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- with open('1.txt') as f:
- text =
- # split header row from data rows; discard garbage rows
- cols = text[3].split('|')
- data = text[5:]
- # create df
- df = pd.Series(data).str.split('|', expand=True).rename(columns=dict(enumerate(cols))).iloc[:-2, 1:]
- # remove leading/trailing whitespace
- df = df.apply(lambda s: s.str.strip(), axis=1)
- df.columns = df.columns.str.strip()
- columns =['Order Qty (SL)','Confirmed Qty (SL)','Unconfirmed Qty (SL)','Cancelled Qty (SL)','Open Qty (SL)','Reserved Qty (SL)',
- 'Fixed Qty (SL)','% Allocation (SL)','Delivered Qty (SL)','PGI Qty (SL)','Invoiced Qty (SL)',
- 'Net Unit Price','Confirmed Net Value (SL)','Dollars Shipped (SL)','% Shipped/Allocated (SL)']
- df[columns] = df[columns].replace(',', '', regex=True).apply(pd.to_numeric) / 1000
- ###-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # df_weekly = pd.read_csv('weekly.csv')
- df_mpim = pd.read_excel('MPIM Product Master.xlsx', sheet_name='OutputA')
- df_rejection = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(directory,'Rejection.xlsx'))
- col_names_ama =['PC9','Account Seasonality']
- # col_names_dock = ['Materials', 'Amazon seasonality']
- df_ros = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(directory,'Amazon Seasonality.xlsx'),usecols=col_names_ama)
- df_dock =pd.read_excel(os.path.join(directory,'Dock seasonality.xlsx'))
- df_dock = df_dock.drop(df_dock.columns[0], axis=1)
- print('1 Done')
- # rename columns for pd.merge
- df.rename(columns={'Material': 'PC9'}, inplace=True)
- # df_ros.rename(columns={'Colorway Code' : 'PC9'}, inplace=True) not applied anymore in new file
- df_ros.rename(columns={'Account Seasonality':'Seasonality'}, inplace=True)
- df.rename(columns={'Rej.Reason (SL)': 'Cancellation Code'}, inplace=True)
- df_dock.rename(columns={'Materials': 'PC9'}, inplace =True)
- df_dock.rename(columns={'Amazon seasonality':'Seasonality'}, inplace =True)
- print('2 Done')
- #Add columns
- df_ros['Division']='10'
- df_dock['Division']='20'
- df_all = pd.concat([df_ros,df_dock])
- print('3 Done')
- df1 = pd.merge(df, df_mpim[['PC9','Gender','Category', 'Product Description']], on='PC9', how='left')
- df2= pd.merge(df1,df_all[['PC9','Seasonality']], on='PC9', how='left')
- print(len(df2))
- df2.to_csv(directory +'check.csv', index=False, header=True)
- df3 = pd.merge(df2, df_rejection[['Cancellation Code', 'Description']], on='Cancellation Code',
- how='left')
- df3['Seasonality']=df3['Seasonality'].replace(np.nan,'NIS')
- print('4 done')
- # rename back columns
- df3.rename(columns={'PC9': 'Material',
- 'Product Description': 'Product Name',
- 'Seasonality' : 'Amazon Seasonality',
- 'Description': 'Rej.Reason description',
- 'Cancellation Code':'Rej.Reason (SL)'}, inplace =True)
- df3.to_csv(directory + '3Weekly.csv', index=False, header= True)
- print("Finished VL1")
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