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- 'Base64 1.4:
- Option Public
- Option Explicit
- %REM
- This set of functions will allow you to encode and decode strings and files
- in Base64 format. The implementation is all in LotusScript, and requires no
- external DLLs or tricks. It was written and tested in R5, but it should be
- backwards compatible to at least 4.6
- This is the 1.4 "release" of the functions, from December 28, 2002.
- The code was originally written by Julian Robichaux, and is maintained
- by him on the website.
- Release History:
- 1.4 (Dec 28, 2002)
- -- fixed TrimBytesFromFile function to properly handle writing odd numbers
- of bytes to a new file (thanks to Peter Leugner at
- 1.3 (Dec 26, 2002)
- -- Modified DecodeFile function to properly handle the line terminators
- that the Print statement adds
- -- Fixed GetFileChunk function to properly read the last byte in a file
- 1.2 (Dec 17, 2002)
- -- Added functions for encrypting and decrypting entire files
- 1.1 (Nov 5, 2002)
- -- Fixed typo/error in EncodeBase64 function
- 1.0 (Nov 1, 2002)
- -- Initial release
- '** the characters used to encode in Base64, in order of appearance
- Const b64chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
- Sub Initialize
- '** examples of using the Base64 functions in this agent
- Dim eString As String, dString As String
- Dim isOkay As Integer
- eString = "QUJDREVGRw==" '** ABCDEFG
- dString = DecodeBase64(eString)
- isOkay = IsBase64(eString)
- eString = EncodeBase64("AbCdEfG" & Chr(0) & "123")
- eString = BreakString(eString, 5)
- dString = DecodeBase64(eString)
- isOkay = IsBase64(RemoveWhitespace(eString))
- isOkay = IsBase64(dString)
- isOkay = EncodeFile("C:\Autoexec.bat", "C:\Autoexec.enc")
- isOkay = DecodeFile("C:\Autoexec.enc", "C:\Autoexec.dec")
- End Sub
- Function DecodeBase64 (Byval encText As String) As String
- '** This function will decode a Base64 string. It's probably a good
- '** idea to check the validity of the string with the IsBase64 function
- '** prior to processing it, to avoid strange errors.
- '** by Julian Robichaux --
- On Error Goto endOfFunction
- Dim encNum As Long
- Dim decText As String
- Dim i As Integer
- '** remove any line termination characters and whitespace first
- encText = RemoveWhitespace(encText)
- For i = 1 To Len(encText) Step 4
- '** convert the next 2 of 4 characters to a number we can decode
- encNum = (Instr(b64chars, Mid$(encText, i, 1)) - 1) * (2 ^ 18)
- encNum = encNum Or ((Instr(b64chars, Mid$(encText, i+1, 1)) - 1) * (2 ^ 12))
- '** deal with trailing '='
- If (Mid$(encText, i+2, 1) = "=") Then
- decText = decText & Chr(Fix(encNum / (2 ^ 16)) And &HFF)
- Elseif (Mid$(encText, i+3, 1) = "=") Then
- encNum = encNum Or ((Instr(b64chars, Mid$(encText, i+2, 1)) - 1) * (2 ^ 6))
- decText = decText & Chr(Fix(encNum / (2 ^ 16)) And &HFF)
- decText = decText & Chr(Fix(encNum / (2 ^ 8)) And &HFF)
- Else
- encNum = encNum Or ((Instr(b64chars, Mid$(encText, i+2, 1)) - 1) * (2 ^ 6))
- encNum = encNum Or (Instr(b64chars, Mid$(encText, i+3, 1)) - 1)
- decText = decText & Chr(Fix(encNum / (2 ^ 16)) And &HFF)
- decText = decText & Chr(Fix(encNum / (2 ^ 8)) And &HFF)
- decText = decText & Chr(encNum And &HFF)
- End If
- Next
- endOfFunction:
- DecodeBase64 = decText
- Exit Function
- End Function
- Function EncodeBase64 (decText As String) As String
- '** This function will Base64 encode a string. The string doesn't have to
- '** be text-only, either. You can also encode strings of non-ASCII data,
- '** like the contents of a binary file. If you're encoding a whole file,
- '** make sure you break the contents into lengths divisible by three, so
- '** you can concatenate them together properly.
