble();
- logMessage('Overhead chat message closed.', null);
- break;
- case 'say':
- if (rest == '') {
- emptyChatMessage(data);
- } else {
- transmitChatMessage(rest, data);
- }
- break;
- case 'who':
- transmitWho();
- break;
- case 'clear':
- clearChatLog();
- break;
- case 'bigger':
- biggerSize();
- break;
- case 'smaller':
- smallerSize();
- break;
- case 'normal':
- normalSize();
- break;
- case 'resetsettings':
- resetSettings();
- updateSettings();
- break;
- case 'speechbubbleheight':
- var y = parseInt(rest);
- if (!isNaN(y)) {
- speechBubbleOffset.y = y;
- }
- saveSettings();
- updateSettings();
- break;
- case 'speechbubbleduration':
- var duration = parseFloat(rest);
- if (!isNaN(duration)) {
- speechBubbleDuration = duration;
- }
- saveSettings();
- updateSettings();
- break;
- default:
- logMessage('Unknown chat command. Type "/help" or "/?" for help.', null);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Send out a chat message to everyone.
- function transmitChatMessage(message, data) {
- //print("transmitChatMessage", 'avatarID', avatarID, 'displayName', displayName, 'message', message, 'data', data);
- popUpSpeechBubble(message, data);
- Messages.sendMessage(
- channelName,
- JSON.stringify({
- type: 'TransmitChatMessage',
- avatarID: MyAvatar.sessionUUID,
- displayName: chatName,
- message: message,
- data: data
- }));
- }
- // Show the speech bubble.
- function popUpSpeechBubble(message, data) {
- //print("popUpSpeechBubble", message, data);
- popDownSpeechBubble();
- speechBubbleShowing = true;
- speechBubbleMessage = message;
- speechBubbleData = data;
- updateSpeechBubble();
- if (speechBubbleDuration > 0) {
- speechBubbleTimer = Script.setTimeout(
- function () {
- popDownSpeechBubble();
- },
- speechBubbleDuration * 1000);
- }
- }
- // Update the speech bubble.
- // This is factored out so we can update an existing speech bubble if any settings change.
- function updateSpeechBubble() {
- if (!speechBubbleShowing) {
- return;
- }
- var jointIndex = MyAvatar.getJointIndex(speechBubbleJointName);
- var dimensions = {
- x: 100.0,
- y: 100.0,
- z: 0.1
- };
- speechBubbleParams = {
- type: "Text",
- lifetime: speechBubbleDuration,
- parentID: MyAvatar.sessionUUID,
- jointIndex: jointIndex,
- dimensions: dimensions,
- lineHeight: speechBubbleLineHeight,
- leftMargin: 0,
- topMargin: 0,
- rightMargin: 0,
- bottomMargin: 0,
- faceCamera: true,
- drawInFront: true,
- ignoreRayIntersection: true,
- text: speechBubbleMessage,
- textColor: speechBubbleTextColor,
- color: speechBubbleTextColor,
- backgroundColor: speechBubbleBackgroundColor
- };
- // Only overlay text3d has a way to measure the text, not entities.
- // So we make a temporary one just for measuring text, then delete it.
