
Pokemon Satisfaction Survey.

Jun 12th, 2019
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  1. I came up with a survey to gauge your satisfaction with the series, if anyone would like to humor me::
  3. for each question beyond this, answer the question, then mark on a scale of 1 to 5 of how much you've thought of this question before, 1 being very little/not at all and 5 being very frequently (in square brackets for easy formatting). if you don't know, then put 1:
  4. example:
  5. - choose a number from 1 to 5
  6. 2 [1]
  8. - when did you first become a pokemon fan/how long have you been a pokemon fan for?
  9. - on a scale of 1 to 5, how invested are you in pokemon? this means actively following or basing hobbies around pokemon, which extends beyond playing the games casually
  10. - on a scale of 1 to 5, how critical are you of game freak and pokemon?
  11. - which pokemon games have you bought upon release, starting from when you were first introduced to pokemon?
  12. - for each game you bought upon release, mark each game from 1 to 10, 1 representing extreme reluctance towards buying it, and 10 representing extreme excitement towards buying it, 5 being the middle.
  13. - alternatively, for each game you bought upon release, mark each game from 1 to 5, representing your expectations towards the game
  14. - for each game you bought upon release, rate each game from 1 to 10
  15. - alternatively, for each game you bought upon release, state one of the following:
  16. - this game greatly succeeded my expectations
  17. - this game succeeded my expectations
  18. - this game met my expectations
  19. - this game was worse than my expectations
  20. - this game was severely worse than my expectations
  22. - do you think these are unnecessary/useless questions?
  23. - not at all
  24. - no opinion/don't know
  25. - don't care
  26. - very unnecessary ("why are you asking so many questions")
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