- '** by Julian Robichaux --
- On Error Goto endOfFunction
- Dim decNum As Long
- Dim encText As String
- Dim chunk As String
- Dim i As Integer
- For i = 1 To Len(decText) Step 3
- '** pad the 3-character string with Chr(0), if need be
- chunk = Left$(Mid$(decText, i, 3) & Chr(0) & Chr(0), 3)
- '** get the number we'll use for encoding
- decNum = Asc(Mid$(chunk, 1, 1)) * (2 ^ 16)
- decNum = decNum Or Asc(Mid$(chunk, 2, 1)) * (2 ^ 8)
- decNum = decNum Or Asc(Mid$(chunk, 3, 1))
- '** calculate the first 2 of 4 encoded characters
- encText = encText & Mid$(b64chars, (Fix(decNum / (2 ^ 18)) And &H3F) + 1, 1)
- encText = encText & Mid$(b64chars, (Fix(decNum / (2 ^ 12)) And &H3F) + 1, 1)
- '** pad with '=' as necessary when we reach the end of the string
- Select Case ( Len(decText) - i )
- Case 0 :
- encText = encText & "=="
- Case 1 :
- encText = encText & Mid$(b64chars, (Fix(decNum / (2 ^ 6)) And &H3F) + 1, 1)
- encText = encText & "="
- Case Else :
- encText = encText & Mid$(b64chars, (Fix(decNum / (2 ^ 6)) And &H3F) + 1, 1)
- encText = encText & Mid$(b64chars, (decNum And &H3F) + 1, 1)
- End Select
- Next
- endOfFunction:
- EncodeBase64 = encText
- Exit Function
- End Function
- Function IsBase64 (someString As String) As Integer
- '** check to see if the string is a well-formed Base64 string
- Dim legalString As String
- Dim i As Integer
- IsBase64 = False
- legalString = b64chars & "="
- '** check for bad string length (must be a multiple of 4)
- If (Len(someString) Mod 4 > 0) Then
- Exit Function
- End If
- '** check for illegal characters
- For i = 1 To Len(someString)
- If (Instr(legalString, Mid$(someString, i, 1)) = 0) Then
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next
- '** make sure any '=' are only at the end
- Select Case (Instr(someString, "="))
- Case 0 :
- '** no equals signs is okay
- Case Is < (Len(someString) - 1) :
- Exit Function
- Case (Len(someString) - 1) :
- If (Right$(someString, 1) <> "=") Then
- Exit Function
- End If
- End Select
- '** if we made it through all the conditions, then the string looks good
- IsBase64 = True
- End Function
- Function BreakString (text As String, lineLength As Integer) As String
- '** add line terminators to a string at the given interval
- Dim newText As String
- Dim lineTerm As String
- Dim i As Integer
- lineTerm = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
- For i = 1 To Len(text) Step lineLength
- newText = newText & Mid$(text, i, lineLength) & lineTerm
- Next
- newText = Left$(newText, Len(newText) - Len(lineTerm))
- BreakString = newText
- End Function
- Function RemoveWhitespace (Byval text As String) As String
- '** remove line terminators, spaces, and tabs from a string
- Call ReplaceSubstring(text, Chr(13), "")
- Call ReplaceSubstring(text, Chr(10), "")
- Call ReplaceSubstring(text, Chr(9), "")
- Call ReplaceSubstring(text, " ", "")
- RemoveWhitespace = text
- End Function
- Function ReplaceSubstring (text As String, find As String, replace As String)
- Dim pos As Integer
- pos = Instr(text, find)
- Do While (pos > 0)
- text = Left$(text, pos - 1) & replace & Mid$(text, pos + Len(find))
- pos = Instr(pos + Len(replace), text, find)
- Loop
- End Function
- Function EncodeFile (fileIn As String, fileOut As String) As Integer
- '** Base64 encode an entire file (fileIn) and write the output to
- '** another file (fileOut). We're writing the output to another file
- '** because there's a possibility that the output will be larger than
- '** 32,000 characters, which would overflow an output String.