- var speechBubbleTextOverlayID = Overlays.addOverlay("text3d", speechBubbleParams);
- var textSize = Overlays.textSize(speechBubbleTextOverlayID, speechBubbleMessage);
- try {
- Overlays.deleteOverlay(speechBubbleTextOverlayID);
- } catch (e) {}
- //print("updateSpeechBubble:", "speechBubbleMessage", speechBubbleMessage, "textSize", textSize.width, textSize.height);
- var fudge = 0.02;
- var width = textSize.width + fudge;
- var height = speechBubbleLineHeight + fudge;
- if (textSize.width >= SPEECH_BUBBLE_MAX_WIDTH) {
- var numLines = Math.ceil(width);
- height = speechBubbleLineHeight * numLines + fudge;
- }
- dimensions = {
- x: width,
- y: height,
- z: 0.1
- };
- speechBubbleParams.dimensions = dimensions;
- var headRotation =
- Quat.multiply(
- MyAvatar.orientation,
- MyAvatar.getAbsoluteJointRotationInObjectFrame(jointIndex));
- var headPosition =
- Vec3.sum(
- MyAvatar.position,
- Vec3.multiplyQbyV(
- MyAvatar.orientation,
- MyAvatar.getAbsoluteJointTranslationInObjectFrame(jointIndex)));
- var rotatedOffset =
- Vec3.multiplyQbyV(
- headRotation,
- speechBubbleOffset);
- var position =
- Vec3.sum(
- headPosition,
- rotatedOffset);
- position.y += height / 2; // offset based on half of bubble height
- speechBubbleParams.position = position;
- if (!speechBubbleTextID) {
- speechBubbleTextID =
- Entities.addEntity(speechBubbleParams, true);
- } else {
- Entities.editEntity(speechBubbleTextID, speechBubbleParams);
- }
- //print("speechBubbleTextID:", speechBubbleTextID, "speechBubbleParams", JSON.stringify(speechBubbleParams));
- }
- // Hide the speech bubble.
- function popDownSpeechBubble() {
- cancelSpeechBubbleTimer();
- speechBubbleShowing = false;
- //print("popDownSpeechBubble speechBubbleTextID", speechBubbleTextID);
- if (speechBubbleTextID) {
- try {
- Entities.deleteEntity(speechBubbleTextID);
- } catch (e) {}
- speechBubbleTextID = null;
- }
- }
- // Cancel the speech bubble popup timer.
- function cancelSpeechBubbleTimer() {
- if (speechBubbleTimer) {
- Script.clearTimeout(speechBubbleTimer);
- speechBubbleTimer = null;
- }
- }
- // Show the tablet web page and connect the web handler.
- function showTabletWebPage() {
- var url = Script.resolvePath(webPageURL);
- if (randomizeWebPageURL) {
- url += '?rand=' + Math.random();
- }
- lastWebPageURL = url;
- onChatPage = true;
- tablet.gotoWebScreen(lastWebPageURL);
- // Connect immediately so we don't miss anything.
- connectWebHandler();
- }
- // Update the tablet web page with the chat log.
- function updateChatPage() {
- if (!onChatPage) {
- return;
- }
- tablet.emitScriptEvent(
- JSON.stringify({
- type: "Update",
- chatLog: chatLog
- }));
- }
- function onChatMessageReceived(channel, message, senderID) {
- // Ignore messages to any other channel than mine.
- if (channel != channelName) {
- return;
- }
- // Parse the message and pull out the message parameters.
- var messageData = JSON.parse(message);
- var messageType = messageData.type;
- //print("MESSAGE", message);
- //print("MESSAGEDATA", messageData, JSON.stringify(messageData));
- switch (messageType) {
- case 'TransmitChatMessage':
- handleTransmitChatMessage(messageData.avatarID, messageData.displayName, messageData.message,;
- break;
- case 'AvatarBeginTyping':
- handleAvatarBeginTyping(messageData.avatarID, messageData.displayName);
- break;
- case 'AvatarEndTyping':
- handleAvatarEndTyping(messageData.avatarID, messageData.displayName);
- break;
- case 'Who':
- handleWho(messageData.myAvatarID);
- break;
- case 'ReplyWho':
- handleReplyWho(messageData.myAvatarID, messageData.avatarID, messageData.displayName, messageData.message,;
- break;
- default:
- print("onChatMessageReceived: unknown messageType", messageType, "message", message);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Handle events from the tablet web page.
