
The Predator Hunters And Hunted 75

Dec 3rd, 2023
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  1. "It was while he was fighting to regain control of the bird that the skies behind him suddenly lit up with the most violent explosion he'd ever seen. "Holy shit!" Night became day. He'd heard the statement before, and understood the notion, but for a few seconds it became reality. The light was so bright that he was nearly blinded. A loud squawk of feedback came over his radio and did its best to deafen him. A moment later the copter shuddered and jerked as a massive wind hit it hard enough to send him into a spin. He pulled out, but just barely, and headed back for the base."pg.297 chpt.30
  3. "The explosion that took out the fairground destroyed a small portion of Deer Water Springs, Florida, as well. According to Miguel Rodriguez, the Predator's control gauntlet had been damaged. There was a spear stuck through it. It must have still done its job, though. That was a blessing. A damned fine blessing. The explosion was big, but small enough that they could conceal it and say that the local levee had failed, leading to the floods that wiped out part of the town and the surrounding area. All thanks to a screw-up on the part of the Corps of Engineers at least that was what the press was told. And it was true. The levee had broken. A good cover-up was essential in their line of business. Maybe he was happy after all."pg.299 chpt.30
Tags: Predator
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