- On Error Goto processError
- Dim fin As Integer, fout As Integer
- Dim finOpen As Integer, foutOpen As Integer
- Dim datain As String, dataout As String
- Dim worktext As String, leftover As String
- Const CHUNKSIZE = 15000
- '** open the files for input/output (if there are any errors here,
- '** we'll exit in the processError section at the bottom)
- fin = Freefile()
- Open fileIn For Input As fin
- finOpen = True
- fout = Freefile
- Open fileOut For Output As fout
- foutOpen = True
- '** start getting data from the input file, encoding it, and sending it
- '** to the output file
- datain = GetFileChunk(fin, CHUNKSIZE)
- Do While (Len(datain) > 0)
- '** encode in groups of 57 characters, which will give us output
- '** in lines of 76 characters (fairly standard)
- leftover = leftover & datain
- While (Len(leftover) > 57)
- worktext = Left$(leftover, 57)
- leftover = Mid$(leftover, 58)
- dataout = EncodeBase64(worktext)
- Print #fout, dataout
- Wend
- datain = GetFileChunk(fin, CHUNKSIZE)
- Loop
- '** encode anything we had left, and close the files
- If (Len(leftover) > 0) Then
- Print #fout, EncodeBase64(leftover)
- End If
- Close #fin, #fout
- EncodeFile = True
- Exit Function
- processError:
- If (finOpen) Then Close #fin
- If (foutOpen) Then Close #fout
- EncodeFile = False
- Exit Function
- End Function
- Function DecodeFile (fileIn As String, fileOut As String) As Integer
- '** Base64 decode an entire file (fileIn) and write the output to
- '** another file (fileOut). We're writing the output to another file
- '** because there's a possibility that the output will be larger than
- '** 32,000 characters, which would overflow an output String.
- On Error Goto processError
- Dim fin As Integer, fout As Integer
- Dim finOpen As Integer, foutOpen As Integer
- Dim datain As String, dataout As String
- Dim worktext As String, leftover As String
- Const CHUNKSIZE = 16000
- '** figure out how long the line terminator character is
- Dim session As New NotesSession
- Dim lineTermLen As Integer
- If (Instr(session.Platform, "Windows") > 0) Then
- lineTermLen = 2
- Else
- lineTermLen = 1
- End If
- '** open the files for input/output (if there are any errors here,
- '** we'll exit in the processError section at the bottom)
- fin = Freefile()
- Open fileIn For Input As fin
- finOpen = True
- fout = Freefile
- Open fileOut For Output As fout
- foutOpen = True
- '** start getting data from the input file, encoding it, and sending it
- '** to the temporary output file
- datain = GetFileChunk(fin, CHUNKSIZE)
- Do While (Len(datain) > 0)
- datain = RemoveWhitespace(datain)
- '** make sure we're decoding in groups of characters
- '** that are multiples of 4
- leftover = leftover & datain
- worktext = Left$(leftover, Len(leftover) - (Len(leftover) Mod 4))
- leftover = Right$(leftover, Len(leftover) Mod 4)
- dataout = DecodeBase64(worktext)
- Print #fout, dataout
- '** adjust the cursor position so we overwrite the line terminator that's
- '** automatically been appended to the end of the line by Print
- Seek #fout, Seek(fout) - lineTermLen
- datain = GetFileChunk(fin, CHUNKSIZE)
- Loop
- '** decode anything we had left, and close the files
- If (Len(leftover) > 0) Then
- Print #fout, leftover
- End If
- Close #fin, #fout
- finOpen = False
- foutOpen = False
- '** okay, so here's the problem: the Print statement automatically appends
- '** a line terminator to the end of all the lines it printed. We accounted for
- '** this while we were writing to the output file in the Do While loop, but
- '** there's going to be an extra line terminator at the end of the file that we
- '** couldn't do anything about. So we'll need to copy all but the last one or
- '** two bytes (depending on the length of the line terminator on this platform)
- '** from the temporary output file to the output file that the user wants using
- '** Get and Put commands. We couldn't use Put before because when Put
- '** writes a text string to a file, it always writes the Unicode version of the
- '** string, which isn't what we wanted (try it sometime and see how it looks...)
