
Ovid Hair Toss

May 19th, 2023
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  1. Across the height of heaven there runs a road,
  2. Clear when the night is bare, the Milky Way,
  3. Famed for its sheen of white. Along this way
  4. Come the immortals to the royal halls
  5. Of the great Thunderer; on either hand
  6. The mansions of the aristocracy
  7. Are thronged, their doors flung wide; the common sort
  8. Live in the scattered suburbs; here reside
  9. The great and famous; this majestic place
  10. (To speak so bold) is heaven’s Palatine.
  11. So in the marble council-chamber sat
  12. The gods; and Jupiter above them throned,
  13. Leaning upon his ivory sceptre, tossed
  14. From side to side his fearsome locks, and shook
  15. Ocean and earth and all the starry sky,
  16. And thus in wrath and indignation spoke:
  17. ‘Never felt I more anxious for the world,
  18. My realm, not when the serpent-footed giants
  19. Strove each to grapple in his hundred arms
  20. The captive sky. Fierce was that foe indeed,
  21. Yet war hung on one front, sprang from one source;
  22. But now throughout the whole great orb whose shores
  23. Resound with Ocean’s roar the mortal race
  24. Must be destroyed. By that dark stream I swear,
  25. That glides below the world through glades of Hell,
  26. All has been tried and, when no cure avails,
  27. Rightly the knife is used lest the disease
  28. Spread and infection draw what still is sound.
  31. - Ovid, Metamorphoses, Book 1
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