- function onWebEventReceived(event) {
- if (!onChatPage) {
- return;
- }
- //print("onWebEventReceived: event", event);
- var eventData = JSON.parse(event);
- var eventType = eventData.type;
- switch (eventType) {
- case 'Ready':
- updateChatPage();
- break;
- case 'Update':
- updateChatPage();
- break;
- case 'HandleChatMessage':
- var message = eventData.message;
- var data =;
- //print("onWebEventReceived: HandleChatMessage:", 'message', message, 'data', data);
- handleChatMessage(message, data);
- break;
- case 'PopDownSpeechBubble':
- popDownSpeechBubble();
- break;
- case 'EmptyChatMessage':
- emptyChatMessage();
- break;
- case 'Type':
- type();
- break;
- case 'BeginTyping':
- beginTyping();
- break;
- case 'EndTyping':
- endTyping();
- break;
- case 'IdentifyAvatar':
- identifyAvatar(eventData.avatarID);
- break;
- case 'UnidentifyAvatar':
- unidentifyAvatar(eventData.avatarID);
- break;
- case 'FaceAvatar':
- faceAvatar(eventData.avatarID, eventData.displayName);
- break;
- case 'ClearChatLog':
- clearChatLog();
- break;
- case 'Who':
- transmitWho();
- break;
- case 'Bigger':
- biggerSize();
- break;
- case 'Smaller':
- smallerSize();
- break;
- case 'Normal':
- normalSize();
- break;
- default:
- print("onWebEventReceived: unexpected eventType", eventType);
- break;
- }
- }
- function onScreenChanged(type, url) {
- //print("onScreenChanged", "type", type, "url", url, "lastWebPageURL", lastWebPageURL);
- if ((type === "Web") &&
- (url === lastWebPageURL)) {
- if (!onChatPage) {
- onChatPage = true;
- connectWebHandler();
- }
- } else {
- if (onChatPage) {
- onChatPage = false;
- disconnectWebHandler();
- }
- }
- }
- function connectWebHandler() {
- if (webHandlerConnected) {
- return;
- }
- try {
- tablet.webEventReceived.connect(onWebEventReceived);
- } catch (e) {
- print("connectWebHandler: error connecting: " + e);
- return;
- }
- webHandlerConnected = true;
- //print("connectWebHandler connected");
- updateChatPage();
- }
- function disconnectWebHandler() {
- if (!webHandlerConnected) {
- return;
- }
- try {
- tablet.webEventReceived.disconnect(onWebEventReceived);
- } catch (e) {
- print("disconnectWebHandler: error disconnecting web handler: " + e);
- return;
- }
- webHandlerConnected = false;
- //print("disconnectWebHandler: disconnected");
- }
- // Show the tablet web page when the chat button on the tablet is clicked.
- function onTabletButtonClicked() {
- showTabletWebPage();
- }
- // Shut down the chat application when the tablet button is destroyed.
- function onTabletButtonDestroyed() {
- shutDown();
- }
- // Start up the chat application.
- function startUp() {
- //print("startUp");
- loadSettings();
- tabletButton = tablet.addButton({
- icon: tabletButtonIcon,
- activeIcon: tabletButtonActiveIcon,
- text: tabletButtonName
- });
- Messages.subscribe(channelName);
- tablet.screenChanged.connect(onScreenChanged);
- Messages.messageReceived.connect(onChatMessageReceived);
- tabletButton.clicked.connect(onTabletButtonClicked);
- Script.scriptEnding.connect(onTabletButtonDestroyed);
- logMessage('Type "/?" or "/help" for help with chat.', null);
- //print("Added chat button to tablet.");
- }
- // Shut down the chat application.
- function shutDown() {
- //print("shutDown");
- popDownSpeechBubble();
- unidentifyAvatars();
- disconnectWebHandler();
- if (onChatPage) {
- tablet.gotoHomeScreen();
- onChatPage = false;
- }
- tablet.screenChanged.disconnect(onScreenChanged);
- Messages.messageReceived.disconnect(onChatMessageReceived);
- // Clean up the tablet button we made.
- tabletButton.clicked.disconnect(onTabletButtonClicked);
- tablet.removeButton(tabletButton);
- tabletButton = null;
- //print("Removed chat button from tablet.");
- }
- // Kick off the chat application!
- startUp();
- }());
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