- '** The TrimBytesFromFile function will take care of the problem.
- Call TrimBytesFromFile(fileOut, lineTermLen)
- DecodeFile = True
- Exit Function
- processError:
- If (finOpen) Then Close #fin
- If (foutOpen) Then Close #fout
- DecodeFile = False
- Exit Function
- End Function
- Function GetFileChunk (fileNum As Integer, size As Integer) As String
- '** get the next chunk of text from a Random file, up to a given size
- On Error Goto processError
- Dim dataLength As Long
- dataLength = Lof(fileNum) - Seek(fileNum) + 1
- Select Case (dataLength)
- Case Is <= 0
- GetFileChunk = ""
- Case Is > size
- GetFileChunk = Input$(size, fileNum)
- Case Else
- GetFileChunk = Input$(Cint(dataLength), fileNum)
- End Select
- Exit Function
- processError:
- GetFileChunk = ""
- Exit Function
- End Function
- Function TrimBytesFromFile (fileName As String, bytesToTrim As Integer)
- '** trim the specified number of bytes from the end of the specified
- '** file by copying the file contents to a temporary file using Get and
- '** Put, and then deleting the specified file and replacing it with
- '** the temporary file
- On Error Goto processError
- Dim tempFileName As String
- Dim fin As Integer, fout As Integer
- Dim finOpen As Integer, foutOpen As Integer
- Dim dataLength As Long
- Dim lineLength As Integer
- Dim data As String
- Dim dataInt As Integer
- Const CHUNKSIZE = 15000
- tempFileName = fileName & ".tmp"
- fin = Freefile()
- Open fileName For Binary As fin
- finOpen = True
- fout = Freefile()
- Open tempFileName For Binary As fout
- foutOpen = True
- '** this works almost exactly like the GetFileChunk function, subtracting
- '** bytesToTrim when we reach the last "chunk" of the file
- dataLength = Lof(fin) - Seek(fin) + 1 - bytesToTrim
- Do While (dataLength > 1)
- If (dataLength > CHUNKSIZE) Then
- lineLength = CHUNKSIZE
- Else
- lineLength = Cint(dataLength)
- End If
- '** a LotusScript string is actually 2 bytes per character, so we only
- '** want to get a string that's half the length of the number of bytes
- '** that we need
- data = Space$(Fix(lineLength / 2))
- Get #fin, , data
- Put #fout, , data
- dataLength = Lof(fin) - Seek(fin) + 1 - bytesToTrim
- Loop
- '** if there's only one more byte to read, we need to back up one byte
- '** because there are no one-byte data types in LotusScript prior to R6,
- '** so we're always writing an even number of bytes at a time
- If (dataLength = 1) Then
- Seek #fin, Seek(fin) - 1
- Seek #fout, Seek(fout) - 1
- Get #fin, , dataInt
- Put #fout, , dataInt
- End If
- Close #fin, #fout
- finOpen = False
- foutOpen = False
- '** once all the files are closed, delete the original file and rename the
- '** temporary file so it becomes the original
- Kill fileName
- Name tempFileName As fileName
- Exit Function
- processError:
- If (finOpen) Then Close #fin
- If (foutOpen) Then Close #fout
- Exit Function
- End Function
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